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Put pressure on India to talk to us-Pakistan


Nov 12, 2009
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The Pakistani Government on Saturday (December 12) asked the international community to step up pressure on New Delhi to ensure the resumption of dialogue process between the two countries. :blink:

Addressing a conference in Bahrain, Pakistan's Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi called on the international community to coax India into returning to the dialogue table, :pop:

Qureshi said that the world must support India and Pakistan dialogue and assist in easing tension between the two neighbours. He added that the aim of terrorists is to harm India-Pakistan ties and that India has reacted exactly how terrorists want them to react. :argh:

Earlier, Pakistan called for resumption of the composite dialogue with India and claimed that the absence of a cooperative regional framework was impeding its ability to bring 26/11 perpetrators to justice. :blah:

"The framework can't be worked out unless India agrees to resume an unconditional dialogue,'' Pakistan foreign ministry spokesperson, Abdul Basit, told TOI in an exclusive interview. :cry:

He said pre-conditions to the dialogue were untenable. "The dialogue is a must if New Delhi is interested in resolving the bilateral problems, including the core Kashmir issue and also deal effectively with terrorism,'':oops: he said. "If you meet all pre-conditions before resuming the dialogue, then perhaps we don't need to talk.'' :P

He said India was yet to respond to Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi's proposal for the dialogue resumption. "Qureshi had given the proposal to his Indian counterpart (S M Krishna) in New York and had New Delhi agreed, it would have led to the dialogue's resumption,'' :unsure:he said. He didn't elaborate on the proposal.

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Atleast people living in North America should watch CNN/HBO report on Mumbai Terror shown on CNN today and tomorrow at 8 PM EST.

After watching the cruelty done on Indians, I cannot see why Indians should bother talking with Pakistan. What is the point? Indian govt does not have a spine and it is abused every year with attacks.
yeah only a troll would see that as a weakness..its called being the bigger person, but you obviously wouldnt know nothing of that
Does being a bigger person mean...the smaller one has right to hurt time and again..... I think Indian government should ask families of the people who died in Mumbai....if there should be any talk.....Its Indians who decide when India talks to Pakistan...and no one else.....
yeah only a troll would see that as a weakness..its called being the bigger person, but you obviously wouldnt know nothing of that

Yes burning and killing my people and become a become "bigger person" by inviting them with a red carpet for another Kargil, for another Mumbai, for another Parlimanent attack, another Jaipur, another Agra, ....

Yes, a troll like me wont understand why some one should hit themselves with a hammer over and over, when the result is just about the same.
The Pakistani Government on Saturday (December 12) asked the international community to step up pressure on New Delhi to ensure the resumption of dialogue process between the two countries. :blink:

Addressing a conference in Bahrain, Pakistan's Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi called on the international community to coax India into returning to the dialogue table, :pop:

Qureshi said that the world must support India and Pakistan dialogue and assist in easing tension between the two neighbours. He added that the aim of terrorists is to harm India-Pakistan ties and that India has reacted exactly how terrorists want them to react. :argh:

Earlier, Pakistan called for resumption of the composite dialogue with India and claimed that the absence of a cooperative regional framework was impeding its ability to bring 26/11 perpetrators to justice. :blah:

"The framework can't be worked out unless India agrees to resume an unconditional dialogue,'' Pakistan foreign ministry spokesperson, Abdul Basit, told TOI in an exclusive interview. :cry:

He said pre-conditions to the dialogue were untenable. "The dialogue is a must if New Delhi is interested in resolving the bilateral problems, including the core Kashmir issue and also deal effectively with terrorism,'':oops: he said. "If you meet all pre-conditions before resuming the dialogue, then perhaps we don't need to talk.'' :P

He said India was yet to respond to Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi's proposal for the dialogue resumption. "Qureshi had given the proposal to his Indian counterpart (S M Krishna) in New York and had New Delhi agreed, it would have led to the dialogue's resumption,'' :unsure:he said. He didn't elaborate on the proposal.

'Put pressure on India to talk to us'- TIMESNOW.tv - Latest Breaking News, Big News Stories, News Videos

I would like to remind International community is ruled by WEST? Now do i need to say anything more. WEST ally INDIA
Finish 26/11 trials first on both sides, only then can talks be fruitful. A few months would not hurt either way.
what is the use of talks.... every time talk resumes a vicious terror attack is just round the corner...... why this happens??? cant be just coincidence..can it...????
I dont know whats the obsession of our Government to talk to India, why the hell are they showing themselves as weak. If the Indians dont want to talk to us, FINE. Its not like the Indians have any leverage on us, they very well know that they cannot make Pakistan do anything and if they dont want to talk than GOP should Shut Up.
The Pakistani Government on Saturday (December 12) asked the international community to step up pressure on New Delhi to ensure the resumption of dialogue process between the two countries. :blink:

Addressing a conference in Bahrain, Pakistan's Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi called on the international community to coax India into returning to the dialogue table, :pop:

Qureshi said that the world must support India and Pakistan dialogue and assist in easing tension between the two neighbours. He added that the aim of terrorists is to harm India-Pakistan ties and that India has reacted exactly how terrorists want them to react. :argh:

Earlier, Pakistan called for resumption of the composite dialogue with India and claimed that the absence of a cooperative regional framework was impeding its ability to bring 26/11 perpetrators to justice. :blah:

"The framework can't be worked out unless India agrees to resume an unconditional dialogue,'' Pakistan foreign ministry spokesperson, Abdul Basit, told TOI in an exclusive interview. :cry:

He said pre-conditions to the dialogue were untenable. "The dialogue is a must if New Delhi is interested in resolving the bilateral problems, including the core Kashmir issue and also deal effectively with terrorism,'':oops: he said. "If you meet all pre-conditions before resuming the dialogue, then perhaps we don't need to talk.'' :P

He said India was yet to respond to Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi's proposal for the dialogue resumption. "Qureshi had given the proposal to his Indian counterpart (S M Krishna) in New York and had New Delhi agreed, it would have led to the dialogue's resumption,'' :unsure:he said. He didn't elaborate on the proposal.

'Put pressure on India to talk to us'- TIMESNOW.tv - Latest Breaking News, Big News Stories, News Videos

At the outset, let me state that like majority of fellow Indians I also would like to have peaceful relations with Pakistan.

I agree with India's policy of not talking to Pakistan till it acts against terror. Im against making it narrow based action for 26/11. Its a different matter, the issue seems to have got Pakistan's goat as they are unable to act against the guys India is asking them to act against.

Any agreement as a result of a dialogue conducted under duress as history suggests, is flawed. Even if India talks now and an agreement is reached it will be in the long run over turned by Indian public opinion.

The reason is as any dialogue now with India will ignore Pakistani terror policy.Whether its state actors, non state actors or hollywood actors GOI cannot discriminate as the crime is still grotesque.

Insistence of GOI for GOP to act against 26/11 actors is a tactical policy and shouldnt be seen by Pakistanis as a reaction of what happened on that day along; but as 'pent up' anger that India has had since 1989. 26/11 is symbolic in that sense....Punishing 26/11 perpetrators will not be the end all...but a signal to India that Pakistan is ready to let go of terror as a state policy (due to difficulties it will have to overcome internally to act against 26/11 guys)

The suggest the below policy options to GOI to use for Pakistan, given the security, economic, political realities in India and across the globe.

- India should create 'Look close' policy of having friendly relations with all its neighbours and calibrate the foreign policy accordingly...
Categorise them as Full partners, stragetic partners and friendly countries. Pakistan should be a strategic partner (as otherwise it will be a strategic foe)

- Concede one of Pakistan's demands (Sir Creek, Indus Water or something else)...ofcourse as a negotiating option...ie take some unilateral action

- Conduct dialogue - but exclude Kashmir till Pakistan stops terror as a policy

- Support Pakistan in international arena as a 'Victim of circumstances on terror'

- Provide economic assistance/sops whatever possible

- Agree upon a joint task force to monitor Afghan border areas.
yes you are right we have some solid pouf :rofl:
we give you in specific time at two way dialog :wave:

U have "solid" proof and U waiting for the meeting with India to tell this???
Ah ! now I understand, since India is not comming to the table.. it can't handover the "solid" proof....and hence pak wants world to bring India to the negotiating table...so that they can hand over the Proofs..???:pakistan:

This is a master move only a genius can think of. :undecided: and there are in tons in pakistan.
yes you are right we have some solid pouf :rofl:
we give you in specific time at two way dialog :wave:

Man if you have some solid proof why waiting??which suitable time are you looking for??your people are dying all over the cities..world are sympathetic to you now..what more suitable time your governent needed?
If Pakistan is honest the first thing Pakistan has to do is to publicly acknowledge that the 10 terrorists are Pakistani and receive the 9 dead bodies that rot in Indian mortuary.

That is were we start.
You have proven only one was pakistani not the other 9, no one knows how many out of the 9 were from india. Such an attack does not happen without inside help.
You have proven only one was pakistani not the other 9, no one knows how many out of the 9 were from india. Such an attack does not happen without inside help.

Just one alive ..and captured ....is doing wonders..against Pakistan....he has made entire Pakistan a culprit in front of world community.

THink what could have been possible had all of them would have been captured alive..
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