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Railways back on track, earns profit

Everything is on right track ?
It looks a very optimistic statement.
Who is traitor and who is loyal to this country, people know it very well now.
If i start telling what this stupid so called democratic govt has done so far , it will take long.
So stick to topic and do start a new one.
Please do, I would really like to know what this democratic government has done, that has pissed you off so much that you dont consider musharaf a traitor. Please do, I am waiting. Dont forget. I would love to have your opinion on as to how NS is a traitor :). Dont forget
First of all it is not democracy in Pakistan.
It is just mojority of tyrants.
It is civil dictatorship.
Musharraf ruled this country for a decade and our economic and security level improved by significant level.
A common man wants food,shelter, medicine, education.
Common man does not gives a **** whether its democracy or dictatorship.
What our civil governments did ?
Corrouption, mismanagement,
Putting mafia men and murderers in high posts.
Even next civil govt making people poorer.
Our stock exchanged improved alot in Musharraf era.
We got respect worldwide.
Their was no loadsheding.
Very few terrorism incidents.

In reality democacry is the best system but we have seen again and again our civil govts have failed badly.

And u know what people are saying now.
Musraff in sy hazar gubah acha tha.
Kaash army phir aa jaye.
People are praying for dictatorship now
I dont consider NS a traitor but i dont call him a leader as well.
He has no brain, no vision,
No bravery.
He is dumbest person
Everything is on right track even though the government is occupied with so many problems that if they are solved, Pakistan will experience peace and stability

1) Musharaf case, its still hanging due to military's ego. Military needs to set its ego aside and decide whats dear to them? Pakistan or a Traitor
2) Power issue, if all the provinces start abiding by the law and pay their outstanding dues, itll bring a huge change
3) Zani khans immaturity, if only zani grows up and actually works for the betterment of KPK, he will not only do Pakistan a huge favor, but he will also win more seats in future. People want to see work, and so far he has done absolutely nothing besides threatening to protest and being a Haddi.

My Muttaqi Bhai, it would be much better that we should address people with their names. The characteristic you are referring to is present in our beloved sharifs, Zardaris and Chaudrys. You name anyone and a story is there.
I dont consider NS a traitor but i dont call him a leader as well.
He has no brain, no vision,
No bravery.
He is dumbest person

My young friend, you need to read a bit more and opine a little less. If NS were that dumb, he would not be the PM.
Some good news even if that means it's just a decrease in losses and not actual net profit.

The bottom line, we are heading towards the right direction. If we can bring the Pakistan Railways to profitable organisation, it also means 30 or so billion rupees of savings each year which you used to fetch in Railways for survival. I am not bothered about PR generating any profits, at least take your responsibility and don't become burden on the government.
the credit goes to khawaja Saad rafiq , what ever his political affilation, we have to recognizes his performance in the cabinet, he is a honest man and resposible with their ministry , and people like him need to this country, to get out the sink and finanically bankrupt instution from the crises, and make it more profitable . then there should be more jobs for youngsters and the rate of brain drain will be lower in the country.
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