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Rajnath threatens to take back Azad Kashmir

Some dollars flown into Pakistan in those emergency landing civilian aircraft will do the trick.
What Pakistanis don't understand at all is the psychology affects behind this. They are saying this to move the focus on Azad Kashmir and away from Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir. I won't be surprised if Pakistani politicians pdm and establishment is involved.

In the end both India and Pakistani politicians/establishment will claim victory to their awaam. Pakistani political pdm/establishment will claim that at least they saved Azad Kashmir whereas Indian politicians will claim that at least Pakistan accepted Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir as Indian state.
Some dollars flown into Pakistan in those emergency landing civilian aircraft will do the trick.
Our corrupt politicians may do nothing, but against enemy the qaum will thrash india…..more than welcome to try it…..is dada tea nahi milaygi……bloodybath milayga
Don’t need a rocket scientist.

One can go to Azad Kashmir and IoK and see the difference in law and order situation.
Even if 70 million indians came to try and annex Azad Kashmir, they would fail and be utterly defeated. IF I am wrong, indians are more than welcome to come and try......... :azn:
we dont have to since your leaders are selling the country. we might pay for it :p
In order to stop chinese action in the region, India needs to invade P o K.
Against a heavily protected air space...plaaf is shit... That's why... They shit before taiwanese invasion. Plaaf is redundant and incapable of any air action... They don't have any deep strike capability except cruise missiles...

Cos plaaf planes are russian copies and we know that RuAF is not fairing well in terms of deep precision strikes.. They lack some critical tech which we either made it ourselves or imported from israel. Reserves will form holding formations along the western front... And using mig29upg, we'll wipe out forward bases of pak. In the early hours..we need to quickly occupy neelum valley and establish a no fly zone there... In order to isolate and encircle pakis in PoGB...
Another strike corp will enter and capture mirpur khas division near rajasthan.... Establish a no fly zone and replenish quickly with reserve component and a holding formation. Any connection.. Regarding... Bridges, ammo, fuel dumps, ammo dumps connecting Azad Kashmir must be blown up and must arm TRF in Afghanistan to keep taliban occupied
CRPF and jkp sog has already taken charge of security in valley. We can free the added reserves for operations inside PoGB
PoGB is devoid of any heavy weaponary...Basically paramilitary troops are there and not sufficiently equipped.

We will wage a war of attrition for over a year just like what russia is doing it in ukraine.. So that our gains are permanent and we eliminate all possible foes rather than going straight for the centre and thereby declaring a quick victory
Over a year deployment will drain pakis of its resources and will cripple them...
Surveillence and flying munitions are key to win a low cost war...

Involve every sort of special forces from paramilitary and police forces to minimise casualities
About time you pay to feed the highest number of acutely malnourished and growth stunted people in the world so they don't end up as short, insecure manlets like you........ :azn::

From a net exporter of food grains, Pakistan have turned into a net importer of wheat, rice and tea


That means NOTHING when your country has severe acute malnutrition and cases of stunted growth that are far worst than Somalia and other Sub-saharan nations:

I've a better offer. 100B US dollars of whole of Kashmir including Azad Kashmir.
You are overestimating/overvaluing the PA/Establishment, they care about housing societies, I bet you Indians have empty Land, give it to PA for DHA they will build it, run it and give you guys Kashmir, and even Baluchistan if you let them sell cement or Corn flakes.
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