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RAW CIA Agents in pakistani media

but writing articles glorifying them is another thing altogether.


Pray tell me , how does criticizing one's elected government, amount to glorifying the Naxal? . AR sympathizes with the Naxal cause but not all the action (She has verbally criticized the Killings perpetrated by some of the naxals).

Second, if i were to go by what you have written in this thread, you know as much about the naxalite movement as the Pakistani's, which would be Zilch.

So, NO, she is as much a nationalist, as i and you. Learn to respect the differences. If you cant, maybe China would be a better place for you.
Arundathi Roy is a bitchy anti national Maoist supporter. One the other hand Najam Sethi is a loyal Pakistani who just refuses to go with the flow and even went to jail for his beliefs. So no, there is no comparison b/n the two.

---------- Post added at 12:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:09 AM ----------

As the saying goes if you tell a lie, you may have to tell another 100 lies to prop up the first lie.

Wow what a double standard U really acting like a hindu banya FOckhead
Geo news starts sharif campaigns in his channel, the way they propogates PMLN in his programs specially hamid mir was so biased, Sharif meetings with Geo news chairman in karachi says it all.
Pray tell me , how does criticizing one's elected government, amount to glorifying the Naxal? . AR sympathizes with the Naxal cause but not all the action (She has verbally criticized the Killings perpetrated by some of the naxals).

From Wikipedia:

Roy has criticized Government's armed actions against the Naxalite-Maoist insurgents in India, calling it "war on the poorest people in the country". According to her, the Government has "abdicated its responsibility to the people"[51] and launched the offensive against Naxals to aid the corporations with whom it has signed Memorandums of Understanding.[52] While she has received support from various quarters for her views,[53] Roy's description of the Maoists as "Gandhians" raised a controversy.[54][55] In other statements, she has described Naxalites as "patriot of a kind"[56] who are "fighting to implement the Constitution, (while) the government is vandalising it".[51] Many commentators have noted that Roy does not hold sympathy for the victims of Maoist terrorism.[57][58] and have called her a "Maoist sympathiser."[59]


I still back Naxals’ struggle: Arundhati

According to Booker-winner Roy, the Naxals cannot but take up arms for their struggle. “It ought to be an armed movement. Gandhian way of opposition needs an audience, which is absent here,” she said.

Roy had drawn flak for calling the Naxals ‘Gandhians with guns’ in her article in a magazine. She said: “I never called them ‘Gandhians with Guns’. It was a blurb carried by a magazine. What I meant was that they (Naxals) are more Gandhian than any other Gandhian in their consumption pattern... their lifestyle, which is in stark contrast to their violent means of resistance.”

If I'm not mistaken she clearly advocates armed struggle.

Second, if i were to go by what you have written in this thread, you know as much about the naxalite movement as the Pakistani's, which would be Zilch.

Then enlighten me Sir, who are these naxalites?

So, NO, she is as much a nationalist, as i and you. Learn to respect the differences. If you cant, maybe China would be a better place for you.

There is a difference b/n learning to respect political differences (as that of BJP vs Congress) and respect those who advocate and support people who are engaged in armed struggle against the Indian state. I personally cannot do the latter.

---------- Post added at 02:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:03 AM ----------

Wow what a double standard U really acting like a hindu banya FOckhead[/QUOTE]

You really passed Madrassa with flying colors.
Your abusive language showed me what you have learnt in school .
BTW wikki in not a authentic source and about other reference its just blah blah blah nothing else .
there is very important of history in pakistan, he is just discussing about the nursery school history, i think he made a text book for a class and now he is free advertising his book, funny,
I would rather have them read this history growing up, makes our job easier when we get to pummel them on global diplomatic tables.

I agree even though the side effects of this strategy are damn irritating.
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