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Qureshi finally decides to join PTI

Yes you are right. Someone loyal to PTI should be made President. We'll see what happens after PTI wins election, but I think SMQ will get a very high ranking seat.

fair enough to have him in the cabinet, but second in command of PTI, is also a dangerous omen !
Yes he does because he isn't tested, It also take balls to appreciate or give benefit of doubt to your main opponent. Musharrraf does has those balls and i wish i could say this about others but i can't. Our opponent went as far as by taking credit away from Musharraf on every place. Even toward media freedom! If you are true you will speak true and you are not scared of it. Musharraf love Pakistan and he had said who so ever come beside PPP and PMLN we will support them and alliance witht hem so i hope you are clear on this but it doesn't mean that we follow Imran or Musharraf follow imran khan
So you support a deserter..
cheap comments in repose but o well i don't expect nothing better but here is some desertification of this man.
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Facebook Videos Posted by Zahid Abbasi Pak Steel Mill Musharraf [HQ].mp4 - YouTube

143 new World wide acknowledged universities were open. 126,000 villages and cities were connected with electric and internet services that you are using right now to come on this WWW.DEFENCE.PK/FORUM or support imran on facebook and internet and coordinate jalsas, Come on my friend you are acting like a kid who's father give him all the wonders of life and throughout life but one day his father beat him up for acting bad and the kid say my dad is the worst he has done nothing to me it was me who became successful. But father still love his kid and ignore him and this is what Musharraf has done. he gave so Much to Pakistan but people of Pakistan got stuck at Lal masjid, bugti, democracy and the biggest crook CJP... but fact is that Lal masjid had terrorist and it has been proven i don't have to give you videos links now do i? Bugti well he died in military operation and i can give you video in which he admitted proudly that he Killed 36 SSGs. CJP! well he had a reference and he is corrupt and i can also provide you proofs on this. and every thing you blame Musharraf on i can counter it. but fact of the matter is that you won't see. Problem is that it's ok to Like Imran khan and support him and it's ok for me to support Musharraf and like him, but if im a man then i shouldn't be too small heart to admit that Imran is good too but i chose Musharraf because he is tested and successful where as you don't support him because he had bad people with him etc and i respect that but calling him deserter is just CHEAP
guys continue with the thread and ignore my post because otherwise it will become Musharraf vs Imran thread but i also thought it is must for me to Reply this guy thanks :)
Qureshi's joining of Imran Party would benefit both: Aitzaz Ahsan

Prominent PPP leader and senior advocate Barrister Aitzaz Ahsan has said that Imran Khan is a national Hero and prominent leader and joining of Shah Mahmood Qureshi to his party Tehrik-e-Insaaf would benefit both.

Talking to media persons at the Supreme Court building on Monday, Aitzaz Ahsan however questioned the statements by the former foreign minister against President Asif Ali Zardari that Pakistan's nuclear programme was not secure in the hands of the President. He asked Mr Qureshi why he did not utter such statements when he was foreign minister.

He said now there are three major parties in the country namely the PPP, the PML-N and Tehrik-i-Insaaf and all have major weak points. He said they all should collectively work for the betterment of the country.

To a question about a petition by PML-N President Nawaz Sharif in the Supreme Court against Hussain Haqqani, the former president of SCBA said that the former ambassador in addition to tendering his resignation has come to Pakistan and there should be a transparent investigation. He said the person who leveled the allegation should also be brought before the parliament. He said at present parliamentary and departmental inquiry is going on. He said the Memo should not become an issue.

To another question, Aitzaz Ahsan said Supreme Court verdicts should be implemented in letter and spirit. He said implementation of some decisions of the apex court is delayed which is not the right course.

Qureshi's joining of Imran Party would benefit both: Aitzaz Ahsan | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
PM and President should never be from the same party ...loook @ Pakistan now ... what a joke of governance it has become... PM and President should hav a very formal relationship to ensure separation of powers to make 'accountability' possible . If that means elected governments packing their bags soon ...so be it , The time for elected government in today's world should never be a day more then 4 years .
Rallying shots

Nadeem F. Paracha | Opinion

Political rallies in Pakistan before the arrival of Z A Bhutto were pretty sedate affairs. Bhutto changed all that by being boisterous, witty and macho during his rallies, a man convincingly mimicking the antics of a reckless rabble rouser. This was one of the reasons why Bhutto managed to make his opponents appear seamless if not entirely limp; but by the late 1970s, many of them decided to gradually change the complexion of their rallies and oratory as well.

However, as Bhutto’s main opponents at the time, such as the religious parties, pumped up the drama factor and volume of their respective and collective rallies (especially during the 1977 election campaign), it was quite apparent that they lacked the street-smart wit that Bhutto had mastered, though at times he did end up sounding just plain crude. Minus the wit, animated rallies and speeches of the religious parties during that era began to sound more like loudly laid out fatwas than anything even close to what Bhutto was up to in his rallies.

For example, as Bhutto sang and swung, huffed and puffed, smirked and chuckled his way to taunt and poke his opponents’ conservatism and religious exhibitionism, his opponents in their newly renovated style of speaking at rallies retaliated by thumping the dais and loudly denouncing Bhutto’s ‘un-Islamic’ ways, calling him a drunkard and a womaniser. Consequently, after 1977, though the rallies of Bhutto’s PPP would remain authentic populist affairs, other parties too began to adopt the technique. From the ‘80s onwards it became a mainstay in the culture of political rallies in Pakistan.

Other persuasive exponents of the Bhutto style were his daughter, Benazir Bhutto,
and MQM chief, Altaf Hussain. Whereas Benazir impressed (and at times shocked) by being a woman who convincingly echoed her father’s stirring passion (if not the wit) in her rallies, Hussain gave the technique a twist by fusing urban middle-class mannerism with typically cocky Karachi college and street lingo, adding to this tongue-in-cheek allusions to the ‘dialogue-baazi’ of famous Urdu and Punjabi film actors.

But as the idea of political rallies becoming a colourful mixture of flag-waving and drum-beating carnivals and devil-may-care speeches continued to capture the people’s attention, there was always the danger that politicians whose psychological disposition ran contrary to the nature of this phenomenon would stumble by turning rallies into something repulsive and devoid of wit. The earliest examples of this were the rallies in Punjab of the Nawaz Sharif and Jamat-i-Islami-led IJI just before the 1988 election. To combat Benazir’s populist antics and robust rallies, the IJI responded by first floating obscene leaflets containing crudely engineered pictures of the late Benazir and her mother in which their heads were pasted on to the bodies of semi-nude women. :sick: Then newspapers reported how during an IJI rally in Lahore, some IJI leaders and workers had not only used obscene language against the two women, but (as one established Urdu newspaper reported), some of these leaders also made ‘crude, obscene gestures’. In other words, the Bhutto technique when it crossed over and was adopted by the bourgeois rightists, it mutated into a jamboree of reactionary abuse and questionable language. This was perhaps due to the repulsion the rightists had felt watching populist politicians like Bhutto and parties like the PPP mocking middle and upper-middle-class mannerisms at rallies cheered along by the ‘jahil awam’ (illiterate masses). :cheesy:

Today, even though the rallies of the PPP have largely retained their raving, witty and inebriated character, and MQM rallies continue to be constant roller-coaster rides of sudden fluctuations between sombre, angry roars, sharp lingo and populist, self-parodying Karachi wit, it is the concept of reaction-laden bourgeois populism in rallies that is making headlines. :devil: Given currency by popular TV talk shows, this version has grown two-fold as exemplified by the recent PML-N and PTI rallies and Shah Mehmood Qureshi’s public meeting in Ghotki last week. :agree:

However, even parties like the PPP are now sometimes unable to rein in certain members wanting to venture into the inhibited ways of reactionary bourgeois buffoonery (Zulfikar Mirza). Nevertheless, the rightist (and mutated) adoption of the Bhutto technique remains the mainstay of PML-N rallies, now joined in by Imran Khan’s PTI.

Though Imran Khan does manage to infuse some humour in his usual Mao-meets-Maududi rhetoric :lol: and while chanting his tales of self-righteous middle-class morality
, it is stunning to note the utterly knee-jerk and foul-mouthed nonsense that so unapologetically rolls out from many of his young followers who are inspired by Khan’s bravado.:rofl: But whereas it is usually Khan’s bopper crowd with almost zero idea about politics or political history that loves to whip their detractors with rough words constructed from chilled cola and boiled bile, it is some of PML-N’s leadership (and now Shah Mehmood Qureshi), who have started uttering gibberish.

Qureshi called himself Mehmood Ghaznavi who was out to plunder the Somnath temple, also suggesting that the president was a ‘Yazid’, whereas Shahbaz Sharif wanted to hang the president upside down in a street of Lahore. It is amazing to note that it is not the ‘awam’ that is getting all excited by such gabble. Rather, it is the so-called educated, urban middle-class youth that is applauding away this rough jabber. :hitwall:

Mind you (and rather ironically), this is the same section of society that otherwise finds people like Bhutto and Altaf Hussain ‘uncouth’. :agree:
nadeem paracha got arse beaten since he was PSF guy, now i understand why he has mental diarrhea every once in a while :lol:

altaf hussain was a good speaker, he was not a mental case before, but now altaf has got totally insane, and his insanity is inceasing, he literally needs mental checkup
It is amazing to note that it is not the ‘awam’ that is getting all excited by such gabble. Rather, it is the so-called educated, urban middle-class youth that is applauding away this rough jabber.

state of denial. If Paracha gets a chance to be in awam, might be helpful for his piece of writings...

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