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Rajasthan Doctor refuses to admit pregnant woman because she's Muslim, her child dies after delivery

This was a serious case which couldn't be handled at a small setup. Hence the patient was referred to a higher setup.
The patient party needs to be arrested and fined for spreading misinformation.
The forum members who believe that doctors will do this, must be severely radicalised.

Side note - the fertility rate is higher for Indian Muslims, but that's likely due to poverty and lack of education.
Unfortunately, these are the circumstances under which a doctor is supposed to work, and then endure the thrashing and insults. There is no way a rural setup would handle a G6P7 with active APH without the availability of blood bank and other related facilities.

The husband and in-laws of the woman should be booked for murder for literally torturing her, to set a precedence.

It is terrible to see a so-called Physician from Pakistan talk about Hippocratic Oath even after being made aware of the facts of the case. Either he's being dishonest with his profession or he's no better than a roadside Hakeem that Pakistan's full of in the name of qualified doctors.
Political claim. If you can read the report, it clearly says that the patient was already bleeding. This is not a job a small setup can handle.
I have handled such cases during training, and it needs rapid blood transfusions. It needs an access to a blood bank. And if uncontrolled, we may need a a surgical approach.
I shall ask again. Did someone say to the parents to go elsewhere because they were Muslims? Whether this statement was made or not is what actually matters. Since the claim has been made, that is what is being considered and that is what is being condemned. This is a separate issue to the very real medical reason for sending the patient to a bigger hospital. Nobody is denying the medical information but are still questioning whether or not a comment was passed as has been suggested.
Pathetic. Doctor should be stripped of his medical degree.
Learn to reserve your judgement till you ascertain the facts of the matter, you are simply not well versed with medical science to disseminate your half-baked verdict. Our country has already turned medical profession into another consumer product, every Google-wielding monkey thinks that he is the ultimate authority.
Ya Ya, stop pretending you are any better


As per a report by ANI, the Hindus of Pakistan are being starved to death amid the Coronavirus outbreak. Thousands of poor and needy people gathered in Rehri Ghoth area of Karachi to receive food and essential supplies, as their wages have been hurt due to Coronavirus lockdown. But the Hindus of the area were turned away by both NGOs and local administration as they happen to be Hindu.

In the Sindh Province of Pakistan, more than 5 lakh Hindus live and most of them happen to be poor as they are discriminated by the locals as well as by the government. Hindus in Liyari, Sachal Ghoth and various other parts of the Karachi city gathered to collect ration, as the central government of Pakistan directed the NGOs and local administration to distribute food to daily wage laborers whose earnings have been hit after Coronavirus outbreak. But these people were not allowed to pick up supplies just because they are Hindus.

Human rights activists in Sindh asked PM Modi to supply food and essential supplies through Rajasthan border without delay to avert humanitarian crisis. Turning away people for food just because they happen to be from other religion could happen only in a country like Pakistan and this could be only expected from adherents of Islam. And this is the reason that the Union government must update the cut-off date of Citizenship (Amendment) Act to provide citizenship to Hindus of countries like Pakistan who want to migrate to India.

The idea of Pakistan- a fantasy of educated Muslims of Northern India- was forced on the minorities living on the people living in Bengal and Western provinces of British India.

These people had not chosen their destiny, as those were times of limited franchise- only rich and educated Men (Women were not allowed to vote in British India), constituting less than 10 per cent of total population- and majority of the people left on the other side of the border had not voted in 1945 general election.

In 1956, Pakistan declared itself an Islamic state, despite the fact the bill was opposed by all legislators of minority community. Bangladesh, whose independence from Pakistan was based on secular ethnic principals, declared itself an Islamic state in the 2011 constitution.

The poor minorities, living in Pakistan and Bangladesh, became the victim of the brute Islamic majority.

More than 85 per cent of the Hindus living in Pakistan are reportedly Dalits, and they have also emerged as the biggest victims of the anti-minority Islamist polity in Pakistan. They are the worst victims of discrimination, kidnapping for ransom, rapes, false blasphemy cases and poverty. In fact, the two million-odd Hindu-Dalit population in Pakistan faces extreme deprivation.

A few years after the creation of Pakistan, Pakistan PM Liaqat Ali had told the Indian High Commissioner “who would clean streets and latrines of Karachi if they are allowed to leave?” And now Pakistan is actually getting Dalits to carry out menial jobs in line with what Liaqat Ali had planned at that time.

The dignity of these poor lower caste people needs to be protected by India, which is the only country capable of giving refuge to these oppressed people, who are suffering just because they were born on the other side of the border, and had no chance to migrate to India- their Natural home.

So instead of condemning what hapenned ur giving excuses and pasting news about hindus in Pakistan? Seriously? Is that how u rats find excuse to torture muslims in india? Since Pakistan is not good with hindus its ok for india to be bad with muslims? This shows ur true RSS rat nature, it shows ur the worst kind of humans on earth, infact calling u ppl human in itself is a degradation of the specie.
Learn to reserve your judgement till you ascertain the facts of the matter, you are simply not well versed with medical science to disseminate your half-baked verdict. Our country has already turned medical profession into another consumer product, every Google-wielding monkey thinks that he is the ultimate authority.
But it is not clear whether the comments alleged were actually made or not. Your facts of the matter are separate to the allegations. If the individuals were told they can't come here because they're Muslims, then the professional who made that comment still needs to be dragged before some ethics committee for medical professionals, even if his medical decision making was sound.
So instead of condemning what hapenned ur giving excuses and pasting news about hindus in Pakistan? Seriously? Is that how u rats find excuse to torture muslims in india? Since Pakistan is not good with hindus its ok for india to be bad with muslims? This shows ur true RSS rat nature, it shows ur the worst kind of humans on earth, infact calling u ppl human in itself is a degradation of the specie.

I never said it's an excuse for us to do the same. I'm just showing the mirror to some people who claim to be morally superior.
Indian Muslims waiting for another Mohammad bin Qasim.
Learn to reserve your judgement till you ascertain the facts of the matter, you are simply not well versed with medical science to disseminate your half-baked verdict. Our country has already turned medical profession into another consumer product, every Google-wielding monkey thinks that he is the ultimate authority.
Shut up illiterate Bhakt. In Darwin's theory of evolution, a bhakt would be way below a monkey. I will judge who I want. Stop me if you can. If you can't - then do what bhakts do best these days - go hit a thali on your head. Duffer.
Shut up illiterate Bhakt. In Darwin's theory of evolution, a bhakt would be way below a monkey. I will judge who I want. Stop me if you can. If you can't - then do what bhakts do best these days - go hit a thali on your head. Duffer.
STFU, you imbecile mo'fkn cunt, people like you are the reason why our gene-pool needs a lifeguard. Self-styled 'Jack' of all trades master of none dumbfcuks that somehow feel that it's their privilege to be the jury, judge and executioner on matters far outside the scope of their marble sized cerebrum. Fcuked-up fairies like you are a menace to the society regardless of their ideology or political affiliation.

Your facts of the matter are separate to the allegations.
You need to know that such allegations against doctors are very frequent in India from disgruntled patient party. Most of these don't stand any scrutiny as they are fabricated which is brought to light by the meticulous paper work that the doctors maintain to save their rears from being dragged to courts for no fault of their own.

Specifically in this instance, it has been made known that the a Congress legislator sought to gain mileage against his political rival from the same party, and disseminated the fake news as a result.

What's more worrying here is that none of us here are highlighting the plight of the deceased muslim women who had to bear pregnancy (and puerperium) for almost all her married life. People cannot be allowed to treat their womenfolk as baby producing factories with utter disregard to their physical/mental/emotional well-being. A legislation ought to be brought to prevent such crimes asap..
6th pregnancy for that extremely anemic pregnant lady.

husband and in-laws did not even bother to get regular check ups,
when the poor lady starts bleeding, they take her to a local set up not equipped to handle this case.

When case referred to a better hospital that can handle this case, the poor lady dies.
The doctors who did the right thing gets thrashed by religious zealots.
Internet bigots latch on to the falsehood and spread their bigotry.

Little wonder Hindu doctors and nurses have had enough of these people & are extremely tired of their entitled shenanigans.

Just to make an example, the whole family must be tried for murder of that poor woman.
6th pregnancy for that extremely anemic pregnant lady.

husband and in-laws did not even bother to get regular check ups,
when the poor lady starts bleeding, they take her to a local set up not equipped to handle this case.

When case referred to a better hospital that can handle this case, the poor lady dies.
The doctors who did the right thing gets thrashed by religious zealots.
Internet bigots latch on to the falsehood and spread their bigotry.

Little wonder Hindu doctors and nurses have had enough of these people & are extremely tired of their entitled shenanigans.

Just to make an example, the whole family must be tried for murder of that poor woman.
Villagers are illiterate and there no medical facility in near by so they check the lady, we are not bigot but you're biggest bigot in that world, keep craping yourself with your stupid and lame justification, you Indiot
STFU, you imbecile mo'fkn cunt, people like you are the reason why our gene-pool needs a lifeguard. Self-styled 'Jack' of all trades master of none dumbfcuks that somehow feel that it's their privilege to be the jury, judge and executioner on matters far outside the scope of their marble sized cerebrum. Fcuked-up fairies like you are a menace to the society regardless of their ideology or political affiliation.

I shudder to think about how you would treat Muslim patients.
Villagers are illiterate and there no medical facility in near by so they check the lady, we are not bigot but you're biggest bigot in that world, keep craping yourself with your stupid and lame justification, you Indiot

What has that got to with the vilification of the doctors?
is it the doctors responsibility that they are villagers?
is it the doctors responsibility that this was 6th pregnancy for this anemic woman?
Was it the doctors responsibility to look after this woman during pregnancy?

What exactly was his responsibility towards this woman?

Why is he being dragged by bigots all over the world and his religion being trashed?

Like I said, hindu doctors and nurses are very weary now.
wow just wow to your stupid logic, then tell me why govt of India open a district hospital in that area. please tell me that you stupid bigot

Please don't ask such questions. He will come up with another stupid bigoted reason that you will then have deal with.
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