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Rameshwar Nath Kao's: Gentleman Spymaster


Apr 8, 2014
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22nd December 2019 13:00 IST
Launch of Former Journalist Nitin Gokhale’s book Rameshwar Nath Kao's Gentleman Spymaster.jpg

Union of India's Establishment has Decided to Appoint Indian Army - Vice Chief of Army Staff Lieutenant General Manoj Mukund Naravane, PVSM, AVSM, SM, VSM, ADC as the Next Chief of the Army Staff.

On Saturday, 21st December 2019 , The Next Indian Army - Chief of the Army Staff Designate Indian Army - Vice Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General Manoj Mukund Naravane, PVSM, AVSM, SM, VSM, ADC said the World of Intelligence is not like the Glamorous Portrayal of “James Bond, Guns and Girls” but more of “John Le Carr’s ‘Smiley’ Novels”, while Underlining the Importance of Intel in Successful Military Operations.

The Next Indian Army - Chief of the Army Staff Designate Indian Army - Vice Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General Manoj Mukund Naravane, PVSM, AVSM, SM, VSM, ADC was Speaking at the Launch of Former Journalist Nitin Gokhale’s book Rameshwar Nath Kao's: Gentleman Spymaster’.

Rameshwar Nath Kao (10th May 1918 - 20th January 2002) had served as the First Chief of Union of India’s External Intelligence Agency, the Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW).1968–1977.

The Next Indian Army - Chief of the Army Staff Designate Indian Army - Vice Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General Manoj Mukund Naravane, PVSM, AVSM, SM, VSM, ADC said “Military Operations and Intelligence Go Hand in Hand. In fact, whenever Indian Armed Forces have An Operational Briefing, The Operational Briefing always starts with ‘khabar Dushman ke Bare main’ (News about our Enemies) and that ‘khabar’ is what We Get from Our Intelligence Operatives,”

“I Dare say that None of Our Military Operations would have been Successful had this not been from the support we got from Various Intelligence Agencies including Research & Analysis Wing,” The Next Indian Army - Chief of the Army Staff Designate Indian Army - Vice Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General Manoj Mukund Naravane, PVSM, AVSM, SM, VSM, ADC said.

Indian Armed Forces Owe Intelligence Agencies for their Contribution to the Indian / Hindu Nation’s Security, The Next Indian Army - Chief of the Army Staff Designate Indian Army - Vice Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General Manoj Mukund Naravane, PVSM, AVSM, SM, VSM, ADC added.

The Next Indian Army - Chief of the Army Staff Designate Indian Army - Vice Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General Manoj Mukund Naravane, PVSM, AVSM, SM, VSM, ADC said that when Someone thinks about Intelligence, Normally the thought that comes to the Mind is of Movie Character James Bond, but this is not like that.

“When we talk or think about Intelligence, we normally think of James Bond, Guns, Girls, Guitar and Glamour, but the world of Intelligence is not that. The World of Intelligence is more of John Le Carre’s Smiley Novels...Unseen, Unheard, Unknown, working behind the Scenes, Analysing Volumes of Information,” the Next Indian Army - Chief of the Army Staff Designate Indian Army - Vice Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General Manoj Mukund Naravane, PVSM, AVSM, SM, VSM, ADC said.

While Going through the Volumes of Information, Data, and Reports, This is the Intellectual Capacity to Piece together the Nuggets of Information that make out Entire Jigsaw out of this, and that is what the book on Union of India’s Establishment- Ministry of Defence- External Intelligence Agency, the Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW), First Chief 1968–1977 Rameshwar Nath Kao (10th May 1918 - 20th January 2002) Aptly Portrays, the Next Indian Army - Chief of the Army Staff Designate Indian Army - Vice Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General Manoj Mukund Naravane, PVSM, AVSM, SM, VSM, ADC said.

British Author David John Moore Cornwell, better known by his pen name John le Carr, is famous for his Espionage Novels. During the 1950s and 1960s, he worked for both the British Security Service (MI5) and the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6).

The Next Indian Army - Chief of the Army Staff Designate Indian Army - Vice Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General Manoj Mukund Naravane, PVSM, AVSM, SM, VSM, ADC Praising the Book "Rameshwar Nath Kao's: Gentleman Spymaster’" said the style of Writing has Captured the Persona of the Individual (Union of India’s Establishment- Ministry of Defence- External Intelligence Agency, the Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW),First Chief 1968–1977 Rameshwar Nath Kao (10th May 1918 - 20th January 2002)).

“Both have Gone Hand in Hand. If Given a Chance, this (can be) made into a Potboiler but that was not the intent.

The Character of the Man (Union of India’s Establishment- Ministry of Defence- External Intelligence Agency, the Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW),First Chief 1968–1977 Rameshwar Nath Kao (10th May 1918 - 20th January 2002)) and the Style in which the Book is Written Actually Complement Each Other,” said The Next Indian Army - Chief of the Army Staff Designate Indian Army - Vice Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General Manoj Mukund Naravane, PVSM, AVSM, SM, VSM, ADC.

Speaking on the Occasion, Union Government of India, Ministry of Defence - Former Special Secretary (1976 – 1995) Vappala Balachandran (15th June 1937 born in Rangoon) who had worked with Union of India’s Establishment- Ministry of Defence- External Intelligence Agency, the Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW),First Chief 1968–1977 Rameshwar Nath Kao (10th May 1918 - 20th January 2002), shed light on the Latter’s Personality.

“Union of India’s Establishment- Ministry of Defence- External Intelligence Agency, the Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW),First Chief 1968–1977 Rameshwar Nath Kao (10th May 1918 - 20th January 2002) will be Remembered for the contributions in the Liberation of Republic of Bangladesh in 1971 and for the role in ensuring Sikkim’s Merger with Union of India in 1975 . Rameshwar Nath Kao was Meticulous and worked without Compromising on the ideology of Indian Armed Forces - Indian Intelligence Bureau as Union of India’s Establishment- Ministry of Defence- External Intelligence Agency, the Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW),First Chief 1968–1977 Rameshwar Nath Kao (10th May 1918 - 20th January 2002) would hand-pick the right men for the job,” Union Government of India, Ministry of Defence - Former Special Secretary (1976 – 1995) Vappala Balachandran (15th June 1937 born in Rangoon) said.

Union Government of India, Ministry of Defence - Former Special Secretary (1976 – 1995) Vappala Balachandran (15th June 1937 born in Rangoon) said a Proper De-Classification Policy should be in Place, when asked about Declassifying and Making public the information Regarding 1962 War, 1965 War and 1971 war, which he said has not been done.

“We have not done that. We have been releasing some papers but withholding certain others. In all other countries, including Rus Federation, the Archives are thrown open. If other countries can do that why can’t we? If such Declassification is Allowed then Interpretation of the History will be much more Accurate,” Union Government of India, Ministry of Defence - Former Special Secretary (1976 – 1995) Vappala Balachandran (15th June 1937 born in Rangoon) said, adding that right now the Dependence is on Leaks which are Sometimes Inaccurate.

Later talking to Indian Military Reporters, Union Government of India, Ministry of Defence - Former Special Secretary (1976 – 1995) Vappala Balachandran (15th June 1937 born in Rangoon) said many Sensitive Records are part of the History.

“How did Bangladesh become independent? There are several things in terms of Pakistan. You can keep a secret for 20 years but after that, this is no longer a secret and this becomes a part of Global History. By Declassifying the Documents, a lot of Misunderstandings can be Avoided,” Union Government of India, Ministry of Defence - Former Special Secretary (1976 – 1995) Vappala Balachandran (15th June 1937 born in Rangoon) said while Supporting Withholding of Certain Sensitive Information.

Union Government of India, Ministry of Defence - Former Special Secretary (1976 – 1995) Vappala Balachandran (15th June 1937 born in Rangoon) Demanded that the Official Secrecy Act be Scrapped Completely.

“In a Democracy, you should introduce a New Law in which Union Government of India's Records and the Official Record should be maintained for a certain period like 5-6 years, and afterwards Everything should Automatically Declassified,” Union Government of India, Ministry of Defence - Former Special Secretary (1976 – 1995) Vappala Balachandran (15th June 1937 born in Rangoon) demanded.

Union of India, Maharasthra State - Director General of Police (Former) - Jayant Umranikar IPS ( Cadre - Maharashtra , Batch - 19730 said Union of India’s Establishment- Ministry of Defence- External Intelligence Agency, the Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW),First Chief 1968–1977 Rameshwar Nath Kao (10th May 1918 - 20th January 2002) was An “Institution” in himself known for His Talent, Vision and Enterprise.

Former Journalist Nitin Gokhale, the Author of the book "Rameshwar Nath Kao's: Gentleman Spymaster" stated that his work is about the Memories of Individuals who knew Union of India’s Establishment- Ministry of Defence- External Intelligence Agency, the Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW),First Chief 1968–1977 Rameshwar Nath Kao (10th May 1918 - 20th January 2002) and his Personal Life.

“However, there are Some Documents-Transcripts of Tape-Recorded Conversations with Union of India’s Establishment- Ministry of Defence- External Intelligence Agency, the Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW),First Chief 1968–1977 Rameshwar Nath Kao (10th May 1918 - 20th January 2002) on Three Crucial Files on Bangladesh, the Merger of Sikkim and Assassination of the Third Elected Prime Minister of Union Government of India Smt Indira Priyadarshini Gandhi (19th November 1917 – 31st October 1984) , which will not be opened until 2025 as per his instructions,” Former Journalist Nitin Gokhale said.

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