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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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do him some chitrol and he will tell all about black water and CIA black ops in pakistan.. nanga kerke maro in ko

---------- Post added at 05:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:26 PM ----------

BTW mod/s change the title the media was apologetic by using word foreigners.

Its American/s now proven in daylight why covering them by not mentioning their nationality ?

any video madam, i wanna see this CIA terrorist
Damn Heck

Before aswell Americans are found on The Jail Rd doing Suspicious Stuff.
Well honestly this shameful and i am feeling hopeless now, He has killed three Pakistanis and he is going to get away with it :angry:

Diplomatic immunity my A55, the mob should have lynched him right there :angry:
That is what the media is saying that he did not even stopped when police tried to stop him but he exhibited weapons and run away

They go on Pakistani roads like they go out in afghanistan all of them are always with guns.....and always in contact with thier bases or consulate if you wanna say....

soon time will come when people will take things in thier hand and limit these gora crimnals to ISB only..........or even further to dubai only coz thats they place they issues/process visas to Pakistanies so whats the point in having these consulates in every city of Pakistan :)

do him some chitrol and he will tell all about black water and CIA black ops in pakistan.. nanga kerke maro in ko

---------- Post added at 05:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:26 PM ----------

any video madam, i wanna see this CIA terrorist

You bringing comic into it :D
some reports also say that he did this in self defense. . dont know what is the fact. . .
Well honestly this shameful and i am feeling hopeless now, He has killed three Pakistanis and he is going to get away with it :angry:

Diplomatic immunity my A55, the mob should have lynched him right there :angry:

i agree it is hopeless now but people need to rise as zardari/nawaz/other political leaders are without any water in......................................................

Goray ko marna chiya tha logo ko ...wahan police thee us ko koi right nahi tha apni gun use karnay ka......
Diplomatic immunity doesnt mean that one can shoot down host country people and everytime raise the flag of diplomatic immunity.

Unfortunately, it does.
I'm not saying it's good or bad; it simply is.

I don't know if diplomatic immunity applies to all US staff, or only to those above a certain level.

In Pakistan... but can be tried in the US?

US can choose to extradite him back to Pakistan and let Pakistan try him.

That is what the media is saying that he did not even stopped when police tried to stop him but he exhibited weapons and run away

If he pulled a gun on law enforcement, that raises a whole new set of charges, regardless of the 'self-defence' argument for the earlier killings.
some reports also say that he did this in self defense. . dont know what is the fact. . .

its very easy to say i did this in self defense but wahan police thee he should have asked for help first......

there is this law in USA and UK that even in self defense you cannot use more force ..... like if someone attack me then i cannot kill him i can just stop his actions against me....
a gitmo should be opened in pakistan for all these american terrorists esp afghan veterans
An American man shot dead two Pakistanis in a street in Lahore city on Thursday. The US citizen told police officials that he fired his pistol in self defence.

“The American national told us he was driving his vehicle and stopped at a traffic signal. He saw motorcycle riders and one pulled out a pistol. The man told us he then pulled out his pistol and fired in self-defence,” Lahore police chief Aslam Tarin told AFP.

“He’s an American national. He’s in our custody and we are investigating.”

A third Pakistani man was killed a short time later when a car from the US consulate in Lahore hit two pedestrians at the scene of the shooting, Tarin added.

“One person died in the accident,” Tarin said.

Television footage showed that a crowd had gathered at the scene of the incidents, setting tyres on fire in protest.

The US embassy in Islamabad could not immediately be reached for comment.
this american man will be nevertheless freed on zerdari's orders, he fears his master americans more than pakistanis, his diaper n condom is also american made..
We should all understand now how the people of afghanistan must be feeling bcuz incidents like this are a common practice there.these fear ridden americans even kill the allied troops and later call it friendly fire..why just bcuz they so damm scared all the time that even when a fly moves their first reaction is to get scared shitless and shoot everything back to stone age.courtesy to this mentality the real terrorists have no problem reeling and alluring innocent people.a read sad day but for us now its just another one business as usual.:cry:
LAHORE, Pakistan, Jan 27, 2011 (AFP) - A US consular worker shot dead two Pakistani motorcycle riders in a Lahore city street Thursday, senior officials told AFP, with the man claiming he fired in self defence.

"The American national told us he was driving his vehicle and stopped at a traffic signal. He saw motorcycle riders and one pulled out a pistol. The man told us he then pulled out his pistol and fired in self-defence," Lahore police chief Aslam Tarin told AFP.

Tarin said the American was in police custody amid ongoing investigations.

He later added in a television interview that two pistols had been recovered from the motorcycle riders, and said the gunman was a security official from the local consulate.

Another Pakistani man was killed shortly after the shooting when a car from the US consulate in Lahore hit two pedestrians at the scene of the shooting, Tarin added.

Head of the public Services Hospital in Lahore, Mohammad Ijaz, confirmed that three people had been killed.

"We received one dead body and two injured persons. Both of the wounded later died in the hospital," he told AFP.

A second police official, Faisal Rana, said the American man in custody had reported that the two motorcycle riders had attempted to stop his car.

"He fired on them in self-defence.... We have arrested the American. He is an employee of the American consulate," he said.

More than 100 people blocked the road after the incident by setting tyres on fire to protest against the killing, an AFP reporter at the scene said.

The protest later moved to picket the police station where the car involved in the incident was impounded

The US embassy in Islamabad confirmed the man involved was a consular official.

"We can confirm he's a consular employee, but we don't know exactly what happened. There's a lot of speculation and we're speaking with the police to find out exactly what happened," US embassy spokesman Alberto Rodriguez told AFP.
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