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PTI Pleading for Votes.


Sep 11, 2009
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You cannot convince a voter by knocking at his
door at 3PM, summer afternoon.
The ongoing door to door campaign by PTI’s
“tabdeeli razakar” is not bringing fruitful results
(apparently) as PTI’s think- tank had thought it to
be. These “tabdeeli razakar” knock at your door at
odd hours and request you to vote for PTI with a
“please”. It is more like they are asking for
“charity “or some kind of favor.
Yesterday, a “tabdeeli razakar” came to my place
as well and handed over a pamphlet that said,
“Please vote for PTI”. Seemed more like a worker
from a charity- home asking for “Chanda” for
orphans. Hilarious as it might sound, I still can’t
comprehend the reason behind this innovation?
What kind of “tabdeeli” this might bring? It is very
easy to collect Rs.10 or Rs.100 charity or
donation door to door, but collecting votes and
convincing a voter for a particular party in this
way is not an appropriate approach, particularly
in Pakistan where a voter has a different psyche
You can build a hospital on charity but you
cannot build a “nation” or “Naya Pakistan” on
charity. You can motivate people to come for a
cricket match since Imran khan is playing it but
you cannot motivate a voter to vote him just by
using his name.
I would really appreciate these “Tabdeeli Razakar”
if they said “do vote” whomever you want and if
they make us realize the importance of our own
“vote”. I would feel a “tabdeeli” if they said “be
a conscientious voter this time and vote for
yourself”. Then I would called them real “tabdeeli
razakar” who are on a real change. But they too
prove them to be from the same run of the mill.
Just propagating their party by calling themselves
as the only “perfect” option. It’s better if they
leave it on us to decide if they even are an option
or not.

By :Maryam khan

@Aeronaut @Adios Amigo @Leader @Jazzbot want your comments.
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first of all--what's wrong with it?they are only distributing pamphlets at your door ,like other parties...MQM also distributed their pamphlets..this is common practice usually political party workers do for their party's promotion..what is so wrong with it?
why pamphlets are distributed during elections??so that voters may find out the agenda of political party!
this woman is reacting like a PTI worker has shown her a goddamn gun....pathetic post:confused:
You cannot convince a voter by knocking at his
door at 3PM, summer afternoon.
The ongoing door to door campaign by PTI’s
“tabdeeli razakar” is not bringing fruitful results
(apparently) as PTI’s think- tank had thought it to
be. These “tabdeeli razakar” knock at your door at
odd hours and request you to vote for PTI with a
“please”. It is more like they are asking for
“charity “or some kind of favor.
Yesterday, a “tabdeeli razakar” came to my place
as well and handed over a pamphlet that said,
“Please vote for PTI”. Seemed more like a worker
from a charity- home asking for “Chanda” for
orphans. Hilarious as it might sound, I still can’t
comprehend the reason behind this innovation?
What kind of “tabdeeli” this might bring? It is very
easy to collect Rs.10 or Rs.100 charity or
donation door to door, but collecting votes and
convincing a voter for a particular party in this
way is not an appropriate approach, particularly
in Pakistan where a voter has a different psyche
You can build a hospital on charity but you
cannot build a “nation” or “Naya Pakistan” on
charity. You can motivate people to come for a
cricket match since Imran khan is playing it but
you cannot motivate a voter to vote him just by
using his name.
I would really appreciate these “Tabdeeli Razakar”
if they said “do vote” whomever you want and if
they make us realize the importance of our own
“vote”. I would feel a “tabdeeli” if they said “be
a conscientious voter this time and vote for
yourself”. Then I would called them real “tabdeeli
razakar” who are on a real change. But they too
prove them to be from the same run of the mill.
Just propagating their party by calling themselves
as the only “perfect” option. It’s better if they
leave it on us to decide if they even are an option
or not.

By :Maryam khan

@Aeronaut @Adios Amigo @Leader @Jazzbot want your comments.

Tabdeeli razakars are distributing IK's letters and his message to each and every door. Now, our first motive is to encourage people to come out at election day and cast their vote. Second motive is to encourage them to vote for change and vote for PTI. Apart from that, we are helping people in checking whether their votes are registered, if yes, then where is it registered, what is their possible nearest polling station, how to cast vote and all other related things. We're collecting data of all those who are going to vote for PTI, and on election day and even before election, we'll facilitate them about each and every information about their nearest polling station, their polling block code and a brief training on how to cast vote correctly.

One other interesting thing, which I've noticed is the interest even a common man shows when a team of 20 - 25 TRs is visiting their street with TR shirts and PTI caps on, it just impacts right away and attract their attraction.

Also if she've studied even basics of TR program then she must know that each TR team is raised from a UC and this team has the responsibility of their own UC, this means, we are mostly doing campaign in our own area where we live. So mostly when we go for door to door campaign, we have at least one TR in our team who is either living in the street we're visiting, or he has any friend, relative etc in that street. So you are basically going to your neighbors who know you. So how on earth they'll think that you are there for charity?

In short, we are not just going door to door to say "Please vote of PTI" and move on. There is lot more which she deliberately skipped to bash TR Program. We're guiding PTI voters, and mis-guiding PML-N voters.. :partay:
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In short, we are not just going door to door to say "Please vote of PTI" and move on. There is lot more which she deliberately skipped to bash TR Program. We're guiding PTI voters, and mis-guiding PML-N voters..
@Jazzbot :omghaha::rofl::omghaha:
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If someone turns up at my door at 3 PM in a summer afternoon ... i would never complain that they arrived at an 'odd' time ...well 3 AM would be odd wouldn't it. If the person were from any political party i would listen to them and tell them that i will consider their request/advice/argument.. If the team were from PTI i would offer them a drink and would ask them if they need anything with their campaign... These r students/amatures /volunteers working for a cause and they will make silly mistakes here and there and we must respect that regardless of their political affiliation bcz at the end of the day we all r doing it for this country.
Typical Express Tribune, giving out half the story as Jazzbot said.

Even I know that a TR fitst checks about the person's vote, his polling station and comes to vote for PTI part later.
Just one more thing in addition to my above post, each TR team is provided with voter lists of its entire UC, so we know whether the person we're talking to has his vote registered or not, where his vote is registered, in which block code his vote exists and where will be his polling station. That's enough to shut the mouths who are trying to bash this TR program.
Maryam Khan might be expecting a bf at 3pm so she didn't like it being disturbed by a tabdeeli razakar plus the way she had tried to make fun of a sincere effort of young individuals she deserves MQM bhattar khor at her gate handing her a parchi of 5000 RS for zakaat/ fitraa.
Maryam Khan might be expecting a bf at 3pm so she didn't like it being disturbed by a tabdeeli razakar plus the way she had tried to make fun of a sincere effort of young individuals she deserves MQM bhattar khor at her gate handing her a parchi of 5000 RS for zakaat/ fitraa.

Haha, yeah...aik khal ki parchi aye gi eid walay din thandi ho jayi gi!
Lets assume it isnt since i dont know it is.

Why ALL other parties has started to copy it ???? haha
Maryam Khan might be expecting a bf at 3pm so she didn't like it being disturbed by a tabdeeli razakar plus the way she had tried to make fun of a sincere effort of young individuals she deserves MQM bhattar khor at her gate handing her a parchi of 5000 RS for zakaat/ fitraa.


plus a small tt gun...in case of denial:omghaha:

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