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PYD's Muslim: Ankara agreed to conditional autonomy

First of all, Tactical report is bs.
I follow Iraqs military programs and that website makes up news which makes no sense, deals which never come to the light and useless information, from Iraq buying Rafales, Mirage 2000 to Mirage F1. Posts from 2009 even while Iraqs Minister of Defence was not even going to France to dicuss these sales. Leave that website.

That report is not BS. It's true. The same requirement applies to most European states expect for Russia. Even when Iraq bought training planes, the requirement was that a certain amount of the pilots be Kurds. In fact, the Iraqi air force commander is a Kurd, and his son is an f16 pilot, including many other Kurds. These are facts you can't hide from.

KRG waiting on the pipeline, Ive heard this from many Kurds though you realize this makes you 100% dependent on Turkey for Economic lifeline, not something you would want. Even if it finishes you really want to go independent from Iraq, say bye to 23% of central gov budget share and be dependent on Turkey for your economy ? We are talking about Turkey.. not Kurds best friend historically. its even more benefit for KRG then for Iraq to stay part of Iraq, if they leave Iraq gets much more of the central government money

First of all, Turkey needs to buy our oil/gas as much as we need to sell it. It's called a mutual understanding and off course as a landlocked region we understand these facts. We do not receive 23% of the national budget, it's supposed to be 17% but we actually received 11-13% the last time.

If we leave Iraq, Iraq will fail completely. The Shia and Sunni are way too divided, and we leave the rest will follow. There is no issue with staying in Iraq if Iraq sticks to the constitution.

About Kurds in Syria, I believe their stronghold is northeast, they control some cities here and there but that does not mean they control the route aswell, neither could we know what happens if FSA or SAA attacks them.

They control a vast region which includes borders with Turkey and Iraq and are on the offensive to increase it. So far the PYD is beating the terrorists on every turn.

If Assad retreats to Latakia region then there is still a huge way to go northeast to border the Kurdish controlled land, that suggestion does not work.

Assad and the PYD are aware of this potentials which explains why the PYD and SAA do not clash much. Off course no one can predict the outcome of this war, but this is just one of the possibilities.

KRG sells oil/gas with a large share, therefor these contracts are much more interesting to oil companies, whereas Iraq offers little to them. The reason of this was said by Barzani himself, so this company is more functioning as defence, they are selling the oil with a low price.

No that's BS spread by Shahristani to undermine the KRG. The KRG probably ends up paying the companies around 15 dollars as the companies also have to pay infrastructure tax, and the more they extract, the less they get. It's not just about security, it's also got to do with the fact that the fields in Kurdistan need exploring, they need heavy infrastructure investments and are harder to reach than the oil in Basrah. Besides Iraqs investment policy is a failure, you saw the past oil/gas bids and how low the amount of bids were, also, the oil in Basrah is all set in place, it's proven, it has the infrastructure read, which is why there is a difference in the fees being paid.
Quite funny FulcrumKAF, which I doubt he is Russian, questions Turkey's power to coop with Terrorist organiations.

Didn't Russia loose first Chechen war and had to give independence to Chechens? Haha, sore looser. And you also had to give independence to Azerbaijan and all other Turkic peoples.

By the way, you are probably Armenian, but you need reality check. Terrorist organizations are not easy to completely whipe out. Even US didn't beat Taliban although it was the biggest army of the world. That is how new age war works and Russians are not good at it.
That report is not BS. It's true. The same requirement applies to most European states expect for Russia. Even when Iraq bought training planes, the requirement was that a certain amount of the pilots be Kurds. In fact, the Iraqi air force commander is a Kurd, and his son is an f16 pilot, including many other Kurds. These are facts you can't hide from.

First of all, Turkey needs to buy our oil/gas as much as we need to sell it. It's called a mutual understanding and off course as a landlocked region we understand these facts. We do not receive 23% of the national budget, it's supposed to be 17% but we actually received 11-13% the last time.

If we leave Iraq, Iraq will fail completely. The Shia and Sunni are way too divided, and we leave the rest will follow. There is no issue with staying in Iraq if Iraq sticks to the constitution.

They control a vast region which includes borders with Turkey and Iraq and are on the offensive to increase it. So far the PYD is beating the terrorists on every turn.

Assad and the PYD are aware of this potentials which explains why the PYD and SAA do not clash much. Off course no one can predict the outcome of this war, but this is just one of the possibilities.

No that's BS spread by Shahristani to undermine the KRG. The KRG probably ends up paying the companies around 15 dollars as the companies also have to pay infrastructure tax, and the more they extract, the less they get. It's not just about security, it's also got to do with the fact that the fields in Kurdistan need exploring, they need heavy infrastructure investments and are harder to reach than the oil in Basrah. Besides Iraqs investment policy is a failure, you saw the past oil/gas bids and how low the amount of bids were, also, the oil in Basrah is all set in place, it's proven, it has the infrastructure read, which is why there is a difference in the fees being paid.

Anything from that website is BS, guaranteed.
Yes the commander is and his son is I know though that does not mean anything, its not part of your statement.

Mutual interests. right. We agree on it that Turkey needs gas and oil but they will not die if they cut your oil line for some time as they can get the same from Iran or any other country for that matter that supplies this. While for you, cutting of that line would be a disaster, a halt to economic progress, no more oil/gas income. Dangerous for you, a game for Turkey that would control your food/water line.
Iraq will not fail, terrorism we face because of the war, KRG did not face it as in 2003 they were not attacked.

PYD has no access to the sea, neither close to Latakia. a map showing you a PYD controlled city in northwestern Syria does not mean its their stronghold neither something they will keep for the long term. Yes no one knows, its a possibility.

No it aint BS by Sharistani, it explains enough. The investment laws in KRG are easier, but wtf does that have to do with this. That barely counts for the oil industry.
Quite funny FulcrumKAF, which I doubt he is Russian, questions Turkey's power to coop with Terrorist organiations.

Didn't Russia loose first Chechen war and had to give independence to Chechens? Haha, sore looser. And you also had to give independence to Azerbaijan and all other Turkic peoples.

By the way, you are probably Armenian, but you need reality check. Terrorist organizations are not easy to completely whipe out. Even US didn't beat Taliban although it was the biggest army of the world. That is how new age war works and Russians are not good at it.

KAF = Kurdish air Force, hes Kurdish.
First of all, Turkey needs to buy our oil/gas as much as we need to sell it. It's called a mutual understanding and off course as a landlocked region we understand these facts. We do not receive 23% of the national budget, it's supposed to be 17% but we actually received 11-13% the last time.

We don't need to buy your oil. We have several options. But buying from you will be beneficial but

They control a vast region which includes borders with Turkey and Iraq and are on the offensive to increase it. So far the PYD is beating the terrorists on every turn.

Kurdish news agencies say this, but also they say PYD captured a tank from El-nusra, that tank happens to be the tank which FSA dissabled last year. And the fake video of El-Nusra killing civilians, which happens to be Assad soldiers, killing arab citizens... I look at Fırat News Agency, they say PYD kills dozens of El-Nusra militants......

Mutual interests. right. We agree on it that Turkey needs gas and oil but they will not die if they cut your oil line for some time as they can get the same from Iran or any other country for that matter that supplies this. While for you, cutting of that line would be a disaster, a halt to economic progress, no more oil/gas income. Dangerous for you, a game for Turkey that would control your food/water line.
Iraq will not fail, terrorism we face because of the war, KRG did not face it as in 2003 they were not attacked.

Infact it would be great.. First order to Barzani will, remove PKK from your land. Let them kill eachother.
Infact it would be great.. First order to Barzani will, remove PKK from your land. Let them kill eachother.

It might lead to military conflict in the future because the nationalist Barzani wants to annex "disputed areas", anyway these guys should declare independence, they tell us "once the pipeline to Turkey finishes" though this makes them dependent on Turkey which is suicide, so these guys will never leave us. What should we do ?.....
It might lead to military conflict in the future because the nationalist Barzani wants to annex "disputed areas", anyway these guys should declare independence, they tell us "once the pipeline to Turkey finishes" though this makes them dependent on Turkey which is suicide, so these guys will never leave us. What should we do ?.....

You may laugh at their foolishness :)
Infact it would be great.. First order to Barzani will, remove PKK from your land. Let them kill eachother.

:laughcry: This is the wish of turks like you. I hope more Kurds come to this board to see the true face of their ''turkish brethren'' that obviously want Kurds to fight amongst themselves. It is of course wishful thinking. The time of Kurds fighting Kurds is over. If you watch press statements from KRG, PJAK, PDKI and PKK you would know that they are all ready to send thousands of fighters into Rojava ( West Kurdistan/Syria) in order to fight alongside PYD against turkish backed al qaeda virus. But as of now, PYD is handling the virus very well themselves so as of now the guerilla and peshmerga from PKK and KRG are standing by for green light.

Funny how turkey had to resort to funding al qaeda backed terrorist scums in order to destroy Kurdish aspirations of autonomy in Syria. And even more funny that EU and USA are quiet about it. I guess big brother is holding the hand above you huh? But it will all soon be over. Kurdistan will be the graveyard of al qaeda.
:laughcry: This is the wish of turks like you. I hope more Kurds come to this board to see the true face of their ''turkish brethren'' that obviously want Kurds to fight amongst themselves. It is of course wishful thinking. The time of Kurds fighting Kurds is over. If you watch press statements from KRG, PJAK, PDKI and PKK you would know that they are all ready to send thousands of fighters into Rojava ( West Kurdistan/Syria) in order to fight alongside PYD against turkish backed al qaeda virus. But as of now, PYD is handling the virus very well themselves so as of now the guerilla and peshmerga from PKK and KRG are standing by for green light.

Funny how turkey had to resort to funding al qaeda backed terrorist scums in order to destroy Kurdish aspirations of autonomy in Syria. And even more funny that EU and USA are quiet about it. I guess big brother is holding the hand above you huh? But it will all soon be over. Kurdistan will be the graveyard of al qaeda.

We are all against al qaeda.

The problem is that Syrians do not accept the Kurdish autonomous zone, they do not want it, Iraq is against KRG expanding and Turkey is against a Kurdish state in its land so there will be problems.
What about Iran, they do not resist so much there
We are all against al qaeda.

The problem is that Syrians do not accept the Kurdish autonomous zone, they do not want it, Iraq is against KRG expanding and Turkey is against a Kurdish state in its land so there will be problems.
What about Iran, they do not resist so much there

How do you know that Syrians do not accept a Kurdish autonomous region? PYD has support from big Arab tribes and a lot of Christian and Armenian communities in North Syria. Should it not be them deciding whether or not they want to govern themselves? Even if the whole world was against ( and as it has been for a long time now) Kurds governing themselves, then we would fight for everyon's right to govern themselves. We are not claiming anyone's land. Is it not fair that cities like Qamislo, Ayn al Arab, Ras al Ayn, Efrin, Amuda, Hesice etc that have a majority of Kurds and have been for a long time get the right to govern themself? Do you think staying ignorant and arrogant towards Kurdish demands is going to solve anything? Has it solved anything in Turkey? Did it solve anything in Iraq?

There is a difference between Kurdish state within Turkey and a Kurdish autonomous region. A Kurdish autonomous region in Turkey is inevitable and it is on the agenda on the ongoing peace process there.

Please do not talk none sense. I beg you, go research instead of judging before hand mate. Honestly. Your picture of Kurds is too painted.
Atawolf: Do you really think Turkey can occupy Syrian occupied Kurdistan for a long period of time? That would cost you billions of dollars,not to mention PKK would come back. And the Kurdish people in Turkish occupied Kurdistan would also rise up. You can see how much they resist Turkish support for Al nusra (yeah,I know GoT denied it,but that is just words that do not translate into actions).

Russia was in compleete turmoil under that period. If Turkey was in that situation,Kurdistan would be independent by now,and if you had not assimilated the majority of pontus greeks,theyd be independent too (And all other people Turkey assimilated).

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