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Rajnath to spell out BJP’s Afghanistan policy


ISAF troops are here only to get their pay cheque.

Pakistan,China and GCC are on the same page on Afghanistan, if Turkey joins in with its c.asian fellows we can indeed make a huge difference.
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Mark my words, 'There will be NO NATO/ISAF troops left behind.'

We allow Americans to pullout peacefully,while Taliban get a power share in Kabul. Pakistan's goal is to make them denounce violance and become a political movement instead.

To achieve that, Pakistan has conducted secret talks with the N.Alliance to reach a compromise with the Taliban.

India has invested $2 billion in Afghanistan even though that money can be best used in their own country home to some 40% of malnourished kids on planet earth.

They hope that, 2 billion will allow them to buy stooges and achieve goals that two superpowers have failed to achieve with trillions of dollars and humanity's largest most destructive war machines.

Indian establishment knows its limitations but its citizens especially the rich and those who can afford a computer with a second hand keyboard,motivated by their right wing jingoistic media don't. They are delusioned and grossly overestimate their ability to alter events.

@Black Widow

Goodluck with the 'transit'.

I like the way you use the word ' allow' with regard to peaceful withdrawal of US. Pak is a part of the problem too. Next, how does one expect to ask the taliban denounce violence when Pak has not been able to achieve this lofty objective with the numerous groups within Pak itself ?

Orgnisations like the Taliban have a mind of their own gain momentum as they go along.

I would not bet on the claims made & road map indicated.

Pls do not bother your mind where & how India should spend its money. There is no dearth of funds - only honest men who would ground apply them are far & few in between,


Thats incorrect to say that they don't have a history of peaceful coexistence WITH self rule.

However, i do agree that they hold no singular identity. Onlything common between them is Islam and any future political setup aimed at a unified Afghanistan will be rooted in political Islam.

Pakistan has made clear to the Taliban that,there will be no 'Shari'ah State' in Afghanistan,however we do wish to emulate the Turkish model of Islam rooted democracy.

For Pakistan, Afghanistan in its current form is unacceptable. We are having to deal with not only their political chaos and refugees but also the prospect of another futile bloodbath.

We don't want it, but its something we have to put up with it.

Again, one reads presumptuous remarks.

The Taliban will do as they please. It suits their interests to appear to be in sync - time will tell.
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If Team Turkey [your C.asian allies] join team Pakistan [GCC,China,Iran] .... We can rebuild Afghanistan and it will result in a huge strategic shift in the region.

Pakistan has a long held agenda of reaching Turkey via land route. It was highlighted by our father Jinnah himself. It makes little sense to people today,but when it happens the purpose will become apparent.

Up till now Iran and GCC had been at each other's throat, even in Afghanistan. I don't know how likely an alliance will be between these two.
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ISAF troops are here only to get their pay cheque.

Pakistan,China and GCC are on the same page on Afghanistan, if Turkey joins in with its c.asian fellows we can indeed make a huge difference.

I see but bringing China, Pakistan and Turkey together is easy as we three are friendly, brotherly nations, which would be enough. But bringing Turkey, Iran and GGC together is impossible I think
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I see but bringing China, Pakistan and Turkey together is easy as we three are friendly, brotherly nations, which would be enough. But bringing Turkey, Iran and GGC together is impossible I think

GCC,China,Pakistan are in the same camp, with Iran heavily involved in Gwadar and so much power concentrated in Afghanistan they would either have to join or face isolation. I believe the new Iranian govt is in no mood for isolation.

Up till now Iran and GCC had been at each other's throat, even in Afghanistan. I don't know how likely an alliance will be between these two.

Everyone has the same religion when it comes to money. If we team up with Turks,Arabs and Chinese the Iranians will have a choice either to invest and be part of the team or become isolated.
Iran and GCC working together with Turkey is a pipe dream. khayali pulao, aasmaani kabootar...patang udana...mungeri lal ke sapney...whatever you want to call it.
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