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Rajapaksa sets out on an Aryan quest


Aug 14, 2013
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Rajapaksa sets out on an Aryan quest - Indian Punchline

Sri Lanka’s President Mahinda Rajapaksa is on a roll. Life couldn’t be better. The stridency of his rhetoric dripping with ethnic Sinhala nationalism at the ceremony in Matara on Saturday to mark the anniversary of the victory over the LTTE speaks volumes about his mood as he sets out for India to attend the swearing-in ceremony of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi on Monday evening.
Rajapaksa ordered the closure of the Jaffna University and the offices of the Tamil National Alliance to pre-empt any untoward incidents marring his India visit. Plainly put, he locked up the Jaffna Tamil, threw away the key and is emplaning for Delhi to celebrate with the Modi government.
As a gesture of goodwill to Modi, he has ordered the release of the Indian fishermen in Sri Lankan jails. It’s a small concession to make but, hopefully, it will generate a ‘feel-good’ in Delhi by the time he arrives there.
Indeed, Rajapaksa is on a dream wicket. He just returned to Colombo after a hugely successful visit to China where President Xi Jinping personally voiced Beijing’s support for Sri Lanka on its defiance of the US-sponsored move in the UNHRC on a war-crimes trial.
In turn, Rajapaksa declared Colombo’s willingness to participate in Xi’s initiative on the Maritime Silk Road. Which of course means massive Chinese funding for Sri Lanka’s sea ports and as quid pro quo berthing facilities for Chinese ships plying the Indian Ocean.
However, what takes the breath away is that on the eve of his departure for China, Rajapaksa received in Colombo on May 16 a Chinese military delegation led by Air Chief Marsahall Xu Qiliang (who is ranked third in China’s Military Commission headed by President Xi), which has been China’s highest military delegation ever to visit Sri Lanka.
Yes, indeed, that was on May 16, the same day that Buddhist Sri Lanka celebrated that Modi was elected the “prime minister of Bharat” from Varanasi. Rajapaksa is calculating that in the BJP government in Delhi he is now having to deal with the Aryan half of India — Bharat — and his game plan will be to establish common bonds that marginalize the Dravidians.
Our pundits fancy that Modi will win over Rajapaksa. But is there anything that is left of Rajapaksa that remains to be won over? His compass is well set on making the Indians run for their money in Sri Lanka — competing with China on the beaches, in the hills and in the air. Modi will find more than his match in Rajapaksa, who is undoubtedly the mother of all OBCs in our subcontinent
The author seems to have smoked or ingested something potent. Either that, or he is losing his marbles.:crazy:

Senility can affect even distinguished diplomats, clearly.
The author seems to have smoked or ingested something potent. Either that, or he is losing his marbles.:crazy:

Senility can affect even distinguished diplomats, clearly.

Mr Bhadrakumar 's opinions may flew tangential many times ..but often he does make some valid and neat observations .
Agreed , gist of his article as well as title is provocative and stupid ...but the specifics of Sino-Sri Lankan engagement that he has raised are quite worrisome for India .
Damn the Chinese Airforce delegation in Sri Lanka. Thank you Congress you MFer idiots. Rahul you idiot. Sonia you idiot. Priyanka you enuch.

We blew a massive oppotunity to neutralize our immeidate neighborhood. We royally screwed ourselves. I heard thru a thick grapevine, there are some indications of an imminent attack on Rajapaksa by pro LTTE elements. It seems the whole govt is targeted. In the mass confusion that occurs afterwards, it seems India will have to step in to stop the atrocities and civil war that will engulf the island. Great opportunity for India to make Sri Lanka another state formally.
I heard thru a thick grapevine, there are some indications of an imminent attack on Rajapaksa by pro LTTE elements. It seems the whole govt is targeted. In the mass confusion that occurs afterwards, it seems India will have to step in to stop the atrocities and civil war that will engulf the island. Great opportunity for India to make Sri Lanka another state formally.


I hear they handed over details of ISI terror operations from SL base indirectly to India.

I hear they handed over details of ISI terror operations from SL base indirectly to India.

Im just j/k around ....just painted a potential situation that could happen if Sri Lanka allows China to park its military there.
Rajapaksa is calculating that in the BJP government in Delhi he is now having to deal with the Aryan half of India — Bharat — and his game plan will be to establish common bonds that marginalize the Dravidians.

What kind of garbage is this. :girl_wacko::girl_wacko:
What's with the excessive use of Aryan and Dravidian in Tamil and Sri Lankan political discourse?

I mean in J&K, you don't see people talking about Dardic Indo-Aryans vs Northwest Indo-Aryans lol. So why the the excessive use of Aryan vs Dravidian?
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What's with the excessive use of Aryan and Dravidian in Tamil and Sri Lankan political discourse?

I mean in J&K, you don't see people talking about Dardic Indo-Aryans vs Northwest Indo-Aryans lol. So why the the excessive use of Aryan vs Dravidian?

Sinhalas and Tamils has a history of not liking each other, some sort of Hinduphobia also exists among Sinhala because of dislike for Tamils, . They think since they speak some Indo-Aryan language and assume North Indians would be more inclined to 'Indo-Aryan' Sinhalas compared to Tamils.
Sinhalas and Tamils has a history of not liking each other, some sort of Hinduphobia also exists among Sinhala because of dislike for Tamils, . They think since they speak some Indo-Aryan language and assume North Indians would be more inclined to 'Indo-Aryan' Sinhalas compared to Tamils.

It is true that Sinhala language is derived from the Indo-aryan, albeit having developed seperately for millenia - hence it is classified as being an insular Indic language. The people themselves are not Indo-aryan, but a mixture of original inhabitants of the island with some mingling with Indo aryans a long time back.

However it is ludicrous to look at their issues or relationship with India from an aryan-dravidian perspective. Heck, even we Indians hardly use such distinctions in our day to day lives or politics. To expect that SL would get favourable treatment because the present govt is ''aryan" is just balderdash. (BTW was MMS ''dravidian''?)

At most, their racial issues can be characterized as Sinhala v/s Tamils. Not aryan v/s dravidian or any such fanciful concotion.
Aryan invasion hoax has already been proven!

These idiots are still licking boots of their British masters.
It is true that Sinhala language is derived from the Indo-aryan, albeit having developed seperately for millenia - hence it is classified as being an insular Indic language. The people themselves are not Indo-aryan, but a mixture of original inhabitants of the island with some mingling with Indo aryans a long time back.

However it is ludicrous to look at their issues or relationship with India from an aryan-dravidian perspective. Heck, even we Indians hardly use such distinctions in our day to day lives or politics. To expect that SL would get favourable treatment because the present govt is ''aryan" is just balderdash. (BTW was MMS ''dravidian''?)

At most, their racial issues can be characterized as Sinhala v/s Tamils. Not aryan v/s dravidian or any such fanciful concotion.

Hindus in North India particularly the rightists see this Aryan-Dravidian thing with extreme suspicion and as an attack on Hinduism. For an average North Indians, Sinhalas are identical to South Indians who don't live in India. Its extremely funny to see their views about North Indians because these Sinhalas speak some 'Indo-Aryan' language. :lol:
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Aryan invasion hoax has already been proven!

These idiots are still licking boots of their British masters.

hoax to 'some' perhaps but not to Sinhala Buddhists, brain washed by their 1000 year old Sinhala Buddhism chronicle - Mahavamsa , identifies Sinhala Buddhism as an Aryan religion , Sinhalas as Aryans and the Tamils as Dravidians - pagans who need to be driven out of their pure Sinhala Buddhist homeland

The leader of the band was an Aryan prince by the name of Wijaya, and he fought with the aboriginal tribes and got possession of the land. The descendants of the Aryan colonists were called Sinhala after their city, Sinhapura, which was founded by Sinhabahu, the lion-armed king. The lion-armed descendants are the present Sinhalese, whose ancestors had never been conquered, and in whose veins no savage blood is found. Ethnologically, the Sinhalese are a unique race, inasmuch as they can boast that they have no slave blood in them, and never were conquered by either the pagan Tamils or European vandals who for three centuries devasted the land, destroyed ancient temples, burnt valuable libraries, and nearly annihilated the
historic race.

Mahâvamsa und Tradition/Ideologie
hoax to 'some' perhaps but not to Sinhala Buddhists, brain washed by their 1000 year old Sinhala Buddhism chronicle - Mahavamsa , identifies Sinhala Buddhism as an Aryan religion , Sinhalas as Aryans and the Tamils as Dravidians - pagans who need to be driven out of their pure Sinhala Buddhist homeland

The leader of the band was an Aryan prince by the name of Wijaya, and he fought with the aboriginal tribes and got possession of the land. The descendants of the Aryan colonists were called Sinhala after their city, Sinhapura, which was founded by Sinhabahu, the lion-armed king. The lion-armed descendants are the present Sinhalese, whose ancestors had never been conquered, and in whose veins no savage blood is found. Ethnologically, the Sinhalese are a unique race, inasmuch as they can boast that they have no slave blood in them, and never were conquered by either the pagan Tamils or European vandals who for three centuries devasted the land, destroyed ancient temples, burnt valuable libraries, and nearly annihilated the
historic race.

Mahâvamsa und Tradition/Ideologie

Of course they were defeated. Who are you kidding?
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