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Feb 13, 2012
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According to

Iranian government sources, the F-313 Qaher was designed and is indigenously produced in Iran by the Aviation Industries Organization (AIO), a division of the Ministry of Defense, and IRIAF. The project manager is Hassan Parvaneh.

The aircraft design is a canard configuration. It is described as a stealth fighter built with advanced materials, a very low radar signature and with low-altitude operations capability. It was also claimed that the Qaher can take off and land on short runways and has "easy maintenance". Qaher has a payload capacity of carrying two 2000 pound bombs, or greater number of smaller smart guided missiles, or at least 6 air-to-air missiles in the category of the PL-12.

It features a downward wingtip device which Flightglobal.com noted vaguely resembles the Boeing Bird of Prey prototype, but with a more faceted design similar to the 1970s-era Lockheed Have Blue that was developed into the now retired F-117 Nighthawk. Flight Global also said, "given the apparent small size of the aircraft and its single engine design, the Qaher 313 could be powered by reverse engineered variants of the General Electric J85 turbojet that Iran is known to have in its possession." Iran has General Electric J85s as well as a dozen other jet engines as a result of old Northrop F-5s and other American aircraft in its inventory from pre-1979 as well as newer engines from Russia and China. Iran also builds various turbo fan engines like the Toloue-4 and Toloue-5 for its UAVs. Iran claims they have designed the aircraft using CATIA three-dimensional interactive design software and tested it using simulation software including Gambit numerical grid generation software, fluent flow analysis and simulation software, CFD models and that they have additionally tested the aerodynamics using small sized jet and propeller flying models.

Two days after the unveiling ceremony, Mehr News Agency published the top ten features of the fighter jet project.

The aircraft was reportedly designed with extra stability and so does not need a fly-by-wire (FBW) system.

A prototype version of the Qaher-313 was portrayed to have test-flown at some point before the presentation. According to the head of the design team, two sub-sized models have been created and tested. One of the models uses a propeller engine while the other uses a small micro jet engine. The models were shown in a video clip (along with descriptions by the head of the design team) the same day. The "blurry video published by the Iranians purporting to show the Qaher 313 in flight seems to show not a manned fighter jet but a small radio-operated drone " which agrees with what the designers said about the videos at the Qaher-313 introduction ceremony.

On 10 February 2013, the Iranian Minister of Defense said the claims made by the foreign media about the project are inaccurate and that the engine used by the design had been successfully tested. He also confirmed that the aircraft had not yet been flown, but that taxi and flight tests will occur in the near future.

Qaher-313 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The top 10 technical characteristics of the F-313 fighter jet and some of the related data on its features and appearance:

1- Using Two inlets and inlet ducts make up the air induction system to deliver air to the engine. Due to an indirect angle of the engine to the air inlets, the radar reflectivity is reduced, and it makes angled design of inlet ducts to the surface to get radar energy wave, just like in F35.

2- The hot exhaust gas mixes with cold air through the inlet ducts, and gets cooler before it gets out of the exhaust system, to reduce heat effects on the surface of the aircraft.

3- Use of radar-absorbent materials in the body, to absorb wave energy and reduce radar reflection, for greater stealth effect of Qaher F-313 fighter.

4- Considering the estimated length and height of the aircraft is less than 16 and 4 meter, the two compartments with payload capacity of carrying two 2000 pound bombs, or greater number of smaller smart guided missiles, or at least 6 air-to-air missiles in the category of R-17 or PL-12.

5- Relatively large vertical tail surface has created favorable directional stability and with canted vertical tails create aerodynamic benefits as well specific appropriate lateral maneuvering capabilities.

6- The very large canopy gives a 360 degree visibility, which is essential for low altitude fly-by flights, especially helps ground mission attacks, and it is also very useful in close dog-fights.

7- The angled wings is perfect example of indigenous design for aircrafts, which gives a side profile like M, and similar to a W profile, is the best form to use in aircrafts.

8- Single-cycle landing gear is another proof that F-313 is a light weight aircraft, with minimum flying weight of 12 to 14 ton, and maximum flying weight of 20 ton.

9- There are 8 analog displays in the cockpit, which shows Multi-Function Display (MFD) technology has more room to improve in F-313, Qaher fighter jet.

10- Considering F-313 normal steering lever, the control systems, with the wing movable surfaces, rudder, and vertical stabilizer are hydraulics, and not fly-by-wire (FBW) system, since many today’s aircraft use “side-steering lever” control.

The advance computer designing software (CATIA) were used for designing F-313, and aerodynamic analysis methods such as computational fluid dynamics (CFD) also were used, with the help of numerical grid generation software (GAMBIT), flow analysis software (FLUENT) and other design computation software, which shows a complete scientific work in various areas of indigenous scientific and technology was used for F-313.
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About 10 years ago:
The Shafagh's advanced cockpit features colour MFDs and a Russian-made K-36D ejection seat - once considered by the US to be used on the F-22 Raptor

Qaher-313 is not a fighter jet. It is solely designed to fly at very low altitude and that plus it's stealth design will make it very hard to detect. It's designed to attack ships and bases.

Iran will not make a fighter jet until a decent jet engine it created.
Iran has a fantastic Turbine industry, we should ask guys at MAPNA and PARTO to help in out jet engine creations.
Mirage 2000 with air intakes above the wings



Qaher-313 is not a fighter jet. It is solely designed to fly at very low altitude and that plus it's stealth design will make it very hard to detect. It's designed to attack ships and bases.

Iran will not make a fighter jet until a decent jet engine it created.
Iran has a fantastic Turbine industry, we should ask guys at MAPNA and PARTO to help in out jet engine creations.

At least 6 air-to-air missiles in the category of the PL-12. Meaning it can engage in air to air combat at low, medium and high altitudes.
please merge into existing thread (nooooo, not another one! :cuckoo:)
Utter BS.

The Mirage's intakes are AHEAD of the wings, not merely just in a higher plane. For that fraud called the Q-313 with its intake topside, as angle-of-attack increases, the engines will be starved to death.

The Q-313 is a fake.

Are you frustrated or what? you do not understand the technologies in the Qaher-313 design and you try to troll to have the most information you can, well, it was there for you to see and hear but you couldn't.
There are air-ducts on the back of the fighter plane, can you understand what is their role, and the intakes themselves have a 20 degree angle. what do you make of it?
How many they have????

How many Saeqeh???

Can show some more data??

Also does IRAN have the capability to defend itself.. If US shown aggression???

Azarakhsh about 12 in the 80s

HESA Saeqeh about 24 2012

But no one really knows the real numbers, these are the ones you can find on the net.

If Iran can defend itself against the US? well, they have officially said that was exactly what they have prepared for, for the last 30 years.
So you can expect at least a very painful response from them to the US proportionate to the US aggression, because this is no little game, once the US shows signs or begins hostilities, the matter will be so grave to the whole planet that the consequences would be unimaginable.
If we stick to the theoretical confrontation between let us say the US and Iran in the gulf, I think Iran can win that confrontation. It is just a matter of logic and logistics,; if the US is on its own and is not allowed by any country of the region to attack from its territories (everyone understands why, their countries have to bear the consequences of war for a long time, and frankly, no one in the area wants to jeopardize its economic growth, or any other gains they have made in the last decade, and also because the only entity that will benefit from such a conflict is Israel at the detriment of the others including the US itself ), than it has almost 0 chance of winning any kind of war, since it needs ground and other support for its carriers. because it is going to be mostly a missile war, and the US has to have air superiority in the first place, to be able to destroy some fixed air defences which Iran does not have much of, they rather have mostly mobile ones. And with a very dense and integrated air defence system, The US will need huge air campaigns and the will to lose much of its attacking air-planes to defeat it, if ever that was possible, it is not because eitherway the US won't be able to establish air superiority witch is the cornerstone of its war doctrine.
The other theoretical possibility is that the US, Israel and some suicidal US allies in the area and beyond, decide to form a coalition (very unlikely), like against Iraq and try to invade Iran!?
In this case, the coalition has to have a bigger will of tolerating not only the loss of its attacking airplanes and carriers and warships but also its soldiers, because they will be hundreds of thousands of dead coalition soldiers, against a million or so of Iranian causalities, but at the end of the day, Iran will emerge victorious. All this without mentioning the real and strong possibility of China intervening militarily to save its economy (life) by helping out Iran, its top commanders have promised that.
This is based on facts and it has no bias against the US or anyone else, If the roles and spaces were inverted, the consequences too would be inverted.
Since when the Americans were invaders and occupiers, first time I have heard that was in Iraq, and it was some one else's agenda (like in Vietnam too, the French couldn't do it, but for whom?), namely the zionist movement this time. At the end, one has to believe that the US has become the most powerful disposable tool at their disposal.

Hello, different [single!] engine! > russian engine on F5 (South African proposed a rusian engine on a Mirage III upgrade)?

According to Iranian government sources, the F-313 Qaher was designed and is indigenously produced in Iran by the Aviation Industries Organization (AIO), a division of the Ministry of Defense, and IRIAF. The project manager is Hassan Parvaneh.

And hre I was, believing all those who said it was a mock-up .... but ... oh wait, it WAS a mock up > so how come we are are local production all of a sudden?!

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