Poti means human waste or poo , if MODS don't know what it is then i can post an image. Unless it is 'acceptable' for a member with sub human intelligence who likes to show the dynamics of his pathetic inhouse upbringing , when justifying reference to his opponents as poo/human waste or for laymen the yellowish stinky stuff that pops out of his anus everyday , just because he can't find any credible allegations to bash his opponents.
Act like this must not be accepted at places like Defence.pk & to maintain standards must not go unpunished.
& Cj isn't a NABI, & his son ARSALAN isn't a NABI too, if they have something wrong going on, that must be, investigated properly!
& we as a pakiStani citizen would like to hear a public answer from Cj that, why he didn't took any actions before things went so wrong?
Why Cj didn't called Mr ATIZAZ AHSAN , who told media that, he told Cj about ARSALAN illegal activities around 4 To 5 before?
Why thn Cj didn't asked ARSALAN to tell , Cj about his bussines?
Why Cj waited so, long to take sumo-moto against MaliK RiaZ?
Well, as I belive we , as a nation still lacks , education to mentain the real justice, democracy, independence of media, we should forget all other, items & should get more education before bieng called a shadow of westrn democracy, & a mafia state in the world?
I fully suport, PAKARMY as a institution, which is standing, alone & giving its blood for peace, & bieng challenged by PEOPLES like INSAAF KHAN with his playboyish past?
I need a humble oppinion, from you without any emotions & likness of certain groups & politicians of pakistan!
Thanks wish u good luck.