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Qandeel Baloch: A Social Revolutionary?

You apparently didn't get my point. I was not talking about the justice in killing. It was the action that provoked this reaction. Have you not heard *when in Rome, do as the Romans do.*

Honourable Sir, here is your post.


An absurd idea. If willing prostitutes are going to be Social Icons. Then I think seriously conservative societies and Burqa women are better. Not being biased but at least we should know whether male or female there are ethical rules and one should abide by them.


I am sorry but rightly or wrongly, it appears to me that the post seems to be justifying a Murder.

A human being loses her life, instead of unreserved condemnation of a cold blooded murder; you are indirectly condoning the act by implying that because she did not abide by the ethical rules of the society; she invited murder.

This is the mind-set that I am campaigning against. In my view, even if Qandeel had stood on the road side inviting passers-by to have sex with her, she did not deserve to be killed.

No-one and no provocation deserves ‘Killing’. Murder in all forms & manners and for all reasons should be condemned unreservedly. If someone is crossing the boundaries of morality & ethics, take her to the Sharia Court and apply the ‘Hadd’. If Qandeel deserved to die, she should be so ordered by a court of Law.

However, no argument by an ordinary mortal like me, is going change yours or anyone else’s way of thinking. That is why I said that we need 100 reformists like the great Abdus Sattar Edhi to teach compassion to the Pakistan society.
Honourable Sir, here is your post.


An absurd idea. If willing prostitutes are going to be Social Icons. Then I think seriously conservative societies and Burqa women are better. Not being biased but at least we should know whether male or female there are ethical rules and one should abide by them.


I am sorry but rightly or wrongly, it appears to me that the post seems to be justifying a Murder.

A human being loses her life, instead of unreserved condemnation of a cold blooded murder; you are indirectly condoning the act by implying that because she did not abide by the ethical rules of the society; she invited murder.

This is the mind-set that I am campaigning against. In my view, even if Qandeel had stood on the road side inviting passers-by to have sex with her, she did not deserve to be killed.

No-one and no provocation deserves ‘Killing’. Murder in all forms & manners and for all reasons should be condemned unreservedly. If someone is crossing the boundaries of morality & ethics, take her to the Sharia Court and apply the ‘Hadd’. If Qandeel deserved to die, she should be so ordered by a court of Law.

However, no argument by an ordinary mortal like me, is going change yours or anyone else’s way of thinking. That is why I said that we need 100 reformists like the great Abdus Sattar Edhi to teach compassion to the Pakistan society.

You call acting like a prostitute openly justifiable. Gud then for your sake moral ethics don't matter and please Abdul Sattar Edhi was humanity server not a moral disgracer, so keep him out of this stupidity.
Being a Pakistani women i would like to tell you what we (Pakistani women) feels about her first of all there is no honor in killing i strongly condemn the murder of Qandeel Baloch but circumstances shows may her brother killed her over money dispute anyways he should be punished accordingly.

OK what we feel about her is shame she definitely not a icon or public image even representative of Pakistani women. She humiliate the image of Muslim Pakistani women even she humiliates the image of a women.
What lesson or inspiration we will get from her even the young girls show your body and makes the earning? No she is literate and uneducated women high on dreams, She left her husband her son her family in pursuit to achieve what she imagine and end up in a dark valley which led to her end.
Being a Pakistani women i would like to tell you what .

You sure a Pakistani woman like you would use underlined bold red words below on an online forum .............. and lecture others about how Fauzia was morally wrong?

Good for you when you get big egg in metric exams papa jo pusht pe jotay k print banayen gey tab meri baat yaad kerna. Jab laal laal doi ler kr mama se gharam towel k takore hongey tab samjh aai ghi. waste your time since its urzz. anyway.
You sure a Pakistani woman like you would use underlined bold red words below on an online forum .............. and lecture others about how Fauzia was morally wrong?
Yeah i use funny words to make younger member understand that study is more important than wasting time on web forums, he is just 15 check his profile may be 9th grader he should focus on studies more.
Yeah i use funny words to make younger member understand that study is more important than wasting time on web forums, he is just 15 check his profile may be 9th grader he should focus on studies more.

His life his choice, he is 15 years old so he cannot participate in a discussion? I believe if he gets married now he will have a kid next year. And I hope he has his parents to lecture him no need for an online woman to worry about him.................... and according to your strict morals for Pakistani women you should have been careful with your funny words.
His life his choice, he is 15 years old so he cannot participate in a discussion? I believe if he gets married now he will have a kid next year. And I hope he has his parents to lecture him no need for an online woman to worry about him.................... and according to your strict morals for Pakistani women you should have been careful with your funny words.
Being an elder and Muslim its my duty to adivse younger members they act upon or not their wish.

and according to your strict morals for Pakistani women you should have been careful with your funny words.
My words are commonly used in household of Punjab and I don't find it offensive rather than funny.
Being an elder and Muslim its my duty to adivse younger members they act upon or not their wish.

So you assumed that you are better than him?

My words are commonly used in household of Punjab and I don't find it offensive rather than funny.

Your funny words may be funny in Punjab but such words are considered an abuse in some other parts of Pakistan.
So you assumed that you are better than him?
I never said i am better to anyone but being an elder yes i can advise my younger countrymen for their betterment. And please stop all this nonsense you are bringing different topic in the middle of something else and STOP QUOTING me.
I never said i am better to anyone but being an elder yes i can advise my younger countrymen for their betterment. And please stop all this nonsense you are bringing different topic in the middle of something else and STOP QUOTING me.

You can advise someone for their betterment when you feel you are in a better position than them.

I did not want to quote you if it were not for your false morals and judging others.
It's an undisputed fact that honor killings are on the rise in Pakistan. But why is it? That's the question I have answered in my post.
In the past, girls did not question traditions and submitted to the authority of their family elders. Hence few honor killings happened.
Now, with better education and greater media/communication exposure, girls are defying conservative norms and asserting themselves. They are declaring independence causing the status quo forces to commit more violence to defend their old ways. http://www.riazhaq.com/2012/12/violent-conflict-is-part-of-pakistans.html
O am sure the judgmental folks are mankind,s anjuls in real life
You call acting like a prostitute openly justifiable. Gud then for your sake moral ethics don't matter and please Abdul Sattar Edhi was humanity server not a moral disgracer, so keep him out of this stupidity.

Well ,even if she was a prostitute ,they should have to go to court to deal with her .
It was the Pak Court authority to initiate enquiry against her and further punishment if she was culprit .
Civilians dont have any right to take law in their hands ,not only in Pakistan but also in other parts of world.

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