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Putin Going After Chinese Money to Sustain Sagging Russian Economy


Mar 1, 2012
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Putin Going After Chinese Money to Sustain Sagging Russian Economy - Bloomberg

Russian President Vladimir Putin plans to open the door to Chinese money as U.S. and European sanctions over Ukraine threaten to tip the economy into recession, according to two senior government officials.

The move would roll back informal limits on Chinese investment as Russia seeks to stimulate growth, said the officials, who have direct knowledge of talks and asked not to be identified as the information isn’t public. The government wants to lure cash from the world’s second-biggest economy into industries from housing and infrastructure construction to natural resources, they said.

The Chinese won’t be welcome in all areas: Russia plans to set “red lines” around significant gold, platinum-group metals, diamond mining and high-technology projects, the officials said.

Putin is turning to Asia as financing from the U.S. and EU tightens and capital outflows surge amid the worst standoff since the fall of the Iron Curtain. The U.S. and the EU have accused Putin of fomenting unrest in Ukraine’s easternmost regions after annexing the Crimean peninsula in March, threatening to widen the sanctions to target the economy unless Russia helps ease tensions.

Putin oversaw nationwide military drills in the run-up to today’s World War II Victory Day celebrations after saying May 7 that Russia had pulled troops from the border with Ukraine, a claim that the U.S., the U.K. and the government in Kiev challenge.

Autonomy Votes
Pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine’s Donetsk and Luhansk regions vowed to press ahead with autonomy votes on May 11 after the Russian leader urged them to postpone the plebiscites.

The International Monetary Fund said last month that Russia’s economy is already in a technical recession and cut its growth forecast to 0.2 percent this year. Russia’s exports of gas and raw materials are so far holding up, even in the face of international condemnation over the incursion into Ukraine.

The world’s largest energy producer shipped 2 percent more gas to Europe in the first three months of 2014 than a year earlier, government data show. Diesel production for export increased, while cargoes of grains, palladium and nickel either climbed or were at similar levels.

Russia has been building trade ties with China, including long-term oil deals worth hundreds of billions of dollars, to tap Asia’s biggest energy consumer as the European economy slowed. China is Russia’s largest trading partner with $95.6 billion of business in 2012, followed by Germany, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

‘Clinical Fact’
“It’s a clinical fact” that China is heading to become the No. 1 state in the global economy, Putin said during his annual televised call-in show on April 17. Russia will develop ties with China and the two countries’ union will be a “significant factor” affecting the architecture of modern international relations, Putin said.

Still, the Asian country has relatively few major projects in Russia, evidence of informal restrictions on its investments, according to one of the officials. At least two government discussions are scheduled this month to set guidelines for how Chinese investors will be allowed to work in Russia, the officials said.

In addition to limiting access to precious metals and diamonds, Russia is likely to restrict China’s investments in high-technology projects, the people said. The government will also look at how to bar large settlements of Chinese citizens on its territory to avoid ethnic tensions, they said.

China’s Opportunity
Putin’s decision, coming as competition from U.S. and European financing slows, may offer China a good opportunity to gain access to Russia’s economy. Joining existing resource projects will probably be more appealing than starting from scratch, Moscow-based George Buzhenitsa, a Deutsche Bank AG analyst, said by phone on May 7.

Projects such as OAO Mechel (MTLR)’s Elga coal deposit in Yakutia or Evraz Plc (EVR) and OAO Alrosa’s Timir iron ore asset may be interesting to Chinese investors, Buzhenitsa said.

“Given that China has a shortage of raw materials from iron ore to coal to copper, it may be extremely interested in gaining access to such projects in Russia,” Buzhenitsa said.

Evraz’s press service and Mechel spokesman Arseniy Palagin declined to comment.

Sakhalin Project
Russia invited China to join the Elga development, the government said on April 10 after Deputy Prime Minster Arkady Dvorkovich visited the country. Chinese cooperation on the Sakhalin-3 oil and gas project is also under consideration, the government said at the time.

China is already one of the largest investors in OAO Uralkali, the Russian potash producer, with a 12.5 percent stake. China North Industries Corp. had plans to jointly develop nickel and copper fields in Russia with billionaire Oleg Deripaska’s companies, according to an initial agreement signed in 2012.

Russia is also seeking China’s help to build a bridge to the annexed Crimean peninsula, Kommersant reported on May 5, citing unidentified people with knowledge of the government’s plans.

Russia’s relations with China are developing steadily, regardless of any other issues, and no “special” government meetings are being planned on China, Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said by phone on May 7.

The government will announce a tender to build a bridge across the Strait of Kerch to Crimea, with all international investors welcome to participate, Peskov said. The cost of construction is estimated to be at least 50 billion rubles ($1.4 billion), which may rise should it be decided to link the bridge to a railroad.

Even Putin himself stated that China will become the no. 1 economy in the world. The writing is on the wall. Every major world statesman worth their salt is going out of their way to court China.
Putin Going After Chinese Money to Sustain Sagging Russian Economy - Bloomberg

Even Putin himself stated that China will become the no. 1 economy in the world
So when Putin says it, it will become true? He is known for corruption. Taking his word on face value is like asking a bum for financial consulting

. The writing is on the wall. Every major world statesman worth their salt is going out of their way to court China.
Yes, the writing is on the wall.
China heading toward a debt crisis with global ramifications: Banking vet | Daily Ticker - Yahoo Finance

China will not make it at the end, worst case scenario China disintegrating. Regional powers taking over governance.
So when Putin says it, it will become true? He is known for corruption. Taking his word on face value is like asking a bum for financial consulting

Yes, the writing is on the wall.
China heading toward a debt crisis with global ramifications: Banking vet | Daily Ticker - Yahoo Finance

China will not make it at the end, worst case scenario China disintegrating. Regional powers taking over governance.

Sourgrape spotted... :lol:

China will only become stronger and stronger. If China collasped, the world economic will not exist.
So when Putin says it, it will become true? He is known for corruption. Taking his word on face value is like asking a bum for financial consulting

This is why you have a reputation as the most childish poster - you defame people with baseless rumors and lies. Do you think you can hurt Putin's prestige? Your words will never reach him. But they do cement your reputation here as that cheap gossiper. You don't accept Allah's prohibitions against gossip. But maybe Tengri commanded of you the same thing? Or maybe some nomad code of honor? Anyway, the reality is that Putin took Russia's economy, teetering on the brink of collapse in the late 90's, and transformed it into an energy superpower to back up his new great power foreign policy. He's knows a thing or two about economics, and he can smell who's going up and who's going down.

Yes, the writing is on the wall.
China heading toward a debt crisis with global ramifications: Banking vet | Daily Ticker - Yahoo Finance

China will not make it at the end, worst case scenario China disintegrating. Regional powers taking over governance.

You always pull out the same crackpot conspiracy theorists and people with financial agendas as 'evidence': Stratfor, Gordon Chang, or people who manage investment funds like Patrick Chovanec or this "Richard Vague" who have a vested interest in manipulating the market. These people have their own agenda and straight-thinking people take their predictions with a grain of salt. Instead, do yourself a favor and look at what reputed global institutions like the World Bank are saying. The World Bank has loaned Turkey so much money before, so don't tell me you don't think highly enough of them to care :lol:.
This is why you have a reputation as the most childish poster - you defame people with baseless rumors and lies. Do you think you can hurt Putin's prestige? Your words will never reach him. But they do cement your reputation here as that cheap gossiper. You don't accept Allah's prohibitions against gossip. But maybe Tengri commanded of you the same thing? Or maybe some nomad code of honor? Anyway, the reality is that Putin took Russia's economy, teetering on the brink of collapse in the late 90's, and transformed it into an energy superpower to back up his new great power foreign policy. He's knows a thing or two about economics, and he can smell who's going up and who's going down.

You always pull out the same crackpot conspiracy theorists and people with financial agendas as 'evidence': Stratfor, Gordon Chang, or people who manage investment funds like Patrick Chovanec or this "Richard Vague" who have a vested interest in manipulating the market. These people have their own agenda and straight-thinking people take their predictions with a grain of salt. Instead, do yourself a favor and look at what reputed global institutions like the World Bank are saying. The World Bank has loaned Turkey so much money before, so don't tell me you don't think highly enough of them to care :lol:.
Putin knows nothing the ministries do all the work.
For example all the ideas about Crimea and whatnot come from the defense ministry and its commander not from Putin
Putin knows nothing the ministries do all the work.
For example all the ideas about Crimea and whatnot come from the defense ministry and its commander not from Putin

Whatever the case, Crimea have voted to return to Russia.
This is why you have a reputation as the most childish poster - you defame people with baseless rumors and lies. Do you think you can hurt Putin's prestige? Your words will never reach him. But they do cement your reputation here as that cheap gossiper. You don't accept Allah's prohibitions against gossip. But maybe Tengri commanded of you the same thing? Or maybe some nomad code of honor? Anyway, the reality is that Putin took Russia's economy, teetering on the brink of collapse in the late 90's, and transformed it into an energy superpower to back up his new great power foreign policy. He's knows a thing or two about economics, and he can smell who's going up and who's going down.

You always pull out the same crackpot conspiracy theorists and people with financial agendas as 'evidence': Stratfor, Gordon Chang, or people who manage investment funds like Patrick Chovanec or this "Richard Vague" who have a vested interest in manipulating the market. These people have their own agenda and straight-thinking people take their predictions with a grain of salt. Instead, do yourself a favor and look at what reputed global institutions like the World Bank are saying. The World Bank has loaned Turkey so much money before, so don't tell me you don't think highly enough of them to care :lol:.

Very well said. He is one of the lost souls who find solace in China-hating. I am just hoping somebody is paying to him for that. You know he also has that "Altaic brotherhood" theory, falling in love with Japan in a sort of unrequited love. One or more wink from Abe, and he jumps up and down.

Putin is smart to allow Chinese investment to flow into Russia. China has money and technology, Russia has raw materials and many untapped areas. A perfect combination to create a self-sustaining relationship. After all, China has turning into a giant service economy with enough backing from a viable medium and high-end manufacturing industry. On the other hand, if they had not sold out many national industries during the past 10 years, Turkey's
economy would be in ruins today.

Can Turkey even imagine in their wildest dream a success like below?

(Thank you to Unnamed Sweeper Monk at CDF for the original post)

China has world's second largest advertising market

English.news.cn 2014-05-10 00:42:28 More

BEIJING, May 9 (Xinhua) -- China's advertising market has grown into the world's second largest after years of rapid expansion, an official said on Friday.

The annual revenue of Chinese advertising enterprises topped 500 billion yuan (80.6 billion U.S. dollars) in 2013, said Zhang Mao, head of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.

China has 450,000 advertising businesses with more than two million people in the sector, said Zhang at the opening ceremony of the 43rd International Advertising Association World Congress here.

Chinese State Councilor Wang Yong said at the ceremony that advertising is one of the major industries in the tertiary sector and its fast development made great contributions to the country's economic and social progress.
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America's GDP growth has fallen to 0.1%, and they are trying to sanction Russia? Maybe they should try fixing their own economy first.

LOL. Indeed. Recession in the US is not over. It is a phony recovery backed by speculation. US produces nothing more than they used to produce before 2008. They just try wildly to contain and hide it until after elections. Because, if economy tanks again (this time even more mercilessly), the DP regime will certainly collapse in the upcoming 2016 circus and the new RP regime will unleash an economic Armageddon on the poor and lower-middle classes.

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