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Q&A: China's restive far west

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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Paramilitary police have been out in force in Xinjiang's capital ahead of the 2009 riots anniversary

Hong Kong (CNN) -- A connection to Xinjiang, a restive autonomous region in northwestern China, has emerged in the investigation into the jeep that plowed into crowds in Tiananmen Square on Monday, killing five and injuring at least 40.

The incident, which has been identified as a terrorist attack, was "carefully planned, organized and premeditated," police said Wednesday on their official Weibo account online.

Tuesday, police circulated a notice to hotels in Beijing related to a "major incident" listing names that suggested suspects belonged to the Uyghur ethnic group that comes from Xinjiang.

The region has a long history of friction between Han Chinese, China's biggest and most dominant ethnic group, and the indigenous Uyghurs.


Uyghurs are very distinctive from Han Chinese -- they have their own language, food, religion and customs.

Who are the Uyghurs?

The Uyghurs are a predominantly Muslim ethnic group who live in Xinjiang, an area the size of Iran that is rich in natural resources, including oil.

The province shares borders with Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. Uyghurs, who speak a language related to Turkish, regard themselves as culturally and ethnically close to central Asia, despite a long history of Chinese rule.

Since the collapse of the Qing dynasty in 1912, Xinjiang, which means "new frontier" in Chinese, has enjoyed varying levels of autonomy.

In 1933, rebels declared independence and created the short-lived Islamic Republic of East Turkistan.

The Chinese Communist Party took over the territory in 1949 and in 1955 it was declared an autonomous region, giving it a status similar to that of Tibet, which lies to the south of Xinjiang.

Why do Uyghurs resent Chinese rule?

Over the decades, waves of Han Chinese migrants arrived in the region, displacing Uyghurs from their traditional lands and fueling tensions.

Xinjiang is now home to more than 8 million Han Chinese, up from 220,000 in 1949, and 10 million Uyghurs. The newcomers take most of the new jobs, and unemployment among Uyghurs is high.

They complain of discrimination and harsh treatment by security forces, despite official promises of equal rights and ethnic harmony.

Activists say that a campaign is being waged to weaken the Uyghurs' religious and cultural traditions and that the education system undermines use of the Uyghur language.

Why is China concerned about the Uyghurs?

Simmering tensions have erupted into riots. In July, 35 people were killed in a town about 155 miles (250 kilometers) southeast of the provincial capital Urumqi. State media said "knife-wielding mobs" attacked government buildings.

The worst violence in decades took place in July 2009, when rioting in Urumqi between Uyghurs and Han Chinese killed some 200 people and injured 1,700. That unrest was followed by a crackdown by security forces.

Beijing says Uyghur groups want to establish an independent state and, because of the Uyghurs' cultural ties to their neighbors, leaders fear that elements in places like Pakistan may back a separatist movement in Xinjiang.

After the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, some 22 Uyghurs were rounded up in Pakistan and Afghanistan and detained in Guantanamo Bay. Most have been released and cleared of wrongdoing.

China has found it useful to blame ethnic tensions on outside interference, undermining sympathies at home for legitimate grievances, Nicholas Dynon, a researcher at Macquarie University in Australia, told CNN.

In October, China arrested 139 people for spreading religious extremism online by posting videos of terrorist attacks or instructions on how to make bombs and other explosive devices.

Are there Uyghur terrorist groups?

Beijing exaggerates the threat from Uyghur separatist groups, according to Sean Roberts, an associate professor at the Elliott School for International Affairs at George Washington University. Little of the violence that has occurred inside Xinjiang should be considered terrorism, he said.

"Most of it looks like spontaneous civil unrest or isolated revenge violence carried out by individuals or small groups of local citizens, rather than by an organized militant group," he told CNN.

However, Uyghur groups claimed responsibility for bus bombs in Shanghai and Yunnan prior to the Olympics in 2008. The Chinese government blamed an attempted hijacking of a flight in 2012 on Uyghurs.

The U.S. State Department listed the East Turkestan Islamic Movement as a terrorist organization in 2002 in the wake of the September 11 attacks during a period of increased cooperation with China on security matters.
Uighurs' traditional land??? You must be kidding me.

They are migrants from somewhere else to there as well. Han Chinese have settled there more than two thousand years ago.

To educate you about the history, that is where Han Chinese Army defeated the Huns numerous times. Don't tell me you do not even know what the Huns is.

We Chinese defeated the Huns and the defeated Huns later migrated to Europe, causing the collapse of West Roman Empire.

We Chinese defeated the Turks several hundred years ago, the defeated turks went west and cause the East Roman Empire to collapse.

As for their difference from Han Chinese, well, we have 56 minorities, many of them look different from Han Chinese. So???

In U.S., american indians have no similar features with those white settlers as well.

This article is simply full of shxt.
Selective presentation of facts and mixing lies with half-truths are the speciality of American MSM.

1. Han settlers first established themselves in the region even before the birth of Christ in Western calendars, more than 2000 years ago.

2. It was the Turks that later invaded the region in the 7th century, bringing with them Islam.

3. The population of Uighurs more than tripled since the establishment of PRC, which should effectively dispute the whole cultural genocide thing for anyone with a brain. It is now the fastest growing ethnic group in China.
Guess who is misleading China's west;

Saudi Arabia supplied free Qoran, Saudi trained Mullahs and Pakistani imparted military training.

Now Chinese are learning about friendship with Pakistan.
Guess who is misleading China's west;

Saudi Arabia supplied free Qoran, Saudi trained Mullahs and Pakistani imparted military training.

Now Chinese are learning about friendship with Pakistan.
don't you get tired of posting bull$hit ?
Find me anything wrong in any of words stated above.

Truth is hard to digest.
Western Han dynasty by 86 BCE:

Birth of Mohammed: 570 CE

Formation of Uyghur Khanate: ~740 CE

Acutally Uyghur was formed much, but much later. I read somewhere it has history in the region for just 600 years max -from Yuan Dynasty or even later, compared to 2,000 years settlement of the Han Chinese. Moreover, it's the red Soviet who coined the name "Uyghurs" in about 1922.

This ancient coin was found in Xinjiang. It belonged to an ancient kingdom "Gaochang"(AC 327-640). The majority of Gaochang, including the king, were Hans. Eventually Gaochang was annexed by Tang
We clearly know that saudi's money and idiotic islam mullahs have quite some involvement in flaming the world with islam terrorists.

Guess who is misleading China's west;

Saudi Arabia supplied free Qoran, Saudi trained Mullahs and Pakistani imparted military training.

Now Chinese are learning about friendship with Pakistan.
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