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Rajendra Battery Level Radar fails to Detect pilot-less target aircraft

So the system was inducted ? Or it was in development ?

well,sir,many pakistanis and also a good number of indians doesnt know about the cuurent phased array projects going on at BEL...
IT will come to you as a surprise that nearly all under-going land based radar projects going on at BEL are AESA,some of them are
1)ADITYA radar-it is a kinda medium powered radar,though MPR project is different(medium range sureveillence,infact multi-purpose),it is being built under highest degree of secrecy so there is hardly any literature available about this indian radar over the internet,
this is a fully active phased array,it has a instrumented tracking range of about 100-150kms against a very very small sized target probably,RCS<1m^2
the t/r modules have been delivered by the LRDE(infact it is kinda jv between LRDE and BEL),and BEL(gzb),is gearing up to mass produce the t/r modules and the antennae
many people over here doesnt know that,rajendra radar system consists of three separate radars(all of them phased array)-
1)c-band surveillance radar
2)x-band fire control radar
3)IFF radar
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