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PTI MPA in COMA: Just a Collateral Damage in Power Struggle.

PMLN is more of a Mafia, a Cartel of different mafias, and not a real political party, called Sicilian Mafia by none other the SC judges.

Two female protestors were killed, one shot in the forehead and another on the mouth/jaw, 14 people killed by the Punjab police controlled by Rana Sanaullah in Model Town, and under Punjab CM, Shahbaz Sharif.

The Goon and the Noon...can never seperates.

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Didn't the current SC judges and Chief Justice knew about it.

Hey idiot

How is PTI responsible? PTI is the victim here

It was PTI that has majority in the parliament. All the corrupt parties with help from establishment conspired against the majority party and removed it from the government

PTI didn't buy MNAs or MPAs. PTI didn't conspire with foreign powers to do regime change in Pakistan. PTI leader didn't run to UK after lying about his platelet

You have spoken like "liberal" hindus of India who can't condemn crimes of Hindu fascists without bringing in musims in condemnation

PTI is the victim here. Don't you dare equalize victim with offender

How are both responsible would you mind to shed some light on it. PTi has more seats in Punjab assembly and hamza doesn’t he is buying votes. Do you think that is democracy

I won't go into politics or in who did what ...

Look at bigger pic and you will get what I am trying to say...

When elephants fight - grass gets trampled.

No body cares for lower cadre in parties.

It is just cruel politics and power game....

I know PTI is lesser evil than the two but still I stopped being supporter of any political party since a ago.....
May Allah bless her with full recovery. Amin
It's sad to see the state of polarisation and hatred in our society.
I won't go into politics or in who did what ...

Look at bigger pic and you will get what I am trying to say...

When elephants fight - grass gets trampled.

No body cares for lower cadre in parties.

It is just cruel politics and power game....

I know PTI is lesser evil than the two but still I stopped being supporter of any political party since a ago.....

It isn't about being supporter of PTI to understand that PTI is the victim here

You put PTI and PML(N) at the same level which is completely dishonest on your part. Victim and offender can't be the same

Your sympathy is meaningless if you are putting victim at the level of offender
It isn't about being supporter of PTI to understand that PTI is the victim here

You put PTI and PML(N) at the same level which is completely dishonest on your part. Victim and offender can't be the same

Your sympathy is meaningless if you are putting victim at the level of offender
Who initiated physical brawl in the Punjab Assembly by attacking the Deputy Speaker? I don't think it was PML!!!!
Who initiated physical brawl in the Punjab Assembly by attacking the Deputy Speaker? I don't think it was PML!!!!
Anyone from PML in hospital or with broken bones. Did PTI turn the assembly into a stage for a fake encounter with the Punjab police too? Or did they just throw lotas to protest the reborn age of lotacracy?
Anyone from PML in hospital or with broken bones. Did PTI turn the assembly into a stage for a fake encounter with the Punjab police too? Or did they just throw lotas to protest the reborn age of lotacracy?
I don't know how severe the police action was but I saw what PTI did to the DS simply because their candidate did not have enough votes, is that the way of the parliament? And as long as people vote for PTI they are saints but as soon as they vote for someone else they are the spawns of satan....what logic is that? When Senate elections were stolen from PPP's candidate by PTI, where was this logic then?

And don't we all know that only the most corrupt reach the parliament, senate, assemblies etc.? What is so surprising about these people selling their conscience again and again? Just look at the MQM ******** how they sold for 2 ministries!!! How can anyone expect any better from them?
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