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Racist Internet forums linked to US hate crimes

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Racist Internet forums linked to US hate crimes


Frazier Glenn Cross, also known as Frazier Glenn Miller, who used online race hate forums, appears at his arraignment in New Century, Kansas.

Americans who use racist websites are becoming “disproportionately responsible” for racially motivated murders and mass killings, according to a new study.

Nearly 100 people in the last five years have been murdered by frequent users of one white supremacist website, Stormfront, according to a report released on Thursday by the Southern Poverty Law Center, a non-profit civil rights organization.

The Stormfront site describes itself as a community of "White Nationalists" and "the voice of the new, embattled White minority."

These racist forums have “been a magnet for the deadly and deranged," said Heidi Beirich, author of the report. "These killers are really hiding in plain sight on these forums."

Frazier Glenn Cross, a white supremacist charged with killing three people near two Jewish community facilities in suburban Kansas City this week, had posted more than 12,000 messages on Stormfront, which carries the slogan "No Jews, Just Right."

Cross, who also goes by the name Frazier Glenn Miller, has been identified as a former senior member of the Ku Klux Klan and someone who has repeatedly expressed hatred for Jewish people, law enforcement and human rights groups say.

Other users of the racist website include Wade Michael Page, an Army veteran who opened fire at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin in 2012 killing six people before taking his own life.

Another user was Anders Behring Breivik, a Norwegian extremist who massacred 77 people in a bombing and shooting spree in Oslo, Norway, and at a nearby youth summer camp in 2011.

PressTV - Racist Internet forums linked to US hate crimes
I don't agree with murders but at least he's not a brainwashed person hating Islam and worshipping zionism
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