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PTI Victory in Punjab By-Elections Further Proves That Imported Govt Is Illegitimate and Product of Regime Change Operation

Unlike many parties who make hue and cry after a defeat, Pmln conceded defeat with an open heart. Before making an in-depth analysis one should consider all of these 20 seats belonged to PTI. The local PMLN organisations were not taken into confidence and the tickets were awarded to the turncoats that joined Pmln a fortnight ago. One must not take the credit away from Imran Khan who snatched a HISTORIC victory from the Jaws of dilemma. Hyper Inflation did not help Pmln either in the urban centres, it was the rural constituency where Pmln was facing a backlash from its own grassroots.

PP 83 Khushab By Election Result 2022

1Hassan Malik (Winner)48475PTI
2Muhammad Asif Malik41752IND
3Amir Haider Sangha34463PML-N

The runner-up here Mr Asif Bha is the president of PMLN Khushab.

PP 228 Lodhran By-Election Result 2022​

1Syed Muhammad Rafi ud Din Dukhari (Winner)45020IND
2Izzat Javaid Khan38338PTI
3Nazir Ahmad Khan34929PML-N

Here the Federal minister Sadiq Kanju supported the Independent candidate who won.

PP 125 Jhang

Here again, it was a three-way contest with Iftikhar Ahmed Baloch former pmln mpa running as an independent.

PP-272 Muzaffargarh​

Here again, Pmln was bitterly divided, Syed Haroon Ahmad Sultan(ex-minister Pmln) and the brother of Basit Sultan Bukhari contested as an independent.

On the other constituencies former Pmln candidates amir Iqbal shah, Irfanullah Niazi and others rebelled and took PTI tickets and won by big margins.

Nevertheless one can always be wise after the event, at the end of the day PTI THRASHED the Govt. I will consider this as PTIs memorable victory.

Please stop such a comprehensive analysis.

The following are the comprehensive lessons to learn for convicted criminals, thugs, robbers, absconders, thieves, and murderers:

This is not a decade of 80s OR 90s
If you think you could fool the nation then you are fooling yourselves

Or more comprehensively it could be explained as:
Unlike many parties who make hue and cry after a defeat, Pmln conceded defeat with an open heart. Before making an in-depth analysis one should consider all of these 20 seats belonged to PTI. The local PMLN organisations were not taken into confidence and the tickets were awarded to the turncoats that joined Pmln a fortnight ago. One must not take the credit away from Imran Khan who snatched a HISTORIC victory from the Jaws of dilemma. Hyper Inflation did not help Pmln either in the urban centres, it was the rural constituency where Pmln was facing a backlash from its own grassroots.

Let me correct you there. PTI had won 10 of these seats in 2018, while the rest were won by Independents who later joined PTI thanks to Jahangir Tareen and Aleem Khan.

So a more accurate assessment would be PTI gained 5 seats and PMLN gained 4.
Unlike many parties who make hue and cry after a defeat, Pmln conceded defeat with an open heart
Yes, I give you that. Maryam elevated herself by the statement she made. This is much needed to develop a democratic culture. I think all parties PMLN, PPP and PTI need to find some common ground for civilian democratic supremacy to prevail. It is time the uniformed thugs were discarded permanently to the barracks.

From now on we want civilian governments - even bade ones are better than military juntas. Time has come to consign them to history.
Unlike many parties who make hue and cry after a defeat, Pmln conceded defeat with an open heart.

How on earth could PMLN not concede defeat when punjab CM and PM both are with PMLN and used all state machinery? I mean would maryam have blamed shehbaz or rana? Lolz PMLN trying to show they are any good by saying they accept results, as if they had any other option at all lolz.
Unlike many parties who make hue and cry after a defeat, Pmln conceded defeat with an open heart. Before making an in-depth analysis one should consider all of these 20 seats belonged to PTI.
Dear Comprehensive Analyst: First of all PMLN never considered PTIs seats as legit as these were all rigged by Bajwa and Pakistan Army to bring ‘selected’ PM to power! Taking a U turn now on your main political stance to make this defeat look better? Secondly PTI ticket holders only won half of these twenty seats in 2018, the other chunk was won by independents which later joined PTI. Get your basic facts right.
Winning against a govt in by elections is a far more difficult task than winning in general elections with a caretaker govt.
Additionally these elections were won by PTI vs the state machinery of Punjab, media, biased CEC, plus 11 parties of PDM were all UNITED against one party - let that sink in! Its a worse than the defeat of 2018, and this time PMLN cannot even provide any excuse (establishment, Gen Pasha, Gen Faiz etc etc) and they were left with no choice but to concede.
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The federal government never had legitimacy to begin with, it was clearly a product of regime change operation (by US and Pakistani establishment). The govt must resign and let the general election take place under Electronic Voting Machines.

All the NAB laws/amendments or bills that were passed under illegal PDM govt must be reversed.

The Punjab by-election also highlighted institutional level rigging as ECP was clearly biased and siding with PDM's mix-achaar political parties

The unprecedented voter turnout in by-elections showed that nation is angry over forceful ouster of PTI Imran Khan's government.

-- It is time for Supreme Courts to investigate the preparators/facilitators/abettors of regime change operation and release all the facts to the public.

Investigations of police brutality on Azadi March 25-26, May 2022, must place take place. 35,000 Tear Gas Shells were fired on innocent women/kids/elder who were just peacefully protesting the ouster of their genuinely elected PTI government.
Electronic Voting Machines are way forward to prevent rigging:

Presiding officer caught casting 600 fake votes

Dead man comes to vote in by Elections (wrongfully declared by ECP)

Use of state-machinery to harass voters:

PMLN bribing public to get votes, giving biryani and breakfasts on election day:

Missing Votes
Zardari nothing lost, nothing gained. N League are probably in full matam mode, establishment might be a bit worried at this.

On the last point, this result means that we're days or weeks away from having another leadership crisis. The credibility of the mutant coalition in the eyes of allies, creditors and the IMF was already a hard sell, now there's a serious lack of certainty.

A few things you can expect as a result:
  1. IK has the ability now if need be to challenge the coalition in the assembly, the numbers might not be there as of today but it can happen.​
  2. If IK or PTI decide, they can bring a VNC against the government, and it may well succeed.​
  3. If successful, then an election will be around the corner, IK may even be able to pick his favourite and supportive COAS ahead of Nov. Back to the pre Nov-2021 norm.​
  4. PMLN may take some steps to bow out before being thrown out, could be at the provincial level or even federal, they'll be politically expedient now and in damage control mode.​
  5. Our creditors and the IMF will be even more reluctant to act to help us as long as our leadership and government do not look stable. Estab has a dilemma here, pick a side or stay neutral.​

1. IK will probably dissolve Punjab and Kpk, and there will be no other way but GE.
2. VNC is out of question because they won't be going back to NA it won't be a gud political move.
3. That is possible if B is going out in next few weeks or if there is understanding b/w ghq and bani gala.
4. N's next move needs to be seen, as they have accepted defeated means they have plan b.
5. The most important thing as IMF has still not given approval, and even if approved the money won't come before second half of Aug. So default (although unlikely) is still hanging. The next few days till 31 Jul would be very important because N got any hint that they are not are coming back in next GE. They will definitely lay mines for incumbent.
the only reason would be to maintain PE govt in punjab would be to put a balla in police where the sun doesnt shine and fix the provincial election commission.
yeh manhoos or maloon sikandar raja kab dafa hoga. marta bhi nahi. when does his term expire.
the only reason would be to maintain PE govt in punjab would be to put a balla in police where the sun doesnt shine and fix the provincial election commission.
yeh manhoos or maloon sikandar raja kab dafa hoga. marta bhi nahi. when does his term expire.

It should be noted that PTI won Punjab elections against all odds, state-machinery was used to rig elections. 40 lakh civlians declared dead by ECP, voters couldn't find their votes in polling stations, List goes on and on.

This thread has tons of irrefutable evidence videos:

-- It is time for Supreme Courts to investigate the preparators/facilitators/abettors of regime change operation and release all the facts to the public.
You still dont get it? :azn:

What surprises me that PMLN is gracious to accept the result. That should teach PTI how to grow up and accept the fate sometimes. 😳
What other options they had?

- General Bajwa, General Faiz helped IK?
- Shahabaz helped IK?
- Hamza helped IK?
- Mariam helped IK?
- Nawaz was supporting IK?
- ECP was supporting IK?
- IK was in power, he had to win?
- All DPO, DCO, police were under IK?

What exactly they could have said, please enlighten us :lol:
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