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Racism aganist Iranians in more Hollywood movies

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I second @Dillinger ..
I thought iranian are civlized people and arabs are barbaric... but on pdf... its exactly opposite..

Its the posters man. I seriously doubt that many of them represent Iran in its entirety..otherwise we wouldn't have such good relations with them in the first place. But there is only as much of "kill all the Jews, GCC is terrorist" that one can stomach.

Otherwise who in their right mind will think that the Persians were uncivilized as compared to the Greeks...have people even read about the no. of things the Persians ended up teaching the Greeks regardless of the wars between them?
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Its the posters man. I seriously doubt that many of them represent Iran in its entirety..otherwise we wouldn't have such good relations with them in the first place. But there is only as much of "kill all the Jews, GCC is terrorist" that one can stomach.

Otherwise who in their right mind will think that the Persians were uncivilized as compared to the Greeks...have people even read about the no. of things the Persians ended up teaching the Greeks regardless of the wars between them?
persians are not iranians.. that empire is gone... I dont want to link these two...
regardless, there is something wrong in their education... how do you explain behaviour of most arab posters... rarely abusive... and when they are.. at least they are funny...
iranians here lack a single funny bone.. :P
That Borat guy is always trying to make Muslims look bad and it doesnt come as a surprise that he is a devout jewish.

Isn't the history based in a time when there was no Islam in the world?
I second @Dillinger ..
I thought iranian are civlized people and arabs are barbaric... but on pdf... its exactly opposite..

Some of them behave quite obnoxiously and it is only pathetic. They only get insults for their country and culture in return which we had no intention to do in the first place.
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@iranigirl2 Listen, only the ignorant will form their opinion about Persian culture and history, pre or post Islamic, by watching movies like this.

I'll tell you, personally..I'm not going to stop reading Muhammad Balkhi/Rummi because of some dimwitted movie.

The perception of Iran and its people depends on many things. Do you seriously think the Americans will think better of you either way..and globally 300 is the kind of movie where people will just want to watch the gore and the blood..personally I was rooting for the fake Leonides to get his head whacked in the first 20 mins of the movie. Its like a rage and steroid driven masterpiece of idiocy.

Again, personally I formed a very negative opinion of Iran primarily due to many posters here who kept posting inflammatory and grandiose posts despite the fact that as a nation..we have always engaged Iran respectfully and warmly and are still very close in terms of bilateral relations..I would like for that to grow between our countries. But when I separate any thought of geopolitics and look at some of the posters here then I just feel stunned. I expressed as much in some other thread and got attacked by certain posters.

The final word is that Iran's culture and history cannot be over-written..there is a limit to which propaganda can change perceptions.. specially in the minds of the discerning and the educated..A LOT of people watched 300 in India..MANY enjoyed it and NONE came our of the theater with a negative perception towards Iran/Persia because they understood that this was a typical Hollywood violence vehicle aimed at dumbing down everything.

You guys should have a Persian poetry festival in the west. If that doesn't bring them about then forget it..they are a lost cause. Never met a person who didn't like Rumi after he/she was introduced to it. :)

I second @Dillinger ..
I thought iranian are civlized people and arabs are barbaric... but on pdf... its exactly opposite..

My dears, your first and biggest mistake is: judging Iran by 10-15 Iranian posters here.I have also seen many Indian members in this forum who insulted Iran or hated it with their guts.But I never based my judgement of India on the behavior of random posters.Or Pakistan, Turkey and other countries.Internet is a very weird place.People usually are not what they are in the real world. One example is Iranians and Arabs here.They seem to hate each other, but in the real world,when they meet, they treat each other very nice and like every other human being.I traveled to Saudi Arabia last year, all the Arabs I encountered welcomed me and behave very good, and so did I and my friends.
Just read stories of the westerners who have visited Iran, after what their media has shown them from Iran.They all came back, surprised and you can't find one single of them not saying Iranians are one of the kindest and most hospitable people in the world.
One example:
Humans of New York
And please don't get me wrong, I am not saying we are the best people on earth, what I'm trying to say is, never judge people of a country unless you have visited it and had interactions with its people in the REAL world. Cyberspace is a totally different world.
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I do have to agree with what you wrote about cyberspace being a very strange place. Arabs and Iranian actually get along in real life, even now days there are many intermarriages of people in the Persian Gulf countries and Iranians, but for some reason on the internet we are always fighting :cheesy:
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I do have to agree with what you wrote about cyberspace being a very strange place. Arabs and Iranian actually get along in real life, even now days there are many intermarriages of people in the Persian Gulf countries and Iranians, but for some reason on the internet we are always fighting :cheesy:

No, People on the internet try to politicize thoughts to shun political correctness.
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@Era_923 , I never said I judge all iranians based on the forum members.
But my question is this, you get all type of pakistani, all types of indian here. If there are weird Indians there are decent ones, same for pakistanis, there is a balance.

How is it that only type of iranians that survive this forum are reactionary who bash you even if you are neutral.
There must be some issue with your subforum. My guess is decent iranian members are singled out and bashed and thrown out by you guys (basically they leave in frustration)

We had similar experience in BD forum (@BDforever), and it never recovered from that.
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@Era_923 , I never said I judge all iranians based on the forum members.
But my question is this, you get all type of pakistani, all types of indian here. If there are weird Indians there are decent ones, same for pakistanis, there is a balance.

How is it that only type of iranians that survive this forum are reactionary who bash you even if you are neutral.
There must be some issue with your subforum. My guess is decent iranian members are singled out and bashed and thrown out by you guys (basically they leave in frustration)

We had similar experience in BD forum (@BDforever), and it never recovered from that.

Not true, only because you don't know our good Iranian members, doesn't mean there is no good in them.I don't want to mention names because it's not appropriate.A lot of members also aren't always online.We do have trolls, but we do have very good and respectable members too.
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Not limited to Iranians, i remember the Turkish fighter in "The Quest" movie. Nothing to do with Turks.

They could have used a Turkish Oil Wrestler instead.

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Has anybody seen the Spartacus series and how they depicted the romans? They even made Caesar in to a blond guy who got butt raped by a fictional son of Crassus.It's fiction made for entertainment get over it.I remember that Kingdom of Heaven shun a positive image on muslims while making most christians look like bloodthirsty barbarians.
@Sinan-Now,now,be honest ,let's remember that turkish Fetih movie where the conquered byzantines in Constantinople we're happy and dancing in the streets when the Sultan strolled in :rofl:

A short list of Hollywood:

The Patriot,Braveheart-offended the british
Tle latest "Bible" series",Kingdom of Heaven-offended the christians
The Passion of the Christ-offended the jews
countless movies depicting germans as nazi's,russians as soulless communists
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I liked the first film. And after watching the trailer, i will like this one too.

Thank you, Jews of Hollywood. :P
@Sinan-Now,now,be honest ,let's remember that turkish Fetih movie where the conquered byzantines in Constantinople we're happy and dancing in the streets when the Sultan strolled in :rofl:

Yea bro, that was BS, if a city resists against Ottoman Invasion; There is a rule that, Ottoman Sultan permits his soldiers for "3 day looting"

But in "The Quest" movie only the Turks was biased.
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Lol Persians are complaining from racism :D :blink:
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