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Public trust surges in China, falls dramatically in world’s democracies


Nov 4, 2011
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Public trust surges in China, falls dramatically in world’s democracies
  • Global survey finds autocratic states scoring well, with a surge to 83 per cent among Chinese respondents and new lows in democratic countries
  • Results align with trend of recent years towards disillusionment with capitalism, political leadership and the media

Published: 12:21pm, 20 Jan, 2022


Public trust in democracies has hit new lows, according to a new survey, while autocratic states like China enjoy surging popularity.

A global survey has found that while public trust in the world’s democracies has fallen to new lows, scores are rising in several autocratic states – notably China.

The Edelman Trust Barometer – which for 20 years has polled thousands of people on trust, in their governments, media, business and NGOs – identified the biggest losers as institutions in Germany, Australia, the Netherlands, South Korea and the US.

Public trust in Germany fell seven points to 46 per cent, followed by the Australians and the Dutch, who each dropped six points to 53 per cent and 57 per cent, respectively. Both South Korea, on 42 per cent, and the US, with 43 per cent, saw a five-point fall from the previous year.

In contrast, public trust in institutions in China stood at 83 per cent, up 11 points. Trust also rose in the United Arab Emirates, by nine points to 76 per cent, and in Thailand, where it grew by five points to 66 per cent.

The survey also highlighted that business had retained strong levels of trust globally – albeit with reservations about its commitment to social fairness – thanks to its role in developing vaccines and adapting workplace and retail practices during the pandemic.

“We really have a collapse of trust in democracies,” said Richard Edelman, whose communications group surveyed more than 36,000 people in 28 countries.

“It all goes back to: ‘do you have a sense of economic confidence?’,” he said, noting high levels of concern about job losses.

The trillions of dollars of stimulus spent by the world’s richest nations to support their economies through the pandemic have failed to instil a lasting sense of confidence, the survey suggested.

In Japan, only 15 per cent of people believed they and their families would be better off in five years’ time, with most other democracies ranging around 20-40 per cent on the same question.

But in China, nearly two-thirds were optimistic about their economic fortunes and 80 per cent of Indians believed they would be better off in five years.

Edelman said higher public trust levels in China were linked not just to economic perceptions, but also to a greater sense of predictability about Chinese policy, not least on the pandemic.

“I think there is a coherence between what is done and what is said … They have had a better Covid than the US for example.”

The US leads the world in the daily average number of new deaths reported, while China has regularly been reporting no new deaths for months as it pursues strict “zero Covid-19” policies.

The Edelman survey results align with its findings in recent years that have charted rising disillusionment with capitalism, political leadership and the media.

Concerns about “fake news” were this time at all-time highs, with three-quarters of respondents globally worried about it being “used as a weapon”. Among societal fears, climate change was now just behind the loss of employment as a major concern.

The burden of expectation on business leaders remains heavy, with strong majorities saying they bought goods, accepted job offers and invested in businesses according to their beliefs and values.
Around two-fifths, however, also said that business was not doing enough to address climate change, economic inequality and workforce reskilling.

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One thing I admire Chinese government most. It doesn't lie. Which makes CCP exceptional among all political parties/groups in the world. Lie seems to be cheapest and very effective tool for politicians. CCP is wise enough to know lie is expensive.
Corporatist elitism can take you only this far. When the cake gets smaller, or more slices are gobbled up by the few, majority become disillusioned and disfranchised.
And the most delusional lot seems to be the Indians, even after such a fck up, they still think BJP is good. Lolol
Well,it's conducted by foreign organizations, and Do you even know what this so called social credit is?

Yes, speak against CCP. Negative social credit and you get treated like scum deprived of even basic rights.

praise CCP and you get positive social credit and you get best opportunieis.

It is modern slavery of mass scale. Slaves of Xi Jinpig
One thing I admire Chinese government most. It doesn't lie. Which makes CCP exceptional among all political parties/groups in the world. Lie seems to be cheapest and very effective tool for politicians. CCP is wise enough to know lie is expensive.

Lies are the most common way to rule people in the West.
Remember USA capitol attacks and QAnon nonsenses.
American people doesnt even live in real world, they live in a fantasy world of lies, lies of undercovers, and bots of police informants.
That's what the West call "democracy".


At least Chinese people live in the real world.
Yes, speak against CCP. Negative social credit and you get treated like scum deprived of even basic rights.

praise CCP and you get positive social credit and you get best opportunieis.

It is modern slavery of mass scale. Slaves of Xi Jinpig
Lol, if so why the approval rate is only 83%, why it's not 100%?
Only someone worried about social credit believes this nonsense

I dont know if Chinese people trust in their government.
But Western people doesnt trust in their government.
Only people who get public money support the government.

Covid crisis show to people how Western governments lie constantly.
e.g: Spanish authorities tell the people to dont use masks in the beggining of Covid crisis, they said mask was unneeded :lol: , when at the same time masks were mandatory in China.

So at least handling Covid crisis, Chinese government advices are more reliable than Western ones.
Yes, speak against CCP. Negative social credit and you get treated like scum deprived of even basic rights.

praise CCP and you get positive social credit and you get best opportunieis.

It is modern slavery of mass scale. Slaves of Xi Jinpig

CCP has lifted 800 million people (about 4 times Pakistan's population) out of poverty, solemn commitment delivered.

Can you tell me how Pakistan has done in comparison? Or, ohhh.. maybe even Supa Powa India has done?
Lol, if so why the approval rate is only 83%, why it's not 100%?
CCP has lifted 800 million people (about 4 times Pakistan's population) out of poverty, solemn commitment delivered.

Can you tell me how Pakistan has done in comparison? Or, ohhh.. maybe even Supa Powa India has done?

You should see how the actual Chinese live in slums of China but that's not something the propaganda videos will show.

CCP has done nothing to lift people out of poverty, it's all this population and investment from West and capitalism that has improved conditions of people.

Majority of Chinese still work like slaves for cheap cents.

In fact, when China gave up communism and started capitalistic practices, that's when its economy started progressing.
You should see how the actual Chinese live in slums of China but that's not something the propaganda videos will show.

CCP has done nothing to lift people out of poverty, it's all this population and investment from West and capitalism that has improved conditions of people.

Majority of Chinese still work like slaves for cheap cents.

In fact, when China gave up communism and started capitalistic practices, that's when its economy started progressing.
LOL, Here comes the guy claiming people in Xinjiang all dream about crossing the border into Afghanistan cause comparing to China, Afghanistan is like a heaven to live in.
LOL, Here comes the guy claiming people in Xinjiang all dream about crossing the border into Afghanistan cause comparing to China, Afghanistan is like a heaven to live in.

You think it's a joke but Afghanistan is a heaven compared to China for Uighurs.

Any place where your family doesn't get raped or your organs harvested is heaven.

There is a reason Uighurs refugees exist all over the world. CCP is so threatened that it won't even allow few escaped refugees to live their life in peace.

If afghani talibans give a middle finger to China, you will see all Uighurs from Pakistan, Turkey fleeing to Afghanistan where they don't have to worry about Mushrik KAFIR CCP forcing the government to bring them back.

And you have such a low opinion of Muslims but Afghanistan fought two superpowers unlike China which has never fought anyone and has been ruling in peace for decades. Give them time, and you will see China begging for relations with Afghanistan.

Oh wait, look China is already wanting relations with Afghanis

Probably China is afraid Uighurs will find home in Afghanistan and its trying to bribe Afghani talibans so it can do the holocaust on Uighurs.

China has an obsession with doing holocaust.
By the way, how ugly is China.

If Uighurs wore the attire of Taliban, they will be sent to re-education camps and labelled terrorists


They are wanting relations with Afghani Talibans :D

You want to see face of hypocrisy? look at China
You think it's a joke but Afghanistan is a heaven compared to China for Uighurs.
LoL, Not I think, ask around in PDF and see how many don't, lol...

Kids living in hell- Xinjiang, rural village primary school

Kids living in heaven- Afghanistan, urban city
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