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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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I am unaware of where the two robbers were shot while fleeing the scene. Mr. Davis windshield was shot up as you saw in several postings on this Thread over this past weekend.

You and some others are again jumping to conclusions without facts. We all know the two robbers were shot and killed while trying to rob Mr. Davis. That is all we know for sure right this minute. All else is suppostion and conjecture.

You Sir are also jumping to the conclusion they were robbers.........the door swings both ways......those shots could have been caused by terrorist Davis shooting at the innocent motorcyclists from inside his car......
If you will first get your ideas correct...the third person in a traffic accident did not involve Mr. Davis...that driver apparently was a Pakitani national. The confusing title of this very long threat was bogus from the start but creates the false impression that one man caused the deaths of three others. That is clearly untrue.

Whoever the driver was he must be handed over to the police !!!

Sadly and shamelessly US embassy is not doing it.!??? why?

NOTE=The nationality of the driver is not confirmed,

Two robbers caused their own deaths by wielding pistons aimed at Mr. Davis trying to hold him up. He fired back in self defense.

Its still not clear!They didnt aim at davis.....they couldnt even if they had wanted to!!! they were behind the vehicle no robber loots from behind!With only 5 bara made bullets in a local crappy liscensed pistol!!!!

Note=He was carryingthe pistol for self defence as his brother was also murdered a month back.

What about Davis??????????

He claimed he had withdrawn money from a bank?

A lie........proved by police investigation.

Why was he carrying a illegal weapon???

Where was he going??

Why he took the pics of the victim and tried to escape from the police?

What was he doing in public place he was not allowed to visit?

Why was he using a fake number plated vehicle?

Why US embassy vehicle was using fake plates and tried to help him escape and driving rashly which caused the death of a bike rider?

Davis was on a buisness visa which had expire while US embassy was asking for a extension.

According to US media he is a private security contractor not an embassador!

Wonder if you would have said that if it was your child killed under my wheel...............hmm

Your comment to me is why I keep repeating on this site over the weekend and today...why aren't you, personally, more upset and concerned at the murder of your fellow innocent, law abiding citizens, who were:

a) blown up by a suicide bomber in Lahore the day before Mr. Davis was subjected to armed robbery attempt?

b) or angy and upset over the Peshawar Police Chief and 5 other policemen, all Pakitanis, being blown up by the terrorist suicide bomber in Peshawar...where the terrorists likewise blew up the public highway tunnel at Kohat where it enters and leaves the City of Peshawar?

These and many other recent and on going murders of your fellow innocent Pakistans, as distinguised from two crooks with a criminal record, who had robbed a native Pakistani man shortly before trying to rob Mr. Davis, is what makes no sense on your part here.

Let's all respect life, innocent life of your fellows, but learn to differentiate between honest deaths by murder and terrorist violence vs. crooks being shot in the line dishonest work of being a crook?
What about Davis??????????

He claimed he had withdrawn money from a bank?

A lie........proved by police investigation.

Why was he carrying a illegal weapon???

Where was he going??

Why he took the pics of the victim and tried to escape from the police?

What was he doing in public place he was not allowed to visit?

Why was he using a fake number plated vehicle?

Why US embassy vehicle was using fake plates and tried to help him escape and driving rashly which caused the death of a bike rider?

Davis was on a buisness visa which had expire while US embassy was asking for a extension.

According to US media he is a private security contractor not an embassador!

Why don't we let the courts answer these questions?

If the investigation does show that the suspect acted in haste, then perhaps the US and Pakistan can come to an agreement on waiving diplomatic immunity for a prison sentence of a few years.

I doubt the suspect was merely out to shoot and kill Pakistanis on the road - at worst he might have misunderstood the situation, panicked and been too trigger happy.
Your comment to me is why I keep repeating on this site over the weekend and today...why aren't you, personally, more upset and concerned at the murder of your fellow innocent, law abiding citizens, who were:

a) blown up by a suicide bomber in Lahore the day before Mr. Davis was subjected to armed robbery attempt?

b) or angy and upset over the Peshawar Police Chief and 5 other policemen, all Pakitanis, being blown up by the terrorist suicide bomber in Peshawar...where the terrorists likewise blew up the public highway tunnel at Kohat where it enters and leaves the City of Peshawar?

These and many other recent and on going murders of your fellow innocent Pakistans, as distinguised from two crooks with a criminal record, who had robbed a native Pakistani man shortly before trying to rob Mr. Davis, is what makes no sense on your part here.

Let's all respect life, innocent life of your fellows, but learn to differentiate between honest deaths by murder and terrorist violence vs. crooks being shot in the line dishonest work of being a crook?

To answer your questions simply.....unlike yourself who raised to point which warranted my response in the first place is because this thread......THIS ONE YOU and I are discussing on is called "American Consulate official kills 3 Pakistanis in Lahore"...........now, whats happens is, when a thread is started with a designated topic, it is that topic which should be discussed, not the affairs of the entire god damm galaxy.......
Why don't we let the courts answer these questions?

If the investigation does show that the suspect acted in haste, then perhaps the US and Pakistan can come to an agreement on waiving diplomatic immunity for a prison sentence of a few years.

I doubt the suspect was merely out to shoot and kill Pakistanis on the road - at worst he might have misunderstood the situation, panicked and been too trigger happy.

Agnostic Sir.......trigger happy or not, a two lives were taken, course of justice needs to prevail.......I am sure the victims family will want life for life which unfortunately, in reality will not happen due to the current situation in Pakistan........however when American Eagle decides to call the victims robbers, then its merits a response by calling Davis an American terrorist, as the investigation is ongoing and court trial looming........
Wonder if you would have said that if it was your child killed under my wheel...............hmm

You Sir are also jumping to the conclusion they were robbers.........the door swings both ways......those shots could have been caused by terrorist Davis shooting at the innocent motorcyclists from inside his car......

US Diplomatic personnel are not terrorists. The two robbers are documented as known criminals previously that same day and previously by a complaint by an honorable Paksitani gentlemen who was robbed by these two armed thieves just before they then tried to rob Mr. Davis.
Why are you calling your fellow countryman a bastard?

People are killed in traffic accidents in Lahore and all over Pakistan every day, all year around. While that is not desirable it is a hard statistical fact. Same thing happens every day across the US...around 45,000 folks die in auto accidents in America every year. Bad thing but it does happen.

Excessive Jingoism can lead to paranoia and personal stress followed by extreme confusion.

This is not about a American or Pakistani.
This is not about a bastard or a saint.

Why don't we let the courts answer these questions?

If the investigation does show that the suspect acted in haste, then perhaps the US and Pakistan can come to an agreement on waiving diplomatic immunity for a prison sentence of a few years.

I doubt the suspect was merely out to shoot and kill Pakistanis on the road - at worst he might have misunderstood the situation, panicked and been too trigger happy.
Sir im asking mr eagle who since the starting of this thread has been defending davis and calling his actions legal n turning the victims into robbers n a accident victim....... while diverting to topic to road accidents or terrorism in our country........

Atleast he should answer my questions if he thinks hes right n all the others here are youths from a intolerant,barbaric n uneducated society whose lives n opinions r not important...........while davis(fag) is as innocent as a saint.
US Diplomatic personnel are not terrorists. The two robbers are documented as known criminals previously that same day and previously by a complaint by an honorable Paksitani gentlemen who was robbed by these two armed thieves just before they then tried to rob Mr. Davis.

What about Davis??????????

He claimed he had withdrawn money from a bank?

A lie........proved by police investigation.

Why was he carrying a illegal weapon???

Where was he going??

Why he took the pics of the victim and tried to escape from the police?

What was he doing in public place he was not allowed to visit?

Why was he using a fake number plated vehicle?

Why US embassy vehicle was using fake plates and tried to help him escape and driving rashly which caused the death of a bike rider?

Davis was on a buisness visa which had expire while US embassy was asking for a extension.

According to US media he is a private security contractor not an embassador!

Agnostic Sir.......trigger happy or not, a two lives were taken, course of justice needs to prevail.......I am sure the victims family will want life for life which unfortunately, in reality will not happen due to the current situation in Pakistan........however when American Eagle decides to call the victims robbers, then its merits a response by calling Davis an American terrorist, as the investigation is ongoing and court trial looming........
Well both sides should refrain from inflammatory comments - and refer to those affected as 'victims and suspect'.

I do believe the US handled this completely wrong, in making demands for the release of the individual. The US should have pushed its position in court, not through press releases and the media - the latter merely confirmed for many Pakistanis the perception that the US acts without regard or concern for Pakistan, in Pakistan.

But I would like to again point out that even if the worst case scenario comes true, for the suspect, I doubt his prosecution will result in a death or life sentence, since there is no reason to believe the crime was premeditated.
US Diplomatic personnel are not terrorists. The two robbers are documented as known criminals previously that same day and previously by a complaint by an honorable Paksitani gentlemen who was robbed by these two armed thieves just before they then tried to rob Mr. Davis.

Like you said, the investigation is on going......if you intend to use the tone of calling two Pakistani citizens "robbers" then your US personnel will too be labelled a Christian terrorist or American terrorist, which would you prefer, bit like the Islamic terrorist scenario now isn't it........anyways, the investigation is on going and as such you should refrain and tone down your rhetoric as emotions can run high on both sides and words used to cause harm to all parties........PEACE
Well both sides should refrain from inflammatory comments - and refer to those affected as 'victims and suspect'.

I do believe the US handled this completely wrong, in making demands for the release of the individual. The US should have pushed its position in court, not through press releases and the media - the latter merely confirmed for many Pakistanis the perception that the US acts without regard or concern for Pakistan, in Pakistan.

But I would like to again point out that even if the worst case scenario comes true, for the suspect, I doubt his prosecution will result in a death or life sentence, since there is no reason to believe the crime was premeditated.

The Law of the land must take its course whatever that may be without prejudice or persecution.
But this incident does serve as a strong message that people at the helm of affairs in Pakistan are not doing a proper job.
If they have any such dubious arrangements with the US then they should be brought to light.
Well both sides should refrain from inflammatory comments - and refer to those affected as 'victims and suspect'.

I do believe the US handled this completely wrong, in making demands for the release of the individual. The US should have pushed its position in court, not through press releases and the media - the latter merely confirmed for many Pakistanis the perception that the US acts without regard or concern for Pakistan, in Pakistan.

But I would like to again point out that even if the worst case scenario comes true, for the suspect, I doubt his prosecution will result in a death or life sentence, since there is no reason to believe the crime was premeditated.

Agreed...........I felt that by making a strong comment about robbers and terrorist then it would cause American Eagle and others in this forum to refrain from using such labels........or I could have just asked thinking about it now......doh.

Anyways, I agree, looking at the ground reality, it will be unlikely for him to be sentenced to death unleass the Chief Justice decides to make a scene
Agnostic Sir.......trigger happy or not, a two lives were taken, course of justice needs to prevail.......I am sure the victims family will want life for life which unfortunately, in reality will not happen due to the current situation in Pakistan........however when American Eagle decides to call the victims robbers, then its merits a response by calling Davis an American terrorist, as the investigation is ongoing and court trial looming........

A robber is a crook, with a public record, same day, same spot in Lahore, of holding up an innocent Paksitani man who filed his own police report against them a short time before they tried but failed to successfully rob Mr. Davis. Those are hard facts.

Please start saying your prayers for the deserving innocent 35 Lahore Pakitanis murdered there in Lahore with 180 more innocent Lahore Pakistanis wounded in the same terrorist suicide blast... the day before the two robbers robbed an innocent Paksitani man then failed to rob an American, starting most recently with the Lahore suicide bombing in Lahore which took 35 Pakistani civilian lives and wounded 180 innocent Pakistani men, women, and children. Surely we can agree on this?

I have been prayinig for these Pakistani murdered and wounded innocent men, women, and childlren myself for several days now.

Our US churches have also been praying for the Pakistani flood victums and continuing to donate to relief work of displaced Pakitanis over there through our various denomination churches over here.

And look at your internal news media in Pakistan to see the increasing number of robberies nationwide, which the Pakistani police and officials tell your medial relate to funding raising at the point of a gun by terrorists [who some see as merely crooks] who in many instances are raising money for terrorism, the violent form of the Taliban and al Qaida.
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