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Putin dares Turkey to test Russia’s air defences in Syria


Dec 5, 2014
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Vladimir Putin dares Turkey to test Russia’s air defences in Syria - The Globe and Mail


‘It is very difficult to achieve understanding with the leadership of Turkey. Again they backstabbed us. So on the inter-state level, I see no prospect of Russian-Turkish relations improving. There is no chance,’ said Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Russian President Vladimir Putin again raised the stakes Thursday in his country’s conflict with Turkey, using a press conference to dare the Turkish Air Force to try flying in Syrian airspace now that Russia has deployed sophisticated anti-aircraft missiles in the region.

“We think the actions of the Turkish leadership toward our plane that was shot down were not just unfriendly, it was a hostile action – an act of enmity,” Mr. Putin told his annual year-end news conference in Moscow. “Did they really think we would flee after the incident? That we would remove all our forces?” he continued. “Russia is not a country that withdraws or shies away from the challenge. On the contrary, we increased our military presence, we increased the number of our aircraft, we increased our anti-aircraft missiles, etc. Before that, the Turkish Air Force was flying over Syria. Well, I invite them to try flying over Syria now, because they will get a very serious response.”

Turkey appears to have already been avoiding Syrian airspace since the incident. Turkish media have reported that the country’s warplanes have stopped taking part in a U.S.-led campaign of air strikes against IS out of concern that Russian or Syrian forces would try to shoot down a Turkish jet in retaliation for the downing of the Su-24. (Russian jets, unlike planes from the U.S.-led coalition, are flying over Syria at the invitation of the government.)

Mr. Putin made plain that he was personally offended by the way the Turkish government handled the Su-24 incident. He said that if it had been an accident, he would have expected a phone call from Turkish leadership explaining what had happened. Instead, he noted, Ankara called immediately for an emergency meeting of the NATO military alliance.

The Russian president’s fury was such that he descended toward the obscene while discussing relations with Turkey. At one point, he speculated that Turkey may have shot down the Russian jet at the behest of the United States, perhaps in exchange for the United States turning a blind eye to a recent Turkish military deployment in northern Iraq. “Maybe someone in the Turkish leadership decided to lick the Americans in a particular place,” Mr. Putin said to applause.

He also said relations with Turkey had been good right up until Nov. 24 and that “the Turkish leadership” even approached him during last month’s G20 summit in Antalya with a “delicate” request that Mr. Putin said was outside the boundaries of international law. He did not specify what was asked but said Russia had been ready to help.

No longer. “It is very difficult to achieve understanding with the leadership of Turkey. Again they backstabbed us. So on the inter-state level, I see no prospect of Russian-Turkish relations improving. There is no chance.”

Suat Kiniklioglu, a former MP in Mr. Erdogan’s AKP party who is now a critic of the government, said he believes Mr. Erdogan “miscalculated” in ordering the shooting down of the Russian jet.

“Had [Mr. Erdogan] known the consequences would be as dramatic as they are now, I don’t think he would have gone for it,” Mr. Kiniklioglu said in an interview in Ankara. “He thought he was really good buddies with Putin. He respects Putin a lot and likes the way he challenges the West and the international order. He now understands Putin didn’t give a damn about all of that and he only cares about Russia’s national interests.”

Mr. Erdogan has himself favoured anti-Western rhetoric in recent years, Mr. Kiniklioglu said, but when Russia responded angrily to the downing of the Su-24, “he suddenly remembered he’s a NATO member and he made a full U-turn.”

Mr. Putin, who met Wednesday with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, said he was supportive of a draft United Nations resolution that Mr. Kerry was preparing. It calls for a peace process that includes a new Syrian constitution and – eventually – elections.

“We support the U.S. initiative on Syria, as well as the proposed UN resolution. I think after reading the resolution project, the Syrian government will be content as well,” Mr. Putin said.

In the meantime, however, he said Russia would continue its war effort in support of Mr. al-Assad. “We will continue our air strikes as long as the Syrian army continues to fight.”
Vladimir Putin dares Turkey to test Russia’s air defences in Syria - The Globe and Mail


‘It is very difficult to achieve understanding with the leadership of Turkey. Again they backstabbed us. So on the inter-state level, I see no prospect of Russian-Turkish relations improving. There is no chance,’ said Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Russian President Vladimir Putin again raised the stakes Thursday in his country’s conflict with Turkey, using a press conference to dare the Turkish Air Force to try flying in Syrian airspace now that Russia has deployed sophisticated anti-aircraft missiles in the region.

“We think the actions of the Turkish leadership toward our plane that was shot down were not just unfriendly, it was a hostile action – an act of enmity,” Mr. Putin told his annual year-end news conference in Moscow. “Did they really think we would flee after the incident? That we would remove all our forces?” he continued. “Russia is not a country that withdraws or shies away from the challenge. On the contrary, we increased our military presence, we increased the number of our aircraft, we increased our anti-aircraft missiles, etc. Before that, the Turkish Air Force was flying over Syria. Well, I invite them to try flying over Syria now, because they will get a very serious response.”

Turkey appears to have already been avoiding Syrian airspace since the incident. Turkish media have reported that the country’s warplanes have stopped taking part in a U.S.-led campaign of air strikes against IS out of concern that Russian or Syrian forces would try to shoot down a Turkish jet in retaliation for the downing of the Su-24. (Russian jets, unlike planes from the U.S.-led coalition, are flying over Syria at the invitation of the government.)

Mr. Putin made plain that he was personally offended by the way the Turkish government handled the Su-24 incident. He said that if it had been an accident, he would have expected a phone call from Turkish leadership explaining what had happened. Instead, he noted, Ankara called immediately for an emergency meeting of the NATO military alliance.

The Russian president’s fury was such that he descended toward the obscene while discussing relations with Turkey. At one point, he speculated that Turkey may have shot down the Russian jet at the behest of the United States, perhaps in exchange for the United States turning a blind eye to a recent Turkish military deployment in northern Iraq. “Maybe someone in the Turkish leadership decided to lick the Americans in a particular place,” Mr. Putin said to applause.

He also said relations with Turkey had been good right up until Nov. 24 and that “the Turkish leadership” even approached him during last month’s G20 summit in Antalya with a “delicate” request that Mr. Putin said was outside the boundaries of international law. He did not specify what was asked but said Russia had been ready to help.

No longer. “It is very difficult to achieve understanding with the leadership of Turkey. Again they backstabbed us. So on the inter-state level, I see no prospect of Russian-Turkish relations improving. There is no chance.”

Suat Kiniklioglu, a former MP in Mr. Erdogan’s AKP party who is now a critic of the government, said he believes Mr. Erdogan “miscalculated” in ordering the shooting down of the Russian jet.

“Had [Mr. Erdogan] known the consequences would be as dramatic as they are now, I don’t think he would have gone for it,” Mr. Kiniklioglu said in an interview in Ankara. “He thought he was really good buddies with Putin. He respects Putin a lot and likes the way he challenges the West and the international order. He now understands Putin didn’t give a damn about all of that and he only cares about Russia’s national interests.”

Mr. Erdogan has himself favoured anti-Western rhetoric in recent years, Mr. Kiniklioglu said, but when Russia responded angrily to the downing of the Su-24, “he suddenly remembered he’s a NATO member and he made a full U-turn.”

Mr. Putin, who met Wednesday with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, said he was supportive of a draft United Nations resolution that Mr. Kerry was preparing. It calls for a peace process that includes a new Syrian constitution and – eventually – elections.

“We support the U.S. initiative on Syria, as well as the proposed UN resolution. I think after reading the resolution project, the Syrian government will be content as well,” Mr. Putin said.

In the meantime, however, he said Russia would continue its war effort in support of Mr. al-Assad. “We will continue our air strikes as long as the Syrian army continues to fight.”
Everything the Russians have have already been tested in Afghanistan!!
If Erdogan dont behave right, then you (Putin) behave right by not receiving calls of Turkish leadership? by giving childish statements daily? Putin should calm down... and dont fall for NATO trap again..

Maybe someone in the Turkish leadership decided to lick the Americans in a particular place,” Mr. Putin said to applause.
Ok bitch now try entering the Syrian air space if you have balls

Why? We had no business in Syria since 2012. It was Russia who was violating NATO airpsace almost daily until Putin recieved the treatment he deserved like the little bitch he is, by Turkey. Not a single aircraft dared to come closer than 50km to Turkey's airspace let alone violating it since we put Russia back to its place. I'm eager to see if Russia would dare to test Turkey's airdefences once again :)
Turki vernulis b gjlrezali russkogo medvedya - sbili bombardirovschik SU. Teper u nas est v Sirii bombardirovschiki S 400. Teper Trusi turki ne posmeeut letat v nebe Sirii i podderzhivat terroristov iz Turki. Scoro oni ischeznut.:guns:
Turki vernulis b gjlrezali russkogo medvedya - sbili bombardirovschik SU. Teper u nas est v Sirii bombardirovschiki S 400. Teper Trusi turki ne posmeeut letat v nebe Sirii i podderzhivat terroristov iz Turki. Scoro oni ischeznut.:guns:

That's why your pilot didn't understand our warnings and blew up in the sky... Learn the fvcking language :lol:

Look at what have become of the mighty Russian bear with a single bitch slap :lol: Using the exact same rhetoric as the Russians and their Chinese and Indian fluffers here in PDF :disagree:

Lets see...

Turkey shot down 2 Russian bombers and Turkmen killed a defenceless Russian pilot parachuting down.

Since that point...

1. Russia deployed the S-400 covering pretty much all of Syria and covering large parts of Turkey.
2. Deployed the Moskva cruiser providing air defences to Russian planes.
3. Deployed advanced fighter jets to the Syrian air base.
4. Deployed a submarine which has started bombing.
5. Wiped out the entire Turkmen race in about 72 hours with Turkey utterly helpless.
6. Bombed the oil trading trucks between Turkey and ISIS thus shutting down one of Turkey's biggest income sources.
7. Assad is now retaking positions previously under ISIS control.
8. Turkish Air Force no longer come even close to Syrian air space for fear of getting shot down.
9. Turkey's pipe dream of toppling Assad has gone down the drain.

Since that shooting down, Russia has significantly increased their military presence, wiped out an entire Turkmen race and made sure Assad will stay in power.

Where have those Turkish balls gone now? :lol:
Lets see...

Turkey shot down 2 Russian bombers and Turkmen killed a defenceless Russian pilot parachuting down.

Since that point...

1. Russia deployed the S-400 covering pretty much all of Syria and covering large parts of Turkey.
2. Deployed the Moskva cruiser providing air defences to Russian planes.
3. Deployed advanced fighter jets to the Syrian air base.
4. Deployed a submarine which has started bombing.
5. Wiped out the entire Turkmen race in about 72 hours with Turkey utterly helpless.
6. Bombed the oil trading trucks between Turkey and ISIS thus shutting down one of Turkey's biggest income sources.
7. Assad is now retaking positions previously under ISIS control.
8. Turkish Air Force no longer come even close to Syrian air space for fear of getting shot down.
9. Turkey's pipe dream of toppling Assad has gone down the drain.

Since that shooting down, Russia has significantly increased their military presence, wiped out an entire Turkmen race and made sure Assad will stay in power.

Where have those Turkish balls gone now? :lol:

Atta boy, don't let it dry. I admire your determination to keep that Russian weiner hard and stiff :)

I find it funny how those Soviet era junks have to pass through Bosphorus. Don't you? Those would be destroyed along with their SAM within hours if sht hits the fan. Deploying S-400 within the range of Turkish artillery and sending a tincan right onto our laps through Turkey to indimidate us. That's nice :)

Turkmens are safe and sound in Turkey, living in much better conditions than an avarage Chinese iPhone slave. Those who are in Syria are the volunteered ones who wish to make Kebab out of Russian pilots. Other than them, they are all welcomed in Turkey.

The bottomline: Since the shooting down, Russia did nothing but consntantly bitching and crying about Turkey, hence further embarrassing itself infront of the whole world.

You should question the Russian balls instead of the Turkish ones since Russia is the one who now has 2 less aircraft along with their pilots.
For your info Russia is still bombing your Turkmen close to your border where they have been bombing earlier . why cant you dare shoot them again ? you guys know that the S-400 will put a missile right inside your turkey @ss if you press the trigger from you F-16

Says the sewage dweller. Do you think they are as retarded as you to send another aircraft that close to Turkish border?

Turkey made it clear since the very first day: if a Russian aircraft violates Turkey's airspace once again, it will be shot down. There is nothing Russia can do about it except not sending their junks towards Turkey, which is exactly what is happening since their historical bitchslap.
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