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Putin Orders Massive Strike Against Saudi Arabia If West Attacks Syria

Only zionist fake accounts thanks you, what a satisfaction for me.

If the JEWS don't create all those fake accounts pretending to be europeans or arabs, we'll see that most of the people pushing to war are the MOSSA trolls like you
leave the guy alone....
let him troll........... thats all he can do
Listen, you chapati-chomping, know-nothing scrote from Uttar Pradesh or some other Islamic shithole.

We Jews survived the Babylonians, the Assyrians, the Greeks, Romans and we crushed your combined armies of turds.

We have survived despite everything and would have survived without the Ruskies.

So get back on your rickshaw and get out my face before I drown you in your own Korma.

Son of a *****.

Indians are with Asad (Though our government is coward). We condemn act of agression against Asad government.

Our relation with Israel: As we are with Asad doesn't means Indian feel bad about Israel. Israel has all right to have there share on earth. India is the only culture which has never troubled a Jew in its 30,000 old history. Though Indian Muslim hate Jews (Due to Islamic beliefs or whatever), But nationalist Indian appreciate Jews and there resilience.

Why USA/Israel/Arabs are wrong in Syria?
a) No one has right to meddle with internal issue of a nation.
b) supporting Sunni terrorists will make the world hell
c) There will be a genocide , Shia and Christians will massacared in Syria by Sunni terrorists..

We must support Shias

NOTE : I hope Iran will stop warmongering against Israel. Iran-Israel-India-USA-Russia will stand against Sunni terrorism..
Indians are with Asad (Though our government is coward). We condemn act of agression against Asad government.

Our relation with Israel: As we are with Asad doesn't means Indian feel bad about Israel. Israel has all right to have there share on earth. India is the only culture which has never troubled a Jew in its 30,000 old history. Though Indian Muslim hate Jews (Due to Islamic beliefs or whatever), But nationalist Indian appreciate Jews and there resilience.

Why USA/Israel/Arabs are wrong in Syria?
a) No one has right to meddle with internal issue of a nation.
b) supporting Sunni terrorists will make the world hell
c) There will be a genocide , Shia and Christians will massacared in Syria by Sunni terrorists..

We must support Shias

NOTE : I hope Iran will stop warmongering against Israel. Iran-Israel-India-USA-Russia will stand against Sunni terrorism..

COMPLETELY AGREE except the last part
I never understand what problem Iranian has with Israel?? you guys don't share border. Let Israeli and Iranians forget each other and focus on real threat...
our enmity dates back to 2500 yrs ago!!! its not sth new
our enmity dates back to 2500 yrs ago!!! its not sth new


You guys are 1000's KM apart... I would like to hear the 2500 old rivalry story.. Trust me most of ppl on earth don't know the issue between Iran and Israel....
COMPLETELY AGREE except the last part

Come on bro.... just try to understand his real meaning... u should forget about INNOCENT Israel because its 1000 miles apart and and focus on the REAL threat i.e (Sunni Dominant) Pakistan... and Iran... a Muslim State should stand with USA, Israel , India and Russia against fellow muslims... Wow
I never understand what problem Iranian has with Israel?? you guys don't share border. Let Israeli and Iranians forget each other and focus on real threat...
Iran is a terrorist state and a world pariah. Under sanctions by everyone bar North Korea.
You guys are 1000's KM apart... I would like to hear the 2500 old rivalry story.. Trust me most of ppl on earth don't know the issue between Iran and Israel....

Iran has nothing else as its identity.

It's sole identity now is as an enemy of Israel. That's all they are known for.

Terrorist state.
Iran has nothing else as its identity.
It's sole identity now is as an enemy of Israel. That's all they are known for.
Terrorist state.

so musch fo the dirty mouth of a barbar child-killer zionist state...................
our identity dates back to a timeline when your prophet (peace be upon him) was not even born idiot
so there was no jew ............. your identity is based on our identity zoroastrian.....
go figure idiot............

How can it date back to 2500 years? Islam was not there at that time.

its a very long story , it happened during "khashayar shah" of great persia .........
its off-topic

What's wrong with it? The Sunnis are the bad guys, and Iran should stop acting like a frenzy dragon :lol:

bro , i didnt mean sunnis , u know what i meant
takfiri terrorism:cheers:
Come on bro.... just try to understand his real meaning... u should forget about INNOCENT Israel because its 1000 miles apart and and focus on the REAL threat i.e (Sunni Dominant) Pakistan... and Iran... a Muslim State should stand with USA, Israel , India and Russia against fellow muslims... Wow

so sorry.... i didnt mean to
so sorry.... i didnt mean to

Nah i wasn't talking about you bro.... I was mentioning that post of indian member (read post no. 257) in which he said Iran should forget about israel and should align with Israel, India, US and Russia against (fellow Sunni) muslims...that was disgusting:bad: You know "DIVIDE AND RULE" methodolgy right...
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