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Rape Rape Rape

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Am not talking about AIDS or Poverty.. Pakistan does have more rapes per million population than India.

It matters on how much are reported.
India has only 1/7 rapes reported.
Otherwise you seriously think countries with 10x less population could have more rapes? :omghaha:

Fact is, India's transparency in this issue is even less than Somalia's.
Accept the facts, because you Indians posting per capita rapes only humiliate yourselves. :lol:
You people are just embarrassed to see the sheer high number of rape incidents in your respective countries. All you anti-rape thread people are essentially saying "Parda daalo humari harkaton pe, please".

Rape threads se issue hai? Jao jaakeh rapes bandh karwao, rape threads khudi bandh hojayenge.

It is not embarrassment, rather a healthy discussion in an ordered manner is what the correct way of addressing an issue.

The rape statistics clearly point to the fact India rape percapita is very low, it is because we are 120 crores and the other giant Chinese strictly control their media.

In the mean time the trolls can do their propaganda here, as if this is the only happening inside India.

The guys who open the rape threads of Pakistan or Chinese just to remind them that this is universal phenomena will get infractions.
@Imran Khan bhai you had a good pt in this thread. But ye thread ka shakal kaese change ho gaya wo dekhne layak hain. :rolleyes:
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I feel rape is a war crime. It needs to be highlighted and tackled, not brushed under the carpet like it has been done for too long.

No doubt it is a horrendous crime and my heart goes out to every single victim on earth.

If the Indians feel they are targeted, then that's their fault. They shouldn't be going around raping every tom, dick and harry they can get hold of in the largest freedom loving democracy on earth.
You people are just embarrassed to see the sheer high number of rape incidents in your respective countries. All you anti-rape thread people are essentially saying "Parda daalo humari harkaton pe, please".

Rape threads se issue hai? Jao jaakeh rapes bandh karwao, rape threads khudi bandh hojayenge.

why not make a sticky for pakistan too??also about the forced conversion of minorities etc..
Exactly , they have very smartly banned Indians from posting rape related threads of Pakistan but have allowed themselves to post such threads about India.

There should be a level playing field :lol:

Why? Its a Pakistani forum and it can (and should) do all it takes to portray Pakistan in a positive light and India in a not so positive one. Why would you expect otherwise ?
I think rape threads should be allowed and discussed as awareness is one of the ways for fighting it.

However, rape news about every nation should be allowed, as singling out a specific nation in this case will achieve the opposite and lead to further degradation of the forum.
Jab rape ho ga threads bhi hoon gay-
Why? Its a Pakistani forum and it can (and should) do all it takes to portray Pakistan in a positive light and India in a not so positive one. Why would you expect otherwise ?

Then they should at least openly admit that this is the agenda of the forum and that there is going to be bias against Indians. That there will be no level playing field.

Why pretend otherwise ?

Me and you being older members have realised this but many newer Indians who join the forum don't realise this and end up being disappointed like I was earlier.
Then they should at least openly admit that this is the agenda of the forum and that there is going to be bias against Indians. That there will be no level playing field.

Why pretend otherwise ?

Me and you being older members have realised this but many newer Indians who join the forum don't realise this and end up being disappointed like I was earlier.

You guys dont have level playing field?- Joke of the century-
From the sample 5 rape threads in opening post- 2 were started by indians- 2 by chinese- and one some french guy- :lol:-
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