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Putting the horse before the cart : Indian's fraud of history

Sometime I struggle to understand Indian's thinking and their reasoning, despite my best efforts and sincerity to understand fellow human beings.

I am sorry but the answer lies in your own words.

You cannot understand unless you have an open mind. You cannot understand if you start off with a Donald Trump approach to any issue.

While on the subject, I question your proclaiming your best efforts and sincerity.There is none of that present; every post reeks of envy and hatred. Every single post.

I have no comment on what follows.

First you say "mythical symbol" that nobody could figure out what exactly it is. Then you yourself stated " the seal represent a single-horned bull with the presumption that horses never existed at the time.".

You admitted the seal is of a bull. So why Rajaraman and Co were hell bound to turn it in to a horse through computer simulation!!

And why the hell you are trying to portray that bull seal could be anything else!!
And that absence of evidence of horses in the sub-continent at the time of your tales is an evidence of their existence!!
Ridicules Indians.

Yeah, I know, I know, to create false and fraudulent evidence is rational and anything else is end of rational thought. Great, just great.

That precisely sums up the situation. You don't seem to notice that Indians themselves who are academically competent and not bigots have refuted these silly notions, this false and fraudulent evidence. You are so busy proclaiming your racial superiority that you have no time to listen or to read.

Indian thinking start and ends on their false sense of grandeur and superiority.

I can only pity you.
You might start by getting a leash on the details. It is 'Rajaram', not 'Rajaraman'. There are other experts named 'Rajaraman' who have nothing to do with this forgery.

No. I wish ignorance were bliss in this case, but you seem to be a deeply troubled character.

The desire to show the horse was here earlier than it was is to disprove that the Indo-Aryan speaking nomads introduced it here, and to disprove that the chariot was an imported artifact. The attempt is to show that the chariot was invented here, since the horse was also to be found thousands of years before the spread of the chariot, and that it was then adopted, progressively, by others outside south Asia.

These efforts at proving that everything, including Indo-European languages, originated in India are part of the revisionist school, who are also described, in contrast to the AIT school, as the OOI school - the Out Of India school.

In spite of constant rebuffs by academicians, they persist.

I feel obliged to respond because of the volume of rubbish floating around. Just as happened with the Sanghis, as they have started believing their own crap, it is likely to happen to you and your types; unless contradicted then and there, you are likely to believe your own stuff.

Believe me, it is no pleasure to respond. I do it as an unpleasant duty.
Nope. You simply respond because you yourself are conflicted. The academic in you knows the Out of India movement is broadly speaking b.s. but you struggle to align with the alternative for undefined reasons. Hence, you "lash out" against IVC centrists quite abruptly even though such train of thought puts the Out of India movement in its place also. Feel free to reflect on that.
I am sorry but the answer lies in your own words.

You cannot understand unless you have an open mind. You cannot understand if you start off with a Donald Trump approach to any issue.

While on the subject, I question your proclaiming your best efforts and sincerity.There is none of that present; every post reeks of envy and hatred. Every single post.

I have no comment on what follows.

That precisely sums up the situation. You don't seem to notice that Indians themselves who are academically competent and not bigots have refuted these silly notions, this false and fraudulent evidence. You are so busy proclaiming your racial superiority that you have no time to listen or to read.

I can only pity you.

I can only say, "bloody hell". :sarcastic::sarcastic:
Nope. You simply respond because you yourself are conflicted. The academic in you knows the Out of India movement is broadly speaking b.s. but you struggle to align with the alternative for undefined reasons.

Not 'broadly speaking'; in totality.

Where did you get the conflict?

Long before you joined this forum, I was explaining to idiots that the OOI theory was hogwash.

Hence, you "lash out" against IVC centrists quite abruptly even though such train of thought puts the Out of India movement in its place also. Feel free to reflect on that.

Don't need to reflect for even a second. I am against IVC centrists for very specific reasons, and they do not conflict with my opposition to the OOI charlatans. If you were even partially competent, I might have tried to explain; as it is, it is a waste of time. Only suppressing gnomes works; for green bhakts as for khaki.

I can only say, "bloody hell". :sarcastic::sarcastic:

Do you think I expect anything more than that?
There is so much agenda, that the entire archaeogy is not taken for its evidence but mere aryan theories

horses have been identified by western scholars themselves who are not people like Frowley




https://www.harappa.com/sites/default/files/pdf/WHEELS in Indian Rock Art Erwin Neumayer.pdf
Nope. You simply respond because you yourself are conflicted. The academic in you knows the Out of India movement is broadly speaking b.s. but you struggle to align with the alternative for undefined reasons. Hence, you "lash out" against IVC centrists quite abruptly even though such train of thought puts the Out of India movement in its place also. Feel free to reflect on that.

Anything to prove and defend historical theft of IVC and Pakistan's heritage by India.

Alhamdulilah, people are waking up and Pakistanis are owning their own history. We have begun to re-appropriate our ancestors from these thieves and liars.
Indians are just better salesmen easy to convince Dumb Westerners by having Ukrainian or Russian skanks dress up In Indian clothing in their ads whereas Pakistan conjures up everything terror related
Indians are just better salesmen easy to convince Dumb Westerners by having Ukrainian or Russian skanks dress up In Indian clothing in their ads whereas Pakistan conjures up everything terror related

Great. :D

Needed that like another hole in the head.

Shouldn't you be watching **** or something constructive like that?
everything terror related
Whose fault is that? Natural climax of the "Islam blah, blah, blah ....... ! They opened the tap in 1949 with Objectives Resolution and imported skanks like Maudoodi to spread his filth. Now that drip has become a flood and our people are drowned in it.

The biggest lie ever perpetrated on our people was the idea "Muslims are a nation". Only people with manure for brains can believe that. But then if you can peddle the "land of free"* to American public who lap it up what hope does Pakistan have?

*free to get snuffed by police
there are people like danino and elst and then there are some hardliners on western side as well like richard meadow etc who refuse to believe that sorkotada bones are th remanis of the horse, next i have quoted several other scholars who also point out ''horse'' driven ''carts'' etc.thre are hardliners like steve farmer and even michael witzel who s quoted above who even propose that indus script is not a literate script but proto script.

Whose fault is that? Natural climax of the "Islam blah, blah, blah ....... ! They opened the tap in 1949 with Objectives Resolution and imported skanks like Maudoodi to spread his filth. Now that drip has become a flood and our people are drowned in it.

The biggest lie ever perpetrated on our people was the idea "Muslims are a nation". Only people with manure for brains can believe that. But then if you can peddle the "land of free"* to American public who lap it up what hope does Pakistan have?

*free to get snuffed by police

If we had a leader that was a combination of Ataturk or Stalin could have been different story but no we had Babbons who were more interested in looting and placating the masses

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