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Punjab Plundered By Punjabis


Feb 3, 2016
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Don't know about the extent of atrocities made against the other parts of the subcontinent by this city, but Delhi has always been a source of death and destruction for Punjab.

Pre 1947 it was mughal and latter British Delhi, post 1947 year witnessed the Mumbaites signing up to assist Brahmin Delhi in its persecution of minorities and low caste Hindu groups, in a nut shell plundering every thing which does not follow the Brahmin rules of game or at least put up with the Brahmin agenda vis a vis south Asia.

While pursuing its hegemonic antics , Delhi and mumbites met with fierce resistance from Mainly the Punjab and many other southern Indian states .

IMO folks in the southern India deserve nothing but respect and love, not that they are passive or meek ( 60% of armed insurgencies in India against the high cast Brahman empire originated from the south)

The reason is unlike the sour losers from Delhi and Mumbai , they don't indulge in any kind of warmongering, are proud of their skin tones, don't do mob justice on anything which does not resemble with em , produce quality films, don't behave like wannabe yankees and are welcoming to aliens, over all they are a sweet bunch of people.

Now a question to my Sikh brethren , do ask your elders, Why you folks didn't demand a separate piece of land, like Muslims. I know you've got issues with the Punjabi Muslims, which were shoved down your brains by the Brahmin propaganda machine. You guys slaughtered millions of Punjabi Muslim jatts and rajputs after independence in Sikh dominated Punjab on the pretext that you are avenging the mughals? not claiming that Muslim Punjabis behaved all angels------

Revenge from the same lot
whom you folks overwhelmingly share blood, culture and tears with?

From the same people who have given Punjab the likes of Baba Farid ?

From the same Punjabis who cherished Sufi Saint Maadho Lal Hussein for issuing fatva against the mughal empire which enabled dullah Bhatti and other punjabis to run circles around the mughals?

i mean what was cooking in the minds of Sikh leaders back then?
Muslim Punjabis never backed mughals what so ever-----

You could have carved out another state out of English India for Sikh.

Even now many of you have apprehensions that Muslim Pakistani establishment would annex them just in case-----?

If we look in historical perspective that boogeyman created by the Brahmin Delhi didn't even capture the afghan wahkhan corridor which is of profound significance to Pakistani interests when it comes to trade or direct access to CARS, when afghans were overtly hostile and were in no position to defend-------

An independent Sikh state would have offered this region a buffer state vis a vis Pakistan and India and you could be enjoining the same perks and privileges from both of em like Sikh pilgrims have when they visit their Makkah in Hassan Abdal Pakistan,moreover a tax free transit trade route like the Aghans are using.

on the other hand Brahmin Delhi which rampaged Sikh holiest sight in India, the golden temple, with tanks. and is making Punjab a hell hole by injecting drugs and weapons, just because the Sikhs looks different and have a different religion-------

Why Sikhs despite of only constituting 2.5% of Indian population have always been used as cannon fodders for the India army e.g At Pakistani and Sirilankan fronts ( against the tamils)?

To my Pakistani brothers , here's a link of a Sikh Facebook page, which by large represents Sikh diaspora across the globe , if anyone of us could contact them so that we could have a Sikh voice on PDF advocating their POV unlike the Ram Lal disguised as a Baloch on Indian media

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most of them are slaves of Brahmins and will remain, let us continue on different path, there will be no Punjabi in east Punjab within next century, they just make 2% and 98% bhaiyya and southern kind is hungry for them, they are mixing with them on dengerous rate, their next generation will be half bhaiya and southern, and next generation will be total bhaiiya and southern.. It may take little more, but finally this is their final destination, Slow and sweet genocide..

Few honourable one will exist in Canada and europe..
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