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Ramadan Greetings from United States CENTCOM

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Apr 30, 2010
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United States
United States
As Ramadan nears we send our salutation to the Muslim world on this blessed month of Ramadan. Ramadan is the month of reflection and giving; a time for compassion, happiness and hope. We hope and pray for peace and tranquility for all in this blessed and holy month.

Abdul Quddus
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
Isn't it a bit early? Ramadan is still 5 days away.
As Ramadan nears we send our salutation to the Muslim world on this blessed month of Ramadan. Ramadan is the month of reflection and giving; a time for compassion, happiness and hope. We hope and pray for peace and tranquility for all in this blessed and holy month.

Abdul Quddus
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

Are you guys gonna bomb innocent civilians in Ramadhan?
Well I think its bad taste to blame our friend here , the big decisions come from top like in all bureaucracy
however invading airspace of Pakistan is not something to be taken lightly it leaves a very bad after taste


Please tell Obama its not working ...:cuckoo:

It would take an enormous effort to go back to level of cooperation we had in 80's sadly the cooperative programs do not match the chaos caused by such air space violation
A Southeastern Ugandan baby born in May is roughly 20 percent more likely to have visual, hearing or learning disabilities as an adult. Why so? Before you answer, Consider this; the same pattern has been identified halfway across the world, in Michigan. In fact, a May birth in Michigan might carry an even greater risk than in Uganda.

The simple answer for this troubling phenomenon: Ramadan. Muslim Mothers who go on fasts during Ramadan months while being pregnant deliberately run the risk of stunting their kids with lifelong defects usually found in third world nations with extreme malnutrition.

This is not my personal conclusion but one of the many found in the superb bestseller "Superfreakonomics".

i think the pregnant woman shouldnt fast because her fasting makes the baby fast too, so not good for baby's health
A Southeastern Ugandan baby born in May is roughly 20 percent more likely to have visual, hearing or learning disabilities as an adult. Why so? Before you answer, Consider this; the same pattern has been identified halfway across the world, in Michigan. In fact, a May birth in Michigan might carry an even greater risk than in Uganda.

The simple answer for this troubling phenomenon: Ramadan. Muslim Mothers who go on fasts during Ramadan months while being pregnant deliberately run the risk of stunting their kids with lifelong defects usually found in third world nations with extreme malnutrition.

This is not my personal conclusion but one of the many found in the superb bestseller "Superfreakonomics".
and who said it is mandatory for a pregnant woman to keep fast,. so learn the basics and than comeback here with such crap
As Ramadan nears we send our salutation to the Muslim world on this blessed month of Ramadan. Ramadan is the month of reflection and giving; a time for compassion, happiness and hope. We hope and pray for peace and tranquility for all in this blessed and holy month.

Abdul Quddus
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

Abdul Qudus bhai thank you for your wishes, but as other members said, please no more Drone strike for atleast a month...ok make it till 3rd day of eid......
I don't expect a hellfire missile on eid day in my country as Eidi
As Ramadan nears we send our salutation to the Muslim world on this blessed month of Ramadan. Ramadan is the month of reflection and giving; a time for compassion, happiness and hope. We hope and pray for peace and tranquility for all in this blessed and holy month.

Abdul Quddus
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

its Ramzan, spoken and spelled so...
As Ramadan nears we send our salutation to the Muslim world on this blessed month of Ramadan. Ramadan is the month of reflection and giving; a time for compassion, happiness and hope. We hope and pray for peace and tranquility for all in this blessed and holy month.

Abdul Quddus
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
ViceVersa... Happy fasting..... u do fast dont u ;)
Haha, kill more people, and then wish us Ramadan?

Well, here's a personal incident for you. A friend of mine went to his college and he has a friend from FATA there. His parents had come to Karachi when he was young, but his grandparents lived in FATA. Because of no telephones, etc, they went to visit the grandparents after every 6 months or so. Now, guess what?

He sees children in a newspaper article one day. He recognises them. They were his neighbours. He then finds his grandparents are also dead. Terrorists, right?
As Ramadan nears we send our salutation to the Muslim world on this blessed month of Ramadan. Ramadan is the month of reflection and giving; a time for compassion, happiness and hope. We hope and pray for peace and tranquility for all in this blessed and holy month.

Abdul Quddus
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

Thank you very much Mr.Quddus. I appreciate your greetings,but as our various members have shared their concern about various issues,therefore,I hope that we will keep looking forward to resolve them.
With all due respect, you are an absolute fool to wish anyone here a joyous Ramadan. It is unwanted as you can tell. I have received a good education here. Please, if terrorists are found, drone-bomb the crap out of them at the hight of Ramadan, for all I care. CENTCOM is wasting my tax paying dollars if it cares about one life or one thing, other than Americans or American interest. Attempts at thinking we have friends or allies in the region, attempts at respecting the various regions or cultures or religion represented here, are only met with scorn. They think we are fools, because of it. They could give a rat's-*** about American lives so we are idiots to give one about theirs. Bomb away. They will always blame America because they are not men enough to take charge of their own countries.

Think I am being harsh? I suggest you read through some posts on PDF, including the other responses to this foolish thread.

Drone strikes have made that a public opinion about US and unfortunately that is how people see the US in the region, not all of course.

Don't get worked up, American people would have the same reaction if they were receiving the same treatment by Pakistan with drone attacks.
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