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Real Time Update on Coronavirus Outbreak in Iran

Are you ready to fight this outbreak of coronavirus?

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that was funny ohhhhh come on:lol::lol::lol:

Scoop: Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu shared with his cabinet a video he claimed was evidence of Iran concealing coronavirus deaths by dropping bodies in garbage dumps. Hours later, his office realized it was actually a clip from a 2007 Hallmark mini-series

Iran Offers Its Neighbors Underutilized Coronavirus Testing Kits


A top government scientist said Iran’s producing enough reliable coronavirus test kits to be able to help out neighboring countries.

Alireza Biglari, the head of the Pasteur Institute of Iran, said the molecular diagnostic kits have been approved by the World Health Organization and have an accuracy of 90% if used properly, state-run Islamic Republic News Agency reported.


Regional countries request Iranian coronavirus diagnostic test kits

I saw a proposal by an Indian Doctor in the US that made a lots of sense...He said first flatten the infection curve and when that is done (I think Iran is close to this point) ..do a mass testing of every one...identify the infected and isolate them (enforceable self isolation) and then the rest of the people can come out and live normal....I thought that is a good end plan for this..!

I don't think that is as easy as you said but in total it's a good approach but to flatten the infection curve we do need to increase testing beside we gotta test every travelers into the country too and put them under quarantine ... the virus is gonna be out there for a while and till all countries don't take proper measure to control it we could see it rise again for example Hong Kong managed to control it but it raised again:

Hong Kong recorded what is by far its biggest daily jump in coronavirus cases on Friday—the latest in a new phase of infected travelers, many of whom are returning to the city from Europe, the United States and Southeast Asia.

The city is not alone in facing the increasing threat of imported cases. Taiwan, which also saw a daily record increase in the number of new cases, reported 27 additional infections on Friday—most of which are travel-related. In Singapore, 24 out of 32 newly infected patients had a history of travel to Southeast Asia, Europe and North America.

All three places managed to fend off the first wave of the coronavirus outbreak, when it was spreading across mainland China—despite having close economic ties and a large number of travelers from the mainland.

The new wave is crashing across the region as the number of officially reported new cases in the mainland has dropped to just a handful. On Thursday, Chinese officials reported zero new domestic coronavirus infections.

In Hong Kong, 36 of the 48 COVID-19 cases reported Friday had overseas travel records, Dr. Chuang Shuk-kwan, head of the communicable disease branch of Hong Kong’s Centre for Health Protection, said during an afternoon press conference. The cases involve travel to over a dozen countries, including Singapore, the Philippines, Austria, Portugal, United Kingdom, Canada and the United States. The newly confirmed cases brings the total in Hong Kong to 256.

Among the infected is a four-year-old girl whose father is believed to have contracted the virus during a trip to London. A taxi driver who did not travel abroad recently, but takes one or two trips to and from the airport daily, has also been diagnosed with the coronavirus.​

Probably have to have approval before accepting such kits. With all the fake or unreliable kits going around, should understand. But thanks for the gesture. Iran could have used it on its own people instead of ours. Right now in our country people criticize Trump for sending medical equipment to China in January when it could have been for the U.S. But thats when cases were pretty low.
As Iranian poet Saadi Shirazi says:

Human beings are limbs of one body indeed;
For, they’re created of the same essence.
When one limb is afflicted with pain,
Other limbs will feel the bane.
He who has no sympathy for human suffering,
Is not worthy of being called a human being.

Iranian Kits have approval of WHO and are being used within Iran with 90% reliability .. on the other hand USA is a big industrial scientific country I pretty sure you are gonna produce enough of all these needed stuff in short time for example there are reports that Ford has produced 325k face shields in 3 days & is gonna increase its production to 1 million in 4 days ...
Corona has done more damage to the U.S than Iran could ever do. Nearly 1000 dead/day. If they had such military loses, they'd withdraw within a few weeks
To think all a guy had to do was eat a bat to take down the American empire...

And West complains that Chinese nation is all about copying and pasting military technology. Who said Chinese are not creative when it comes to bringing down its enemies. Only collateral damage from this chinese bioweapon were many potentialy unwiped asses due to lack of toilet paper. Sun Tzu would turn himself in grave like a propeller if he had a chance to see what a fellow brethren has done with some boiled water, salt, maybe pepper and a nice fresh looking bat from the nearby local market.
I saw a proposal by an Indian Doctor in the US that made a lots of sense...He said first flatten the infection curve and when that is done (I think Iran is close to this point) ..do a mass testing of every one...identify the infected and isolate them (enforceable self isolation) and then the rest of the people can come out and live normal....I thought that is a good end plan for this..!
That is what Germany is doing
Corona has done more damage to the U.S than Iran could ever do. Nearly 1000 dead/day. If they had such military loses, they'd withdraw within a few weeks
This only goes to show importance of biological weapons....Because of this pandemy, global economy collapses and multi-trillion dollar damage is done to the world.

Iran should work on bioweapons and use them as deterrence.....bioweapons can be more useful as deterrence than nukes.
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Some 18,000 Iranians Recover from COVID-19
IFP Editorial Staff
April 3, 2020 - 11:49

Iran’s Health Ministry says 17,935 patients have so far recovered from the COVID-19 and been discharged from the hospital.

Health Ministry Spokesman Kianoush Jahanpour said on Friday 2,715 new cases of coronavirus infections, including 134 new deaths, were confirmed in the country in the past 24 hours.

That brings to 53,183 the total number of infections. The death toll has also increased to 3,294.

According to Jahanpour, 4,035 patients are in severe conditions.
The Iranian official also underlined that up to now over 69 million Iranians have been screened by health centres as part of the national mobilization plan.

Over 31m Masks Produced or Imported Since Coronavirus Outbreak in Iran
IFP Editorial Staff
April 3, 2020 - 07:44

More than 31 million face masks have been produced or imported since the coronavirus first broke out in Iran.

Figures suggest that some 15.2 million three-layer and N95 masks have been produced and as many as 16.1 million have been imported since the disease began to spread.

Moreover, Rls. 1.36 trillion has been earmarked so far by major companies for the procurement of items and supplies related to the treatment of the coronavirus and containing its spread. Furthermore, some 9 million three-layer masks as well as 2.3 million N95 masks have been provided and donated to the National Coronavirus Fight Headquarters to be distributed across all provinces.

Some 6.6 million Euros in foreign currency has also been provided to import the required medical items, and arrangements have been made to raise the figure to 30 million Euros.

Among other measures adopted has been to cut customs duties on imported masks and medical outfits, impose a temporary ban on the exports of raw material and end products related to equipment needed to fight the coronavirus, and communicate a special directive to relevant production companies instructing them to work in three shifts to produce hygienic items.

In the meantime, the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade has put on its agenda the procurement and distribution of people’s basic and urgently needed supplies in order to stabilize the market. Around 4 million tonnes of basic goods have now arrived at the customs and will be cleared as soon as the necessary foreign currency is provided by the Central Bank.

Three Iranian Teams Working on COVID-19 Vaccine: VP
IFP Editorial Staff
April 2, 2020 - 15:32

Iran’s Vice President for Science and Technology Sorena Sattari says three domestic teams are working separately on research into a coronavirus vaccine.

In a post on his Instagram account, Sattari said the three independent groups are conducting research to produce a vaccine for COVID-19.

Hundreds of clinical tests are being carried out in Iran every day, he added, noting that the country has now reached a point that has been able to control the coronavirus epidemic.

Highlighting the efforts that the local knowledge-based companies, academic centers, researchers and start-ups have been making day and night to supply the necessary items for the fight against the contagious disease, Sattari said Iran is now manufacturing the industrial machinery for producing masks, medical ventilators, ICU equipment, computed tomography (CT) scanners, coronavirus diagnostic test kits, and disinfectants.

“Now we have to get used to this new uninvited guest. This virus has become part of the lives of people all over the world and will remain with the people of the world forever,” Sattari noted, saying even after development of a vaccine for the novel coronavirus, the lifestyle and habits of people will change under the shadow of the disease.

The Iranian vice president explained that the new pandemic would result in the creation of new businesses and in the extinction of a series of others.

“There are ample opportunities for the youth who have new ideas for the improvement of quality of lives of people in the world under the coronavirus situation,” Sattari noted.

In remarks on Sunday, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani called for all-out efforts to develop a vaccine and medication for the novel coronavirus.

INSTEX Not Meeting Iran’s Needs in Fight against Corona: Official
IFP Editorial Staff
April 2, 2020 - 14:52

An Iranian official says the EU’s financial mechanism to facilitate trade with Iran known as INSTEX is not meeting the country’s needs to confront the Coronavirus.

Mohammad Asaie, Head of Documentation Committee to Fight Corona, said this channel will not meet the needs of the country to deal with coronavirus, stressing that sanctions should be lifted sooner with the help of international organisations.

Speaking at a video press conference on Thursday, Asaie also stated since the beginning of spread of the disease in the country, safety measures have been taken in the air and land border areas.

A large number of Pakistani and Afghan pilgrims from the eastern borders wanted to enter the country, but the Islamic Republic quarantined both sides of the border and started screening the passengers, he said.

“Both Pakistanis and Afghans visiting Iran were screened at the borders. Suspicious and positive cases were quarantined and others returned to their home country. When these people entered Afghanistan and Pakistan, they were also screened for 14 days.”

Asaie also added that Iran took this opportunity to collaborate with other countries and benefit from their experiences. He said articles and research papers on this process were gathered and given to faculty members at universities.

He said that protecting human resources and promoting them scientifically has been one of the most important issues for the health ministry, as the level of healthcare protection varies in the hospitals of each country.

“There are various mortality rates in each country, and no accurate death toll has been reported in any country. We didn’t have the proper prevention equipment in the first few weeks, but now proper shifting has helped a lot in protecting the health of the medical staff.”

Regarding the Social Distancing Plan he said it has been implemented in most countries. “This may have been implemented more vigorously in a country and with delay in another country. This is part of the WHO recommendation, such guidelines may vary at different times. We organise services based on the course of the disease and the symptoms the virus shows.”

Regarding the European countries health system, the rate of infection is very high and European countries may have been shocked.

“I’m not saying our health care system is better than European countries, but we can’t compare it with Italy. It must be noted that Iran’s primary health care system is much higher than some other countries.”

The adviser to the health minister said countries such as Singapore, South Korea and Japan have made good use of the primary health care system. In France and England, the primary health care system may be different. In the UK, people are also advised to stay home.

“In areas where there is no consistent coordination between the health sector and the referral system, we will certainly face challenges.”

ببینید | ویدئو مپینگ شهرداری تهران عکس روز گاردین شد
گاردین با انتشار تصویر ویدئو مپینگ شب گذشته برج آزادی که به همت شهرداری تهران اجرا شد به عنوان عکس روز نوشت: «برج آزادی با انتشار عکس پرچم کشورهایی که علیه کرونا ویروس می‌جنگند، روشن شد. این یک پیام تقدیر برای متخصصان حوزه بهداشت و درمان که سعی در جلوگیری از بیماری همه‌گیر در کشورها را دارند، بود»

To think all a guy had to do was eat
This only goes to show importance of biological weapons....Because of this pandemy, global economy collapses and multi-trillion dollar damage is done to the world.

Iran should work on bioweapons and use them as deterrence.....bioweapons can be more useful as deterrence than nukes.
As scary and immoral as it would be you do have a point..I have been thinking about that...Bioweapon issue must be considered and debated by Iran leaders..We can see how unprepared a country such as US is against such a device...that being said Iran has been threatened via nuclear bomb annihilation several times by the US...A "Samson Option" using bioweapon should be part of the Iranian arsenal (may be it is !!!).
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