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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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The thief's wife was living off his stolen money and stolen goods. He was killed "in his line of duty as a crook" and she then lost her stream of illegal income. Suicide is blasphemy under Islam on her part.

Firstly Egypt kicked out your beloved Hosni Mubarak ...

You keep it up and you will be left alone very quickly in world

Its better then being married to an American terrorist on secret mission to commit terrorism inside Pakistan what was he doing with guns and bullets and stolen unregistered card , and pictures of sensitive location this guy should be trialed and all embassy workers in Pakistan should not be allowed to move untill he fully discloses all of his aliases

If he was a real person right now , there would be stories about his children , and family and personal life flashing on cnn its not because they want to protect this son of a ... and his family so because he is a dirty snitch coming to Pakistan as a friend but he is up to his old dirty tricks

Here are the fact

a) Americans get caught every where in world (right or wrong) yes ... like in Italy a American girl
killed someone etc but do you hear Hiliary clinton coming to his aid?? No

b) So Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhy all of sudden this UNKNOWN shaddy character .... is of SO MUCH INTEREST
that the secretary of state Hilary Clinton is coming to his Aid ??

Is he a Saint ? Is He Jesus ??

He was caught with illegal guns ... he was caught with illegal wireless devices , and untraceable phones, and did I mentioned he shot the victims 10 times ... some self defence ....

He was snooping around borders with India perhaps trying to figure out how he could smuggle in Terrorist from Afghan border into India or God knows what kind of thing he had in mind may be to bomb world cup games of course smuggle the ppl thru Pak-India border who knows

His phone had numbers traced to Afghan regions (so called terrorist bombing local cities)

He came into Pakistan not as a Diplomat .. there are specific protocols for such

He is a SPY and up to no good and unidentified mission and until him and his associates are caught he should be beaten up good and not allowed to meet anyone

You can't just get unregistered cars and weapons ... unless you were provided these by US Embassy

May be kicking out all American Embassy worker is good for Pakistan Stability but this American's full story has to be tracked - who he is .....

Normal Americans are treated well in Pakistan but I think these tactics are not gona work ...SURE CLOSE THE DIPLOMATIC ties ... you and us we all know ... YOUR SECRET IS OUT WHAT YOU WERE PLANNING TO DO SO PACK YOUR Bags ...as for Ramond Davis (alias of course) he has a date in court
he is disrespecting the deceased pakistanis, as they are dead, and their dead widow too, is this not violation, how crazy is this forum, allowing american drunk to run his stinky mouth all the time, once twice, thrice but its too much now!!!

he is in a pakistani forum and he is supporting the terrorist american criminal black arse government and their propaganda, nothing has been proved that deceased guys were criminals, so why is this dude allowed to disrespect them??
The admins and mods have asked both sides to refrain from calling the suspect and deceased 'murderers/terrorists and thieves/robbers'.

Neither side has chosen to back down, so it isn't just AE's fault.

From a factual POV, the use of the various terms the forum team would rather avoid (in the interest of preventing hostile and emotional discourse as we see currently) is legitimate given the respective positions being taken, so there is nothing wrong with the language AE has used for the most part, or the language used by Pakistanis to describe Davis, for the most part.

If at any point discourse degenerates into derogatory generalizations of an entire nation or people, please point it out to us and we will address the issue as promptly as we can get to it.
Ramon the murderer Davis should be beaten up and sleep deprived to ask who else was on his team , and what was his mission ? May be he was the guy who also bombed mosques and religious sites in Pakistan ? His equipment looks like he was operating rouge

I doubt his real name is even Ramond Davis ...

He must have came along with 10-20 operatives

I really hope ISI uses this guy to uncover the CIA mission in Pakistan and what exactly these guys are up to. I really wouldn't be surprised if CIA is involved in some of the terrorist attacks and is in bed with RAW.
[Pakistani]-evilX;1479429 said:
exactly what i was trying to say.......but you explained it in a more approperiate manner, and if am not wrong then even in case of robbery one is not allowed to kill them?
@Mastan Khan, brother you tell me, on a traffic signal , you see two guys next to you, have a gun in their hand, would you straight away put 7 bullets into them ?


Yes I would if circumstances allowed---I don't think that anyone of you have taken live shots---that is shot at a living thing---if you haven't then you have no clue what happens---how fast the time flies----and when the last bullet in the clip fired----. I can tell you of personal experience---and that was also on a bolt action rifle with a 5 round magazine---once I started---I didnot know when I fired the last shot---only the empty click made me realize what had happened---.

So---for Davis----7 shots were a very reasonable and a restrained number---a very calculated number of shots---an in-experienced opetrator would have let go of the full clip..

You people are uselessly arguing about not justifiable---once you put yourself in Davis's shoes---you will feel the justification of the reaction---now, him carrying a gun may not be jutifiable under the pakistani law and that is an issue in itself---.

But you have to understand as a person---you are in a hostile land---you have job to do---you have pictures loaded in your camera---you have guns and ammo on you---you are carrying knives on you---you are doing something illegal in the country that you are not supposed to do---.

Here is the problem with pakistan and the understanding of the pakistanis---wihtout any experience talk big---you people had no clue what kind of bird that you people have bagged---in your childish incompetence you are only looking at the superlative and not looking at the underlying issue---.

If you had any common sense you people would be asking this question----what is Raymond Davis's worth----why is Raymond's freedom so important that the u s is ready to break relations with pakistan in the middle of an on-going war---what does Raymond Davis have that the sec of state and president Obama and everybody else are standing up for him---who is this ,an Davis---.

The U S has never acted like that for anyone else before---no---have they! Open your eyes----open the vents of your brains---put your thinking caps on and ask---why such a strong reaction from the U S-----what kind fo knowledge this man has that the u s is trying so hard to get him back---. Think my children think.
Davis no diplomat

LAHORE – Shah Mahmood Qureshi, the former foreign minister dropped in the truncated cabinet, has confirmed Raymond Davis is not a diplomat and cannot be extended diplomatic immunity, reports a private TV channel.
On his farewell visit to the Foreign Office, Qureshi said US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had asked him to endorse diplomatic immunity for Davis, but he had refused to entertain the demand. The ex-foreign minister said later US Ambassador Cameron Munter called him and threatened the cancellation of meeting with Hillary on the sidelines of the Munich conference if Davis wasn’t freed.
Qureshi said the Foreign Office had checked its record thoroughly. He said the prime minister wanted him to be silent on the Davis issue, as he (the PM) wanted the Interior Ministry to make all statements. Qureshi said he respects the party’s decision of dropping him in the slimline cabinet in the first phase.

Davis no diplomat | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

The Lahore High Court can ask for Shah Mahmood Qureshi as a witenss in this case , being ex-Foreign minister his words will carry a lot of weight and infact the US attempt to try and alter the course of justice through the removal of our Foreign Minister could back fire with a faster coviction for Raymond Davis.
Here's my 2 cents. Such operatives from US have always been in Pakistan. If people remember they were running amok in Islamabad, threatening anyone who came near their residence with guns, not obeying traffic rules, not paying heed to security personnel. There were caught with guns numerous times but released without any charge. Had our govt. wanted to hush up this case under influence of USA they could have so easily proven that the deceased were in fact street criminals and RD would have gone scoot free. The fact that he has been held till now and charged of murder proves that this incident has given an opportunity to our security forces to issue a stern warning to the USA to stop meddling in our affairs. So it's either the ISI, or someone in our Govt. has recently grown some serious balls. I believe RD is going to be released eventually but i am happy for once we stood up to US.
The thief's wife was living off his stolen money and stolen goods. He was killed "in his line of duty as a crook" and she then lost her stream of illegal income. Suicide is blasphemy under Islam on her part.

Mr American Eagle, What is your Problem Seriously? I think when ever you come to this thread, you click the last page, never bother to read couple of pages back, where i have posted Original Police Investigations which have concluded that, They were not robbers,

Now Police Have presented their judgment on the basis of investigation???? Have u done any investigation that Concluded those two tried to Rob Raymond Davis?????? For Your Convenience I will Again Put the original Qoute of the The Investigation Officer of this case

Capital City Police Officer (CCPO)Tarin told the media Davis shot at the fleeing boy and the motorcyclists did not point guns at him, adding that the gun recovered from the deceased was not loaded. He refused to comment on the diplomatic status of Raymond, saying his job was only to investigate the killing incident.

Tarin said eyewitness accounts and forensic reports showed that Davis did not shoot the men in self-defence. “His plea has been rejected by the police investigators,” he said, adding that Raymond gave no chance to them (deceased persons) to survive which implied that it was not in self-defence. The CCPO also quoted eyewitnesses as saying that Raymond had directly shot at the two boys and kept shooting even when one of them was running away.

To a question, the CCPO said no fingerprints had been found on triggers of the pistols found on the bodies of the two men and that tests showed the bullets remained in the magazine of their gun, and not the chamber.

Davis act was clear case of murder: police

Now Mr American Eagle, If you don't have any substantial claim to prove that they were robbers ( yeah yeah, you will say that Two pakistani Citizens have lodged a complaint that these two accused try to rob them, but again Give me the clear cut claim of Police which have declared them Robbers after investigations, until then try to shut your mouth and try to develop some reading habits before posing your non-sense claims and rants)
Your making up your point of view does not create facts at all.

The Pakistan Foreign Office and Foreign Minister, together with the President of Pakistan, have to face the false baloney being ginned up by some who frankly hate Pakistan and want various sectors of same to seceed....and honor Diplomatic Immunity.

If the Pakistani courts want to compile a dossier and pass it through the US Embassy system back to the US Dept. of Justice for further review and investigation, this can be done, apart from in the meanwhile freeing Raymond Davis under Diplomatic Immunity for promp delivery back to the USA.

Former foreign minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said in categorical terms on Saturday that as per the official record and advice given to him by experts in the Foreign Office, the American double murderer Raymond Davis is not a diplomat and cannot be given blanket diplomatic immunity.

“The kind of blanket immunity Washington is pressing for Davis, is not endorsed by the official record of the Foreign Ministry,” Qureshi said in a brief chat with The News.

Qureshi was reluctant to talk in detail on the issue, but when requested to offer his brief comment, he said: “On the basis of the official record and the advice given to me by the technocrats and experts of the Foreign Office, I could not certify him (Raymond Davis) as a diplomat”.

Davis does not have immunity: Qureshi

You know how to play with words, you make tall rants that, certain sections of Pakistan Governments are planting false claims about raymond davis, Now the Former Foreign minister who have thousand times more knowledge about Davis Diplomatic status have said himself that he is not a diplomat, then why are you repeatedly saying again and again he is a full fledge diplomat? Did you work in US State department? Have you given Raymond Davis, a Diplomatic passport that you are so sure he has a Diplomatic Status, It seems that, You are more knowledgeable than Former Pakistani Foreign Minister about this issue?
This Raymond guy really does look to be in a shaddy line of work. You can tell with how aggressively the U.S. is maneuvering in trying to have him released. I very much doubt Pakistan is going to release this guy. The Pakistani media and public have put heavy pressure on the Pro-American government and i think they have no choice but to have the court system decide this guys case.
The thief's wife was living off his stolen money and stolen goods. He was killed "in his line of duty as a crook" and she then lost her stream of illegal income. Suicide is blasphemy under Islam on her part.

Such a pathetic post... Your a really sick man. I just want you to know that i have lost all respect for you, both human and professional. Go drown yourself in a well you sick, sick man!
As long as he does not violate forum rules, personal attacks, abuse etc. he is doing nothing wrong and merely expressing his opinion on the issue under discussion.

BTW, that POV is also the one taken by the US government, and it is a POV that the US is unofficially threatening to sever diplomatic ties, and cancel all aid, over. It is therefore not a POV that should be ignored or censored - rather it should be countered with facts and arguments supporting the Pakistani position, or at least the position of the Pakistani Military and the Pakistani Foreign Office under Qureshi - can't really speak for the 'aid whores' in the Presidency.

Fair sir, how can slander against the deceased "woman", not be against the norms of civil discourse?? He is entitled to his opinion but that does not extend to defaming a women torn apart by grief. Even neutrality has certain limits.
In all fairness, the poor lady who committed suicide is the most tragic victim indeed of this incident. I feel for her the most.

However, in such a bereavement, it is Pakistani cultural norm to provide support to the widow. This is usually done by the parents or brothers of her deceased husband, and is regarded as a matter of family honor. I wonder why that was not possible in her case.

Her action cannot be justified from an Islamic point of view, but the fact that she did, speaks volumes, more about the lack of an emotional and social support structure in her immediate family, than anything else.

I do not wish to take this thread off topic so I will make no more comments about this aspect of the case.
^^ the only thing that matters here is that-- she has committed suicide-- because she felt that the killer of her husband-- is going to walk freely-- without a even a trial-- its just like people burning them selves during protests-- The message they try to give is what should be taken-- No one risks his/her life for all the wrong reasons--
Here's my 2 cents. Such operatives from US have always been in Pakistan. If people remember they were running amok in Islamabad, threatening anyone who came near their residence with guns, not obeying traffic rules, not paying heed to security personnel. There were caught with guns numerous times but released without any charge. Had our govt. wanted to hush up this case under influence of USA they could have so easily proven that the deceased were in fact street criminals and RD would have gone scoot free. The fact that he has been held till now and charged of murder proves that this incident has given an opportunity to our security forces to issue a stern warning to the USA to stop meddling in our affairs. So it's either the ISI, or someone in our Govt. has recently grown some serious balls. I believe RD is going to be released eventually but i am happy for once we stood up to US.

I dont think so... that he will be released :woot::cheesy:....Yes! If he will be released then he will be released only to the hell and nowhere else ..Insha-Allah...:coffee:
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