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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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1. Where is your rage of Muslim suicide bomber terrorists the day before, right there in Lahore, killing several and maiming many more by an act of religious violance of a Muslim against fellow Muslims?

Not related to topic stop ranting.

2. Your story telling has gotten worse. You mention a non-existant TV interview, which no court system in the world would allow, with someone asking pardon for all three deaths.

Your phoney anger is immature and your credibility is totally lost here.
What BS

Express news has shown this punk making these remarks.
And I believe the two terrorist shooters were mad from having eaten too much pork!

Come on, what absurdities when many more innocent Pakistani Muslims were murdered in the same city of Lahore the day before by an Muslim terrorist suicide bomber, with many more maimed and wounded, men, women and children?

actually it,s big game who is sponsoring it is yet a hidden truth.
what about many innocents killed by drones and what about many innocent iraques and afghans killed by brutal american forces. Taliban are terrorists and brutal so are americans............
Since when does a legal matter get tried in a yellow journalist newspaper based on already shown wrong information? You are more than gullible, just reaching to falsify your opinions as if these were facts, which they are not.

Two separated events, two shootists shot into American's windshield; by all alleged reports he got out and fired back at them.

Separately a second vehicle hit a cyclist who subsequently passed away in the hospital. No one knows what the cyclist was up to...for all we factually know...he may have also had a gun and pulled it on the second vehicle.
And I believe the two terrorist shooters were mad from having eaten too much pork!

Come on, what absurdities when many more innocent Pakistani Muslims were murdered in the same city of Lahore the day before by an Muslim terrorist suicide bomber, with many more maimed and wounded, men, women and children?

That is another case don't merge them with each other
The guilty should be punished whoever he is that is we want
Since when does a legal matter get tried in a yellow journalist newspaper based on already shown wrong information? You are more than gullible, just reaching to falsify your opinions as if these were facts, which they are not.

Two separated events, two shootists shot into American's windshield; by all alleged reports he got out and fired back at them.

Separately a second vehicle hit a cyclist who subsequently passed away in the hospital. No one knows what the cyclist was up to...for all we factually know...he may have also had a gun and pulled it on the second vehicle.

come on they didn,t shot even a single bullet , all were shot by american ..........
if you think bullet wholes in car,s front screen were by their bullets then you need to correct your information.
they may be robbers but truth has to reveled yet..........
Since when does a legal matter get tried in a yellow journalist newspaper based on already shown wrong information? You are more than gullible, just reaching to falsify your opinions as if these were facts, which they are not.

Usual hate filled rant.

Two separated events, two shootists shot into American's windshield; by all alleged reports he got out and fired back at them.

The bullets were shot from inside the vehicle by the punk who has been arrested. As confirmed by police.

No shots were fired at this person.

Separately a second vehicle hit a cyclist who subsequently passed away in the hospital. No one knows what the cyclist was up to...for all we factually know...he may have also had a gun and pulled it on the second vehicle.

The vehicle in Question is a White Land Cruiser a FIR has been launched into this matter and punjab police has requested the US embassy to release details about the vehicle.
Watch what you say, the third guy was a innocent person heading home from the bakery, he was no where near the initial incident. Please don't defame the dead when you don't know the whole picture.

No one defames the dead. All deaths should be and are tragic but in war are unhappily inevitable.

What I still want to know from know it all posters who are making up stuff as they go here... who were the men, women, and children murdered the day before in Lahore by a terrorist suicide bomber? Please be specific by showing respect for their violently taken Pakistan Muslim lives by at least naming and identifying who they were. Thank you.
Usual hate filled rant.

The bullets were shot from inside the vehicle by the punk who has been arrested. As confirmed by police.

No shots were fired at this person.

1. No police dept. in the world will release evidence pending a trail or charges that can lead to a trial, so alleging "as confirmed by police" is flatly untrue.

2. The few facts which the Lahore Police Chief has released are summarized in postings # 62; 76; 241; and 242.

3. The reason the rear window of the American's car is "out" is the bullets fired into the windshield exited the car via the rear window, knocking it out folks.

The shootists in fact did shoot into the windshield of the American driver, as the photo, repeated in two postings, 241 and 242, clearly show. How folks continue to defy facts brings discredit on you and harms the image of innocents in all of Pakistan whose credibility is harmed by a few folks telling falsehoods to stir up trouble on this site.
No one defames the dead. All deaths should be and are tragic but in war are unhappily inevitable.

What I still want to know from know it all posters who are making up stuff as they go here... who were the men, women, and children murdered the day before in Lahore by a terrorist suicide bomber? Please be specific by showing respect for their violently taken Pakistan Muslim lives by at least naming and identifying who they were. Thank you.

Yes all the posters are making up stuff but you Einstein know it all. \

You also remind me of the pic and his words below. Carry on the good work.


No matter what we say who cares eh we are just a bunch of Pakistanis whose life dont matter any ways. Listen to the American y'all.

1. No police dept. in the world will release evidence pending a trail or charges that can lead to a trial, so alleging "as confirmed by police" is flatly untrue.

2. The few facts which the Lahore Police Chief has released are summarized in postings # 62; 76; 241; and 242.

3. The reason the rear window of the American's car is "out" is the bullets fired into the windshield exited the car via the rear window, knocking it out folks.

The shootists in fact did shoot into the windshield of the American driver, as the photo, repeated in two postings, 241 and 242, clearly show. How folks continue to defy facts brings discredit on you and harms the image of innocents in all of Pakistan whose credibility is harmed by a few folks telling falsehoods to stir up trouble on this site.

lay of the crack and stop living inside a hollywood movie. The probability of a bullet entering from the front windscreen and exiting from the rear without hitting anything inside the vehicle is almost nill.
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