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RAW analysis - India And Bangladesh Must Come Together

It is the potential of blocking that keeps India awake at night. Who would do such a think should remain for now speculative. India has so many internal and external challanges that anything is possible.

Ur statement sounds as if almost hope that something might happen.U dont know wat would happen,leaving that under speculation,u just wish something to happen.Cmon.. put some data on the table proving something is going to happen.

Ok,lets say transaction of goods r hampered in some manner.So?? What is it in there for u?? U get an orgasm out of it??:woot::woot::rofl::rofl:
Energy-deficient Bangladesh will receive the power from Indian grids in West Bengal and Tripura.

We have doubt that India could use our grids(by selling electricity to BD) as a via grid to supply their own current from West Bengal to Tripura. Many people think that is why India is interested to sell few MWs of electricity to BD to get their big benefits.

Suppose, India giving 1000 MW to BD, where we will get 100 MW and rest 900 MW will go straight to Tripura via BD grid but BD people are not aware of that hidden big benefit of India. Then that will be a deception by AL govt.
Ms. Hasina’s visit is expected to be beneficial in this regard.

During the visit, the Indian side is expected to announce a credit line of up to USD 500 million.

India has been looking “sensitively” at issues relating to tariffs on goods from Bangladesh and has made a provision for duty-free import of eight million pieces of garments.

Benefits under the Least Developed Country (LDC) are also being extended to Bangladesh, as a result of which the list of sensitive items for import has been pruned considerably.

In the energy sector, the two countries will sign a power exchange MoU providing for import and export of electricity amounting to over 900 million units per annum depending on availability, need and price, the sources said here.

The price and various modalities for exchange of power will be worked out later for the MoU under which about 250 MW of power is expected to be exchanged initially and eventually it could touch 1,000 MW.

Energy-deficient Bangladesh will receive the power from Indian grids in West Bengal and Tripura.

The two sides are also working to ink an agreement on Teesta River water sharing.

The Hindu : News / National : India, Bangladesh to sign three pacts during Hasina visit

grow up son........If BD is giving help.There will be no question that India will not help.It's a start of new era.Its up to you...you want extermist or prosper economy

BD really doesn't need the loan.

The import by India of 800000 pieces of garments duty free has been hanging for the last 3 years and is unlikely to be of any use in rectifying the trade balance.

What BD really needs is to have more power stations in the country and not to import from India which will make us energy dependant.

Indian countervailing duty hits B’desh RMG exports

Doulot Akter Mala

The country's readymade garment exporters have been counting additional duty to enter the Indian market, as the latter has imposed countervailing duty on subsidised export items of other countries, industry insiders said.

Apparel items imported from Bangladesh are being subjected to countervailing duty on the basis of MRP (maximum retail price) instead of ad-valorem.

Initially two RMG products---cotton and blended or other natural or man-made fibre fabrics---will fall under the increased tariff measures.

Duty on cotton garment imported from Bangladesh will increase to 11.8 per cent or US$21.52 from 8.46 per cent or $15.43 per piece due to changes in tariff in the recent budget.

Taxes on blended and other natural or man-made fibre fabrics also increased to 19.5 per cent or $51.51 from 12.84 per cent or $33.89.

Indian importers have intimated the country's RMG exporters recently about the increase in duty, as they are paying additional duty on import.

Presently, Bangladeshi products are entitled to enjoy quota facility under which it can export 8.0 million pieces of RMG duty free. However, provincial duties apply.

"Indian authority did not make it clear whether the 8.0 million pieces of duty-free RMG import from Bangladesh would be exempted from the countervailing duty or not. In the finance bill, 2009, it issued a general order imposing the additional duty," said a Customs official.

Necessary clarification should be sought during the upcoming visit of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to India, he said.

"It will affect readymade garment export to India. Already, the country is facing nontariff barriers to enter the Indian market," the official added.

Bangladesh garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) president Abdus Salam Murshedy said: "India has given us the opportunity of duty-free export under SAFTA. It must inform us before imposing the additional tax."

India has imposed the countervailing duty following pleas from its local manufacturers, but as per rule they must discuss and conduct hearing before imposing such a duty, he said.

"We have requested the PM to address the issue. India cannot violate the agreement without discussion with us," he said.

RMG importers of India have been paying the additional duty for the last two months, as the measure came into effect in October, 2009, he said.

Indian countervailing duty hits B’desh RMG exports
We have doubt that India could use our grids(by selling electricity to BD) as a via grid to supply their own current from West Bengal to Tripura. Many people think that is why India is interested to sell few MWs of electricity to BD to get their big benefits.

Suppose, India giving 1000 MW to BD, where we will get 100 MW and rest 900 MW will go straight to Tripura via BD grid but BD people are not aware of that hidden big benefit of India. Then that will be a deception by AL govt.

Let us say that ur 'assumption' is correct.To me,it looks like Bangladesh helping its neighbour and getting helped in return.
Use this analogy-U go to the market,buy 'something' and give the shopkeeper some money in 'return'.Do u want to rob the shopkeeper off his goods?? :angry::angry:Do u even understand the very basics of trade and economy???:confused::confused:
And 'deception' is a strong term.
Or r u suggesting that India and Bangladesh will jointly come up with the statement that India is selling 1000MW,getting paid for 1000MW while delivering 100MW in reality.
Now,obviously things r a bit complex around here,but ill try to explain.U use the term 'grid' so loosely without actually realising what it is actually.(Now dont go on copy pasting from wikipedia to prove ur knowledge,coz if u knew 'bout it then u wouldnt even have suggested ur idea).There is no battery connected to the distribution network so that one may store electrical charge there robbing from the grid.Everything depends upon the load of the region which is catered by a source.Now source capacity is more or less fixed,whereas load is variable.The balance between generation and load is maintained by the system of grids.
Now this means two things--
1.One can always monitor the flow.That means if electricity actually flows to Indian side 'illegally',on a regular basis then "a whole bunch of people will know",those who work in the systems.Itll be like an open confession of deception.Now u cannot silence all of them .Can u??
2.If u control the grid and find out that there is a sudden surge in demand on the Indian side then u can always redirect supplies.A grid has a system called 'bus' that can channelise the distribution power in multiple directions.

Well,it not something that powerlines will carry power over the Bangladesh soil and nobody will even know 'bout it.Being connected to a grid ensures that.

Henceforth,from next time plzz use ur brain a bit,apply some thoughts before using before using some scientific/engineering terminologies in order to cookup some wild stories.

I would like to have a bit more detailed conversation with u which would have cleared ur doubts 'bout power supply networks,but thats out of scope of this forum.
You and your RAWtitis. Unfortunately there is no antidote for this disease.

Anyway. A couple of days agao Anandabazar Patrika, a Bengali local newspaper, reported that GoI is prepared to go out of the way to help BD. $ 500 million credit, supply of electricity, corridor to Bhutan and Nepal etc. will all be on the roaster. Not only that, GoI is willing to make unilateral compromises on Ms Hasina's demands, so long as these do not come in severe conflict with Indian interest.

Since when your country surplus production of electricity or become self sufficient on any social sectors that you will go your way to help us when the fact is we do not really need your help. It's your arrogance that irritate us and that you are not capable of undertand.
What we are demanding is that you stop intervening with our internal politics and stop patronizing mushrik elemements that trying to impose low qulaity bharati culture on our people. :tdown:

In return, India will make the usual demand of corridor to NE etc, but will not push Ms Hasina to deliver.

New Delhi is of the opinion that nothing will be demanded from Ms Hasina that will put her in trouble in domestic politics.
It is possible that - much to the chagrin of the Munshis and Zakirs - this tour may just turn out to be a historic turning point in Indo-BD relationship.

It's ture because political status has chanced in recent days. Half way to grave BNP has finally got it's life back. This up coming meeting will not do no damn things interms of improving our relation because end result would be zero. It will just be face saving meeting for you and la-hasina. You were expecting many selfish deal including Corridor through us to your eastern state but that won't take place as anti-awami forces are united to give her a high quality shake up if she signs any deal that will harm bangladesh. She already in deep hole as internal politics is heating up. She will face hard time in cumming days any way as most of us hate to see her presence in Bd and that is the real truth wheater you believe or not. :smokin:

Most of us genetically anti bharat and she and Awamis are known dalal. You guys wasting time.....:coffee:
Hasina's visit to hegemonic India

Thursday January 07 2010 08:34:21 AM BDT

By Zoglul Husain, Uk

London 6 January 2010. Hasina is due to visit India on 10 January, her 12th foreign visit in as many months since she assumed office on 6 January 2009, in her second term as Prime Minister. But this is her first visit to India in her second term and it is meant to be a significant one, as splashed in the Indian media.

Whenever there is a high-level meeting between Bangladesh and India, many people delve into history and remember India's 'help' in our independence war. Indeed, according to the hopes of many, after our independence, the two countries should have become very friendly in a win-win relationship. But, as a matter of frustration for them, it was not to be! The stumbling block in this regard has been India's intransigence, chauvinism and obduracy in their uneven and unjust dealings with Bangladesh for their mad pursuit of establishing hegemonism over Bangladesh and exploiting it ruthlessly, which is typical of all imperialist and hegemonist powers.

Unlike the gullible and the direct- and indirect beneficiaries of hegemonic influence and favour of largesse, the others ponder about the nature of Indian 'help' in 1971 and many have good realisation of it. India helped Bangladesh by way of achieving their own targets. India actually helped themselves! The stark reality is, India did not join the 1971 war from any humanitarian considerations. And the fact is: We wanted independence for one reason, but India wanted to divide Pakistan for another reason, not only to divide Pakistan, they wanted to reduce Bangladesh to the status of occupied Kashmir, as they still do, given an opportunity. -

We must remember that within its own territory, India slaughters literally hundreds of thousands of Muslims, other non-Hindu religious groups, Dalits, minority nationalities, etc. as a method of mindless, brutal and callous suppression, in order to sustain the vicious rule of the coterie, which is in power. This kind of government cannot have any conscience or humanitarian feelings or mutually beneficial considerations. With a friend like the present hegemonic India, who needs enemies?

As to the relationship between Bangladesh and India, we are all for good relations as much as we are for good relations with other countries. But it is impossible to normalise our relations with India unless and until it gives up its hegemonic ways. In order to do that, India must compensate us for the desertification and other damages caused to Bangladesh by Farakka barrage and their other structures on 53 of the 54 common rivers. They must get out of South Talpatti. They must stop arming and training the Shanti Bahini in CHT, the 'Bangabhumi' claimants in the south-west and they must dismantle the terrorist training camps along the borders. It is also thought that the JMB was created by RAW, and HuJI-B by Mossad for their ulterior motives. It is also thought by many that it was an Indian commando, which perpetrated the BDR massacre at Peelkhana with the complicity of a small section of the BAL, a small section of the government and the traitor Moeen U and a few of his military associates, in order to destabilise and control our defence. If these allegations are true, India must stop these evil practices and compensate for the damages caused.
To establish good relations, India must stop twisting Bangladesh Government's arms for corridor to Seven Sisters States by distorting the Asian Highway and making us travel through Seven Sisters States to reach Myanmar, instead of through Teknaf. They must stop pressurising the government for use of Chittagong port, Ashugang river facility and railway lines from Chittagong to eastern India, etc. They must refrain from conspiracies to occupy our offshore areas and from plundering our national resources, etc. They must remove the hindrance to bilateral trades so that Bangladesh can reduce the huge gap and deficit in its trade with India. They must solve the enclave problems and the border problems, which should not take such a long time. As a matter of fact, India deliberately did not ratify the very first treaty signed between Bangladesh and India, which was the Mujib-Indira Treaty signed in 1974. While Bangladesh ratified the Mujib-Indira treaty shortly after it was signed in 1974 and promptly handed over Berubari, but India, even after 25 years, has neither ratified the treaty nor honoured its obligations, including transfer of Tin Bigha. We are thus dealing with a party, which never keeps its promises.

They must stop the killings of unarmed villagers along the border perpetrated by wilful contravention of the Geneva convention, the figures of killing produced by the HR organisation 'Odhikar' are about 100 a year since 2000. These brutal killings need to be raised very strongly in international forums by our governments i.e. to take strong action against Indian hegemonism. Indeed all the governments of Bangladesh, so far, soft-pedalled on bilateral issues between Bangladesh and India, because of, possibly, surreptitious Indian bankrolling to relevant quarters and may be also because of international influence favouring India, while India has stubbornly remained hell-bent on their hegemonic ambitions and their acts over Bangladesh.

Under these circumstances, the five or so agreements, which Hasina is likely to sign with India in her upcoming visit, would give total advantage to India at the cost of our national Interest. Clearly, India wants to establish control over our power sector and energy sector, our telecoms sector and our transport sector for their advantage in trade and military considerations. They also want to bind us on financial loan in order for their benefits on their pet projects. Hasina's intended talks on Teesta barrage seems to have failed to make a headway at secretary level. On the other hand, no amount of India's assurance will persuade Bangladeshis that the Tipaimukh hydel project and the Fulertal barrage will not do any harm to Bangladesh. They will have devastating effects, exactly as there were by Farakka and Teesta barrages.

Before her visit, Hasina seems to have been instrumental in handing over ULFA leader Arabinda Rajkhowa and a few of his colleagues, with herself by being under the uncanny spell of Indian government's black arts and with an overt intention to please India and earn their trust. The people of Seven Sisters helped us in our independence struggle, but Hasina betrayed them in their independence struggle against Delhi. She could have simply asked the ULFA leaders to quietly leave Bangladesh, or do something else, if she felt she was under pressure.

It is India, who with the backing of the US and their allies, engineered the vile conspiracy of the so-called one-eleven 2007 and it is these powers again who also engineered the sham stage-managed election of 29 December 2008 to bring to power a puppet regime in order to serve their evil interests in Bangladesh, and as a matter of fact, it is a blatant attempt to subjugate Bangladesh, etc., etc.

Unless these problems are sorted out, there cannot be any good relations between India and Bangladesh. We will not surrender our independence and sovereignty to India, or to any other power. We want concrete solutions to the concrete problems.

We should actually build peaceful resistance at grass roots levels against Indian hegemonism. There is absolutely no space for glossing over the problems and over the persistent hegemonic conspiracies by India. How many lackeys of India within Bangladesh are bankrolled by India? How many of the media? How many government officials, NGOs, business people, professionals, etc?? And for what reasons???

Many call Hasina's present (not her previous government where she was duly elected in the acceptable election of 1996) government a puppet regime, run by powers from outside the border. If on her forthcoming visit to india she sells out national interest to satisfy these foreign powers, then the people will have no other alternative except for taking to the streets and developing peaceful resistance. The people of Bangladesh will never surrender to the hegemonists, whatever backing they might have from their international allies and their lackeys within Bangladesh.

Written by: Zoglul Husain
E-mail: zoglul@hotmail.co.uk
Our brother has sum up the issues that we are facing with fascist bharat. So long these out standing issues are not slove than there can not be frendly relation with bharat. It's up to bharat to take the initiative to tackle these issues once for all to prove it self a good Neighbor.
Look again:

We have doubt that India could use our grids(by selling electricity to BD) as a via grid to supply their own current from West Bengal to Tripura. Many people think that is why India is interested to sell few MWs of electricity to BD to get their big benefits.

Suppose, India giving 1000 MW to BD, where we will get 100 MW and rest 900 MW will go straight to Tripura via BD grid but BD people are not aware of that hidden big benefit of India. Then that will be a deception by AL govt.

Look again:

Let us say that ur 'assumption' is correct.To me,it looks like Bangladesh helping its neighbour and getting helped in return.
Use this analogy-U go to the market,buy 'something' and give the shopkeeper some money in 'return'.Do u want to rob the shopkeeper off his goods?? :angry::angry:Do u even understand the very basics of trade and economy???:confused::confused:
And 'deception' is a strong term.
Or r u suggesting that India and Bangladesh will jointly come up with the statement that India is selling 1000MW,getting paid for 1000MW while delivering 100MW in reality.
Now,obviously things r a bit complex around here,but ill try to explain.U use the term 'grid' so loosely without actually realising what it is actually.(Now dont go on copy pasting from wikipedia to prove ur knowledge,coz if u knew 'bout it then u wouldnt even have suggested ur idea).There is no battery connected to the distribution network so that one may store electrical charge there robbing from the grid.Everything depends upon the load of the region which is catered by a source.Now source capacity is more or less fixed,whereas load is variable.The balance between generation and load is maintained by the system of grids.
Now this means two things--
1.One can always monitor the flow.That means if electricity actually flows to Indian side 'illegally',on a regular basis then "a whole bunch of people will know",those who work in the systems.Itll be like an open confession of deception.Now u cannot silence all of them .Can u??
2.If u control the grid and find out that there is a sudden surge in demand on the Indian side then u can always redirect supplies.A grid has a system called 'bus' that can channelise the distribution power in multiple directions.

Sorry, U completely missed my points.

# You are talking that there is a give and take in selling and buying. I agree with you. So if we buy electricity from you then I will pay u money, this is simple and every one agree with us.

But in my post I mentioned about the extra hidden benefits of India, that is, the supply of their electricity via our cables from West Bengal to Tripura. It may help us by buying electricity from u by giving u money. But India showing off that they are giving us a favor by selling electricity but where the main object could be the use of our cable the supply of their own electricity via our cables from West Bengal to Tripura.
And I did not say that India is selling 1000MW, getting paid for 1000MW while delivering 100MW in reality. There I said that, suppose, India selling 100 MW and we will pay for 100 MW also but India can add 1000 MW to our grid where we will pay for our 100 MW according to our deal and rest 900 MW will pass to eastern India using our cable which is a hidden benefits of India to avoid building new cable network via chicken neck. There by the word grid I meant our cable net actually.

So there could be two benefits of India: one is getting money by selling electricity and another is using our towers and cables to supply India's extra electricity out of 100 MW to Tripura which is a hidden benefits not mentioned by both India and our AL govt.
Look again:

Look again:

Sorry, U completely missed my points.

# You are talking that there is a give and take in selling and buying. I agree with you. So if we buy electricity from you then I will pay u money, this is simple and every one agree with us.

But in my post I mentioned about the extra hidden benefits of India, that is, the supply of their electricity via our cables from West Bengal to Tripura. It may help us by buying electricity from u by giving u money. But India showing off that they are giving us a favor by selling electricity but where the main object could be the use of our cable the supply of their own electricity via our cables from West Bengal to Tripura.
And I did not say that India is selling 1000MW, getting paid for 1000MW while delivering 100MW in reality. There I said that, suppose, India selling 100 MW and we will pay for 100 MW also but India can add 1000 MW to our grid where we will pay for our 100 MW according to our deal and rest 900 MW will pass to eastern India using our cable which is a hidden benefits of India to avoid building new cable network via chicken neck. There by the word grid I meant our cable net actually.

So there could be two benefits of India: one is getting money by selling electricity and another is using our towers and cables to supply India's extra electricity out of 100 MW to Tripura which is a hidden benefits not mentioned by both India and our AL govt.

Ok brother.I get ur point.U talk like a sensible person with ur point of reasoning in order to support ur statements,and I admire that quality in u.
Regarding ur post as shown in the above quote,Ill give u my arguement.

See,it doesnt matter whether the electricity is generated in India or Bangladesh,it is electricity afterall.If the electricity is coming to Bangladesh from India has to be used in any form then it has to pass through a system of grid.Power will come off transmission grid and then itll be 'stepped down' to a distribution grid in a sub-station and so on...The moment it enters the system,power supply can be monitored and can even be cutoff if there is any foulplay.

Without the approval of Bangladesi authorities,external flow of electricity cant enter Bangladesi grid and in the same time power cannot be sucked up by India from Bangladesi power grid without the knowledge of Bangladesi authorities.

Its not like u pour in some water at the end of one pipe and get some part of it at the other end.The excess power u r talking 'bout cannot even enter Bangladesi grid without approval of Bangladesi authorities,let alone leaving it.
And u just cannot put cables across the country not entering the grid.If power has to be sold then it 'has to enter Bangladesi grid'.And the moment this happens,everything can be monitored.Nobody can do the transaction right under the nose of Bangladesi authorities without the authorities knowing 'bout it.
I m tellin u this 'coz Im an engineer myself.

Hope my arguement clears the doubts in ur mind..:wave::wave:
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The excess power u r talking 'bout cannot even enter Bangladeshi grid without approval of Bangladeshi authorities,let alone leaving it.
And u just cannot put cables across the country not entering the grid. If power has to be sold then it 'has to enter Bangladeshi grid'.And the moment this happens,everything can be monitored.Nobody can do the transaction right under the nose of Bangladeshi authorities without the authorities knowing 'bout it.

Hm, no need to think that I do not understand this simple thing, that is, everything can be monitored and without approval of Bangladeshi authorities no excess electricity can enter.

BTW, I was actually talking about that general people do not know the second benefit or AL and India only exposed about the buying and selling of electricity. But they do not know why, actually, India interested to sell such a few MWs of electricity.

BTW, I should not have any problem if India pass their electricity vis our system but the matter is, not sure, India is, actually, want to pass their current via our system rather than selling current. So the main object of India could be passing their electricity rather than selling electricity.
India is, actually, want to pass their current via our system rather than selling current. So the main object of India could be passing their electricity rather than selling electricity.

You nailed indian ploy and Awami stooge activity perfectly.
Neither are we a fanatic state now, just contain a fringe element fighting it out in our tribal areas. Our culture, our arts and our ordinary people excelling in all walks of global life are a testament to that.

Your one paragraph summary of the history of Pakistan does a lot of injustice to the actual truth.

I don't think the situation in Pakistan is as simple as the picture you are trying to paint. The fanaticism is a product of many decades of dilution in the culture and philosophy of your people. The global image of Pakistan is no better than that of Afghanistan or Somalia. And what specifically you mean by Jinnah's vision here? He did not create Pakistan by himself. Neither did he initiated the process. Can you please clarify that bit?
The fanaticism is a product of many decades of dilution in the culture and philosophy of your people. The global image of Pakistan is no better than that of Afghanistan or Somalia.

That’s the kind of gross exaggeration indo western media try to paint. And that goes to show depth of your bully directly tied to propaganda galore. As Pakistan strived to get nuclear capability, Pakistan image has been systematically distorted to feed people like you. As a developing country, yes Pakistan has many things to catch up on. On top of it Pakistan had to encounter first level of indo-western agenda, not once but twice in last 30years.
Hm, no need to think that I do not understand this simple thing, that is, everything can be monitored and without approval of Bangladeshi authorities no excess electricity can enter.

BTW, I was actually talking about that general people do not know the second benefit or AL and India only exposed about the buying and selling of electricity. But they do not know why, actually, India interested to sell such a few MWs of electricity.

If u understand everything then wat r we talking 'bout here??

We have doubt that India could use our grids(by selling electricity to BD) as a via grid to supply their own current from West Bengal to Tripura. Many people think that is why India is interested to sell few MWs of electricity to BD to get their big benefits.

Suppose, India giving 1000 MW to BD, where we will get 100 MW and rest 900 MW will go straight to Tripura via BD grid but BD people are not aware of that hidden big benefit of India. Then that will be a deception by AL govt.

Wat kinda general people u r talkin 'bout?? In this post quoted above u talk 'bout the opinion of many people 'bout India's interests.R they some special kinda people???Like wat kinda special.If this is a kinda secret understanding between Bangladesh govt and Govt of India then i dont see the cover of secrecy considering we r talkin 'bout it openly in forums.

BTW, I should not have any problem if India pass their electricity vis our system but the matter is, not sure, India is, actually, want to pass their current via our system rather than selling current. So the main object of India could be passing their electricity rather than selling electricity.

The matter is not sure,even if it happens then u have no problem if anything such happens.What on earth is the problem then???

The final part,as per u selling maybe the secondary option and transmission may be the primary.
I really fail to understand wat is the obstacle if transmission is done,or wat is the issue with which point u mark as No.1 and which point as No.2.I dont see any kind of harm to party if the transmission is allowed.

And as u mentioned before,that the primary Indian objective could be transmission only.Well thats very much possible.But one should not have any problem with that as long as negotiations r done in a peaceful manner without harming anybody's interests.
And since u understand the simple thing 'bout power grid i guess by now u also understand why transmission to Tripura cant be done in disguise of power sales.So separate negotiations would be necessary for power sales and power transmission.Any one can happen without the other.
Now since the issues r separate as we can now see,hence the question of being primary and secondary doesnt even arise ....The objectives r goin to be sole objectives of separate sets of negotiations.

Hope that solves ur primary-secondary dilemma.
That’s the kind of gross exaggeration indo western media try to paint. And that goes to show depth of your bully directly tied to propaganda galore. As Pakistan strived to get nuclear capability, Pakistan image has been systematically distorted to feed people like you. As a developing country, yes Pakistan has many things to catch up on. On top of it Pakistan had to encounter first level of indo-western agenda, not once but twice in last 30years.

I don't think there is any point in your statement. Just because Pakistan cannot correct the views expressed by Western world which bring Pak in poor light, it doesn't mean Pak hasn't done something very redical as a weapon to overcome their opponents.
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