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RAZA.com gets SRK to do Advertisment


Sep 13, 2009
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United States
United States
I saw SRK doing advertisement for Raza.com. As per my knowledge SRK charges approx 10 crores per advertisement. Is Raza.com big enough to pay him that much or he did this for charity. If he did this for charity what might be the reason. Just curious.

Anyone has any idea.
I may be wrong but isn't that Raza.com clandestinely linked with D-company.And rumor was that when srk and salman were interrogated in usa last year it was not that there names matched with that of some terrorist person on list.it was due to the the fact Raza.com was on the sponsor list of the the shows they were doing in usa.
thx AJTR, my first question is RAZA.com big enough to afford SRK? The reason I ask this is because companies like these are generally very small and I stuck when I saw SRK doing advertisement for them. WIll they have enough margin to afford it. If not than either this is charity or something else.
thx AJTR, my first question is RAZA.com big enough to afford SRK? The reason I ask this is because companies like these are generally very small and I stuck when I saw SRK doing advertisement for them. WIll they have enough margin to afford it. If not than either this is charity or something else.
It can be big enough if its linked to D-company.Btw when i saw raza.com in r post i it just came to my mind to point out the same.I think it was mid-day mumbai which broke this conspiracy/gossip last year.Its not that if raza.com can afford sak but question u must ask is is bollywood totally under D-company that made srk to to do ad for raza.com.
it is website which provides service like India calling. These companies are not thabig to be able to afford him.
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