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Pyongyang's latest missile test led to grounded flights along US west coast


Oct 2, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Pentagon thought North Korean missile was headed for US – media
The military initially thought Pyongyang’s latest missile test was capable of striking the United States, leading to grounded flights along the west coast

FILE PHOTO: Kim Il Sung Square in Pyongyang, North Korea. © Getty Images / Narvikk
US military and aviation officials were briefly convinced that a North Korean missile launch earlier this week could pose a threat to the ‘homeland’, CNN reported, but early readings were soon dismissed as inaccurate.
Moments after Pyongyang fired a hypersonic missile off its east coast as part of a weapons test on Monday, US Northern Command, the Northern American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) each responded as if the launch were an attack, scrambling to determine whether the munition could reach US territory.
Pentagon officials “didn't have a good feel for its capabilities,” a lawmaker briefed on the incident told CNN on Thursday, calling the mishap “ugly.”
While the military quickly found that the weapon did not constitute a threat – ultimately plunging into the sea between China and Japan, thousands of miles away from US borders – the FAA nonetheless grounded a number of flights on the west coast for around 15 minutes as a safeguard.

“As a matter of precaution, the FAA temporarily paused departures at some airports along the west coast,” the agency said in a statement on Tuesday. “The FAA regularly takes precautionary measures. We are reviewing the process around this ground stop as we do after all such events.”

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby later told reporters that the grounded flights were part of “the normal process of coordination and communication” between defense and aviation officials, though he added that “some decisions were made that probably didn't need to get made.”

The missile launch was Pyongyang’s second so far in 2022, and has prompted threats of retaliation from Washington, which recently called on the United Nations to impose additional penalties over six North Korean missile launches since last September. Separately, the US Treasury Department also slapped sanctions on six North Koreans, one Russian national and a Russian company, claiming they are involved in Pyongyang’s “weapons of mass destruction” program.

In response, the DPRK vowed a “stronger and certain reaction,” accusing the US of “intentionally escalating the situation” on the Korean Peninsula, though it did not specify what actions it might take.

killing Muslim is so 20th century...whities are moving in 21th century and making ground to legitimize killing Asians now!

same playbook....propaganda>spread fear>>sell weapons>>drop bombs>>find new enemy>>repeat!
The point of all this, the missile Flight trajectory and the hypersonic specification of this specific missile indicated that US main land was well within range of its warhead. The Flight altitiude recognized by the US early warning radars all led to grounding all the flights along the west coast of US main land. That's a cool achievement made by NK.

It also led Americans desperately point their fingers to Russians :lol:

If you feel free to make sedition in kazakistan then Russia has every right to allow NK access your land. Fair
Hard to believe that North Korea is actually ahead of the US in hypersonic technology. China yes, Russia okay, but North Korea is a surprise. The last couple of US hypersonic tests have failed.

Pentagon thought North Korean missile was headed for US – media
The military initially thought Pyongyang’s latest missile test was capable of striking the United States, leading to grounded flights along the west coast
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FILE PHOTO: Kim Il Sung Square in Pyongyang, North Korea. © Getty Images / Narvikk
US military and aviation officials were briefly convinced that a North Korean missile launch earlier this week could pose a threat to the ‘homeland’, CNN reported, but early readings were soon dismissed as inaccurate.
Moments after Pyongyang fired a hypersonic missile off its east coast as part of a weapons test on Monday, US Northern Command, the Northern American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) each responded as if the launch were an attack, scrambling to determine whether the munition could reach US territory.
Pentagon officials “didn't have a good feel for its capabilities,” a lawmaker briefed on the incident told CNN on Thursday, calling the mishap “ugly.”
While the military quickly found that the weapon did not constitute a threat – ultimately plunging into the sea between China and Japan, thousands of miles away from US borders – the FAA nonetheless grounded a number of flights on the west coast for around 15 minutes as a safeguard.

“As a matter of precaution, the FAA temporarily paused departures at some airports along the west coast,” the agency said in a statement on Tuesday. “The FAA regularly takes precautionary measures. We are reviewing the process around this ground stop as we do after all such events.”

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby later told reporters that the grounded flights were part of “the normal process of coordination and communication” between defense and aviation officials, though he added that “some decisions were made that probably didn't need to get made.”

The missile launch was Pyongyang’s second so far in 2022, and has prompted threats of retaliation from Washington, which recently called on the United Nations to impose additional penalties over six North Korean missile launches since last September. Separately, the US Treasury Department also slapped sanctions on six North Koreans, one Russian national and a Russian company, claiming they are involved in Pyongyang’s “weapons of mass destruction” program.

In response, the DPRK vowed a “stronger and certain reaction,” accusing the US of “intentionally escalating the situation” on the Korean Peninsula, though it did not specify what actions it might take.

Hard to believe that North Korea is actually ahead of the US in hypersonic technology. China yes, Russia okay, but North Korea is a surprise. The last couple of US hypersonic tests have failed.
Maybe that's why Americans were quick to blame Russia. Its decades that Russia possesses ballistic HGVs. They have mastered the hypersonic cruise missiles too.
Let's talk about the Iran missile strike on the US Al Asad base in Iraq

The US at first denied any casualties or that any soldier had been harmed. Trump stated that some had headaches.

Then they admitted 20 had traumatic brain injuries, then 30, then 70, then 100. That's as far as we know. So far we know that many of them have life altering, traumatic brain injuries.

Many cannot sleep at night, they tremble, have nightmares. One committed suicide so far. Several had to be taken to Germany for treatment and never returned to duty after that. It's all shrouded in secrecy so we will probably find out in a few years or decades how many really got crippled or died.

Also what about when the US recently bombed a house in Afghanistan with 1 woman and 9 children thinking it was ISIS ? Brilliant intelligence Americans have huh ? First you think the Afghan puppet government will last 6 months, LOL, then you think a woman with children are ISIS ? How many billions does the US spend on intelligence again ?

So far the US has refused to apologize or offer any compensation. Iran admitted fault, arrested those responsible and prosecuted them, released a full report, offered compensation as well to all the victims families.

When the US shot down an Iranian airliner in 1988, the US finaly paid compensation after Iran dragged the US to international court. It took 8 years. You compare 3 days to 8 years ?

The US also gave medals to those responsible. America, a country that gives medals to soldiers who kill civilians. America a country that gives bombs to Saudi Arabia, who then bomb hospitals with babies and pregnant women and Drs inside. You must be proud of murdering women and children.

When US soldiers come face to face with real opposition, this is what happens.


Atleast Iran treated them well, better than how Americans treat prisoners don't you think ?


and after that treatment this is how they responded. How would they respond if Iran tortured them or treated them the way they treat prisoners ?

What happened when Iran took back it's oil tanker from American navy. The American navy did... nothing... watched in awe.. Watch US ships and crew in the crosshairs.

Don't want to repeat the mistake the Iranians made when they believe their country was about to be attacked after the ballistic missile attack eh? You know the one where you fired 2 missiles at a passenger plane and claim they had nothing to do with it.
Hard to believe that North Korea is actually ahead of the US in hypersonic technology. China yes, Russia okay, but North Korea is a surprise. The last couple of US hypersonic tests have failed.
Nk has higher lQ than USA,more disciplined and efficient.No surprise in NK advances,it's expected.
It's no lran,Cuba,Libya or Iraq.
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Let's talk about the Iran missile strike on the US Al Asad base in Iraq

The US at first denied any casualties or that any soldier had been harmed. Trump stated that some had headaches.

The U.S. never denied any casualties only that nobody got killed but you and other Iranians tried to say they were killed. You can't hide the deaths. This is public consumption for the Iranian populace while still trying to not kill anyone and lead to war by a direct attack by Iran.

Then they admitted 20 had traumatic brain injuries, then 30, then 70, then 100. That's as far as we know. So far we know that many of them have life altering, traumatic brain injuries.

So what? Your general is still dead and you blew up a plane killing more Iranians.

Many cannot sleep at night, they tremble, have nightmares. One committed suicide so far. Several had to be taken to Germany for treatment and never returned to duty after that. It's all shrouded in secrecy so we will probably find out in a few years or decades how many really got crippled or died.

Also what about when the US recently bombed a house in Afghanistan with 1 woman and 9 children thinking it was ISIS ? Brilliant intelligence Americans have huh ? First you think the Afghan puppet government will last 6 months, LOL, then you think a woman with children are ISIS ? How many billions does the US spend on intelligence again ?

There are bad intelligence but then you guys blowing up a passenger plane or blowing up your own ship says you have bad intel.

So far the US has refused to apologize or offer any compensation. Iran admitted fault, arrested those responsible and prosecuted them, released a full report, offered compensation as well to all the victims families.

When the US shot down an Iranian airliner in 1988, the US finaly paid compensation after Iran dragged the US to international court. It took 8 years. You compare 3 days to 8 years ?

The US also gave medals to those responsible. America, a country that gives medals to soldiers who kill civilians. America a country that gives bombs to Saudi Arabia, who then bomb hospitals with babies and pregnant women and Drs inside. You must be proud of murdering women and children.

LOL! Iran tried to deny it for days but admitted after so much hard evidence revealed with videos and satellites, you just can't hide it and finally admitted it. Otherwise you would have done what the Russians did and deny the shooting down of the passenger plane for many years to come. I mean what are the names of those who shot down the Iranian passenger plane? I bet you guys gave them medals for defending your airspace.

When US soldiers come face to face with real opposition, this is what happens.

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Atleast Iran treated them well, better than how Americans treat prisoners don't you think ?

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and after that treatment this is how they responded. How would they respond if Iran tortured them or treated them the way they treat prisoners ?

What happened when Iran took back it's oil tanker from American navy. The American navy did... nothing... watched in awe.. Watch US ships and crew in the crosshairs.

So what? Face to face with real opposition? Having prisoners helped the war effort for Saddam when he showed them? How about the Japanese? Did that help them? Your government returned the Marines less than 24 hours cause they know whats going to happen. Wasn't worth it for Marines who had engine trouble and drift in Iranian waters, otherwise you have kept them and executed as spies.


Also the hijacking and retaking back the ship with your oil is pretty much BS you know that right?
Hard to believe that North Korea is actually ahead of the US in hypersonic technology. China yes, Russia okay, but North Korea is a surprise. The last couple of US hypersonic tests have failed.

Depends on which hypersonic missile failed because there are multiple programs.

U.S. successfully flight tests Raytheon hypersonic weapon -Pentagon

Here's What The Army's First Ever Operational Hypersonic Missile Unit Will Look Like
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