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Punjab Health Minister calls Pakistanis illiterate and ignorant, says Lahoris are 'weird creatures'

For the people blaming govt, Lahore police has fined 1000 individuals for not wearing masks and administration also sealed the anarkali and shah almi market for not following SOP's. So the govt is doing its job. Now no govt on earth simply has the capacity to monitor every street and force people to wash hands and take care of their hygiene. People do carry the responsibility. You simply cant blame govt if you are not wearing masks and hugging every other guy and dont even bother to wash hands. How can govt force you to wash hands and not to hug each other?
Lets not blame everything on PMO. We also need to look at the role CJP/SC played in reopening shops and everything else.
There is a reason why Lahore has so many cases. Neglect and ignorance is taking a toll.

Several of my relatives, some in high positions, have contracted COVID-19.

More measures are needed and enforcement most of all.
She's right. Just look at our illiteracy rate.

Actually, I've heard from supposedly educated people in Pakistan that the Virus is a conspiracy by Israel and UK and they are giving money to doctors to kill Pakistanis through some injection. Anyone who goes to the hospitals with these symptoms is given an injection and killed, and the doctors collect cash for doing so.

Don't know how people remain sane in this country.:crazy:

In Pakistan the educated people are "padye likhe jahil"
Well said by the minister.

Government has done all it could and precautions are all over media on daily basis for months now.

Government is not responsible for jahil and grossly irresponsible people getting sick now.

Traders who ignored precautions and let their shops be flooded with people to make good profits will pay a price with sickness or even death of themselves &/or their loved one(s).

This nation only learns the hard way. I hate to say it but such people deserve what's come and coming to them. They have only themselves to blame.

A best buddy of mine was out and about for weeks including a few friends having regular BBQ without any regards to distancing. Now he is locked in a room for 14 days at home and someone close of all others is sick. No more BBQ.
Now people are going to share news from Nayadaur hahhahahhaa

Khotay ka ghosht aj kal buhat sastay mein mil raha hoga
Well said by the minister.

Government has done all it could and precautions are all over media on daily basis for months now.

Government is not responsible for jahil and grossly irresponsible people getting sick now.

Traders who ignored precautions and let their shops be flooded with people to make good profits will pay a price with sickness or even death of themselves &/or their loved one(s).

This nation only learns the hard way. I hate to say it but such people deserve what's come and coming to them. They have only themselves to blame.

A best buddy of mine was out and about for weeks including a few friends having regular BBQ without any regards to distancing. Now he is locked in a room for 14 days at home and someone close of all others is sick. No more BBQ.

I agree with you, I was saying before in other thread some of my distant relatives are completely ignoring SOPs, according to them Corona virus doesn't exist, so when you have people with that mentality what can the government do??
Journalism :disagree:
Regardless of liking or disliking of Punjab Government Officials and Minister. This Blatant Literal Urdu to English Translation is a new way of propaganda.
I mean in Urdu we commonly use this word "Ajeeb Makhluuq" for a person who do stupid things or does not listen sane advice. How many of you feel offended if some one who is angry at you call you "Ajeeb makhluuq ho tum yaar" Now convert it to "Weird Creatures" and make it sound like she is calling us Animals.
Also "Jaahil Qoum" is a daily slang in our language as Jaahil in urdu is also used for some one who has no sense to follow rules. Again Translate it into English so that it seems like some one is saying that No Pakistani have ever gone to School.
Yellow Journalism in disguise.
Having Said that. Government performance in this Fiasco is as Pathetic as our national Response to it as well. No one is Innocent.
Next time when @Jungibaaz aka chutia patwari claims he is not a patwari I'll show him a screenshot of his like on this post. Sharifon ke samnay sajda bhi karna hai leken apna khuda bhi tasleem nahi karna. Jub chutiyon ko auqaat dekhao tu bhaag jatay hain.

Kindly block me if you’re this triggered by my activity. You seem to explode at every given opportunity. You really should learn basic decorum and etiquette, it’s completely unfitting to be claiming the moral high ground while your demeanour is this low. Thanks.
Pakistanis are Jahils, Lahoris are ignorant and weird creatures, says Yasmin Rashid

Noor ul Ain Ali

While PTI Punjab Health minister is elected from Lahore, along Finance budget minister Hammad Azhar.

JUNE 16, 2020

Dr Rashid slammed citizens of Lahore for not taking necessary precautions to avoid coronavirus. She allegedly called them ignorant and held them responsible for spike in cases across the city.

Lahoris are weird creatures. For them, everything is a joke. They are so ignorant, they do not listen and don’t care. No other nation is more ignorant and stupid than Pakistanis, all Pakistani are jahil, says Yasmin.

Moreover, she said efforts were being made to contain the virus and she would continue to update the media about the situation.

Dr Yasmin Rashid urged people to follow the government’s announced standard operating procedures to stop the spread of the virus and said the government has devised a ‘special strategy’ for areas of the provincial capital from where spikes in coronavirus cases have been observed.

Reiterating the need for precautionary measures, Rashid said the virus’ transmission can be reduced by up to 50pc if people wear masks.

Responding to the remarks of Dr Yasmin Rashid, Khawaja Imran Nazir bashed Dr Rashid for calling Lahoris ignorant.

He said it is because of government’s contradictory public messaging, a majority of Pakistanis still haven’t registered the danger.

He further asserted that it was the people of Lahore who made PTI’s Minar e Pakistan gathering a huge success.

Notably, it has been more than three months since Pakistan registered its first coronavirus case. But the government has yet to come out with a unified statement and an orderly policy to inform, educate, and protect the masses. Instead, the public tends to follow dangerously fatalist and superstitious approaches rather than paying heed to science and health experts.

The public disbelief has its roots in the government’s unclear statements from the very beginning. Pakistan’s central leadership, instead of chalking out a unified strategy, tried to score political mileage by coming out with the usual bravado.

One of the first public messages was an Urdu language phrase that translates as “fight instead of fearing coronavirus.” This provided enough ground for the common people to respond frivolously to the deadly virus.

Prime Minister Khan’s speeches downplaying the nature of the menace, and his government’s flipflopping announcements – a lockdown, a smart lockdown and finally no lockdown, all without flattening the COVID-19 curve — further deepened the disbelief among the people.

The prime minister’s statements partly reflect his personal views about the global pandemic and partly emanate from his contempt for his political rivals. When the government of Sindh, the only province run by the opposition Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), started amassing praise in the local and international media for its strict COVID-19 measures while Khan’s central government was still dragging its feet on imposing a lockdown, Khan was quoted as saying that it was the “elites who locked down the country.”

At the outset of the outbreak in December 2019, Khan’s government remained unresponsive as the novel coronavirus started taking its toll in China, Pakistan’s northeastern neighbor and close economic and political partner.

To be honest, the govt is also ignorant and stupid.

The indecisiveness of Imrani Hakumat regarding lockdown since last three months is taking its toll on the country.

A govt is supposed to know its people. Mohtarma's statement is an admission of failure in disguise.
Next time when @Jungibaaz aka chutia patwari claims he is not a patwari I'll show him a screenshot of his like on this post. Sharifon ke samnay sajda bhi karna hai leken apna khuda bhi tasleem nahi karna. Jub chutiyon ko auqaat dekhao tu bhaag jatay hain.
Bhai, I have also read his views on Pakistani politics and I also don't agree with most of his views but this guy never used any abusive word for PM IK or PTI followers. Why are you abusing him? I have often seen you abusing other members just for supporting other political parties. You should read his views on other topics too and I'm sure you will like them. Just one request, yaar, aap thora roko apne aap ko abusive posts karne se, I'm also a PTI supporter/voter but I don't abuse anybody here for difference of opinion.
Just remember that he's also a Pakistani, same like you and me. Don't abuse him or anyone else for having different political views, PLEASE.

@Jungibaaz I love to read your posts, keep them coming, bro.

I agree with you, I was saying before in other thread some of my distant relatives are completely ignoring SOPs, according to them Corona virus doesn't exist, so when you have people with that mentality what can the government do??
Some of my relatives thinks that it's a yahoodi saazish, ya jo bhi hai, amrika karwa raha hai. :hitwall:
Kindly block me if you’re this triggered by my activity. You seem to explode at every given opportunity. You really should learn basic decorum and etiquette, it’s completely unfitting to be claiming the moral high ground while your demeanour is this low. Thanks.
First you develop etiquettes of not lying openly and then denying it when shown mirror.

Reminds me of your leader Nawaz Sharif who on the surface appears pak saaf and naik but in reality rapes the country no end, spews filth against women and distributes fake nude pictures of Benazir.

I will keep calling you out on your bs, karlo jo karna hai.
The nation selected an honest but incompetent leader in 2018; its time to reap now.
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