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Readers' Opinion Comments about DAWN and TOI 's "AMAN KI ASHA".

balbir pasha


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Dec 30, 2009
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Ajayprakash ,Mumbai,says:If Pakistan really want friendship with INDIA,then please stop interfering in our business ,leave the topic of Kashmir and just carry on with your own stuff...we as a nation are not interested in any kind of friendship with you.
[3 Jan, 2010 1626hrs IST]

Siddhant,London, UK,says:just check the questionnaire on geo web site and response from TOI's beloved pakistan people and you will know that still more than half consider india as threat and they only think of Kashmir when someone says 'India'. funny isn't it funny that TOI is supporting this cause one-sided just as Vajpayee govt tried to forge ties with pakistan with Bus-Yatra etc and they responded with Kargil!!!
[3 Jan, 2010 1626hrs IST]

Naveen Kumar,Germany,says:Why there is so much fuss about having friendship with Pakistan? Did TOI got some money to keep publishing this **** out here. There are many other important news to cover, so better focused on them. We know we have to live with a rouge country as our neighbor, so we must get prepared for that. When your people keep dying, how can you talk about the peace? India has always been generous towards Pakistan but what it got in return; terrorism. Think about TOI and stop acting like a coward.
[3 Jan, 2010 1619hrs IST]

[3 Jan, 2010 1613hrs IST]

nassy,Mumbai,says: TOI am sure is being funded by ISI indirectly!!! TOI is the biggest traitor of them all. I feel ashamed of having been a TOI loyalist. Your subscriptions are going to fall TOI, for this fateful campaign which you are part of.
[3 Jan, 2010 1610hrs IST]

Chandra M Kaushal,Australia,says:Peace must always be given a chance but how many times?If we are incapable of defending ourself then please don't call it peace initiative. Dosti Insani jajba hey but you can not be friend with a Terrorist; Pakistan is a nation that promotes "Terrorism" as state policy. You can not trust a Terrorist for bringing peace to this world. Jai Hind.
[3 Jan, 2010 1604hrs IST]

Bharti,Hyderabad,says:We need our people back..... We Indian and Pakistani should understand that still we are being devided and ruled in the name of religion...Please understand our potential..If we unite, we can become next europ, but they want us to be...and now a lot of are at stake for west,,,and they will never allow us to be one.. And they are many in our system who were and are agents of those powere...We need to deroot them.. Many are in IAS and IPS, and many are in media and many are in politics and they are cancer for our development.. India is very fortunate to have two greatest civilazation togather Islam and Hinduism and both are religion of wisdom and forward looking, let us unite and leave Mosque, Temple and Gurudwara at their places. Regards Bharti
[3 Jan, 2010 1603hrs IST]

Hemendra,UK,says:I am a reader of Times of India for past 40 years and regarded you as one of the best and well reputed new papers in India but this compaign you have initiated is not just surprising me but shocking too. I don't know what are you going to achieve out of it? Creating a biggest news empire across the India with the help of Jang of Pakistan? This is totally selfish and greedy move if it is, over the sacrifices of our armed forces protecting us and also deaths of our innocent citizens. Please please read the comments you are receiving across the globe, open your eyes, respect the deads and promises we have made to them and stop this stupid move you have started for your personal gain and before you lose thousands of readers like me.
[3 Jan, 2010 1556hrs IST]

guddu ,India,says:Shouldn't you all be ashamed for this article? As always using a public media to push for personal agendas of our ****** politicians and trying to negotiate peace.. let's have a few from your family sacrificed in siachen or blown to pieces in bomb blasts. we'll negotiate peace & music then...SHAME ON TIMES OF INDIA....Shame on Your Entire company..!!! People like you will definitely find a place in Pakistan one day.
[3 Jan, 2010 1553hrs IST]

nassy,Mumbai,says:yes keep asking the pakistanis to come and perform in india. in fact its better to invite the entire pakistani film and music industry to come and live here. indians of course are so peace living and such big hearts like TOI to forgive and forget, even though the other side will not stop their intentions. never mind if we have a gulfam hassan coming from pakistan. aftr all as our highly secular intellectual PM had once commented the country to belongs to muslims first. now TOI completed his statement and added india belongs to pakistan. HAIL TOI HAIL PAKISTAN HAIL MUSHARRAF HAIL ISI HAIL SECULAR CONGRESS
[3 Jan, 2010 1549hrs IST]

Anjan Chakrabarty,United Kingdom,says:Please be sensible.Do not make propaganda for Pakistani artists.We have done enough for them so far.Bollywood(influenced by Dubai money) supported their interests unnecessarily for long. Are we short of talents? There are thousands of very good singers in India who need a break. Please help them rather wasting time and money on ungratefuls.
[3 Jan, 2010 1538hrs IST]

Sudhanshu Kumar,New Delhi,says:dear all, 60 years is a very long time to keep on hating and fighting someone. the most empirical view of pakistan is that there is a ruling establishment and there is the plebian class i.e the lesser mortals. we cannot expect any peace from the ruling class especialy the military junta as hating india is there raison de etre i.e their very reason to exist. and this way they not only deprieve their own people of their legitmate rights but also retain the power. last but not the least they have become fat cats as nearly 65% of their GDP goes for defence. a moot point to note is the duplicity US has been playing with us all along. it keeps providing "humanitarian aid " to pak and in turn pak buys latest weaponry from pak, the US govt is happy, the pak military is happy and so are general dynamics or mcdonnel douglas. a mature response is to look at the people of pak and the junta seperately and also treat them so. while as people they are more than welcome but we must not ever lower our guard against the rabid ISI and others. it is not without reason that whenever indians and pakistanis meet abroad there is a natural bonding. i hope i have been able to clear the air a bit however if anyone wishes to differ he/she is more than welcome from either side of the radcliffe line. >sk
[3 Jan, 2010 1531hrs IST]

Arshad Khan,mumbai,says:A very heroic effort from TOI...TOI take a great initiative without caring about its Brand. Its like swimming against the tide because most of us (Indians) hate pakistan and happy with pakistin's condition but TOI initiates a great message i.e. no hate only peace!! We Indians should respect this initiative...
[3 Jan, 2010 1526hrs IST]

Indian,India,says:Abe Muh me Ram Bagal me churi Achi hai tumse(Pakistan) se duri Kyaon karu mai tumse sazota todke apnose nata Bar bar tune kiya hai galat ishara Ab dilme bhara hai mere angara Kitannone mere bahe hai lahu Aur ab mai kitana sahu. Pahle chodde tu terror ki bhasha Phir Banengi aman ki asha -Shridhar -SK
[3 Jan, 2010 1518hrs IST]

Amit,Mumbai,says:Why TOI are putting so many efforts for friendship. You are milking a viper and get ready for a bite this time also. By the way who is financing it?
[3 Jan, 2010 1516hrs IST]

sunil,delhi,says:NOT INTERESTED..i have nothing to do with anything pakistani untill and unless they stop hate and killing... i have stopped subscription of TOI. They kill us and we put them on pedistal.... Our culture does not teach us this....
[3 Jan, 2010 1449hrs IST]

s budihal,chichester,says:Why pakistan does not issue visas to indian music artists
[3 Jan, 2010 1441hrs IST]

kumar,US,says:Whats wrong with TOI! Why all this propaganda! Pakistan has still not completely identified, given access to or punished the perpetrators of Mumbai attacks and also many anti social elements like Dawood are given refuge by Pakistan government. At this juncture starting dialogues with Pakistan makes absolutely no sense.
[3 Jan, 2010 1430hrs IST]

human insaan,currently in new zealand,says:Its great that media is now trying to come out of all the bureaucracy and thinking of collaboration rather then sticking to the chronic hostile conditions in South Asia , we support this cause and hope it will bring the people close and break the ice which has been developed in the minds of the people on both sides after perceiving each other as enemies and how this can effect the long term relations of the two lands full of potentials , and make this understand people the peace between neighbour is only solution to our future not the hostility; for that, interaction between the people is very important so they can make fair understandings on all issues. thanks for the efforts by the media as it seems that they are heading towards maturity in journalism instead of sensationalism.
[3 Jan, 2010 1423hrs IST]

[3 Jan, 2010 1410hrs IST]

Prasad,Pune,says:It would be interesting to know how bollywood has entered in to the cinema's across the border.
[3 Jan, 2010 1403hrs IST]

Kingshuk,Bangalore,says:TOI... Appreciate the way you guys think and believe the mindset of people other side of border. Have you tried atleast once(through Poll, Survey etc) that whether this initiative is need for India, right now. If yes - then could you please share the %age of votes supporting this kind of initiative. I am not saying there should always be tension with neighbor countries, but this initiative takes our stance on Pakistan for a challenge and we are putting our Pain, trouble and all issues(due to such splendid neighbors) for joke while talking of "Peace" with such neighbor who never accepts its activity against India nor have any ethics for its own Leaders(who could be killed due to their internal politics), Army/People(whose dead body not taken back from Pakistan after Kargil/Hundreds of people being bombed each week in Pakistan). I will be among those person who oppose this movement(until you have collected People's verdict to initiate this) but parallely want from core of my heart that Let us give a chance to Peace(BUT NOT AT STAKE OF MY COUNTRY's PRIDE and HONOR).
[3 Jan, 2010 1329hrs IST]

Raj,Singapore,says:Indians need to be much more open minded in politics. Music and the Pakistani military's internal politics have nothing in common, they should seriously just focus on what is given. Not every Pakistani is a mullah terrorist, like how every Maharashtrian isn't Raj Thackeray. The likes of ghazal maestro Mr. Hassan have been followed very keenly in the South Asian subcontinent and we should continue this process of getting together and hope that the secular elements prevail over hard-headed fools in both sides. Good work TOI.
[3 Jan, 2010 1326hrs IST]

suraj,dubai,says:Whats wrong with TOI?? RAW please check on them may be linked with pakis terror network... its me again peace with pakis not possible ...never
[3 Jan, 2010 1314hrs IST]

Raj Muthusamy,New Jersey,says:Pakistan condone terrorism by not punishing culprits of 26/11, the parliament attack etc. We do not need their music or anything. We should shed false pretense of being friendly to our enemies. Period.
[3 Jan, 2010 1309hrs IST]

Indian,mumbai,says:Can we pl stop these gimmicks and put these clowns who want to start good relationship with Pakistan back in the circus ? Pakistani and Indians have different systems and thoughts process in conflict with each other. Pakistanis are not welcome here. It would make more sense to be friends with Tibetans and Burmese people on our borders who are peaceloving.
[3 Jan, 2010 1305hrs IST]

Altaf Hussain,Pakistan,says:hey guys why are you people so much obsessed with PAKISTAN(the land of pure). You are not that civilized country as you people talk about it. You still have got Satthi(burning widow alive), Shiv Sena, & what happened in GUJRAT, 2000 People burned to death and the accused is the Cheif Minister agian. Shame on your democracy. Leave KASHMIR and everything will be alright. Don't stop our water and peace will prevail. But how can u talk o f peace when you are killing people in KASHMIR through STATE SPONSORED Terrorism?
[3 Jan, 2010 1303hrs IST]

Rahul,Bangalore,says:Gud initiative TOI! Work for world peace.. I support u in ur initiative if it is rt hearted!! Y does ppl kill each odr..
[3 Jan, 2010 1258hrs IST]

Yash,New Delhi,says:TOI, shame on you.
[3 Jan, 2010 1252hrs IST]

SK,USA,says:Please stop writing this rubbish. Once Pakistan stops the terrorist attacks and there will be peace. Ask them to Live and Let Live. Pakistan has fueled terrorism and is bearing the fruits of its past sins.

Indian,USA,says:Do you know for sure that Pakistanis too want friendship with Indians? If so, what percentage of Pakistanis you think want that and what is the source of your information? It would be certainly good if there is "aman" between the two countries but to believe in or try for one-sided friendship is totally foolish. Why did they ask for a separate country to begin with, if they wanted true friendship with Indians? Can't two friends live together in one country? Appreciating each other's musicians is too trivial a matter and is of no significance. Years ago, I have personally listened to Bade Gulam Ali Khan, the legendery Pakistani singer, in Mumbai but what does that do the relationship between the two countries? Also, do most Indians want Pakistanis as friends?
[3 Jan, 2010 1237hrs IST]

Sapan Kapoor,New Delhi,says:I don't want any Pakistani(Terrorist) in my India. Not now not in the future. Times of India is a traitor.....shame on you
[3 Jan, 2010 1221hrs IST]

pankaj,delhi,says:I really do not understand why TOI is going overboard with the AMAN KI ASHA thing.......Let Pakistanis solve their own problems first and once they become civilized and start thinking like humans and not barbarians,then we can have any ASHA of a long lasting AMAN with our suspicious neighbor.
[3 Jan, 2010 1219hrs IST]

Meenakshi,delhi,says:Just wrap up thi crap. Cmon fast!
[3 Jan, 2010 1207hrs IST]

Rajesh,Chennai,says:TOI should focus on real news items rather than propaganda abetted by Pakistani organizations such as Jang. There is no question of peace with Pakistan till they stop their hate and sponsorship of terrorism in India.
[3 Jan, 2010 1203hrs IST]

Sourabh,Bangalore,says:Peace with Pak is more like keeping a mad n aggressive dog suffering from rabies n skin decease as a pet and shouting for the rights of animal while ignoring the side affects that can spread in others. For how long can we forget the bitter bite of Pak, when ever we followed Gandhian Policy with them. Venomous fang of pak is in their main stream without which snake will die. Is there a need to have a Peace Nobel prize by "trying" to have a peace talk with a deaf, waiting for a positive response from a dumb and a helping hand from a armless so as to have a friendly move with a crippled. We should appreciate the move of India to have such a good initiation but only after having a decease-free Pakistan. Hoping for the best.
[3 Jan, 2010 1202hrs IST]

maccikhan,India,says:Frankly speaking most of the Pakistani musice artists if not all have achieved fame or prominanace in music for their performance inm Inida. It is but a fact that most of them love performing in India more than in thier home country simply because the appreciatiion, the financial gains and the fame they get in India is much more than thier country. We indian have a craze for Music, we don't fix boundaries and errect iron walls. We open the doors with love and respect, it is unfortunate the same is not reciprocted with same enthusiasm, respect and love from the otherside. Although we enjoy the same culture, language, traditions and ofcourse the same Music which is certainly Hindustani no matter who sings.
[3 Jan, 2010 1153hrs IST]

kumar,Oz,says:TOI always write an article about how pakistani artists have got formal recognition in India that shows the big hearted attitude of indians. Compare this article to a report where ghazal singers of indian origin like shubha mudgal and jagjit singh shows were stopped in lahore. Its a contrast, friendship is good but has to be on equal platform and should be a 2 way traffic rather than generosity of one nation.
[3 Jan, 2010 1150hrs IST]

Madhwa,India,says:Your initiative is already paying dividends! The Delhi police on instructions from COngress high command have already let go 3 terrorist brothers from across the border! Jai Ho TOI-Jang! We in India need to release all the terrorist brothers held in jails. I want you to flood your tabloid of a news paper front pages with lovely romantic stories like these and make us emotional to reunite with our long lost brother pakistan, bangladesh too. We all should convert to Islam as a token of love as Pakis will not convert to our paganism. TOI please lead the way for mass conversions and love Jihad through track 2, 3 4, or any number it takes.....What a humanitarian effort you guys/glas have undertaken. I dont know why even should have a border, an army and a police! People, especially from pak or any other country, should be able to freely settle in India and do whatever it takes to make India one with them.....Lovely diplomacy!
[3 Jan, 2010 1127hrs IST]

Kausthubh mhaprolkar,Mumbai,says:They come earn, do not pay taxes return back to Pakistan donate funds to charity organisations who are carrying out terrorist activity in Indian Kashmir and India. And also support Shahira law which treats women as animals. Yet we buy their cds, dvds and show/event tickets and cheer them. Bollywood has never understood the pain of normal public they have always encashed it and yet cry that why they are not treated at par with hollywood. Shameless bollywood shameless. and Shameless all those Indian who support it. Hafiz Sayeed 26 November accused is still roaming large because he finances Nawab Sharriff election campain and is carring out terrorist camps on his (Nawab Sharriff's) farm house their are several proffs with IB and CIA. Shame on all those people who are promoting this event and who are going to attend it. Today we attend their events and in times to come we will be attending deaths of our innocent soilders and civilian people. Shameless Shameless Shameless - million and billions time shame on us simply shameless. I have never support activity of Shiv Sena and MNS but if the kill this event I will be pleased. Shame on Media too Same Shame. We dont deserve to ask Pakistan to punish their people who are carrying terrorist activity agains us because it is us who are financing it. Same on all of us Indian. Shame Shame.. Shameless Indian which we all are.
[3 Jan, 2010 1122hrs IST]

JKM,Kerala,says:What peace with Pakistan ? Havent we tried it umpteen times before and ended with egg on our face ? Its time to talk tough to them now.
[3 Jan, 2010 1118hrs IST]

Gaurav,Sonipat,says:For Past 3 days, Their General & officers are threatening india and this newspaper is thinking about peace & love.They are openly asserting their (so-called)millitry might.Your initiative is good but it will send wrong signal.
[3 Jan, 2010 1113hrs IST]

Manas ,Bangalore,says:Wonder what barriers have they broken, majority of them were given a break here, but its true their Music is appreciated here (myself, one among the listeners)(but only Hindi Film World), but the scope of music in India is much more! Bollywood =\= Indian Film Industry!
[3 Jan, 2010 1109hrs IST]

raj,mumbai,says:why is TOI so interested in fixing peace between India and Pak? Like so many friends said in the blogs here, TOI does not have any value for the souls of our dead Soldiers. All they want is some increased readership and some good media deals in Pakistan. Shame on TOI.
[3 Jan, 2010 1056hrs IST]

Akash,USA,says:Mehdi Hassan has a voice no other singer has. Melody, Soz, Pain and depth makes any song and ghazal sung by him him a instant hit. He is sick these days and every music lover should support him financially to get bet medical help. He is a star for Pakistan and moonlight for music lover around the globe. ALLAH tumhe salamat rakhey Ameen.
[3 Jan, 2010 1047hrs IST]

Indian,Mumbai,says:Why r u praising pakistan singers? How many Indian Singers are given chance in Pakistan ? They are not even given Visa ... Very surprised..Times of India favouring Pakistan ...
[3 Jan, 2010 1042hrs IST]

Anil,Mumbai,says:Is such kind of message being passed to pakistan also? Why Times is publishing such ads... ask the pakistan to handover the terrorist...why is Times of india not taking that initative ...why? why ? It's just 1 yr after 26/11 attack and u people are trying to make friendship with them ...shame on Times of India..For money, ready to sell the country .. In New year fist page, u have written "Love Pakistan" ..is the same written in PAkistan paper as "Love India" ???
[3 Jan, 2010 1032hrs IST]

Rohan,Rathod,says:please! no one cares about pakistan or their talent . you guys are totally out of sync
[3 Jan, 2010 1022hrs IST]

sunil,sydney,says:who is paying TOI?
[3 Jan, 2010 1011hrs IST]

Senthiil,UK,says:Why you guys are blabbering abt Aman ki Asha and all these things... Ask any pakistani if they like Kashmir to be with india, and see their repsonse. All anti-social activity against india is being planned/executed from india start from fake medicine, currency, drugs, and most important terror activities.And still you are expecting Aman from these guys. We have given so many chance to these people but still they are the same. People who suffer from terrror activity ask them whether they want peace. Its very simple towrite column/article about peace.But very diffcult when your neighbour is always has a bad eye on you.
[3 Jan, 2010 1005hrs IST]

DT,NYC,says:How long we really gonna fool ourselves that we can make peace with a terrorist nation? my be next attack will foil this effort too....!
[3 Jan, 2010 0955hrs IST]
These comments are as it is, and interestingly 99 % Indians do not want this peace initiative between India and Pakistan. Bad news for Times Of India and the JANG Group.
Are we suprised ? Look at comments from ppl only nonesense.

No one talking about Samjota express and Malega attacks which was setup by hindu terror group link with Army. There mission was to do attack and blame muslims. WHich will allow them attack muslims in India and blame Pakistan / ISI
Are we suprised ? Look at comments from ppl only nonesense.

No one talking about Samjota express and Malega attacks which was setup by hindu terror group link with Army. There mission was to do attack and blame muslims. WHich will allow them attack muslims in India and blame Pakistan / ISI

dude when it comes to the nation -----we dont speak as hindu or muslims or christians or sikhsor buddhists ....we speak as one as indians....it is the failure on every pakistani's part to understand this in india the nation comes before anything!!!!!!,i didnt know about the poll otherwise you would have seen my comments against the peace initiative on that list.......

why should there be an initiative for peace? once your nation stops sending terrorists into india there will be peace automatically......i will not want the see death of my nation's brave men go to waste...i dont want another initiative that would come with backstabing like kargil.....

if mumbai had not happened......may be i would have thought differently...but now there is no way......mumbai will not go away from every indian's heart......wether you accept it or not...this is the truth....
I wonder if there have been some major editorial changes in TOI. It was known for its strong anti Pakistan line before.

as far as the comments are concerned, the TOI website is a right wing hang out zone. The comments should not surprise anyone.
I wonder if there have been some major editorial changes in TOI. It was known for its strong anti Pakistan line before.

as far as the comments are concerned, the TOI website is a right wing hang out zone. The comments should not surprise anyone.

Ohh.. you should then check out Rediff. I stopped reading rediff some time back because of stupid news article and such comments. I also hate TOI for the irritating Flash ads(Thank you Flashblock).

I now have the following bookmarked as my main site for news from back home.

The Hindu : Home Page News & Features
More comments on 3/01/10, Few pakistani opinions as well...

ghulam abbas,karachi pakistan,says:wish to participate aman ki asha as i am film singer since 1972 and over 5000 songs on my credit
[3 Jan, 2010 2357hrs IST]

Deshbhakt,usa,says:Mr.Editor, are you running a hidden agenda of " Islamization of India" todate does Pakistan allow Bollywood movies in cinemas , No. How many pakistani singers, entertainers have made a carrer in India, Countless. Stop this nonsence coward campaign. Peace is bilateral. Peace will happen only if there is no pakistan.
[3 Jan, 2010 2318hrs IST]

Aloke Mondkar,Chicago,IL,says:To all the people who support the peace process I ask this question - would you still want peace if one of your close family members was killed in the numerous terror attacks from across the border, would you support the peace process if you were related to Saurabh Kalia and had to cremate his mutilated body? We have an extremely short memory and Hinduism is a far to peaceful religion for its own good. Stop dreaming and face reality. Peace with Pakistan is allowing thousands of terrorists and millions of anti-Indians free access to our nation. Please wake up guys and TOI- shame on you for putting crap articles up.
[3 Jan, 2010 2313hrs IST]

asadkhan,karachi,pakistan,says:TOI has done well to give its readers an opportunity to express themselves both in favour of friendship and agaist it.some caste aspersions on TOI itself.it is better not to abuse each other.let future generations decide whether we shall be friends or enemies.
[3 Jan, 2010 2256hrs IST]

Malik,norway,says:Namsatay to all Indians, I'm a Pakistani. It's very regretable to read the comments of you,in which most of readers of TOI have disliked the Peace process with Pakistan. Mainly coz of reasons of Kargil or Mumbai attacks etc. Why u all forget that wat India had done with Pakistan during last 64 years? its India who divided Pakistan into Bangladesh, its Sichan in 1980s when India army occupied Pakistani mountains, is still there ( like wat in 1998 Pak army did in kargil bt withdrew itself to avert full scape war). Balochistan etc etc and Pakistan is facing 9/11s every months, who is financing & equipping terrorists even though in some cases they r not Indians?? Dont u know all this?? I am proud that still proportionaly more Pakistanis want peace than Indians. Remember, the current war in Afghanistan is spreaded to Pakistan, sooner or latter it will come to India if we dont opt for peace. Let the Kashmiris to decide their future( India knows wat their majority wants,if ever they r given chance of self determination.)Pakistan was better than India in 2006 in all economic indicators, bt in just 3 years,it messed up. India is doing good,bt think once,wats happening to Pakistan could be fate of India too.Peace & only peace is a way forward to success for both nations, war will destroy both.If France & Germany can replace enemity to friendship to bring prosperity in v short time, why cant Pakistan & India??
[3 Jan, 2010 2247hrs IST]

Prema K S,Bengaluru,says:TOI,Can you let us know, how many Indian artists have they[Pakistanis] welcomed into their country?
[3 Jan, 2010 2234hrs IST]

pankaj,Goa, India,says:Bollywood, should move to Pakistan they definately need lots of help. My friends it should be a two way street. Why should we let their very average singers here and give them a platform whereas our singers, movies, music is not even allowed in Pakistan. We have plenty of very talented singers and musicians who do not even get a chance to sing on a stage let alone bollywood. Charity should start at home FIRST. All I say is,feed your own first then if you still have something left then give it to the needy.
[3 Jan, 2010 2230hrs IST]

Shabeer Rasheed,Bangalore,says:The initiative that TOI has taken to bridge the differences between Pakistanis and Indians though commendable is not the need of the hour. It would benefit India a lot more if the broken bridges among religious factions that have led to years of hatred and mindless violence among the Muslims and Hindus are mended. It is heart rendering to witness such barbaric acts committed against innocents in the name of terrorism and ethnic cleansing, while the perpetrators of such hatred are still unpunished. The soft initiatives only satisfy the affluent people of India and not the under privileged and uneducated factions of both communities who are being dragged into the violence. Its time we project the love which still remains among both communities, put pressure on the government to do whats necessary. When those who are spreading hatred are not taking a break why should we be so quiet and rarely spread love?
[3 Jan, 2010 2213hrs IST]

girwar,uk,says:I think it is required to check what is purpose of this peace activity song by TOI....Why we tend to forget and forgive them everytime..Kargil, Mumbai, Jaipur, Delhi, Hyderabad, Bangalore, which place people were not killed by Pal supported terrorist groups...Still they fire on the border line many time. TOI itself provided information how many time Pak army violated Cease Fire, so ask first Pakistan to stop these things, this is high time not to come under any pressure and keep our thoughts straight..India is peaceful else you know what America did for the bomb blast in 9/11. Let Pakistan to improve their side.
[3 Jan, 2010 2211hrs IST]

AKM,Delhi,says:Why TOI is wasting time on praising pakistani singers, we know that most of the pakistani singer got success because of some stupid Indian music directors.
[3 Jan, 2010 2209hrs IST]

Rocky,India,says:Is in initiative only from our side ? For we have done so many from India side (as always), but very little has happened. I think for Starters, Pak should stop this support for a separate Kashmir (military one as well as moral one - which BTW the moral one, they claim are only support they are giving). No point in painting the cities with banners, and having Ads in Media, until the real folks (Kashmiris) can lead a normal and peaceful life
[3 Jan, 2010 2208hrs IST]

m kayani,London UK,says:The politicians of today and problem of yesterday will keep the two nation apart, no chance of getting togather until the major issues are corted out. however the people are different, some are very close others are far away. I don't believe there is a hate but bitterness is there. both poor nation with many problems in hand.
[3 Jan, 2010 2204hrs IST]

jigna,India,says:Why do we have to listen to these qawalli type songs when we have an ocean of talent in our country. Ban them please, nothing can unite us do not hate but do not share anything as it will never work and has never worked. Please do not torture us with these ugly evil looking males(terrorist look alike) and females. Send mahesh butt and family and keep India safe. If they want bollywood wimps send them to pak as well not at the cost of our country and people. Those who eye on our land gets perished, look at kashmir and pakis...They are paying for their evil schemes. Manmohan is wrapped around this sonia's finger needs to take a back seat along with her. They have their own evil designs to hurt innocent by releasing the 3 terrorists. I am sure Rahul and Priyanka have a big hand or that stupid incomprehensible Antony,Antulay or Mukherjee.
[3 Jan, 2010 2204hrs IST]

Dhiraj,London,says:Bollywood is owned by KHAN's and their clowns. If any Indian thinks they own Bollywood, then you must be very naive. Wake up you idiots before you go watch a so called HINDI film be mindful where all your money is eventually ending up! Hindu's will never learn after being enslaved by others for a very very long time... I guess we are meant to be slaves at all times....
[3 Jan, 2010 2159hrs IST]

jigna,India,says:It is bad news for India, hope Sonia and Manmohan Singh get kicked out this year.
[3 Jan, 2010 2156hrs IST]

ravi,canada,says:What a shameless propaganda by ToI.All thses email supporting this abusive idea are fake.Shame on ToI
[3 Jan, 2010 2140hrs IST]

S.Sridharan,Chennai,says:ToI must seriously introspect now after having received hundreds of eMail. From the responses that ToI has published, it is clear that the initiative is supported by Pakistanis and is opposed tooth and nail by 99% of Indian respondents. This is not surprising because ToI is clearly equating the criminal and the repeated victim and is asking both to forget and forgive. It is high time for ToI to say sorry and call off the initiative. Let us understand one thing clearly here. Pakistan has to change 180 degrees for any meaningful peace initiatives to succeed. That country is doing nothing of that sort and instead continues to provide physical, material and moral support to those who want to destroy India. They are also unapologetic about that. Your thoughtless initiative will only lead to more terrorism as you are appeasing a criminal just like what Chamberlain did with Hitler.
[3 Jan, 2010 2128hrs IST]

Vinay,Tokyo,says:Peace is a must but not at the cost of bilateral ties !!!
[3 Jan, 2010 2124hrs IST]

Radhika,U.K,says:How many days are we going to live in a state of hate? Enimity in Enimity will never result in peace. I know there are people in both countries who hate each other. But 1 thing we need to understand is Pakis are living in a deplorable and difficult situation bcos of the flaws of their leader. All Pakis are not terrorists. They themselves are marrying their pakistan people of origin who simply treat them very badly in many cases. So for mistakes of some don't hate the rest. Rest are like us misguided by politicians. We should make them realise their mistakes instead of hating them. India's true enemy is China not Pak according. Iam an Indian who loves India like anything but still.. Last but not the least when I wanted information and help regdg. job it was **** friend who helped me.
[3 Jan, 2010 1904hrs IST]

parvez,Srinagar,Kashmir,says:Its hight time for both India and Pakistan to enter into a new bond of friendship and also find an amicable resolution to the decades long problem of Kashmir. People, especially in Indian Part, should rise above the Ostrich Optimism and see the writing on wall.
[3 Jan, 2010 1849hrs IST]
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More Comments 4/01/10

kausik,delhi,says:Pakistan/Bangladesh the most dreadful people in the world. If bollywood has some shortage of talent let them wait and create. Sky is not going o fall. They forget patriotism. How many of our jawans killed in Kargil..for them all these doesn't count they stay in posh bungallows sipping the 5 star food... Moreover, lastweek I have seen a Page ad in TOI regarding Indo-Pak peace whether the same ad is given in any of the Pa newspaper like Dawn. even in Delhi we are having a road's name called 'Aurangazevs marg'. Even we need to change this as he is master mind killed many hindus and lamented Jizia on them
[4 Jan, 2010 1615hrs IST]

Meghaboob Mufti ,Kashmir,says:We have a Pakistani intruder on this website. Chase him OUT. Show him what Aman Ki Asha we really want. All Pakistani people must realise that the time for peace with India has gone. Indians want Pakistani blood. We want to see Pakistani people suffer. And Yes, we split Pakistan into Bangladesh, and blah blah... Seriously, ****, stop giving your stupid excuses. Your 'Islamic' army massacred around 3 million Bangladeshi Hindus. Your terrorist nation, with the backing of your Arab masters, had committed such genocide in Bangladesh that even the thought of reconciliation with a Pakistani in Bangladesh can get you killed today. And we all know al taggiya. Please stay in your country and try to not to get blown up by your heroic Islamic 'brothers'.
[4 Jan, 2010 1531hrs IST]

Ralph,Bihar,says:Someone please google or watch youtube videos of Ali Azmat. Feel the Love. Who is writing these articles? Even a little child will understand that those people just do not want peace. For God sakes, how many more people must die and how many more attacks will make us people realise that.
[4 Jan, 2010 1524hrs IST]

Kes,Mumbai,says:Part of any money paid to Pakistani sportsmen / artists, etc goes to their Government as taxes and subsequently to its agencies who foment terrorism in India. Indians should not be foolish enough to sponsor terrorism against themselves. This means complete economic boycott of any company sponsoring Pakistanis.
[4 Jan, 2010 1507hrs IST]

UC Thakuria,Hyderabad,says:Forget peace talk with Pakistan. Keep status-que as previous year. When ever India comes fore for peace talk and dialogue, Pakistan takes the advantage to get intruded as many as terrorists into India as they can. We wish terrorist attackless day only. Not peace talk with Pakistan.
[4 Jan, 2010 1439hrs IST]

Abhisek Sahoo,Chennai,says:Off course it's a great step towards the peace. But are we getting same response from Pakistan. We are giving chance pakistani artist in Bollywood and they are appriciated and accepted by INDIANS and earning a good amount along with name and fame. But what Pakistani are doing. In ome of the Interview Pakistani artist ALI AZMAT was making fun of bollywood music and told Mumbai is very dirty. Pakistan is like FRANCE and Indian artist have no match with Pakistani counterpart. What a joke !!!!!
[4 Jan, 2010 1427hrs IST]

Rahul ,Bangalore,says:I appreciate your efforts for an INDO-PAK peace initiative.But if 26/11 had happened to any of your family members, I think u would have thought twice before this initiative. The point is Pakistan is not even is ready to accept and Kasab is denying his role in 26/11, then from where this Peace initiative came from. It really hurts Memories are still burning.
[4 Jan, 2010 1421hrs IST]

Raj,Delhi,says:Indian should stop emulating Prithvi Raj Chauhan, lest they also meet the fate at the hands of modern day Mohd Gauris. Anyone talking peace with Pakis is anti-national, anti-human. This is a mirage, no point chasing the same. The stark reality is the **** attitude which will go only when **** psyche is defeated.
[4 Jan, 2010 1334hrs IST]

rkpatel,wn,nz.,says:Regardless of what had happened in the past,we can not live by that in the present moment..!! Not ONLY We-humans,but also ALL-BEINGS and ALL-THINGS must live together in HARMONY and PEACE on this EARTH..!! However,it is EXTREMELY-DIFFICULT to KNOW for WHAT MOTIVE,REASON,PURPOSE etc PEOPLE,let alone COUNTRY;would like to have RELATIONSHIP with us..!! Regardless of that UNCERTAINTY,WE-HUMANS must try to live together in PEACE and HARMONEY with our NEIGHBOUR..!! Because WE-HUMANS are SEPARATE and DIFFERANT from INSECTS,BIRDS,BEASTS, BRUTES,ANIMALS,PLANTS,TREES etc ie BEINGS and THINGS not only in NAME and FORM..!! Think about that for a moment..!! rkpatel, wn,nz.
[4 Jan, 2010 1307hrs IST]

george,UAE,says:It is an absolute shame trying for peace with the Pakis. If people like Amitabh and other fools loose someone in their family because of terrorism (all trained by Pakis),they will think differently. These fools go for publicity at any cost. Shameful.
[4 Jan, 2010 1239hrs IST]

Rakesh Mehta,Mumbai,says:We all knows that there are human living on other side of the fence ! but we have been paying a price every time we extend our hand for friendship ! the price of innocent lives in parliaments,trains,streets,markets, and now in hospitals, and hotels.the terrorists do not require visas but the planners do ! and we in hope of making friends allows them to enter in our country,letting them plan and destroy our peace. i dont know how many more times it may happen if we continue accepting fantasies like yours which are bound to be converted into nightmares ! for god sake please stop this ,let us live in our space peacefully and let pakistan live in their own world ! we dont need their friendship !
[4 Jan, 2010 1235hrs IST]

Sanjeev Talwar,New Delhi,says:It's cleary shows the boundary between nation cannot bound soft power such as music, culture, sports ect. i strongly belive if east and west germany can live happily then India and Pakistan can also live together even with boundaries. one solution to all our problem is that we all indian (1.2 billion) should love Pakistan and its people and vice vera. We will see the hatred get lost and love will enrich both the nation. Ameen!
[4 Jan, 2010 1222hrs IST]

Ashish Singh,Singapore,says:Music art culture harmony arises after we are friends, you do not enjoy softer pleasures of life with a person you are not too sure keeps ill will towards you. There may be cultural similarity between us and Pakistan but that has never been valued by them. How can we even think to promote their singers while their Army feeds killer into my country. Tell me one thing, will you be able to enjoy their music when one of our Indian Army soldier is killed everyday by the Pakistani sponsored terrorist in Kashmir. Let them put their house in order and come up to a civilsed level before talking of culture and art exchange.
[4 Jan, 2010 1213hrs IST]

rkpatel,wn,nz.,says:Not only with PAKISTAN,but also with ANY COUNTRY or ANY INDIVIDUAL PEACEFUL-RELATIONSHIP can be established. But like LIFE,PEACE too is from MOMENT to MOMENT..!! That is,there might be PEACE NOW ie this MOMENT,but the NEXT-MOMENT there could be WAR..!! HUMAN-BRAIN-INTELLECT-MIND etc ie OUR-PSYCHE is CHANGABLE..!! It might be PEACEFUL NOW,but next moment it might be NOT-BE-PEACEFUL..!! Therefore although IT IS UNDESIRABLE to have WEAPONS of WAR,let alone MAKE WAR,but SADLY we have to have them,just in case..!! But WEAPONS must be used only as last resort..!! That is,if NEGOTIATING-PROCESS has FAILED,then and only then there should be WAR..!! Because in WAR,only QUITE-INNOCENT-PEOPLE get hurt,harmed,injured,killed etc and the PROPERTY GET DESTROYED..!! Think about that for a moment..!! rkpatel, wn,nz.
[4 Jan, 2010 1115hrs IST]

Rafay,Dubai,says:Sad to see a common Indian so brainwashed by hatred.
[4 Jan, 2010 1048hrs IST]

Jagdeesh,Chennai ,says:Are you serious? The percentage of people in Pakistan who desire peace with India is miniscule. Apart from a few artists who struggle to make a living in Pakistan, the majority of Pakistani people hate our guts and support ALL kinds of terrorist attacks against Indians, whether it be in a hospital, a temple, a hotel or a train station. If there is one thing which brings Pakistani people together it is their common hatred for Indians, Hindus and other religions apart from Islam.The majority of Indians do not want peace with Pakistan.
[4 Jan, 2010 1046hrs IST]

Liashen,USA,says:It is the media which has demonised Pakistan. What I am reading here are the over-grown seeds of hate sown by both the print and electronic media. If the media had been as objective in its reporting and analysis as the western media is, we wouldn't have seen most of these sentiments by readers who genuinely believe what they write. It is time for media to grow up and create an intellengensia with better analytical capabilities. You need to learn from the Americans -- they know Pakistan is the epi-center of terrorism; today most of the terror producing factories are located in that country, yet an average American does not hate Pakistan. They know they have to work with Pakistan to eliminate the evils from their society.
[4 Jan, 2010 1011hrs IST]

urvashi,pune,says:This time, TOI, you seem to fail in intellectual capacity and succumb to some emotional trick. Without any prejudice with Pakistani people, I would like to take your attention to the fact that this country has Military in its soul and Miltancy in its heart.....can you save body of this sort? Pakistan was born on the doctrine of hatred and it shall die on the guillotine of hatred. Short sightedness and opportunism of Jinnah has brought the subcontinent to this situation....some mistakes can not be corrected.....one can just bear the consequences.....
[4 Jan, 2010 0939hrs IST]

Viresh,ny,says:What TOI is trying to do here? There can be NO PEACE with Pakistan until they come forward and punish the 26/11 prepetrators. Stop forcing the people of India to accept this so called friendship. You took the name of ALI AZMAT - I would request the people to check out the youtube videos where he blames India for everything and talks rubbish about india.
[4 Jan, 2010 0641hrs IST]

Shashi,USA,says:It is not surprising that these Pakistani artists want to get out of Pakistan by any means. How many Indian artists would get any exposure in Pakistan? Indians are essentially mentally handicapped people with no ability to learn from its history or recent terrorist attacks on its own soil. What a shame and lack of foresight of few Bollywood suckers in opening ONE-WAY door to people who are determined to destroy our land, people and its religion.
[4 Jan, 2010 0442hrs IST]

Girwar,Uk,says:TOI, please respect Indian common man emotions. Our wounds are not yet healed and nothing is done to bring justice for victim. Pakistan government is still playing blame game and did nothing to bring justice... As Sridharan said, 99% people provided their view against this article. I appreciate Media has some important role in guiding public but please do not do this without correcting other side....Please stop this and we really appreciate if media able to understand common man emotions...Do not change it again and if you able to do, please say sorry to those whose near and dear lost their lives due to terrorist attacks and war like Kargil...
[4 Jan, 2010 0432hrs IST]

Dr. Pawar Pradeep ,Germany ,says:Shame on you and your posted prayes to all Pakistani Artist. Where Indian are still not allowed to perform . In which pakistani Films are given good rolls to play or to sing , Conduct music. I wounder very few.It is Bhatt and his Family who is neglecting indian talent and running after othres. I am not orthodox but and republican but on the other hand want the same treatment for Indian.
[4 Jan, 2010 0300hrs IST]

Bill,uk,says:Very good initiative by toi & jang group. Some of the comments here especially by my indian brothers are very one sided and emotional. It gives me an insight that they are bit limited in their knowledge and their views. Matter of the fact is that you like it or not you can,t change your neighbours. INDIA & PAKISTAN will always be neighbours. Look at europe, they fought for centuries and now there is no borders any more and hence they enjoy prosperity. As long as both countries spending most of their budget on arms our people will always remain poor and they and their next generations will never enjoy quality of life as the europeans. The people of subcontinent in general are under nourished and indians in particular because of their smaller frames look even worse. Indian army has killed and raped thousands of kashmiris,sikhs and gujrati muslims and RAW has supported terrorism across border. Pakistan has supported such activities in India too. IT looks like it that it will never stop. Don,t be fooled by westerns and go ahead and live in peace. Your survival and future of your next generations relies on this friendship like europe, canada & America. BE WISE INDIANS AND PAKISTANIS.
[4 Jan, 2010 0206hrs IST]

harsh,mumbai,says:i have just two questionss. 1. till a month ago TOI was at the forefront of whipping up anti-pakistan hysteria and media jingoism...now what happened suddenly? 2. what use talking about peace when the core issue of kashmir remains. What is TOI position on kashmir? should india give it to pakistan if thats what it takes to buy peace? can there be peace while the two countries maintain their old positions on kashmir?
[4 Jan, 2010 0138hrs IST]

Babar ,Pakistan,says:The distrust we have is because all the previous efforts of peace were at the state or governmental level with little or no acknowledgement of masses. I find a ray of hope here because it will penetrate deep into the masses of both the countries. Mr. Aloke, Even if your relative is killed and you don't want peace, what more options do you have? Or may I say do you have any, at all?
[4 Jan, 2010 0121hrs IST]

Sam,Gurgaon,says:TOI, Are you suggesting breaking the Talibani sound barrier in India ? Amongst the list of the names that you have provided here, lets talk about some of them. I will start with one example and rest can be seen in the videos for the link which has been provided. Ali Azmat- Rabid Anti Indian (See his response on Geo TV capital talk after 37:42 at Capital Talk 9 December 2009 [Ali Zafar Pop Singer] | TheCurrentAffairs.com) Infact see the whole program on the talibai apologists in the program. Why this program on Geo TV, Pakistan ? Because NYT (New York Times) had another program claiming that Pakistani Singers sings against western powers and supports conspiracy theories but never sing against Taliban. Here is the link -
[4 Jan, 2010 0038hrs IST]

indian,globe,says:cant al the hatred be put aside for once n for our future cheers toi gud work
[4 Jan, 2010 0017hrs IST]

sam,london,says:Peace with Pakistan once they have withdrawn from Kashmir and that is along side Northern Areas too.Pakis are hell bent to destroy India with assistance from China or who ever is available.For last sixty years you Indians have not learn your lession by treating Pakis as one of you.They hate you guys and that is it.Please dont forget **** brothers have handed a part of Kashmir to China in order to gain support to destroy India.
[4 Jan, 2010 0006hrs IST]

ghulam abbas,karachi pakistan,says:wish to participate aman ki asha as i am film singer since 1972 and over 5000 songs on my credit
[3 Jan, 2010 2357hrs IST]

Deshbhakt,usa,says:Mr.Editor, are you running a hidden agenda of " Islamization of India" todate does Pakistan allow Bollywood movies in cinemas , No. How many pakistani singers, entertainers have made a carrer in India, Countless. Stop this nonsence coward campaign. Peace is bilateral. Peace will happen only if there is no pakistan.
[3 Jan, 2010 2318hrs IST]

Aloke Mondkar,Chicago,IL,says:To all the people who support the peace process I ask this question - would you still want peace if one of your close family members was killed in the numerous terror attacks from across the border, would you support the peace process if you were related to Saurabh Kalia and had to cremate his mutilated body? We have an extremely short memory and Hinduism is a far to peaceful religion for its own good. Stop dreaming and face reality. Peace with Pakistan is allowing thousands of terrorists and millions of anti-Indians free access to our nation. Please wake up guys and TOI- shame on you for putting crap articles up.
[3 Jan, 2010 2313hrs IST]

asadkhan,karachi,pakistan,says:TOI has done well to give its readers an opportunity to express themselves both in favour of friendship and agaist it.some caste aspersions on TOI itself.it is better not to abuse each other.let future generations decide whether we shall be friends or enemies.
[3 Jan, 2010 2256hrs IST]

Malik,norway,says:Namsatay to all Indians, I'm a Pakistani. It's very regretable to read the comments of you,in which most of readers of TOI have disliked the Peace process with Pakistan. Mainly coz of reasons of Kargil or Mumbai attacks etc. Why u all forget that wat India had done with Pakistan during last 64 years? its India who divided Pakistan into Bangladesh, its Sichan in 1980s when India army occupied Pakistani mountains, is still there ( like wat in 1998 Pak army did in kargil bt withdrew itself to avert full scape war). Balochistan etc etc and Pakistan is facing 9/11s every months, who is financing & equipping terrorists even though in some cases they r not Indians?? Dont u know all this?? I am proud that still proportionaly more Pakistanis want peace than Indians. Remember, the current war in Afghanistan is spreaded to Pakistan, sooner or latter it will come to India if we dont opt for peace. Let the Kashmiris to decide their future( India knows wat their majority wants,if ever they r given chance of self determination.)Pakistan was better than India in 2006 in all economic indicators, bt in just 3 years,it messed up. India is doing good,bt think once,wats happening to Pakistan could be fate of India too.Peace & only peace is a way forward to success for both nations, war will destroy both.If France & Germany can replace enemity to friendship to bring prosperity in v short time, why cant Pakistan & India??
[3 Jan, 2010 2247hrs IST]

Prema K S,Bengaluru,says:TOI,Can you let us know, how many Indian artists have they[Pakistanis] welcomed into their country?
[3 Jan, 2010 2234hrs IST]

pankaj,Goa, India,says:Bollywood, should move to Pakistan they definately need lots of help. My friends it should be a two way street. Why should we let their very average singers here and give them a platform whereas our singers, movies, music is not even allowed in Pakistan. We have plenty of very talented singers and musicians who do not even get a chance to sing on a stage let alone bollywood. Charity should start at home FIRST. All I say is,feed your own first then if you still have something left then give it to the needy.
[3 Jan, 2010 2230hrs IST]

Shabeer Rasheed,Bangalore,says:The initiative that TOI has taken to bridge the differences between Pakistanis and Indians though commendable is not the need of the hour. It would benefit India a lot more if the broken bridges among religious factions that have led to years of hatred and mindless violence among the Muslims and Hindus are mended. It is heart rendering to witness such barbaric acts committed against innocents in the name of terrorism and ethnic cleansing, while the perpetrators of such hatred are still unpunished. The soft initiatives only satisfy the affluent people of India and not the under privileged and uneducated factions of both communities who are being dragged into the violence. Its time we project the love which still remains among both communities, put pressure on the government to do whats necessary. When those who are spreading hatred are not taking a break why should we be so quiet and rarely spread love?
[3 Jan, 2010 2213hrs IST]

girwar,uk,says:I think it is required to check what is purpose of this peace activity song by TOI....Why we tend to forget and forgive them everytime..Kargil, Mumbai, Jaipur, Delhi, Hyderabad, Bangalore, which place people were not killed by Pal supported terrorist groups...Still they fire on the border line many time. TOI itself provided information how many time Pak army violated Cease Fire, so ask first Pakistan to stop these things, this is high time not to come under any pressure and keep our thoughts straight..India is peaceful else you know what America did for the bomb blast in 9/11. Let Pakistan to improve their side.
[3 Jan, 2010 2211hrs IST]

AKM,Delhi,says:Why TOI is wasting time on praising pakistani singers, we know that most of the pakistani singer got success because of some stupid Indian music directors.
[3 Jan, 2010 2209hrs IST]

Rocky,India,says:Is in initiative only from our side ? For we have done so many from India side (as always), but very little has happened. I think for Starters, Pak should stop this support for a separate Kashmir (military one as well as moral one - which BTW the moral one, they claim are only support they are giving). No point in painting the cities with banners, and having Ads in Media, until the real folks (Kashmiris) can lead a normal and peaceful life
[3 Jan, 2010 2208hrs IST]
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