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Raw planned Maoist operation in Nepal

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Jan 2, 2012
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Shamsuddin Ahmed

Political polarization is on in Nepal ahead of November election declared by the caretaker prime minister Baburam Bhattarai of the United Communist Party of Nepal (UCPN-Maoist). The Maoist party headed by Pushpa Kamal Dahal alias Prachanda was sharply divided. Hardliner vice-chairman Mohan Baidya broke away from Prachanda with his followers and formed a new party, Communist Party of Nepal (CPN). The UCPN has formed alliance with Mahdesi parties and some other smaller parties. CPN came closer to Nepali Congress Party and UML (Marxist-Leninist). Rashtriya Prajatantra Party stands for revival of the monarchy is also emerging as a force.
It is interesting that of late Prachanda-Bhattarai of UCPN that had gained the majority in the 2008 election have lost their nationalistic image. The constituent assembly elected for a two-year term could not write the constitution even though its life was extended thrice to four years. Failed in its task, the assembly was dissolved in May last. Bhattarai attributed the failure to interference by external forces.

Significantly, Prof Sukh Deo Muni in his recently published book Nepal in Transition has exposed his disciples Prachanda and Bhattarai as Indian agents. He recalled that during their stay in India in 2002 the Maoist duo had secured active Indian support to end the monarchy promising to promote Delhi’s interest in Nepal. They agreed to act as per instructions from Indian intelligence agency RAW and Prof Muni. RAW planned to foment internal rift in the Maoist party leading to violence and bloodshed that would eventually destroy the Maoists themselves. The plan succeeded in dividing the Maoist party (UCPN).
Hardliner senior vice-chairman Mohan Biadya Kiron quietly broke away from UCPN and formed the Communist Party of Nepal (CPN) without confrontation.
The timing of such explosive disclosure of Prachanda-Bhattrai’s secret understanding with Delhi when they were preparing for the election is interesting. It has exposed the Maoist duo. They stand discredited among the people. Prof Muni belongs to a think tank which is involved in influencing India’s Nepal policy. He now advocates discarding the Maoist leaders as they have outlived their utility. Veteran Indian diplomat Shyam Saran has viewed that Delhi’s continued intervention in Nepal has created this new challenges and now appears confused.
Bhattarai has been trying to hide his real façade of being an ‘Indian agent’. Once a fierce revolutionary leader Prachanda who led the guerilla war from sanctuary in India and ended the centuries old Monarchy has lost his image among the people. He is now branded as India’s Trojan Horse. The Greek commanders carried inside the huge wooden Horse was tricked into the city of Troy. They had wrought havoc to the sleeping city at dead of night and ruined Troy, as the Greek mythology says.
Bharat Dahal, communist leader and newspaper columnist, wrote in weekly Drishti recently that the Maoist insurgency, palace massacre in which King Birendra was killed along with his family members, 12-point understanding between Delhi and Nepali political parties, naked democracy and failure of constituent assembly to write the constitution for the republic were all part of an extensive plan to breed anti-China policy by turning Nepal a failed state. The plan is now crystal clear.
With Prachanda-Bhattarai losing the confidence, Delhi is unlikely to work with them. It is known to be looking for suitable alternative. K.P. Oli of UML known to be close to India recently visited Delhi. A section of media believe that while briefing the Indian leaders Oli informed that Prachanda and Bhattarai were attempting to create a situation to engage India and China in direct confrontation. On return home Oli launched a campaign against Prime Minister Bhattarai saying that he has to go soon. Meanwhile, Prachanda is now fighting for his political survival and while talking to different political leaders has suggested that he would support the demand for Prime Minister Bhattarai’s resignation.
LD Thapa, president of writers and Kathmandu editors are convinced that the current political situation was so complicated that President Ram Baran Yadav and major political parties candle it. Indians have created this (Maoist) monster, and now it is out of their control. Both Prachanda and Bhattarai have been branded as Indian agents working against the national interest. Speakers at a Kathmandu seminar suggested that people have been betrayed by these political leaders. Peoples’ aspirations have not been addressed by the myopic leaders whose immediate objective was to grab power.
Political analyst Prajwal Shrestha wrote in Nepal Review early this month that ‘Delhi is the capital of new Nepal with Baburam Bhattarai as its caretaker Prime Minister. But with rising opposition against him, India is perplexed and looking for his replacement’.
Once a peaceful nation Nepal is now tormented due to lack of wisdom and patriotism of political leaders at the helm of affairs.
“Things can only get worse, whether there is an election or change of the government or not. There is no light at the end of the tunnel,” commented a senior journalist of Kathmandu.


These bharmin hypocrites have screwed up the whole region, even a hindu majority nepal is not safe from these shamless state sponsor of terror known as india. What a pathetic mentality these people have. They need proxies to control a hindu majority country which they claim to be all lovy dovy with them.:lol:
These bharmin hypocrites have screwed up the whole region, even a hindu majority nepal is not safe from these shamless state sponsor of terror known as india. What a pathetic mentality these people have. They need proxies to control a hindu majority country which they claim to be all lovy dovy with them.:lol:


By adding this line you prove how stupid you are...

you dint even put source of this BS and want every one to believe :lol:
India created Maoist, what a fairytale. :lol:

Why these maoist always supported China.
Shamsuddin Ahmed
These bharmin hypocrites have screwed up the whole region, even a hindu majority nepal is not safe from these shamless state sponsor of terror known as india. What a pathetic mentality these people have. They need proxies to control a hindu majority country which they claim to be all lovy dovy with them.:lol:

How do you live with so much of hatred buddy, I am new to this forum but i guess in all your posts, u use words like "Bharmin Hypocrits" and what not....If you want to talk then lets have a logical discussion but dont try to act like douchebag...
Wow what kind of retarded idiot would believe such baseless crude propaganda without any basis in fact. Actually we know what kind -the kind that would also add their own verbal vomit at the end.
Typical cheap journalism paid by anti Indian elements....
Wow what a credible source, Weeklyholiday .net:rofl:

faggot jamati mullahs should mind their own business instead of whining about "hypocrite bharmins" all the time.

These bharmin hypocrites have screwed up the whole region, even a hindu majority nepal is not safe from these shamless state sponsor of terror known as india. What a pathetic mentality these people have. They need proxies to control a hindu majority country which they claim to be all lovy dovy with them.


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