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RAB: The ultimate nightmare to terrorist

RAB has been for long trying to cut-off the cross-border drug supply chain. But unfortunately when inside BD law enforcement agencies crack-down the drug smugglers in the harshest possible ways, their counterparts in India are known patronizers of drug smuggling. RAB soldiers were never there to steal phensidyl rather they got carried away while chasing Indian smugglers inside BD and ultimately were in Indian land. Indian law enforcers have been effectively supporting the Indian drug-cartels in smuggling to neighbouring countries but here you are with your lame attempt to troll a competent foreign agency like RAB.

carried away into India??LOL..by the way,our country doesn't patronize smugglers..don't you remember,you guys cried about BSF killing innocent Indians and Bangladeshis..BSF's rule is simple..Try cross the border and we'll sent you above of all borders..
Criminals and RAB members are now walking together on streets with guns and maintaining the law and order...that's much better...no?

At least you wont find any BNP or Jamat led criminals on the roads now. You will also not find the BAL led criminals in the next terms for sure. Let them get killed by RAB and soon you will not find them walking with RAB anymore...
Who will end impunity for the Rapid Action Battalion in Bangladesh?

Last Friday, Rahima Khatun, a 35-year-old woman, was shot in the head during a Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) operation in a slum near the central Bangladesh district of Narsingdi.

As the RAB were arresting her husband, Rahima objected. Seconds later, she was severely injured by a bullet fired from a RAB weapon.

Hardly a week goes by without civilians being shot during RAB operations. These incidents are rarely investigated by an independent and impartial body.

Since it was created in 2004, the RAB has been implicated in the extrajudicial execution of around 700 people. There have also been reports of torture and the excessive use of force.

Despite these persistent allegations, none of the RAB’s personnel are known to have been brought to justice.

Now in intensive care at the Dhaka Medical College Hospital, Rahima Khatun is under constant guard by the RAB.

The only official explanation of the incident so far is from the RAB who told me that Rahima had tried to snatch the gun from RAB personnel when it fired accidentally. So far, the government has not ordered an inquiry into the shooting.

On 23 March, college student Limon Hossain was shot in the leg by the RAB in Jhalakathi. His injuries were so severe that four days later his leg had to be amputated.

Limon Hossain’s family, like the families of many other victims, said that the RAB had no reason to shoot at him, and that they must be brought to justice.

At a press conference immediately after the shooting the RAB Director General admitted that “Limon Hossain was not a notorious criminal but rather a victim of a shoot-out between the RAB and criminals.”

This statement seemed to indicate that the RAB had realized that a blanket denial of its human rights violations was no longer convincing lawyers, journalists and human rights defenders. However, this hope was short lived.

Later, RAB officials said that the shooting had been justified and that Limon was a member of a criminal gang, which had opened fire on the RAB first. They said the RAB had responded and in the process Limon was hit. They said he was shot during an “encounter”.
Government officials, including the Home Minister, endorsed the findings of the RAB even though a separate government inquiry was still underway.

The government’s inquiry, which was submitted to the Home Ministry yesterday, concluded that neither Limon, nor his family were involved in criminal activity.

Will the government now accept the findings of their own inquiry and retract the government’s endorsement of the RAB claim?

The RAB has frequently portrayed hundreds of victims such as Limon Hossain, to have been shot at in an “encounter” or from a “crossfire” bullet or in a “shootout”. They have used these phrases to shield themselves from being held accountable for their conduct. But evidence gathered by human rights defenders shows that in most cases, victims had actually been detained by the RAB and then reported to have “died” in “crossfire”.

In Limon’s case, police bias in favour of the RAB was clear from the start. While they accepted the RAB claim and began an investigation against Limon’s alleged terrorist activities, they persistently rejected to file the complaint made to the police by Limon’s mother.

She complained that the RAB personnel who shot Limon deliberately ignored her plea to take him to hospital immediately. Had they done so, his leg might not have needed amputation.

Limon’s mother said that her son was not a criminal and that the RAB had shot at him without reason when he had simply gone to the fields to bring the family’s’ cattle back home.

With police firmly refusing to accept her complaint, Limon’s mother sought and received a court order on 26 April, which obliged the police to register her complaint.

There has been no news that police has begun this investigation, and whether the RAB officers involved have been questioned.

Bangladeshi human rights defenders believe the investigation is not likely to begin and if it does, police conclusion will simply back the RAB claim, and Limon Hossain is not likely to get justice.

It is high time the government of Bangladesh brings an end to the climate of impunity that allows the RAB to shoot at people whom it later portrays as criminals.

RAB personnel must be held accountable for the hundreds of killings, and for the injuries they have inflicted on hundreds more victims, like Limon Hossain and Rahima Khatun.

Only a thorough, independent and impartial investigation can ensure that the victims and their families receive justice.

Who will end impunity for the Rapid Action Battalion in Bangladesh? | Amnesty's global human rights blog
I can understand your problem. After your ppl (JMB/Bangla vai etc) destroyed by RAB. You are so depressed with RAB. But your party alliance bnp created this force. So why you are talking against this now. Dont worry next time under the grace of political support you can once again grow your force :D
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well , well , well.....
U gyz criticize RAB for encounter bt when u gyz better know in place like subcontinant there is no stict low to be followed by us.

There make no diffarence whether u catch a criminal by prof or not cause they simply get way as they r linked by powerfull or any political person.

RAB do the best thing by killing them considering in place like BD where criminal buy police , judge everything .

I ask 1 question to Bangladeshi , pakistani and indians did u guz seen the bollywood movie by salman khan named by '''GARV''' if u do then u will find what im tring to say..
well , well , well.....
U gyz criticize RAB for encounter bt when u gyz better know in place like subcontinant there is no stict low to be followed by us.

There make no diffarence whether u catch a criminal by prof or not cause they simply get way as they r linked by powerfull or any political person.

RAB do the best thing by killing them considering in place like BD where criminal buy police , judge everything .

I ask 1 question to Bangladeshi , pakistani and indians did u guz seen the bollywood movie by salman khan named by '''GARV''' if u do then u will find what im tring to say..

Then why waste so much money on the judiciary system? Whats the point of having it if it won't be used? More over, all this people are replaceable so do you wish to use exterminate them all?
Then why waste so much money on the judiciary system? Whats the point of having it if it won't be used? More over, all this people are replaceable so do you wish to use exterminate them all?

Wht Do u thing condition in here will change by replacing them....
A new militant outfit called ‘BEM’, which modelled itself on the banned Islamist outfit Jamaatul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB), has emerged. This has been disclosed by the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB). A RAB-12 team has arrested three members of the outfit along with heavy weapons after raiding a house near Jobani Primary School in the district town’s Thanthaniya. The raid which started Thursday evening continued till the early hours of Friday. The trio was huddled in a clandestine meeting at the house with some other members of the group. The arrestees were identified as – Firoz Alam, 35, Md Nahid, 22, and Barha Sheikh Babu, 21. RAB recovered an AK-22 rifle, a sub-machine gun (SMG), a pistol, four magazines with 80 rounds of bullet, seven knives, two machetes, a telescope, a catalogue of arms, a diary and many ‘jihadi’ books during the raid. At a press briefing on early Friday at the Bogra office, the elite force’s Legal and Media Wing director ATM Habibur Rahman said at first they thought the arrestees were JMB members. “But document seized from them showed that they are a new group emerging with the name of ‘BEM’.” But RAB was yet to know the full meaning of BEM, he said. Rahman said 18 militants were having a secret meeting on Thursday afternoon at the house of Dulal Miah. As RAB started their raid, 15 of them managed to flee after breaking through the iron grill of a window. But the three could not escape and were nabbed. Firoz Alam had brought out a bag from the backroom of the house after sensing the RAB team’s presence. The bag was recovered during a scuffle. The arms and bullets were found in the bag. At least 25 newsmen from different media houses reached Bogra from Dhaka on Thursday night, following a RAB invitation, after the raid’s news was made public. Habibur Rahman told reporters, “The arrestees are trained. They are not giving up any information. What we do know is that they were planning to carry out a huge terrorist attack.” He could not tell the meaning of the militant outfit’s abbreviated name. He showed the letters ‘BEM’ written in several books seized from the house. The RAB official said BEM has many wings. The arrested three are members of the armed wing. But RAB was yet to know who were financing or directing the outfit. One of the arrestee, Nahid, while talking to reporters, claimed that a man named ‘Shibu’ had brought him to Bogra from Dhaka’s Kamalapur five days ago. He was promised adequate supply of good foods and clothes. When asked, what he did in the last five days, he said, “I only did the shopping.” Another arrestee, Babu said a man named ‘Abdullah’ took him there from Gobindaganj. He claimed he spent the whole Thursday morning sleeping. The in the afternoon, Firoz started speaking to him to make him understand ‘something’, which he did not understand. “I studied upto second grade. I don’t have a clue what Firoz said.” Both Babu and Nahid claimed that they did not see the arms which RAB recovered from the house. RAB-12 commander Jamil Ahmed said, “This group was getting ready to carry out sabotage acts. The book they had with them was manuals of armed training. They also had a training schedule.” Meanwhile, RAB was yet to find the house’s owner Dulal Miah. The law enforcers suspect that Dulal had also fled the scene during the Thursday night’s raid. Processes to lodge a case against the three arrestees were underway.....
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