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RAW told to damage Pakistan economy in the guise of talks

Spring Onion

Feb 1, 2006
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RAW told to damage Pakistan economy in the guise of talks

ISLAMABAD: India has evolved a master plan to cause severe damage to Pakistan economy under the garb of talks and assigned an important target to its intelligence agency RAW to provide over one trillion rupees to anti Pakistan Taliban through Afghan transit.

Well placed sources told Online Saturday that Indian intelligence agency RAW has started providing financial assistance to Taliban through alcohol and beetle nut (chalia) under Afghan trade to use them to serve its nefarious designs while they were earlier being assisted through drug trafficking.

Sources told RAW at present was supplying over two hundreds containers of alcohol and beetle nut illegally to anti Pakistan Taliban every month in the name of different companies through Afghan transit. This way billion of rupees are being distributed among Taliban so that on one side Pakistan economy could be undermined and on the other side Afghan Taliban could be strengthened financially in order to use them for fulfillment of its vicious designs.

Sources further told during the recent visit of foreign secretary Suleman Bashir to India and Afghan president Hamid Karzai both India and Afghanistan demanded of Pakistan to allow them transit trade through Wahga border. While the security agencies were of the opinion if transit trade was allowed through Wahga border to Afghanistan and India, this will deliver a serious blow to Pakistan economy.

On the condition of anonymity, a senior officer of Custom Intelligence confirmed to Online Bhattia traders, M.H International, Troob well traders and other companies were supplying containers of alcohol and beetle nut in large number to Afghanistan while Afghan people neither use beetle nut nor drink alcohol, therefore he was much concerned over export of beetle nut and alcohol in such huge quantity to Afghanistan by Indian companies. "I am helpless to take any action in this regard due to pressure of some influential figures", he added.

The Customs Intelligence Officer further told that top figures of customs, NLC and Saif transporters were involved in illegal supply of these containers. These containers were handed over to Taliban near Pak-Afghan borders instead of transporting them to Afghanistan, he pointed out. Online tried to contact FBR chairman on many occasions to ascertain his stance as to what extent Pakistan was suffering financial loss due to illegal trade of containers and non payment of taxes but it could not contact him

ONLINE - International News Network
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Based on Well placed sources but no source mentioned. Again as long as rumours are fodder, the conclusion people can derive out of such information will be baseless.
ramu what you say can be right, But at the same time we do not consider transit route to India, is at all in favour of Pakistan.
ramu what you say can be right, But at the same time we do not consider transit route to India, is at all in favour of Pakistan.

Jana transit route to India is only one way....As per my understanding you do allow goods to be transferred from AF to India but not vice versa....All the trucks that reach India from AF are supposed to go back empty...Can you please correct/validate my understanding???

Also if i am right than care to elaborate what transit are you referring to?? Secondly what is being transferred from AF to Pakistan is a matter between AF and Pakistan...Your custom department should take care of it...but saying because of influential persons your custom department is allowing RAW to de-stabalize Pak is BS....Please let me know if i misunderstood the article....

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ramu what you say can be right, But at the same time we do not consider transit route to India, is at all in favour of Pakistan.

Jana, apologies, I could not understand what you were asking.

Does deckingraj's reply answer your question ?
ramu what you say can be right, But at the same time we do not consider transit route to India, is at all in favour of Pakistan.

Pros of Pakistan granting India Transit Facility to Transport Goods to Afghanistan

1. Pakistan will earn valuable foreign Exchange as Transit Fees.

2. Pakistan will earn the goodwill of Afghanistan’s Consumer of Goods of Indian Origin

3. Pakistan will earn the goodwill of Indian Manufacturers and Traders who will increase Import of Pakistani goods to India.

Cons of Pakistan granting India Transit Facility to Transport Goods to Afghanistan

1. Pakistani goods will suffer competition from Indian goods which will most probably be cheaper than Pakistani Goods as the Indian Manufacturer buys Inputs on a much larger scale as well as Manufactures Goods on a much larger scale thereby having the benefit of lower costs.

2. However the most important point is that a good percentage of the Goods meant for Transit to Afghanistan will find their way into the Pakistani Markets and will be even more cheaper than normal imported Indian Goods as NO PAKISTANI IMPORT DUTIES were paid when the Goods crossed from India to Pakistan on their way to Aghanistan.

Pakistani Members will be aware of the Huge amount of Sri Lankan and Kenyan Tea arriving at Karachi meant for Afghanistan finds its way into the Pakistani Market.

There may be other types of Goods and until Pakistan finds an efficient and sure way to ensure that Goods “IN TRANSIT” to Afghanistan do indeed go to Afghanistan, and not enter the Pakistani Market, there will always be a hesitancy on the Pakistani Authorities’ part to dither and hinder the Transit of Goods etc. from India to Afghanistan.

In addition Pakistan Members are aware that Unhindered Chinese Imports have destroyed Thirty to Forty Pakistani Industries.

As such it is quite possible that large scale and “open-free trade” Indian Goods will have a very negative effect on Pakistani Industries.

Thus Pakistan not granting Transit facilities from India to Afghanistan may sound discriminatory to the Indian Members but until Pakistan can create an efficient machinery to ensure that Goods meant for Afghanistan do not enter the Pakistani Market I, for one, do not expect Pakistan to grant Transit facilities to India for not only Trade to Afghanistan but also to the Central Asian Republics.

This may be the most important reason as to why India is making such huge efforts to “upgrade” the Port of Chah Bahar so that it can find a Transit not only to Afghanistan but to all the Central Asian Republics.
On the condition of anonymity, a senior officer of Custom Intelligence confirmed to Online Bhattia traders, M.H International, Troob well traders and other companies were supplying containers of alcohol and beetle nut in large number to Afghanistan while Afghan people neither use beetle nut nor drink alcohol, therefore he was much concerned over export of beetle nut and alcohol in such huge quantity to Afghanistan by Indian companies. "I am helpless to take any action in this regard due to pressure of some influential figures", he added.
Pakistan has concrete proof, but due to some influential parties, the proof is not being shared.

Well, this is really an insult to the intelligence of Pakistanis, we Indians need not comment.
Hitchory, no need to worry once we move in to afghanistan we will fix the airport and transit issues
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Its obvious that India economy is so senile that they need to attack Pakistan's economy to make themselves look better.
Hitchory, no need to worry once we move in to afghanistan we will fix the airport and transit issues

Really? The following should be informative :

Defining ‘strategic depth’ By Kamran Shafi

Will our army pack its bags and escape into Afghanistan to disengage itself from the fighting, if India goes to war with Pakistan? –Photo by AP

And how does it help us? We are engaged in the Great Game in Afghanistan, we are told, because ‘strategic depth’ is vital for Pakistan due to the fact that our country is very narrow at its middle and could well be cut into half by an Indian attack in force.

Strategic depth, we are further informed, will give respite to our armed forces which could withdraw into Afghanistan to then regroup and mount counter-attacks on Indian forces in Pakistan. I ask you!

I ask you for several reasons. Let us presume that the Indians are foolish enough to get distracted from educating their people, some of whom go to some of the best centres of learning in the world. Let us assume that they are idiotic enough to opt for war instead of industrialising themselves and meeting their economic growth targets which are among the highest in the world.

Let us imagine that they are cretinous enough to go to war with a nuclear-armed Pakistan and effectively put an immediate and complete end to their multi-million dollar tourism industry. Let us suppose that they lose all sense, all reason, and actually attack Pakistan and cut our country into half.

Will our army pack its bags and escape into Afghanistan? How will it disengage itself from the fighting? What route will it use, through which mountain passes? Will the Peshawar Corps gun its tanks and troop carriers and trucks and towed artillery and head into the Khyber Pass, and on to Jalalabad? Will the Karachi and Quetta Corps do likewise through the Bolan and Khojak passes?

And what happens to the Lahore and Sialkot and Multan and Gujranwala and Bahawalpur and other garrisons? What about the air force? Far more than anything else, what about the by now 180 million people of the country? What ‘strategic depth’ do our Rommels and Guderians talk about, please? What poppycock is this?

More importantly, how can Afghanistan be our ‘strategic depth’ when most Afghans hate our guts, not only the northerners, but even those who call themselves Pakhtuns?

Case in point: the absolute and repeated refusal of even the Taliban government when it was misruling Afghanistan, to accept the Durand Line as the international border between Pakistan and Afghanistan, despite the fact that it was a surrogate of Pakistan — propped into power; paid for; and helped militarily, diplomatically and politically by the Pakistani government and its ‘agencies’.

Indeed, it even refused the Commando’s interior minister, the loudmouth Gen Moinuddin Haider when he went to Kabul to ask for the extradition of Pakistani criminals being sheltered by the Taliban. We must remember that the Commando, as chief executive of the country, was pressing the Foreign Office till just a few days before 9/11 to use every effort to have the Taliban regime’ recognised by more countries!

This poppycock of ‘strategic depth’ can only be explained by our great military thinkers and strategists and geniuses: it is not for mortals like yours truly to make sense of any of it. Particularly because this nonsense can only happen after the Americans depart from Afghanistan. And what, pray, is the guarantee that they will leave when they say they will?

Why this subject at this time, you might well ask. Well I have just been reading David Sanger’s The Inheritance in which he meticulously lays out the reasons why he believes the Pakistani “dual policy” towards the Taliban exists.

On page 247 he states that when Michael McConnell, the then chief of US National Intelligence went to Pakistan in late May 2008 (three months after the elections that trounced Musharraf and his King’s Party, mark) he heard Pakistani officers make the case for the Pakistani need for having a friendly government in Kabul after the Americans departed.

When he got back to Washington McConnell “ordered up a full assessment” of the situation. ‘It did not take long … Musharraf’s record of duplicity was well known. While Kayani was a favourite of the White House, he had also been overheard — presumably on telephone intercepts — referring to one of the most brutal of the Taliban leaders, Maulvi Jalaluddin Haqqani, as a “strategic asset”. Interesting, for Kayani’s former boss, Musharraf is quoted thus in Der Spiegel:

Spiegel: “Let us talk about the role of the ISI. A short time ago, US newspapers reported that ISI has systematically supported Taliban groups. Is that true?”

Musharraf: “Intelligence always has access to other networks — this is what Americans did with KGB, this is what ISI also does. You should understand that the army is on board to fight the Taliban and Al Qaeda. I have always been against the Taliban. Don’t try to lecture us about how we should handle this tactically. I will give you an example: Siraj Haqqani ...”

Spiegel: “... a powerful Taliban commander who is allegedly secretly allied with the ISI.”

Musharraf: “He is the man who has influence over Baitullah Mehsud, a dangerous terrorist, the fiercest commander in South Waziristan and the murderer of Benazir Bhutto as we know today. Mehsud kidnapped our ambassador in Kabul and our intelligence used Haqqani’s influence to get him released. Now, that does not mean that Haqqani is supported by us. The intelligence service is using certain enemies against other enemies. And it is better to tackle them one by one than making them all enemies.”

Well, there they go again!

But back to ‘strategic depth’. Will the likes of Sirajuddin Haqqani, son of Jalaluddin Haqqani, help Pakistan gain this ‘depth’ in Afghanistan? Are we that gone that we need these backward yahoos to save our army?

PS By the way what about our nuclear weapons? Are they not enough to stop the Indians in their tracks? What poppycock is this ‘strategic depth’?

:what:I don't know what this has to do with India, they are busy with their own seperation movement , I heard they will launch some offensive in 1-2 years against the sepratist in India - any how back to topic ...

Afgahanistani citizens are part of Pakistan they lived here with Pakistani nationality now , Afghanistan is part of Pakistan :pakistan: 10-14 million Afgan origin pakistani citizens are part of Pakistan , so who is Afghanistan part of ... they were also part of Pakistan prior

As for India cuting pakistan , I doubt it becasue India will be busy defending its border in east , they also have to gain , free energy

This is the most NATURAL solution - Pakistanis know Afganis we have Afghan citizens in Pakistan 10-11 million they can all live happily in their new province

And our civil gov can offer protection for Afghani and provide school, medical care and other benefits -

Afghanistan is part of Pakistan , we are twin brothers

Once we take contol of region we can work with india to help bring their traders in safely right now the situation is very dangerous with guns and warlords and weapons and granades - I mean tomorrow if some taliban blows up some other place we will have nucelar war ... its not worth it ...

So we need a NATURAL SOLUTION - STREAMLINE the transition lets integrate Afghanistan back into Pakistan - and we will dearm Afghan province and make it illegal to bear arms

People of Afghanistan province deserve , a chance to live lives being protected by Pakistan Army and Police , we can help build civil systems in Afghanistan

And best of all we don't mind US pipe line flowing thru our country to India , and Iran gas pipeline going to China we are all business

% of the funds will get diverty to help Afghanistan proivince, and Pakistan as whole

And India and China get energy and no need for war -


Pakistan is friends with US , friends with China , and we want friendship with India

This is the BEST OUTCOME ...

Think about it Pakistani Doctors moving to Afghanistan , gov of pakistan opening hospitals and schools and our army and police protecting citizens , we have same religion so we understand each other ...

Water , flows form Pakistan to Afghanistan etc you get my point ...

All the trucks go take food and goods to Afghanistan from Pakstan ...

And did I mention 13 million + ppl from Afghanistan have Pakistani Nationalities ?

They can easily open businesses there ..


This whole drame with Karzai , and warlord and elections what is in it for locals??? nothing .... 0% gain ... the average person has nothing ...

With the Natrual Transition plan I propose , the average Afghan citizen of Pakistan of course will have rights to jobs and trade and land ? which they already do as citizens
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