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Quetta: LEJ bombs University bus & siege BMC.

I am watching the operation, if the terrorists manage to escape then it will be a great shame
I pray that none is taken alive, there is nothing useful gained from these pawns anyway which we dont know already, but if they are taken alive then the b@stardized courts will free them or they will be helped to escape from police custody to recommit murder again.

@Irfan Baloch; while I share your desire to see the terrorists exterminated; it will be desirable to at least take some of them alive. Because that will be the only way how this gruesome operation was set up will get exposed. That is necessary to fight this menace conclusively. Unfortunately there seem to be just too many "dead-ends" and unanswered question in Pakistan surrounding the terrorist attacks that have taken place. This should not happen in this instance.

I hope that the casualties are minimised now and the SOG troops are successful in concluding the clean-up.
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Inalilahi wa inalilahi rajiun..

It is quite saddening to hear about this, those poor women got killed.as if it was not enough, they attacked the injured women and their relatives at the hospital and killed them. Very tragic......and saddening.

Imagine how the parents felt when they heard their daughters died in the bomb blast, imagine how the siblings felt when they heard their sister had died.

The parents who rushed to the hospital to be with their injured daughter, the siblings who were at the bed side of their injured sister, only to be met by a murderer who would kill them all. Imagine those children who were orphaned to day..who's relatives were taken away from them.

Very tragic and saddening to hear this. God give peace to the souls of those who were murdered, give patience to the relatives, makes life easier for them, and God protect us all from such a calamity and bring the murderers to justice.

Wither these criminals are Muslims or not, who ever is involved in this crime ought to be killed for justice to prevail. These people who were involved in this murder need to be killed. Does not matter if a criminal is Muslim or not, punishment must be carried out regardless.
one terrorist caught alive.


security forces storm hospital and free hostages, ending siege. #AP
The death toll reaches 21 from #QuettaBlasts including 11 female students, 4 nurses, 4 security personnel & deputy commissioner #Quetta.
Why should he tell you about the operation while its going on ??? Stop playing Politics here :disagree:

No one's playing politics, he himself was taking cheap shots at the previous govt and saying mian sahib nay phone kia repeatedly!

Then he said, jab taliban kahain gay hum muzakrat karain gay.

So now pakistan is going to be run on the wishes of Taliban?
4 terrorists killed 1 arrested and 9 escaped.....poor show .....Bolan Medical Complex

how the helll did they managed to escape :pissed:
One terrorist was caught, probably the guy they showed on TV.

2 FC casualties occurred early on in the initial rush, the other two happened when the terrorists blew themselves up in the hospital during the final op.

Now the caught terrorist should be made an example. He should be interrogated and then quickly sentenced to death, and the sentence should be carried out at the earliest with good publicity...its about time we convicted a terrorist. People like him have been released on grounds of insufficient evidence!

4 terrorists killed 1 arrested and 9 escaped.....poor show .....Bolan Medical Complex

how the helll did they managed to escape :pissed:

Who said that?
Appears to be a ttp attack... BLA (bastards liberace @ssholes) dont have enough gutts... nor have they ever attempted suicide attacks...
No one's playing politics, he himself was taking cheap shots at the previous govt and saying mian sahib nay phone kia repeatedly!

Then he said, jab taliban kahain gay hum muzakrat karain gay.

So now pakistan is going to be run on the wishes of Taliban?

Nawaz Sharif is the PM of the country and He wanted to convey the message that NS is in touch with provincial govt and is seriously concerned about the situation. Being PM, Nawaz Sharif is going to be discussed many times now. Plz try to digest it

and regarding Taliban Pmln has made it clear, and Khuram Dastagir has said it many time on tv that we want to talk with them but we are absolutely sure that 50000 dead Pakistanis are not the result of Drone Attacks. Taliban has to stop this

Same policy for Balochistan. Hazara Killings etc are not the result of Missing Person
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