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Racist Airline Crew Attacks Female Black Passenger, #TrumpsAmerica

After interacting with a diverse range of ethnic groups. African American women for some reason (could be historical) stand out as the most obnoxious and unreasonable group, it is not even just a few bad behaving individuals...

I thought it had something to do with slavery...tiring in real life.

It's the culture of entitlement. It has nothing to do with slavery. These attitudes are re-enforced in their community by individuals and or groups with an agenda.
I thought it had something to do with slavery and breaking up of the family unit that rendered African American women to be generally more aggressive and confrontational. Not sure why this occurs in the UK as by my knowledge it didn't have a recent history of slavery of Africans. Nonetheless, speaking with a British accent makes everything sound classier (maybe funnier) and easier to digest.

Majority are definitely not as extreme as this women but share the common characteristic you have described to varying degrees. These characteristics might be entertaining on SNL or other comedy shows but tiring in real life.

i guess that's better than the theory that maybe the people sold into slavery by other blacks had distinct inherited personalty characteristics that annoyed the crap out of other tribes who were just trying to get rid of a problem.
One has to be careful and interact differently with that particular group to avoid erupting the volcano.

"Erupting the volcano"! :lol: I forwarded most of her foolish yapping but check out that headbutt move she makes at that cop or security guard at minute 17:56. That was most likely a cop because he had the same uniform and a tazer. She's lucky she didn't get zapped and taken down to the floor right then and there. They were waaaay too patient with this clown.

When the judge tells her she's a complete idiot for missing her first plane and stealing the seat on the second plane she'll scream the usual default racism and the rukus will occur as usual. There's no way she will blame herself.

Somehow I don't imagine she'll be able to control that yap, even in front of the judge, kinda like this one. Remember this? loool.

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It's the culture of entitlement. It has nothing to do with slavery. These attitudes are re-enforced in their community by individuals and or groups with an agenda.
Maybe you are right, many do refer to themselves as "Queen".

There was this theory that maybe the people sold into slavery by other blacks maybe had distinct inherited personalty characteristics that annoyed the crap out of other tribes who were just trying to get rid of a problem.
I noticed that Africans from Africa has less entitlement mentality but some groups in North America tries to push a certain narrative for their political agenda. It could be selection bias but could also be what the theory you mentioned suggests and other social factors.

From what I read, many who were sold into slavery were the POW and the defeated tribes from Africa. When a victorious African tribe took over a defeated group they were often sold to Europeans for guns and other goods. The tribes that acquired firearms gained warfare abilities and it increased their productivity in enslaving other tribes. Slaves captured = guns bought = better at enslaving and richer, in turn creating a positive feed back loop.

Regardless of race, this "ghetto" culture is disgusting.
Never saw this one...glad she got 30 days.

Imagine the state of mind to think you can give a judge the finger and say F... to him or her? I'm not sure if this kind of behavior and utter disregard for common sense respect is a generational thing, or if it's just today's technology is exposing it more for us to see. Something tells me baby boomers, hippies and even my generation (despite how nuts we were) never behaved with this complete lack of respect or even reason. Or maybe it's the variety of drugs and medication so many people are on these days and passing them along to their kids.
Imagine the state of mind to think you can give a judge the finger and say F... to him or her? I'm not sure if this kind of behavior and utter disregard for common sense respect is a generational thing, or if it's just today's technology is exposing it more for us to see. Something tells me baby boomers, hippies and even my generation (despite how nuts we were) never behaved with this complete lack of respect or even reason. Or maybe it's the variety of drugs and medication so many people are on these days and passing them along to their kids.

Fast Forward to 12:46 Max is trying to get sent to prison

From what I read, many who were sold into slavery were the POW and the defeated tribes from Africa. When a victorious African tribe took over a defeated group they were often sold to Europeans for guns and other goods. The tribes that acquired firearms gained warfare abilities and it increased their productivity in enslaving other tribes. Slaves captured = guns bought = better at enslaving and richer, in turn creating a positive feed back loop.

Spoils of war is the accepted theory. 12.5 million with 97% sent to South America and the Caribbean islands spread out over 240 years. That's an average of 52,000/yr. All from war...not sure I'm buying it. Sounds more like tribal cleansing with too many competing mouths sucking up limited food resources.
This is scary. Thank God we Pakistanis have PIA. Otherwise we'd have to constantly be dealing with these racist white Nazis and supremacists

America is dangerous for non-Whites


A disruptive passenger who was late to board a Spirit Airlines flight from Atlanta to Las Vegas refused to get off, forcing the crew to ask all other passengers to deplane.

Even more bizarre, she filmed the entire ordeal for Facebook Live.

Safira Allen, 25, recorded herself being asked to leave her flight on May 1, allegedly for arriving late to the gate, but boarding anyway, reported the New York Post. She also filmed herself telling the airline’s crew — as well as a security officer — that she was “not getting off this plane" before blaming Spirit Airlines for her tardiness in the first place, claiming that Spirit closed the boarding gate 20 minutes earlier than scheduled.

At one point, she alleges that she paid some type of fee to re-enter the plane, only to be told to leave once she was on.

However, an incident report provided to Fox News by the Atlanta Police Department says Allen had simply run past the gate agent when she was told she was too late to board.

In her Facebook Live footage — which has now been viewed more than 3.6 million times — Allen further claimed to have seen another white passenger board the plane late. She then used explicit language to explain this point, before immediately remarking that she doesn’t cuss.

“Y’all ain’t let the n---- on this m-----f-----. They’re gonna have to put me off, because they’re gonna tell me I was cussing. I don’t even cuss. I’m orthodox. So what are you saying?”

She later likened the crew and security to “terrorists” when security asked her to get out of her seat.

“I’m not getting off this plane to negotiate with no terrorists,” Safira claims, referring to the responding officer. “Cause clearly, they’re the terrorists. They’re terrorizing me in my own country.”

Allen also took issue with the airline’s name, saying, “Y’all going to use Jesus’ name, the Holy Spirit? That’s got to change, y’all need to be called something else — y’all need to change y’all name because nothing Holy Spirit about this airline.

The crew soon came over the loudspeaker to apologize for the disruption, and inform all the other passengers that they would need to deplane so the flight could “start the boarding process again” on the same plane.

“If I can’t go to Las Vegas, Nevada, neither can y’all,” Allen yelled. As passengers disembarked, she shouted racially insensitive language at passengers — greeting some with the phrase “konichiwa” and offering to speak “Espanol” with others — and told several they were going to “hell.”

After the other passengers leave — and after Allen berated the crew standing near the cockpit — a police officer arrives to escort Allen off the plane, as she continues to yell at security and staff.

The footage ends as the officer is asking Allen to put her hands behind her back while on the jetway, but Allen claimed in a subsequent Facebook post that the officer knocked her phone out of her hand, pushed her to the ground, and called her a “black b----.”

The Atlanta police’s report, on the other hand, says Allen kicked Baker in the groin in the jetway, and was taken to the Clayton County Jail following the incident. Her Instagram account indicates that she later flew to Las Vegas on American Airlines.

@Hamartia Antidote @Zibago @Gomig-21 @PAKISTANFOREVER @EgyptianAmerican
hows this racist??? she broke rules so she has to get off.
Very annoying person. That's a common problem. If you're late, you don't board.
When I watch the video, I thought the woman in the video is the stewardess...….Turn out she is the passenger...

Thanks to the title...……………..
The fault her is with this feral, barbaric passenger not anyone else. Because she is not allowed to get her way she blames it on racism. If she has an issue with White people or can't behave appropriately in a civilzed society, she can always go back to africa or wherever else she comes from. I am sick of ethnic minorities blaming their barbaric, low IQ behaviour and personal failings on racism and White people.

She's American you racist dumb phuck ,about send her back where she came from .

Fast Forward to 12:46 Max is trying to get sent to prison

Spoils of war is the accepted theory. 12.5 million with 97% sent to South America and the Caribbean islands spread out over 240 years. That's an average of 52,000/yr. All from war...not sure I'm buying it. Sounds more like tribal cleansing with too many competing mouths sucking up limited food resources.

I suppose the millions of Indians who where sent into slavery fit your so called accepted theory .
Dude, this women may be in the wrong to claim racism but racism is a fact of life.

Human beings generally tend to be racist - whether they be white, black. brown etc. It is the "tribe" mentality at work.

But certain individuals are OBSESSED with blaming EVERYTHING on racism. It's almost become a habit. These people blame the entire world for their failures. It's sickening and hypocritical.

She's American you racist dumb phuck ,about send her back where she came from .

I suppose the millions of Indians who where sent into slavery fit your so called accepted theory .

America is a product of advanced Western European civilisation and high culture. It she is not happy with that she can go somewhere else. Planes work everyday and no one is making her stay there.

PS what's with the swearing? Are you describing your mama?
But certain individuals are OBSESSED with blaming EVERYTHING on racism. It's almost become a habit. These people blame the entire world for their failures. It's sickening and hypocritical.

America is a product of advanced Western European civilisation and high culture. It she is not happy with that she can go somewhere else. Planes work everyday and no one is making her stay there.

PS what's with the swearing? Are you describing your mama?

You little racist Englishman , you like swearing at people's mothers don't you ? little nerd .

Makes you feel big on a forum hey little English boy about Pakistan forever but you've never been lmao at this imposter wannabe no nation benefit scrounger -not paid one PK bill , have no PK passport nor a nadra card let alone a taxpayer .
Dirty little imposter boy .

mongrel no nation boy all you can sing is yo mama yo mama while hiding behind your keyboard .

if your brave send me your phone number ? You can delete it straight away as I'm on here NOW awaiting so no one can get it and I guarantee you'll get a visit before the night is out .

Little dirty English slave .


You logged off sanitary pad .
I see the dirty little English slaves ran away and hid under he's .........

Little keyboard warrior nerd
You little racist Englishman , you like swearing at people's mothers don't you ? little nerd .

Makes you feel big on a forum hey little English boy about Pakistan forever but you've never been lmao at this imposter wannabe no nation benefit scrounger -not paid one PK bill , have no PK passport nor a nadra card let alone a taxpayer .
Dirty little imposter boy .

mongrel no nation boy all you can sing is yo mama yo mama while hiding behind your keyboard .

if your brave send me your phone number ? You can delete it straight away as I'm on here NOW awaiting so no one can get it and I guarantee you'll get a visit before the night is out .

Little dirty English slave .


You logged off sanitary pad .
I see the dirty little English slaves ran away and hid under he's .........

Little keyboard warrior nerd

Leave your number 1st...........come along now.........:azn:......too much talk not enough cahones........:azn:
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