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Putin withdraws request to use force in Ukraine


Jun 4, 2009
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United States
Why Russia can't confront NATO/US against little cousin bear Ukraine? Is that NATO/US want Russia to attack them but change minds?

Putin withdraws request to use force in Ukraine

2 hours ago


MOSCOW (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin asked parliament Tuesday to cancel a resolution sanctioning the use of military force in Ukraine, a move his Ukrainian counterpart heralded as a "practical step" toward bringing peace to a region roiled by a separatist insurgency.

Putin's announcement came after pro-Russia rebels in eastern Ukraine said Monday they would respect a cease-fire declared by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, raising hopes for an end to months of fighting that have killed hundreds and driven thousands from their homes.

A statement on the Kremlin website announced that Putin had asked the head of Russia's upper house of parliament to cancel his March 1 request authorizing the use of force on Ukrainian territory. The pliant chamber is expected to quickly rubber-stamp the move Wednesday.

Putin needs to show his support for Poroshenko's peace plan ahead of the European Union' summit on Friday to avoid further Western sanctions. At the same time, he may feel that he no longer needs to maintain the threat of an invasion to protect Moscow's interests in Ukraine.

Poroshenko's peace plan contains promises of decentralization and guarantees for protection of rights of Russian speakers, which Russia has demanded from the start of the crisis.

It wants Ukraine to give broad powers to its regions to allow Russian-speaking eastern provinces to maintain close ties with Moscow. A strong regional autonomy would also allow them to effectively block the nation's accession into NATO, which is the Kremlin's worst nightmare.
Putin's request to parliament for the use of military in Ukraine came days after Ukraine's pro-Russian president was chased from power following months of street protests. Russia sent troops that quickly overran Ukraine's Black Sea peninsula of Crimea, setting the stage for its annexation in March after a hastily called referendum.

In April, a mutiny erupted in eastern Ukraine, where pro-Russian insurgents seized official buildings, declared their regions independent and fought government troops.


Pro-Russian demonstrators shout slogans in Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, Monday, June 23, 2014

Russia deployed an estimated 40,000 troops on the Ukrainian border, sparking fears of an imminent invasion in Ukraine and in the West.

Putin pulled back the bulk of the troops in late May, but NATO accused Russia of resuming the buildup this month with a few thousand additional troops sent to the border. The U.S. and NATO also accused Russia of supporting the rebellion with troops and weapons, but Moscow has denied that, saying that Russian citizens who joined the rebellion did so of their own will.

Putin welcomed Poroshenko's peace plan and his move to cancel the parliament resolution sends a strong signal to pro-Russian insurgents that they need to comply with it.

The Russian President was visiting Vienna on Tuesday, where he was meeting with the Austrian leadership and officials from the Organization for Security and Co-operation who have helped broker peace talks between Kiev and Moscow.

The OSCE chairman, Swiss President Didier Burkhalter, said in Vienna that "we need a cease-fire which lasts longer than five days to be able to start real dialogue," the Austria Press Agency reported. The current ceasefire is due to expire on Friday evening.

Burkhalter, who planned to meet with Putin later on Tuesday, said the OSCE was open to the idea of observing the cease-fire in eastern Ukraine along with Russian representatives but did not clarify exactly who would partake in any observation missions. He stressed the need for "practical support from Russia to see true progress" in Ukraine.

Austria was to host a section of the prospective South Stream gas pipeline, which was initiated by Russia to export gas to Europe circumventing Ukraine. The EU has moved to suspend the project, and Putin may hope to make a deal with the West on reviving the project, which is a top priority for Russia amid a dispute with Ukraine over gas prices and debts.

The cease-fire in east Ukraine appeared to be largely holding Tuesday, as soldiers at a checkpoint in Dovhenke, 50 kilometers (30 miles) north of the rebel stronghold of Slovyansk, were seen relaxing near the barricades or engaging in shooting drills.

Vladislav Seleznev, the spokesman for Ukraine's operation in the east, said rebel forces attacked a Ukrainian base north of Slovyansk late Monday but there had been no fighting overnight. Troops at another government-controlled checkpoint just outside of Slovyansk, however, said they had come under sniper attack Tuesday morning.

Russian markets, which have been rattled by the crisis in Ukraine and a host of sanctions by the U.S. and the European Union against Russian officials and businessmen, soared 1.6 percent Tuesday after the news, reaching a four-month high.


AP reporters Nataliya Vasliyeva and Vladimir Isachenkov in Moscow and Balint Szlanko in Dovhenke, Ukraine, contributed to this report.

Putin Withdraws Request To Use Force In Ukraine

Why Russia can't confront NATO/US against little cousin bear Ukraine? Is that NATO/US want Russia to attack them but change minds?

Putin withdraws request to use force in Ukraine

2 hours ago


MOSCOW (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin asked parliament Tuesday to cancel a resolution sanctioning the use of military force in Ukraine, a move his Ukrainian counterpart heralded as a "practical step" toward bringing peace to a region roiled by a separatist insurgency.

Putin's announcement came after pro-Russia rebels in eastern Ukraine said Monday they would respect a cease-fire declared by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, raising hopes for an end to months of fighting that have killed hundreds and driven thousands from their homes.

A statement on the Kremlin website announced that Putin had asked the head of Russia's upper house of parliament to cancel his March 1 request authorizing the use of force on Ukrainian territory. The pliant chamber is expected to quickly rubber-stamp the move Wednesday.

Putin needs to show his support for Poroshenko's peace plan ahead of the European Union' summit on Friday to avoid further Western sanctions. At the same time, he may feel that he no longer needs to maintain the threat of an invasion to protect Moscow's interests in Ukraine.

Poroshenko's peace plan contains promises of decentralization and guarantees for protection of rights of Russian speakers, which Russia has demanded from the start of the crisis.

It wants Ukraine to give broad powers to its regions to allow Russian-speaking eastern provinces to maintain close ties with Moscow. A strong regional autonomy would also allow them to effectively block the nation's accession into NATO, which is the Kremlin's worst nightmare.
Putin's request to parliament for the use of military in Ukraine came days after Ukraine's pro-Russian president was chased from power following months of street protests. Russia sent troops that quickly overran Ukraine's Black Sea peninsula of Crimea, setting the stage for its annexation in March after a hastily called referendum.

In April, a mutiny erupted in eastern Ukraine, where pro-Russian insurgents seized official buildings, declared their regions independent and fought government troops.


Pro-Russian demonstrators shout slogans in Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, Monday, June 23, 2014

Russia deployed an estimated 40,000 troops on the Ukrainian border, sparking fears of an imminent invasion in Ukraine and in the West.

Putin pulled back the bulk of the troops in late May, but NATO accused Russia of resuming the buildup this month with a few thousand additional troops sent to the border. The U.S. and NATO also accused Russia of supporting the rebellion with troops and weapons, but Moscow has denied that, saying that Russian citizens who joined the rebellion did so of their own will.

Putin welcomed Poroshenko's peace plan and his move to cancel the parliament resolution sends a strong signal to pro-Russian insurgents that they need to comply with it.

The Russian President was visiting Vienna on Tuesday, where he was meeting with the Austrian leadership and officials from the Organization for Security and Co-operation who have helped broker peace talks between Kiev and Moscow.

The OSCE chairman, Swiss President Didier Burkhalter, said in Vienna that "we need a cease-fire which lasts longer than five days to be able to start real dialogue," the Austria Press Agency reported. The current ceasefire is due to expire on Friday evening.

Burkhalter, who planned to meet with Putin later on Tuesday, said the OSCE was open to the idea of observing the cease-fire in eastern Ukraine along with Russian representatives but did not clarify exactly who would partake in any observation missions. He stressed the need for "practical support from Russia to see true progress" in Ukraine.

Austria was to host a section of the prospective South Stream gas pipeline, which was initiated by Russia to export gas to Europe circumventing Ukraine. The EU has moved to suspend the project, and Putin may hope to make a deal with the West on reviving the project, which is a top priority for Russia amid a dispute with Ukraine over gas prices and debts.

The cease-fire in east Ukraine appeared to be largely holding Tuesday, as soldiers at a checkpoint in Dovhenke, 50 kilometers (30 miles) north of the rebel stronghold of Slovyansk, were seen relaxing near the barricades or engaging in shooting drills.

Vladislav Seleznev, the spokesman for Ukraine's operation in the east, said rebel forces attacked a Ukrainian base north of Slovyansk late Monday but there had been no fighting overnight. Troops at another government-controlled checkpoint just outside of Slovyansk, however, said they had come under sniper attack Tuesday morning.

Russian markets, which have been rattled by the crisis in Ukraine and a host of sanctions by the U.S. and the European Union against Russian officials and businessmen, soared 1.6 percent Tuesday after the news, reaching a four-month high.


AP reporters Nataliya Vasliyeva and Vladimir Isachenkov in Moscow and Balint Szlanko in Dovhenke, Ukraine, contributed to this report.

Putin Withdraws Request To Use Force In Ukraine

misleading title and Putin did smart move
How? Russia give up his cousin to West after cool down?
it is not giving up, it is deal of compromise between Ukraine and Russia wich west does not want to see. West's main objective is to make mistrust between Russia and Ukraine so that west make a presence in Ukraine LOL
it is not giving up, it is deal of compromise between Ukraine and Russia wich west does not want to see. West's main objective is to make mistrust between Russia and Ukraine so that west make a presence in Ukraine LOL

It doesn't make sense, Ukraine and many civilians choose to side with Europe and US, they have already shown their mistrust toward Russia. What change now?

It doesn't make sense, Ukraine and many civilians choose to side with Europe and US, they have already shown their mistrust toward Russia. What change now?

going head to head and living side by side is different even if they want to be friendly with west
Good move, but remember Poroshenko said cease fire and talks are plan A but he also has a plan B, a military plan. Lets hope the talks work out and we can see proper federalization and peace in the region.
Great news for everyone.

The US was not "weak" for not ending the world with a nuke exchange to stop Russia from annexing Crimea, and Russia is not "weak" for preventing war.
Meanwhile, DPR and LPR officially united into confederative Union of People's Republics. I think Putin will not leave in the lurch, and to get permission to send troops again- is quite simple. At least Putin showed that he is not aggressor and he wants peace. There are no war between Ukraine and Russia, as Kiev fascists like to say. There is war between the junta and the people of the former south-eastern Ukraine.
Meanwhile, DPR and LPR officially united into confederative Union of People's Republics. I think Putin will not leave in the lurch, and to get permission to send troops again- is quite simple. At least Putin showed that he is not aggressor and he wants peace. There are no war between Ukraine and Russia, as Kiev fascists like to say. There is war between the junta and the people of the former south-eastern Ukraine.

This has a lot to with signing of south stream and the ceasefire.

Great news for everyone.

The US was not "weak" for not ending the world with a nuke exchange to stop Russia from annexing Crimea, and Russia is not "weak" for preventing war.

Russia took over crimea to prevent Sevastopol base from falling into NATO hands.
NATO had/has no need, want, or use for that base.

NATO wishes to deny Russia that base,same is the pattern in syria with tartus. It is clear .Even Brezinski and Kissinger think that kicking Russia out of Ukraine is precursor to destroying Russia.Plus the documents of PNAC listed Ukraine on top for Western objectives to destroy Russia as a power totally.


Start with the expansion of NATO eastwards and Washington's decision to deploy ballistic missile defences in Russia's neighbourhood.

The Atlantic Alliance was a magnificent achievement in containing a real and formidable enemy. But the collapse of the Soviet Empire and the end of the Cold War meant there was no clear and present danger to justify NATO expansion during the past two decades. Post-Communist Russia, remember, was not hostile, not an ideological rival and not militarily formidable. Yet the Clinton administration led the effort to extend alliance guarantees to nations that had been in Moscow's orbit for generations. As many sound observers from different political and ideological stripes argued in the 1990s, the NATO expansion was bound to create the very danger it was intended to prevent.

It was provocative enough for the West to expand NATO to Poland and the Baltic states in the 1990s. It was even more provocative to try to push NATO to Russia's next door.

The West poked the Russian Bear - The Drum (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

It was provocative enough for the West to expand NATO to Poland and the Baltic states in the 1990s. It was even more provocative to try to push NATO to Russia's next door. Which is precisely what happened in April 2008 when Brussels declared that Georgia and Ukraine would become part of NATO.

Putin: NATO Enlargement Pushed Russia To Annex Crimea

Destroying Russia? People cant possibly believe that nonsense. Is that what is being told to Russians to justify billions going to revamp their military?

Destroying Russia? People cant possibly believe that nonsense. Is that what is being told to Russians to justify billions going to revamp their military?

Nonsense? Actions of NATO and its expansion to east is comparable to slow Drang nach Osten .

The last three times ,the west came near to borders of Russia ,west instigated war,Hitler,Napoleon,Teutonic Knights,Polish-lithunian commonwealth(forcibly converted by Teutonic Knights) etc.

I suggest you read through PNAC documents or the ideas of brezinski .

Is that what is being told to Russians to justify billions going to revamp their military?

Considering that USA is the biggest warmonger on earth,helping Al qaeda in Syria and neo-nazis in Ukraine and spends of hundreds of billions ,its hypocrisy on your path to say something like this.


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Changing fonts does not make your logical fallacies or conspiracy theories more credible. I did not know you subscribed to fringe-type dogma, otherwise I would not have started down this path to nowhere. :suicide2:


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