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Qatar and Turkey become Taliban's lifeline to the outside world

Qatar, Turkey and Pakistan

together we are united
Turkey is always in win win situation. When NATO was there all supply contracts were given to Turkey, now the Taliban is there, Kabul airport will be under Turkey / NATO. I think we Pakistani are the worst bargainers of any favorable situation.
Turkey is always in win win situation. When NATO was there all supply contracts were given to Turkey, now the Taliban is there, Kabul airport will be under Turkey / NATO. I think we Pakistani are the worst bargainers of any favorable situation.
yes we should have controlled the airport... we deserved it but opportunities are being lost....passive attitude of ours!
And no Saudia Arabia or UAE to be seen anywhere... are we seeing the beginning of the end for the OIC and its replacement with a new structure for the muslim world(yes - i know - i am super projecting into the future )...

Turkiye and Pakistan are the new khilāfahs of the Islamic world in the 21st Century.
yes we should have controlled the airport... we deserved it but opportunities are being lost....passive attitude of ours!

Pakistan controls Taliban and through them the entire Afghanistan. Airport is just a small prize that we are sharing with our Turkish brothers.
Turkiye and Pakistan are the new khilāfahs of the Islamic world in the 21st Century.

Pakistan controls Taliban and through them the entire Afghanistan. Airport is just a small prize that we are sharing with our Turkish brothers.
Reality Touch : In business there is no brotherhood. Same Turkey took us international court of arbitration on Karkey Power scandal. Pakistan penalized for more than billion-dollar, later Pak agencies found the Turkish company guilty ...to save the Turkish firm Erdogan jump in to avoid blacklisting in Europe due to fraudulent practice by Karkey... and Pakistan govt again ........... forgive and forget ... Sorry Sir we are very pathetic ... other's step over our head and we keep on watching and begging to pinch us slow ...

Reality Touch : In business there is no brotherhood. Same Turkey took us international court of arbitration on Karkey Power scandal. Pakistan penalized for more than billion-dollar, later Pak agencies found the Turkish company guilty ...to save the Turkish firm Erdogan jump in to avoid blacklisting in Europe due to fraudulent practice by Karkey... and Pakistan govt again ........... forgive and forget ... Sorry Sir we are very pathetic ... other's step over our head and we keep on watching and begging to pinch us slow ...
Yeah,kind of like when Russia told us some 12 years ago or more: "The Turks are interested in the S-400. What about you? ;) "
Money talks and b***** walks. Unfortunately.
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