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RAW On The Mission Of Obliterating Regional Peace


Nov 3, 2008
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United States
United States
A good read....

Friday December 19, 2008 (1631 PST)


The political leadership of the largest democratic country has yet to come out from a trauma of terrorist act in one of its city Mumbai in which 200 dead and almost 300 wounded. Let’s compare the leadership and media with its adversary Pakistan which is facing terrorism since its inception and passing through a dangerous era, suffered heavy live and material losses as result of internal and external problems.

Pakistani leadership and media never got into panic despite facing terrorism launched by RAW, Mossad and KHAD in Pakistan. On the other hand so called matured Indian political leadership and her media lost senses and brought the two nuclear states at the verge of war and put South Asian peace at stake. They started bullying against Pakistan and its intelligence agencies with a view to divert attention of international media and world from actual issue i.e. Hindu extremists’ violence against minorities. New Dehli provided an old list as evidence which has no linkage with present incident of Mumbai.

Washington and Moscow are now claiming that Indian government has been informed quite earlier about the potent threat in the shape of terrorist attack on Mumbai. It means despite having early warning, failing of government in protecting Mumbai depicts (one) Indian intelligence agencies are highly inefficient. (Two) Indian Navy and Coast Guard are just trained for hitting and catching Fish boats. Example of hitting Thai Fish Boat is enough to prove the capability of Navy (Three) Indian intelligence agencies have allowed the terrorist to go for assault, since agency was interested to cash the harass by design (four) Indian intelligence agency spy themselves fed the information to Washington and Moscow through mobiles. I will like to ask Indian masters, can’t some Indian spy sitting in Karachi use wireless phone as directed by Raw , if it is so then it means , RAW bluffed CIA and KGB too (five) it could be the joint effort of CIA, RAW, Mossad and Khad to justify some action against Pakistan and ISI on later stage. US and its allies must remember that incase of any aggression, Pakistan will withdraw its forces from western front which would be another disaster for Washington after Vietnam War.
In fact, unfolding of Mumbai episode has started yelling against Pakistan and ISI just after few hours of its happening and narrated pre disseminated anecdote of their intelligence set up in fright. It only shows lack of coordination amongst media and RAW. Indian media has over reacted and displayed immature, irresponsible attitude and created war phobia amongst the masses. Though misfortune of Mumbai has caused debacle to so many Indian peaceful families but let me say that it was due to their own agencies conspiracy. Indian intelligence agencies always created clumsy situation for their government and nation while connecting all territorial and communal violence with its neighboring countries like China, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. In my opinion it was all fabricated tale and brainchild of RAW to target its own government or attracting newly elected American President Obama who showed his concern over burning Kashmir Issue and desire to settle the matter by nominating former President Bill Clinton on his behalf.

Any how, present Indian government has tasked its various intelligence agencies to find out and eradicate the actual root causes of increasing communal violence because approximately 55000 individuals have been killed since 1994 to 2008. The credit goes to them for accelerating the agencies to exert more rigorously against the actual culprits. The congress top leadership was in the opinion that they must get decisive votes of Muslims, Christian and Sikhs to win forth coming elections comfortably and at the same time curbing violence would help in toning down the changing world opinion against the country. The actions against extremists Hindus were also the demand of international communities because of their ruthless less actions against Christen, Muslims and Sikhs particularly in Orissa, Punjab, and Kashmir. The adverse situation of minorities was rapidly deteriorating the Indian Image in the world. Some how Hemant Karare, the Chief of the Anti Terrorist Squad has made a major break through while detecting a network of extremists Hindu terrorists group led by serving army officer Lt Col Prasad Purohit ex spy of Raw and Col. (R) S.S. Raikar retired was also one of the comrade of the serving Col. Indian government has given the green signal to arrest the serving Lt Col without realizing its repercussions.

According to the media reports Karare had been put under a very heavy pressure to deflect the Malegaon blasts investigations and remove the names of the army officers from his reports. But Karare did not agree on it and laid his life in a target killing during Mumbai episode. Indian intelligence agencies RAW and its Rob Army felt disgrace and decided to teach a lesson to Mr. Karare , its set up and Indian government. Indian electronic and print Media who is famous in portraying Indian culture closer to the western media started propagating that congress government is against the Hindus community. BJP along with other extremists Hindu Parties initiated the campaign in the media prior of launching of RAW Plan. Indian Navy planned her exercise in Blue Water probably in first week of November and culminated after the completion of complete operation.

As per Indian Newspaper “The Hindu”, highly-placed government sources told that India’s intelligence services had delivered at least three precise warnings that a major terrorist attack on Mumbai was imminent. According to the quoted newspaper on November 18, the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) intercepted a satellite phone conversation, in which a so-far unidentified caller notified his handlers that he was heading for Mumbai along with a certain cargo. Interestingly inefficient RAW claiming to determine innocuous call was made to a Lahore phone number known to be used by the Lashkar-e-Taiba’s main military commander for operations targeting India, who is known only by the code-names ‘Muzammil’ and ‘Abu Hurrera.’ Mumbai Police investigators have determined that the call was made from a satellite phone that was eventually found abandoned on the Porbandar-based fishing boat Kuber, hijacked by the terrorists’ mid-ocean, most likely on November 19. The satellite phone also contains records of several other calls to Lashkar handlers in Pakistan. Here I would like to suggest to my own intelligence agencies to be on tows to find out the Indian network operating in Punjab and other parts of Pakistan because it’s quite possible that Indian spy located in Pakistan would have made calls.

Figuring out of actual plan becomes obvious if we link all above narrated facts. The actual Plan reveals that it was the joint venture of Rob Indian Navy and Army against Indian government, Muslims, facilitating US stay in Asian regions, also targeting Anti Terrorist Squad Chief Kakare, Pakistan and ISI. The reports are there that Mr Karare’s wife refused to seek help from any Indian intelligence or police in the murder of her husband. Indian intelligence agencies also maintain that terrorists have used Global Positioning System (GPS) for reaching their targets. I want to highlight here that it’s not an easy experience that group of gangsters of early ages could travel such a long distance in open sea while Using GPS. It is also mentionable here that if Indian intelligence agencies intercepted and detected the calls and passed the information to the coast guard and Navy then they would have located the terrorists ship by using global positioning system coordinates from the intercepted calls .The Theme selected for Navy exercise i.e. attack by Al-Qaida / terrorists using vessels through sea on Mumbai also confirmed the planted story and reminding me the hijacking of Indian Plan , terrorist attack on Indian Parliament , attack on Samjoota Express Train and killing 68 Pakistani . Anyhow after the attack Prime Minster Manmohan and his Foreign Minster Pranab Mukherji lost senses and blamed Pakistan and ISI as per their past traditions.

However as a result of Mumbai Drama Indian government found a chance to counter the anti congress movement launched by BJP and their own intelligence agencies. December 3, 2008 Indian Foreign Minster in the presence of Condoleezza Rice again spitted venom by alleging Pakistan. Early too Indian foreign minister and media have threatened of attacking Pakistan. Islamabad clearly denied its involvement in Mumbai attack. Pakistan Army Spokes Man Maj General Athar Abbas condemned the attack and negated the involvement of any Pak intelligence agency. He further stressed that Pakistan Army is ready to meet any challenge and can defend the frontiers of its motherland with full vigour and strength against any aggression.

On December 2, 2008 Political parties and leaders of all shades of opinion showed complete solidarity with the government on the issue of national security and firmly supported the armed forces in defending Pakistan’s security interests. Pakistan unanimously condemned the terrorist attacks in Mumbai. In short international communities must interfere for avoiding war and in lessoning tension between two nuclear states. Indian top brass be asked to eliminate the state terrorism against minorities. She must resolve communal violence otherwise RAW and other intelligence agencies supported by highly immature Indian Armed Forces leadership will put the regional peace on stake. Pakistan should take a sound and strong stand to deal with India too.

Pakistan News Service - PakTribune
A good read....

Friday December 19, 2008 (1631 PST)


The political leadership of the largest democratic country has yet to come out from a trauma of terrorist act in one of its city Mumbai in which 200 dead and almost 300 wounded. Let’s compare the leadership and media with its adversary Pakistan which is facing terrorism since its inception and passing through a dangerous era, suffered heavy live and material losses as result of internal and external problems.

Pakistani leadership and media never got into panic despite facing terrorism launched by RAW, Mossad and KHAD in Pakistan. On the other hand so called matured Indian political leadership and her media lost senses and brought the two nuclear states at the verge of war and put South Asian peace at stake. They started bullying against Pakistan and its intelligence agencies with a view to divert attention of international media and world from actual issue i.e. Hindu extremists’ violence against minorities. New Dehli provided an old list as evidence which has no linkage with present incident of Mumbai.

Washington and Moscow are now claiming that Indian government has been informed quite earlier about the potent threat in the shape of terrorist attack on Mumbai. It means despite having early warning, failing of government in protecting Mumbai depicts (one) Indian intelligence agencies are highly inefficient. (Two) Indian Navy and Coast Guard are just trained for hitting and catching Fish boats. Example of hitting Thai Fish Boat is enough to prove the capability of Navy (Three) Indian intelligence agencies have allowed the terrorist to go for assault, since agency was interested to cash the harass by design (four) Indian intelligence agency spy themselves fed the information to Washington and Moscow through mobiles. I will like to ask Indian masters, can’t some Indian spy sitting in Karachi use wireless phone as directed by Raw , if it is so then it means , RAW bluffed CIA and KGB too (five) it could be the joint effort of CIA, RAW, Mossad and Khad to justify some action against Pakistan and ISI on later stage. US and its allies must remember that incase of any aggression, Pakistan will withdraw its forces from western front which would be another disaster for Washington after Vietnam War.
In fact, unfolding of Mumbai episode has started yelling against Pakistan and ISI just after few hours of its happening and narrated pre disseminated anecdote of their intelligence set up in fright. It only shows lack of coordination amongst media and RAW. Indian media has over reacted and displayed immature, irresponsible attitude and created war phobia amongst the masses. Though misfortune of Mumbai has caused debacle to so many Indian peaceful families but let me say that it was due to their own agencies conspiracy. Indian intelligence agencies always created clumsy situation for their government and nation while connecting all territorial and communal violence with its neighboring countries like China, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. In my opinion it was all fabricated tale and brainchild of RAW to target its own government or attracting newly elected American President Obama who showed his concern over burning Kashmir Issue and desire to settle the matter by nominating former President Bill Clinton on his behalf.

Just look at the article, peddling conspiracy theories. I understand conspiracy theories, but never have conspiracy theories been part of mainstream thought. Mostly the people who believe in conspiracy theories are loonies. whether it be the JFK murder or the murder of marilyn monroe or our own Divya Bharti. Anyways, show me one credible mass media non-Pakistani, non-Indian that is peddling the same fare.

Also, I am sure there will be calls from the foreign minister not to have "knee-jerk" reactions and he will ask the reporter not to peddle theories and vitiate a charged atmosphere without "credible evidence". :)

Any how, present Indian government has tasked its various intelligence agencies to find out and eradicate the actual root causes of increasing communal violence because approximately 55000 individuals have been killed since 1994 to 2008. The credit goes to them for accelerating the agencies to exert more rigorously against the actual culprits. The congress top leadership was in the opinion that they must get decisive votes of Muslims, Christian and Sikhs to win forth coming elections comfortably and at the same time curbing violence would help in toning down the changing world opinion against the country. The actions against extremists Hindus were also the demand of international communities because of their ruthless less actions against Christen, Muslims and Sikhs particularly in Orissa, Punjab, and Kashmir. The adverse situation of minorities was rapidly deteriorating the Indian Image in the world. Some how Hemant Karare, the Chief of the Anti Terrorist Squad has made a major break through while detecting a network of extremists Hindu terrorists group led by serving army officer Lt Col Prasad Purohit ex spy of Raw and Col. (R) S.S. Raikar retired was also one of the comrade of the serving Col. Indian government has given the green signal to arrest the serving Lt Col without realizing its repercussions.

According to the media reports Karare had been put under a very heavy pressure to deflect the Malegaon blasts investigations and remove the names of the army officers from his reports. But Karare did not agree on it and laid his life in a target killing during Mumbai episode. Indian intelligence agencies RAW and its Rob Army felt disgrace and decided to teach a lesson to Mr. Karare , its set up and Indian government. Indian electronic and print Media who is famous in portraying Indian culture closer to the western media started propagating that congress government is against the Hindus community. BJP along with other extremists Hindu Parties initiated the campaign in the media prior of launching of RAW Plan. Indian Navy planned her exercise in Blue Water probably in first week of November and culminated after the completion of complete operation.

As per Indian Newspaper “The Hindu”, highly-placed government sources told that India’s intelligence services had delivered at least three precise warnings that a major terrorist attack on Mumbai was imminent. According to the quoted newspaper on November 18, the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) intercepted a satellite phone conversation, in which a so-far unidentified caller notified his handlers that he was heading for Mumbai along with a certain cargo. Interestingly inefficient RAW claiming to determine innocuous call was made to a Lahore phone number known to be used by the Lashkar-e-Taiba’s main military commander for operations targeting India, who is known only by the code-names ‘Muzammil’ and ‘Abu Hurrera.’ Mumbai Police investigators have determined that the call was made from a satellite phone that was eventually found abandoned on the Porbandar-based fishing boat Kuber, hijacked by the terrorists’ mid-ocean, most likely on November 19. The satellite phone also contains records of several other calls to Lashkar handlers in Pakistan. Here I would like to suggest to my own intelligence agencies to be on tows to find out the Indian network operating in Punjab and other parts of Pakistan because it’s quite possible that Indian spy located in Pakistan would have made calls.

On December 2, 2008 Political parties and leaders of all shades of opinion showed complete solidarity with the government on the issue of national security and firmly supported the armed forces in defending Pakistan’s security interests. Pakistan unanimously condemned the terrorist attacks in Mumbai. In short international communities must interfere for avoiding war and in lessoning tension between two nuclear states. Indian top brass be asked to eliminate the state terrorism against minorities. She must resolve communal violence otherwise RAW and other intelligence agencies supported by highly immature Indian Armed Forces leadership will put the regional peace on stake. Pakistan should take a sound and strong stand to deal with India too.

Hmm..more conspiracy theories.. seriously, any real substance?
Yes, there have been some tensions between communities. Yes the problems in karnataka and kandamal were bad. But credit it to India's ethos that two of my best friends are a methodist christian and a muslim. No problems at all. Obviously, you would not believe me, but then why would you not? after all you believe the conspiracy theories nonsense that is being written in the article.

sometimes, if you leave out the impossible (RAW planning it, its operatives in punjab taking calls on satellite phones to fool the NSA, CIA, MI5 etc and then Indian Navy infiltrating India on boats to stage the mumbai attacks or maybe the Indian Navy is incompetant and could not catch the people even with 3 warnings) then whatever is left out howevr improbable is the truth.
Oh! and by the way what do you think is the Navy and RAW really intelligent and scheming or really stupid. make up your mind.

Make your own judgement. take a look at all the articles in the world media. All opinions that donot match your own should not be immediately dismissed. Maybe what you say is correct and every body else in the world is wrong. Maybe we are all living inside the Matrix and Alice is in wonderland.

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