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Rawalpindi court temporarily bars Careem from calling its drivers 'captains'


Jan 21, 2015
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The petitioner states that Careem had given the title of “captain” to its drivers, thus causing him "disgrace and humiliation". — Photo via Twitter

A civil court in Rawalpindi has temporarily barred Careem from using the word “captain” for its car drivers after an airline pilot approached the court complaining to have faced “humiliation and disgrace” over sharing his job title with the ride-hailing company's staff.

The order was issued by Civil Judge Rawalpindi Rao Ejaz Ahmed Awan, who ordered the company to submit its response by July 31.

The petition was filed by Labeeb Ahmed, a pilot by profession, through his lawyer Chaudhry Rizwan Elahi.

The petitioner stated that due to Careem's use of the term “captain” for its drivers, he has to bear the brunt of jokes as people often deliberately confuse his job title with that of Careem captains.

He said such instances had shattered his confidence and disgraced an aviation rank that is “attained after going through rigorous education and obtaining commercial pilot license from the Civil Aviation Authority Pakistan.”
The petitioner said that due to Careem's nomenclature, he felt intimidated when sharing his job title with people.
He argued that the title of captain should either be reserved for a pilot or a third-ranked officer of the armed forces, also known as a commissioned officer.

After hearing the arguments, the civil judge ordered the company to not use the word “captain” for its drivers until the next hearing and also sought a response from the zonal manager of the company by July 31.

The petitioner stated that due to Careem's use of the term “captain” for its drivers, he has to bear the brunt of jokes as people often deliberately confuse his job title with that of Careem captains.
What about if they mistake you for some lagaan cricket team?
The order was issued by Civil Judge Rawalpindi Rao Ejaz Ahmed Awan, who ordered the company to submit its response by July 31.
I would like to request his attendance.
He argued that the title of captain should either be reserved for a pilot or a third-ranked officer of the armed forces, also known as a commissioned officer
His caste system fantasies should be reserved for jokes too
The petitioner said that due to Careem's nomenclature, he felt intimidated when sharing his job title with people.
PM of the country has rendered your professional career as over as it can be.

Why not drive for a profession?
After hearing the arguments, the civil judge ordered the company to not use the word “captain” for its drivers until the next hearing and also sought a response from the zonal manager of the company by July 31.
Looks like Pindi court has too much time.

Why not decide on Benzair and Liakot murders?
Absolutely ridiculous that the court actually issued such an injunction!

And who told the idiotic judge or this pilot that the term Captain is only reserved to airline pilots?

May be a Captain of a Navy destroyer should file a petition next - that his family make fun of him as being some measly airline pilot!? Or the Captain of a national sports team should complain that his family are always asking for discounts on airline tickets? Or a Captain of industry should complain that he is always asked where is airline uniform is?

This is whats wrong with Pakistan and its courts! Banana courts indeed!
careem captains are far better then PIA captains
Unfortunately the Airline Captain and his duties are exactly of that of a Ships Captain. Chicago Convention 1944. Warsaw System / Montreal1999 (consolidation of Warsaw System) and the Pinal Conventions Tokyo Convention 1963 and Montreal Convention 1971 all are based on international Shipping other wise the ranks would have been similar to Military which would have restriction to freedom of air travel as the flight would be deemed to be military flight and unable to fly over any other country. If you read the Chicago Convention you would find this reason clearly.

On the other hand Captain rank used to be issued by Ministry of Defence as CAA and PIA were governed under till not long ago. So CFI of a Flight Training Organization is a Captain which is equal to the Rank of AVM of the Airforce and in an Airline the Director Flight Operations is of similar rank of AVM and he also the Chief i.e equal to Chief of Air Staff.

People here would find this difficult to accept but this is what internationally accepted and International Court of Justice accepts and binds all Member States to follow.
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Absolutely ridiculous that the court actually issued such an injunction!

And who told the idiotic judge or this pilot that the term Captain is only reserved to airline pilots?

May be a Captain of a Navy destroyer should file a petition next - that his family make fun of him as being some measly airline pilot!? Or the Captain of a national sports team should complain that his family are always asking for discounts on airline tickets? Or a Captain of industry should complain that he is always asked where is airline uniform is?

This is whats wrong with Pakistan and its courts! Banana courts indeed!
The thing is you have not read the Conventions of International Air Law otherwise you would have been clear that the terms used were Air Ship (Zeppelin) hence the term CAPTAIN on NAVY was directly used for Air Ship and later Aeroplane / Airplane / Aircraft.
Here is the relevant Law regarding the Term Captain
Paris Convention 1919



Article 30.

The following shall be deemed to be State aircraft :

(a) Military aircraft.

(b) Aircraft exclusively employed in State service, such as Posts, Customs, Police.

Every other aircraft shall be deemed to be private aircraft.

All State aircraft other than military, customs and police aircraft shall be treated as private aircraft and as such shall be subject to all the provisions of the present Convention.

Article 31.

Every aircraft commanded by a person in military service detailed for the purpose shall be deemed to be a military aircraft.

Article 32.

No military aircraft of a contracting State shall fly over the territory of another contracting State nor land thereon without special authorisation. In case of such authorisation the military aircraft shall enjoy, in principle, in the absence of special stipulation, the privileges which are customarily accorded to foreign ships of war.

A military aircraft which is forced to land or which is requested or summoned to land shall by reason thereof acquire no right to the privileges referred to in the above paragraph.

Article 33.

Special arrangements between the States concerned will determine in what cases police and customs aircraft may be authorised to cross the frontier. They shall in no case be entitled to the privileges referred to in Article 32.
They should refer to them as "your honour" or the "honourable..."
The thing is you have not read the Conventions of International Air Law otherwise you would have been clear that the terms used were Air Ship (Zeppelin) hence the term CAPTAIN on NAVY was directly used for Air Ship and later Aeroplane / Airplane / Aircraft.

Army Captain? Police Captain? Captain of a sports team? Captain of industry? School Captain? Captain of a group?

And here is why the petition was filed:

"The petitioner stated that due to Careem's use of the term “captain” for its drivers, he has to bear the brunt of jokes as people often deliberately confuse his job title with that of Careem captains."

This pilot is offended that he has to share the title of captain with taxi drivers!
There are no dignified or petty jobs. There are only dignified or menial humans. This "pilot" falls in the menial humans category. Talk about wasting a severely backlogged court systems time.
Army Captain? Police Captain? Captain of a sports team? Captain of industry? School Captain? Captain of a group?

And here is why the petition was filed:

"The petitioner stated that due to Careem's use of the term “captain” for its drivers, he has to bear the brunt of jokes as people often deliberately confuse his job title with that of Careem captains."

This pilot is offended that he has to share the title of captain with taxi drivers!
The word captain comes from Commander...In French PILOT is used for both Driver of a car and Aeroplane but then there is a difference as in French language PILOT DU AVION is used.

Cars originally were replacement of Horse Carriage hence the appropriate term was Rider. However at that time Cars were not called cars but Motor hence a Motor is Driven so the term Driver originated.
The definitions that Courts accept are from BLACKS LAW DICTIONARY. Not Oxford...

What the Petitioner is claiming is the definition of the term Captain. Now Careem used Captain for all drivers where as the term Captain can only be used for One Person out of a Couple or Group. Hence it is incorrect to state the term CAPTAIN. As far as Jokes and reticule is concerned then for that matter the word SALA is the worst though he is Brother in Law.
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