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PTI Victory in Punjab By-Elections Further Proves That Imported Govt Is Illegitimate and Product of Regime Change Operation

PMLN did take a few difficult political decisions, like increasing petroleum prices, that have costed them dearly

Only thing that costed them is their urge to get in power to get their cases resolved and to get NRO 2.0
Unlike many parties who make hue and cry after a defeat, Pmln conceded defeat with an open heart. Before making an in-depth analysis one should consider all of these 20 seats belonged to PTI. The local PMLN organisations were not taken into confidence and the tickets were awarded to the turncoats that joined Pmln a fortnight ago. One must not take the credit away from Imran Khan who snatched a HISTORIC victory from the Jaws of dilemma. Hyper Inflation did not help Pmln either in the urban centres, it was the rural constituency where Pmln was facing a backlash from its own grassroots.

PP 83 Khushab By Election Result 2022

1Hassan Malik (Winner)48475PTI
2Muhammad Asif Malik41752IND
3Amir Haider Sangha34463PML-N

The runner-up here Mr Asif Bha is the president of PMLN Khushab.

PP 228 Lodhran By-Election Result 2022​

1Syed Muhammad Rafi ud Din Dukhari (Winner)45020IND
2Izzat Javaid Khan38338PTI
3Nazir Ahmad Khan34929PML-N

Here the Federal minister Sadiq Kanju supported the Independent candidate who won.

PP 125 Jhang

Here again, it was a three-way contest with Iftikhar Ahmed Baloch former pmln mpa running as an independent.

PP-272 Muzaffargarh​

Here again, Pmln was bitterly divided, Syed Haroon Ahmad Sultan(ex-minister Pmln) and the brother of Basit Sultan Bukhari contested as an independent.

On the other constituencies former Pmln candidates amir Iqbal shah, Irfanullah Niazi and others rebelled and took PTI tickets and won by big margins.

Nevertheless one can always be wise after the event, at the end of the day PTI THRASHED the Govt. I will consider this as PTIs memorable victory.
As a matter of fact, this is just my two cents as to why Pindi seat rts down was a litmus test for the general election to demonstrate anything. If there is a free and fair election it will be impossible for PMLN or any other party to win even one seat, so neutral parties will not be able to control the PTI with ease.
As a matter of fact, this is just my two cents as to why Pindi seat rts down was a litmus test for the general election to demonstrate anything. If there is a free and fair election it will be impossible for PMLN or any other party to win even one seat, so neutral parties will not be able to control the PTI with ease.View attachment 862941View attachment 862940
PTI will have to manage the bureaucracy in Punjab especially if it wishes to win the general election. Usman Buzdar could not handle bureaucracy which is one of the reasons that the PTI governor failed to maintain his role at the governor's house.
The federal government never had legitimacy to begin with, it was clearly a product of regime change operation (by US and Pakistani establishment). The govt must resign and let the general election take place under Electronic Voting Machines.

All the NAB laws/amendments or bills that were passed under illegal PDM govt must be reversed.

The Punjab by-election also highlighted institutional level rigging as ECP was clearly biased and siding with PDM's mix-achaar political parties

The unprecedented voter turnout in by-elections showed that nation is angry over forceful ouster of PTI Imran Khan's government.

-- It is time for Supreme Courts to investigate the preparators/facilitators/abettors of regime change operation and release all the facts to the public.

Investigations of police brutality on Azadi March 25-26, May 2022, must place take place. 35,000 Tear Gas Shells were fired on innocent women/kids/elder who were just peacefully protesting the ouster of their genuinely elected PTI government.
No doubt dhandli was massive ... but " one vs all "was unable to face the flood IK vote bank. Imagine Pindi seat lost by 49 votes ....all type of evil machinery was active non-stop.

Electronic Voting Machines are way forward to prevent rigging:

Presiding officer caught casting 600 fake votes

Dead man comes to vote in by Elections (wrongfully declared by ECP)

Use of state-machinery to harass voters:

PMLN bribing public to get votes, giving biryani and breakfasts on election day:

Missing Votes
ooyaaa .... khota biryani na khanaaa ....

The pressure on ECP and their handlers should be kept up. The day you allow them to do their bidding, you’re screwed.

This is one lesson that has come out of this circus we’re witnessing since April.
Thank the people of Sri Lanka for this victory If the people of Sri Lanka did not bathe in the swimming pool of the presidential palace and play kabaddi in their bedrooms, the result of the by-elections would have been different.
I heard it before and now I see it. This is how silent revolutions come. We have a same bloodline what our elders did for this country.View attachment 862988 Pakistan Zindabad
That's a bad example, our ancestors let Sikh slaughter them on the way to Pakistan didn't fight back. They should have laid waste to Sikh heartland on their way to Pakistan and after they got to Pakistan, immediately let the establishment still controlled by the Britishers to co-opt their sacrifices and take over the country for good and continue to do the colonizers bidding.
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