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Randhawa quits as PTI’s deputy information secretary


Oct 4, 2010
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United Kingdom
ISLAMABAD: As a mark of protest against the party’s policies, particularly its stance on terrorism and allegedly condoning glaring irregularities in intra-party polls, Adnan Randhawa has stepped down as the Deputy Information Secretary of the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI).

The final blow to the youthful Randhawa, it is believed, was served by a statement issued by PTI Chairman Imran Khan after the Islamabad court attack.

“The PTI’s stand on the latest terror act here leaves much to be desired,” quipped another lawyer, who belongs to the Insaf Lawyers Forum (ILF).

The ILF member pointed out that they would stand by the bar associations whatever course of action was decided with regard to the terrorist attack and its aftermath. He said they expected the PTI chief to issue a statement for foolproof security in view of any further terror bid.

Randhawa called for dissolution of the PTI’s core committee being an unconstitutional body and all its decisions taken so far be reversed, particularly the one which removed the elected bodies of PTI Balochistan at the behest of what he alleged mafia.

The disgruntled party activist emphasised that a 15-member core committee be formed after getting it elected by the Central Executive Committee through a secret ballot.

Randhawa has forwarded some demands to the party leadership which include the removal of secretary general and president and secretary general of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, who, he said, were nominated by maneuvering the constitution and the Central Executive Committee. He called for holding polls against these key posts as per the PTI constitution immediately.

“Now that the drone attacks have stopped and the government has halted the strikes, the PTI should have demanded strictest action against the attackers of the court, their planners and trainers,” he said while confirming his resignation, when The News contacted him on phone on Sunday.

Randhawa stressed that all corrupt representing different mafia at the top level be removed and replaced with genuine educated middle class workers of the party.

Asked if the statement of PTI Chairman Imran Khan in the wake of the court attack was the reason for his decision to quit as deputy information secretary, he said the F-8 tragedy was just one of the many reasons for his move.

“I had requested the leadership to relieve me of my responsibility because of reservations about some politics and actions of the party,” he maintained in reply to a question.

About his demands, he said, the report of the Review Commission, headed by Tasneem Noorani should immediately be made public as was promised and the forensic audit report be shared with the Central Executive Commission, if not with public.

This correspondent sent out a short message to PTI Information Secretary MNA Shireen Mazari on the party’s position on this development, however, she did not reply to it.

looks like MQM is forcing PTI to change itself :azn:
MQM is lead by an unelected British mass murderer who's hiding thousands of miles away to escape justice. Its a fascist party with a history of murder and extortion that tries to come off as a legit political party based on bogus 'middle class' propaganda and idiotic stunts like Sufiana convention yada yada. MQM doesn't have internal elections, all moderates have been either killed or kicked out. It amazez me how seemingly educated kids don't see its cryptoterrorist past.

On topic.

Randhawa has quit his post and has the right to express his dissatisfaction. He won't end up in a bori and thats a plus!
shireen mazari is a part of the mafia, who knew and why is asad umer silent of this mafia?

MQM doesn't have internal elections, all moderates have been either killed or kicked out.

the end result is MQM is the most organised party who promotes its members on merits, what has PTI gained from so called organisation, the fake cheat of an election, which was stained by rigging and corruption

and what moderates are you taking about dear, there is no such thing as moderates in MQM, are you trying to prove there is/was a moderate faction in MQM?

elections bring factions/groupings, thats why MQM doesn't hold elections, a common worker is promoted and dignified in PTI its the same case as in PMLN and PPP
MQM is lead by an unelected British mass murderer who's hiding thousands of miles away to escape justice. Its a fascist party with a history of murder and extortion that tries to come off as a legit political party based on bogus 'middle class' propaganda and idiotic stunts like Sufiana convention yada yada. MQM doesn't have internal elections, all moderates have been either killed or kicked out. It amazez me how seemingly educated kids don't see its cryptoterrorist past.

On topic.

Randhawa has quit his post and has the right to express his dissatisfaction. He won't end up in a bori and thats a plus!

PESHAWAR- Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) Minister of Health and Information, Shaukat Yousafzai, today said that they were ready for assistance of the Taliban office in the province in order to step forward for peace establishment in the country.

KPK minister Shaukat Ali Yousafzai was addressing a press conference in Peshawar, the provincial capital of KPK. During an anti-polio campaign he said that they were ready to play role in peace establishment.

Yousafzai reiterated that assistance would be provided to Taliban for an office opening in the province as they offered before but faced severe criticism from many political circles.

KPK government wishes a health and polio-free society. The provincial government is taking significant steps in this regard but controlling terrorism is out of our reach, he said.

He added that it was necessary to make dialogues successful. The federal authorities and the Taliban militants should exhibit responsible behavior and seriousness, he concluded.

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf wants Taliban office in Pakistan

anyone leaving PTI, has his rights to find the best suitable political party, its not only him, its almost every patriotic pakistani,s voice who has rightfully discovered the true face of PTI & its foolish leadership, in supporting TTp terrorists.
who are trying hard to make pakistan & afghanistan one single wahabi, voilent state called TALBANISTAN?
anyone leaving PTI, has his rights to find the best suitable political party, its not only him, its almost every patriotic pakistani,s voice who has rightfully discovered the true face of PTI & its foolish leadership, in supporting TTp terrorists.
who are trying hard to make pakistan & afghanistan one single wahabi, voilent state called TALBANISTAN?

PTI fooled people, thus couldn't capitalize on its popular vote, PTI needs to make major and i mean a huge major revamp in its leadership otherwise PTI will fall like pack of cards in no time at all

PTI is becoming more and more closer to PMLN and PPP ideology of elite and feudal control

the only guy who can now save PTI from decline is asad umer, but even then i doubt because asad umer 2 older brothers are involved in corruption in PMLN while enjoying finance secretary posts
PTI fooled people, thus couldn't capitalize on its popular vote, PTI needs to make major and i mean a huge major revamp in its leadership otherwise PTI will fall like pack of cards in no time at all

PTI is becoming more and more closer to PMLN and PPP ideology of elite and feudal control

the only guy who can now save PTI from decline is asad umer, but even then i doubt because asad umer 2 older brothers are involved in corruption in PMLN while enjoying finance secretary posts

PTI is not like PPP or any other party and it is not like one man league. It has proper check and balance system although the seats are not distributed on phone. And yes Asad Umar is an important pillar of PTI.@leader

I fully support the peace talks. Thats how conflicts are ended. If you want to end a conflict, talk less to your friends and more to your enemies.

I fully support the peace talks. Thats how conflicts are ended. If you want to end a conflict, talk less to your friends and more to your enemies.
sure then QUEEN OF ENGLAND must hve talked peace with HITLER in world war 2nd?
PTI is not like PPP or any other party and it is not like one man league. It has proper check and balance system although the seats are not distributed on phone. And yes Asad Umar is an important pillar of PTI.@leader

i know PTI better than you, and people who came genuinely for PTI are all leaving now, only the opportunits remain, if this carries on, PTI is in for a very big blow in near future, i already predicted that PTI is having financial irregularities and the mafia is suppressing all the genuine people, if those genuine people don't find room to work out in reforming PTI's mafia structure, PTI is in for a very big bad news, the most unfortunate thing is imran himself has sold his soul to the mafia

this shows that although it was imran who started all of this, he has become an opportunist, if your own leader is flawed then party will go to hell, forgive my severe tone

last time the PTI genuine people caught irregularities, they were not responded with immediate action, it means that mafia has taken over and merit has been lost

its nothing but imran himself has to be blamed for this
sure then QUEEN OF ENGLAND must hve talked peace with HITLER in world war 2nd?

WW-II started the moment they humiliated Germany via the treaty of Versalis. If there was a genuine effort for peace it would have averted the war.
PTI is not like PPP or any other party and it is not like one man league. It has proper check and balance system although the seats are not distributed on phone. And yes Asad Umar is an important pillar of PTI.@leader
Is that why your corrupt zani leader ate 3 million dollars that were donated by the american PTI supporters?
WW-II started the moment they humiliated Germany via the treaty of Versalis. If there was a genuine effort for peace it would have averted the war.
no it wont, cause hitler was in absolute power, & has the mi,itry might to crash UK, but he went crazy, against everyone?
it brought, all of his enemies on the table against him, briton took the opurtunity, to destroy hitler & his dangerous power , once & for all?
no talks ever be, any solution to any terrorists be it srilanka or anywhere else?
peoples of pakistan dont wants to see thier kids heads been made footballs, to appease TTp terrorists, by talks?
thts why, peoples start leaving PTI, its a reality , which is going to bite PTI more & more?

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