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Rafale is not a Game Changer - Senior Analyst Shahzad Chaudhry

For a good laugh...

:lol: :lol: :lol: Rafale is such a game changer that the Indians are pleading with the Americans for F-35's. Looks like the Americans are rejecting any F-35's to India because of the S-400 deal and potential shoot down concerns. Americans will offer at best F15EX to India.
the only capability which you guys were better than us was bvr, Now with rafale then changes everything.

1 rafale can easily take out 4 jeffs ( bvr )
the only capability which you guys were better than us was bvr, Now with rafale then changes everything.

1 rafale can easily take out 4 jeffs ( bvr )

Think Package, seems nothing was learned from your side from the last encounter. SU-30s were touted to have greater capabilities then what Rafale posses.
He is retired for several years now. Every new induction is not told to every retired officer. Policy could change any time. Stop taking everything as word of GOD. The claim of J-10 and other jets could be true and could be false. Just wait things out. And if J-10 come it won't come as answer to Rafale for GOD sake that answer most likely will be F-16 new model. J-10 would be a Mirage replacement if claims are true
the same can be made by India. With more range thanks to Meteor.... (because India is not only MICA equipped...)

Pakistan has shown an initial capability of using AEW&C with data-linked fighters supported by airborne EW. India hasn't displayed such a capability yet and won't in the foreseeable future.
For a good laugh...

he’s a dieHard Indian what do you expect from him. All Indians, accept few, think that Pakistan is walk in the park.

He is retired for several years now. Every new induction is not told to every retired officer. Policy could change any time. Stop taking everything as word of GOD. The claim of J-10 and other jets could be true and could be false. Just wait things out. And if J-10 come it won't come as answer to Rafale for GOD sake that answer most likely will be F-16 new model. J-10 would be a Mirage replacement if claims are true

I don’t think it’s true. Even if its true, how many Mirage can it replace? We have close to 80+ mirage III/V. How many J-10 can we afford?
More threads ?
I think India should emboss the message on rafale that it is not a game changer and not a threat. So that our friends in Pakistan can have a peaceful sleep.
Funny to watch some Pakistanis and Chinese getting their panties in a twist with Rafale

Rafales are merely are a replacement for aging MIG 27s of IAF nothing more or less
Funny to watch some Pakistanis and Chinese getting their panties in a twist with Rafale

Rafales are merely are a replacement for aging MIG 27s of IAF nothing more or less
The only one's getting their panties wet over wet dreams regarding the Rafale are the Indians :enjoy: . The Pakistani and Chinese are just here to make fun of you guys.
Ludicrous to tout it as game changer when the french doesnt claim as such.
F31 looks well ! but we don't know exactly the real perf....
J10 is better than JF17, but not really impressive (a F16 like bird, with nearly the same perf)



There is old american test fighter pilot's comment---. If an aircraft looks good---it flies good.

But in modern day and age---looks are deceptive---due to availability of digital technology.

If your industry can make a breakthrough---in certain technologies---you defense industry got it made.

If some of you may remember the days of old---when SONY electronic equipment ruled the world---but then came the electronic revolution and now hardly anyone remembers the Sony.

The playing field has been levelled---.

The real performance of the machine is in its sensors / sensor suite. Numbers have their own strength--. In capable hands number make the real difference.
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:lol: :lol: :lol: Rafale is such a game changer that the Indians are pleading with the Americans for F-35's. Looks like the Americans are rejecting any F-35's to India because of the S-400 deal and potential shoot down concerns. Americans will offer at best F15EX to India.
Totally false.
I think the turkish people here are so angry against the Rafale sale to Greece that they made BS all day long.
Think Package, seems nothing was learned from your side from the last encounter. SU-30s were touted to have greater capabilities then what Rafale posses.
"were touted"... all is said.

Truth is that during trainings between Rafale, Eurofigter and SU30 MKI, the Su proved to be deadly in WVR thanks to the high T/W ratio and HCMS (a capacity not installed so far on the french Rafale... but on indian one). But is was systematically beaten on BVR. Probably because it is stealthy as a truck.
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